Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1911, p. 5

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Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" linfe of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior/ features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. :: " - :: F. L L_ THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE J -BUYS A- Liberty-Brush Runabout Freight $10, laying it down at your home for $360. For business, family or pleasure it has no rival for the money. Simple--strong--durable, and will stand as much hard use as any car made. For reference we refer you to the following men who have driven them two seasons: Dr. C. W. Goddard, Harvard, 111. Dr. W. W. Lichty, Woodstock, 111. J. A. Sweeney, Real Estate, Harvard, 111. Dr. W. E. Foster, Rich* mond,*Ill. W. H. Powers, Real Estate, Harvard, 111. NOW CARRYING NAIL: S. U. Phelps, Walworth, Wis. John Crowley, Harvard, 111. Call, write or phone u for further Information Manley Hardware Co Agents for McHenry and Boone Counties HARVARD, ILL. PHONESt OffiM mad OmC* » A. C. MawtuVi. Men, Sla T * J_ - , I «. >«» AGENTS WM1B rr Announcemen t E. V. McAllister & Co. have been appointed agents in the village of McHenry for The Penslar Remedies A line of Family Medicines manufac­ tured hy the Peninsular Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. They include about 75 different remedies for the dif­ ferent ailments of man. Also several elegant preparations for the toilet. If Penslar Remedies are not satisfac­ tory your money will be refunded. E. V. McAllister & Co. DRUGGISTS. J) Fresh Fruits and Vegetables <w We are again handling fresh Fruits and Vegetables and will continue to do so for the balance of the season. We can assure you of receiving the best as noth­ ing but quality and right prices count with us. Your orders solicited at all times. : : : : : J. C. Debrecht & Co. JohnsburgK, 111. » Phone 926. iNw NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS --•IMIIIII M»>LL----WTWIWT--IWML aiOUKFIKtll. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. Henry Wille was a Crystal Lake vis­ itor Sunday. D. O. Kline was in Chicago on busi­ ness Wednesday. Miss Olive Hesselgrave is visiting her sister at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Tranah are entertain­ ing a sister from Chicago. Walter Gobb and Ray Dygert were at Crystal Lake Saturday. * H. Wille, wife and son of Crystal Lake visited his parents Sunday. Robert Knilans was a Crystal Lake business caller Friday afternoon. Mrs. E. b. Breneman of Beloit is visiting her father, F. M. Risley. Mr. and Mrs. A. Josephenson were at Crystal Lake Monday evening. Miss Cora Lockwood spent the past week with relatives at Greenwood. Mrs. Lemmers of Woodstock visited her sister, Mrs. Wakefield, recently. The Cemetery society meets with Miss Lizzie Furney Thursday, July 27. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lein of Chicago called un Fred Reed and family recent­ ly- Mrs. Lo!o Bennett and son, James, visited friends in Woodstock over Sun­ day. Grandpa Olinstead and Miss Mabel Skinner were at Crystal Lake Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Corkell of Janesville called on old neighbors here Wednes­ day'. Miss Olga Quistad of Chicago was the guest of Miss Emma Nelson last week. Mrs. Thompson and sons of Elgin visited her sister, Mrs. A. Jacobs, re­ cently. Marian Schoof of La Grange is visit­ ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Anners. Ray and Elston Hunt of Elgin were visitors in the home of R. L. Dufield this week. C. M. Keeler of Elgin is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield. Miss Ethel Raue of Crystal Lake was the guest of Miss Arline Stephen­ son recently. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and sons of Woodstock visited at R. L. Du- field's Sunday. Miss Norma Kiltz of Cary visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dutield the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hudson and two children of McHenry visited at L. Francisco's Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and Delmar Du­ field and children visited relatives at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Senne and son, Mar- cellus, of Woodstock visited at F. Wil­ le 's Saturday and Sunday. Frank Clark and Mr. and Mi's. G. A. Barnes and children of Elgin visited with F. Reed and family Sunday. Mrs. P. B. Houghawout and daugh­ ters, Gertrude and Mrs. Pearl Nelson, were Woodstock shoppers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shepard, W. Cobb and Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daugh­ ter, Madalene, were Chicago visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Merchant of Solon Mills visited at the home of their son, S. A. Merchant, from Saturday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Harden and grandson, Ralph McConnell, of Wood­ stock visited at George Wheeler's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hutson of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday with C. F. French and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferris and Ar­ thur Bartelt of Woodstock were en­ tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Salow Sunday. Miss Bertha Hanaford of Oakville, Wash., and Miss Cynthia Lawrence Of Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler Friday. The Christian Endeavor society will hold an ice cream social on the parson­ age lawn Friday evening, July 21. Everyone cordially invited to attend