Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1911, p. 5

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.*;y. -'/V* jfSr Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as; reasonable in price as any. We have a ' nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE a m < by the North Shore Electric Company is the price of Satisfactory Service to its patrons. Whenever anything goes wrong this company wants to know it at once, in order that the trouble may be adjusted. To that end the company welcomes complaints. And we get them--sometimes a good many, tho their ratio to the total number of customers is small. A careful analysis of all complaints received shows that about 99 per cent of them are due to the wearing out of some appliance or fixture long in use, or to the lack of knowledge or carelessness of the complainant. Yet, whether trivial or serious, every complaint receives the same prompt, courteous and careful attention. This is a very important part of our service. This company has built up an electric service in a territory covering many hundreds of square miles. We are proud of this fact. But we are prouder of the fact that our service makes friends. This company's constant aim, instead of offer­ ing excuses, is to provide adequate and efficient ser­ vice--to meet the ever growing needs of this grow­ ing territory. n and good eating Crackers and Cakes always sat­ isfy the palate. We have a select line of the National Biscuit Co.'s bakery goods in bulk and in packages. When you have company you surely wish to save yourself all the kitchen drud­ gery possible, then why not let us help you pre­ pare for luncheon by telephoning or sending us your cake order. You will receive the best be­ cause you know that we knowneed-a biscuit. J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh. 111. 'Phone 926. L! NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS -1 P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price list* furninhed 011 application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3. Faltea St. WkiMHl* Mirkrt. Advertising: Pays KNKBALD PARK. Martin Knox attended^he barn dance Tuesday evening. Miss Helen Smith Sundayed with her parents here. Miss Mary Gibbs visited Mrs. M. A. Sutton last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heaney spent the week end in Chicago. Thos. A. Frisby of Elgin spent Sun­ day with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill spent Sat­ urday and Sunday at the Park. James Frisby attended to business at North Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith v&ited their son, John R., and family Sufiday. Kdward R. Sutton attended the K. of C. initiation at Harvard last Sunday. Miss Alice Smith was the guest of friends in Chicago several days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonald of Chica­ go art spending a two weeks' outing at J. R. Smith's. Mrs. D. Whiting and daughter, Eleanor, of Ringwood. visited Mrs. Ed. Knox Sunday. Miss Nancy Frisby spent Saturday with her brother, George Frisby, and family at McHenry. Miss Katherine Knox visited her sis­ ter, Mrs. C. A. Whiting, at Woodstock the tirst of the week. Walter Holger was called to Hart- land Wednesday owing to the death of his uncle. Mike Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ronslett and children of McHenry called on friends in this vicinity Sunday. Misses Margaret Higge and Tillie Robertson of Chicago are sj>ending this week with Mrs. Ellen Walsh. Atty. i . R. Thurlwell of Tulsa, Okla­ homa. spent a few days the (irst of the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Smith. Mrs. C. Romano and daughters came out from Chicago Tuesday and will occupy their cottage for the summer. Mrs. Charles Malefyt and children and Miss A. D. Wahl Malefyt of Chi­ cago are now occupying the Malefyt cottage. Mrs. George Fraser and children ate spending a few weeks at the Haxton cottage. Mr. Fraser spent the week end with them. Messrs. W. K. Burns, A. K. Burns, Chas. Cohan, Jos. Frey, Jas. Haxton and Jas. Armstrong enjoyed the week end at their respective homes here. Mi-s. James Armstrong and her mother. Mrs. Devine, of May wood are at their summer home for the season. Mr. Armstrong spent the week end there. Salvator Romano and brothers and a number of friends from Chicago spent the past week at Oak Villa cottage and did some repairing and beautifying of the interior of the cottage, which is now one of the most beautiful summer homes along the river. A large crowd attended the bam dance at Ed. Knox's new barn Tuesday evening and a dandy time was enjoyed by all. The floor was better than many dance hall floors and the music as furnished by Heitner'sorchestra was greatly enjoyed by the dancers and au- di"nce. KINUWOIIU. The Northern Life of Illinois. Mr. Nixon, the station agent, was in McHenry Sunday. Charles Bvcler moved his family near Milwaukee last Friday. Mi's. Mary Bell has not been as well as usual the past week. Mrs. Jessie Smith and son, Louis, were in Chicago Monday. Clarence Tuttle and wife were in Marengo Thursday of last week. Leo Brunswick and family spent Sun- daV v\ith Ot'iiuii .junction reittlivft*. Miss Margaret Ward of McHenry spent Sunday at the Whiting home. Mm. Hattie Buck land went to Mil­ waukee on Wednesday of last week. The Woodmen took one new mem­ ber into their camp Saturday evening. Mi's. Lulierto is entertaining her son's wife and two children of Chicago. Mrs. Lucy Randall and children of Elgin are visiting her mother, Mi's. Mary Dodge. Mi's. L. A. McCannon of Greenwood spent one night last week ^* ith her son, William, of this place. The Flower Mission meeting last Satuiday was go<xi The children are to be congratulated on the good pro­ gram prepared by them. Mrs. C. E. Fitch and little grand­ daughter of Chicago are visiting at Mrs. H. W. Allen's. They drove to Lake Geneva Tuesday. Our lightning rods are TJ wire pure copjH'r cable. Nothing better for the money in the market. Better protect your buildings. Win. Stoffel. H. M. Stephenson and family and Miss Lora Walkington drove to llelvi- dere Saturday afternoon, returning "Sunday. Lora remained for a longer visit. A FORTY-TWO POUND TURTLE. One of the largest, if not the largest, snapping turtles taken from the waters of Fox river this season was landed by Bert Morgan and a friend from Chica­ go last Sunday morning. The catch was made off the shores of Fox river below McHenry at a j>oint known as the Cicero Gun club grounds. In land­ ing the monster Sam Smith came very near losing part of his foot when the turtle grabbed him by the toe. An extra heavy shoe is all that saved Smith from losing that part of his nav­ igation system. Besides those mentioned, "Hobby" Bishop* also fig­ ured prominently in making the cap­ ture of the ferocious animal of the waters. The turtle was dressed and served at Buch's hotel. FOR GOODNESS' SAKE drink Riverside coffee, dry roasted, t J. W. Fay's, McHenry, 111. 49-St BUNinmui. Ruth Kline was in Woodstock Mon­ day. Mrs. A. Anners was in Woodstock Saturday. Herman Irish of Harvard visited his parents Sunday. Miss Helen Baker was in Crystal Lake Saturday. Miss Clara Salow visited in Wood­ stock last week. Mrs. F. Wille was a Crystal Lake visitor Saturday. Miss Etta Irish is sj>ending a few days in Rockford. Mrs. Salow and Baby Giesselbrecht are on the sick list. Mrs. A. Jacobs is in Elgin caring for her father, who is quite low. Miss Lura Davis was a Chicago vis­ itor the latter part of last week. A large number from here attended the Oliver picnic at Cary Saturday. Mrs. George Baker and daughter, Ella, were Chicago shoppers Friday. A. F. Davis and J. J. Reser are put­ ting in new cement walks about their property. Mr. and Mrs. R. Frydendall and son visited the former's parents at Batavia over Sunday. Eva and Edith Letsler returned Mon­ day from an extended visit with rela­ tives in Chicago. Mrs. Smith and son of Woodstock visited with Mrs. A. Josephenson Sat­ urday and Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, visited in Woodstock Sunday. Josiah and Ix>is White of Woodstock were guests of Henry Risley and Lois Levey from Friday until Sunday. M rs. J. B. Lynch and daughtej, Mad- alene, visited with Mrs. C. E. Conerty in Chicago Monday and Tuesday. Miss Elsie Deters of Crystal Lake spent part of Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mi's. F. Wille. Mrs. C. H. Davidson and son, Albert, of McHenry visited with J. B. Lynch and family from Thursday until Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and sons, also A. Skinner of Woodstock spent part of Saturday and Sunday at R. L. Dufield's. The annual meeting for the election of officers of the Ridgefield Cemetery association will l>e held on July 1 at 2 o'clock in the cemetery. The annual Sunday school picnic was held Friday in L. A. Walkup's woods. There were two hayrack loads of young and old, numbering altout 100. Mrs. A. Levey, Misses Etta Irish, Hallie Barber, Genevieve Goddard and Mabel Skinner, Mrs. Risley, W. H. Levey, Rev. Giesselbrecht and Mrs. Wakefield attended the Sunday school convention at Crystal Lake Tuesday and Wednesday. There will be a large Fourth of July celebration held in H. Nelson's grove under the auspices of the Modern Brotherhood of America. The parade starts at 10 o'clock. There is to be a running race for girls and boys under twelve, sack race, three-legged race, and numerous other amusements. M usic and speaking for the afternoon entertainment. Dinner will also l>e served. The best on the program will be the baseball game between the mar­ ried and single men. l'lenty of (ire- works in the evening. TKKltA COTTA. The Northern Life of Illinois. Miss Irene Conway is visiting rela­ tives in Elgin. George I\ Bay of Chicago is visiting relatives here. Raymond and Will Dowers visited at J. M. Dhalin's Sunday. Don aid LSolgor of W ood.-itock is vis­ iting at J. M. Dhalin's. Miss La Nette Covalt spent a recent Sunday at A. T. McMillan's. If you demand quality Detesch's is the place to buy your drugs. Miss Macic Dake of Chicago was a guest at the home of C. E. Martin last Thursday. Mrs. George D. Bay of Chicago vis­ ited relatives here Sunday. Carl Bergman of Chicago is send­ ing the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Leisner. Misses Edna Colby of Barreville and Alice Smith of Lincoln, Neb., called at M. Knox's last Wednesday. Misses Florence and Frances Welch of Griswold Lake spent Thursday evening with their sister, Mrs. C. E. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Conway attended the Conway-Aylward wedding at Elgin Wednesday HISS FEFFER SURPRISED. In honor of her eighteenth birthday anniversary a company of young peo­ ple tendered Miss Loretta Feffer a very pleasant surprise at her home east of town last Saturday evening. The surprise was a complete one and it was some moments after the event was "sprung" on her that Miss Feffer was able to comprehend all and settle down to furnish entertainment for those who were thoughtful enough to remind her of her birthday in such a pleasant manner. The evening was passed in games and music, while "nifty" refreshments were served just before the home going hour had ar­ rived. Those who made up the merry­ makers were the following: Harold Miller and Isadore Feffer of Woodstock; Fred Walterman of Terra Cotta; Ralph Riley. Myrtle Jobst and Marie Brous of Chicago; Misses Susie Schreiner, Lizzie Blake, Dena Weber, Eva Degen, Maggie Weber of this place; Misses Lizzie Wegener. Agnes Wagner, Lor­ etta Feffer and Messrs. Ed Wegener and Joseph Feffer of Lily Lake. McAllister & Co. serve Gibbs' special jce cream and the true fruit flavors. WALKER MOTOR BOAT LINE iiviptor m ̂ pfwe Boats may be chartered by the day. Can accommodate large or small parties. The NAVIGATOR will make daily trips to the World Famous Lotus Beds from McHenry during the Lotus sea­ son for the accommodation of the public, excepting on days when boat is chartered by private par­ ties. :: :: :: :: dpt. Frederick Belief Captain CLtoirirj Ptrm i nm i All hlvcrtlMm«nt8 Inmtrtetf under thin head at the following r*u*i Klve linen or lens, tt for flrnt IniHTtlon, lf> ihmiU* fur i«eh RHbaequ^nt Insertion. More than live tlnm, 5 i-ent« a line for ttr«t iniwrtlon, •xl .1<-ent«a line for adilltloni insertion*. POH SAtK House mid two lots. luqutre of K. .1 Manly. Wvst McHenry, 111. SA LK NO feet of hose, reel and noezle. A complete. Used very little awl will l>e sold cheap. Mita. J. M. I'rkstOii. Mcllenry. CV>k SA l.E -Two Morgan colts, cotuiuic A three and four years old. For further In formation apply to or write l<\ I'. Kkivtz. diaynian. West McHenry. 'I'boue 432. C^OK SAl.K-Two irti-jre gasoline stoves, one *- yuiek Me«j and one .lewel. Will be sold at ffVoo each aiul delivery will be made jft-oy- whereiu McHenry. In<)uli*eof or write Chas W. Hktkhn, I 'istakee Bay, McHeury, 111. 'Phone 741. "2-2t* •EVJIt SALE I'HKAI' -A ten h. p. Stover rhs- ollne engine, a four-roll Appleton corn hunker and a corn au«1 cob grinder. For fur­ ther information write or apply to 1'. J. Bhown, on Volo-McHenry road. Postofflce address. McHenry. III., K. K. I>. No. 1. 51-lf LAUNCH FOR SALE--A twenty-two footer driven by ;t two-cylinder, eight h. p. heavy duty engine. Boat is finished in ma­ hogany and has been overhauled this spriug. placing It. In A No. I condition. Kor further information apply to or address Nkwton Otto, Orchard Bench, MctMjiry, III. Phone 30r>, 43-tf. CM)K SALE- Having purchased the old mill •*- in (Vntervllle and having already start­ ed work of raxing of same, I hereby offer for sale all the lumber contained in same at a great sacrifice. Will dispose of everything, eveu to the shingles, and anyone who can use the lutnlier will save money by consulting me. Have <|iilte a number of excellent t lm- liers that would make line barn building ma­ terial. This lumber will he sold in any ijuan- tlty desired. .1. W. Bonsmctt, McHenry, III. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST AS PICKED UF BY PIlfNDEALER RE­ PORTERS DURING WEEK. WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THIS VIL­ LAGE AND THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY- OTHER SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The Northern Life of Illinois. Get your chicken feed of M. «i. Nie- sen. For the latest see Wm. Stoffel. and best in busies We guarantee whatever you buy of us to be satisfactory. Petesch's. The place to forget, your troubles is at the opera house Saturday and Sun­ day. All seats 10 cents. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Rber Bassett Friday afternoon of this week, June 30. All are requested to be there. Boats will run between McHenry and Nell's Columbia park picnic all day and evening July 4. For partic­ ulars call George Nell, McHenry K81. The ball game that was advertised for last Sunday will be played at the McHenry baseball park the coming Sunday, July 2. The Elgin Athletics will be the attraction. The Fifth artillery, under command of T. I). Osl>orne, is exacted to arrive in McHenry from Fort Sheridan this (Thursday) noon. The artillery will hold forth on the Wells-Barbian prop­ erty east of Fox river. A barn dance took place in the new barn that is being built on the Rdmund Knox farm on Tuesday evening of this week. Quite a number of young peo­ ple from here were present. Heimer's McHenry orchestra furnished the music. The Richmond team, without the services of their star twirler, Phil Weber, defeated the fast Dundee team at Richmond last Sunday afternoon, the score being 3 to 0. It begins to look as if Richmond will cop the cham­ pionship of McHenry county this sea­ son, the only other contender for the title being the Woodstock Reds. Two new counterfeits have l>een found in circulation by the secret ser­ vice. One is a $20 gold certilicate. It is ^ lithograph on bond paj>er. The s i l k f i b e r h a s b e e n i m i t a t e d b y i n k lines. The portrait of George Wash­ ington shows defects on close inspec­ tion. The other, a $10 United States note, bearing portraits of Lewis and Clark, has a good color, but too heavily printed. The seal is larger than the genuine. The following very complimentary article appeared in the Ostend items of the Woodstock Sentinel last week: John Walsh of McHenry, father of M. J., and ninety years of age, may be seen most any day very busily engaged making garden or splitting wood for the family use. He thinks it a dis­ grace to have anyone els*-do this work and insists on being let alone in his duties which he thinks belong entirely to himself. Compare If you think all drugs stocks are about the same, just examine ours carefully and note our prices. Com­ pare with those elsewhere. We are quite sure that after your investiga­ tion you'll decide that this is the place to trade. :: :: :: :: N. 11. Petesch, 'Phone 274. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. The Flour that has stood the test. A better quality Flour was never placed upon the market. The housewife who uses our product need never worry as to its results. It has that rich flavor that is so often miss­ i n g i n o t h e r b r a n d s . G e t a s a c k A f \ today. It retails at * ' mry.nhi fees A 1 i w J V i I ^ B I WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER. Prop. WV have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Ru/js are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: FREE SOWING MICHES We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits-of this machine|so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: ..Jacob Justen.. & Real Bargains SPECIALLY LOW PRICES on elbow and ordinary length silk and cotton Gloves and Mitts. :: :: I REAL BARGAINS in Ladies', Shoes and Oxfords. Misses' and Children's •'Y-f WALL PAPER at greatly reduced prices. Children's Rompers at a saving of ten per cent. Low prices on Laces and Embroideries. :: Economy Fruit Jars at a saving of 15 per cent. Children's and Misses' plain and lace stripe white Hose at prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere. - S&£ Come in and get acquainted with this store's goods and prices. Pay cash and save money, because it nays to pay cash. :: :: :: :: John Stoffel, OJc*i mcfienrv, HI. C«l*pt>OMt Do. 301 %

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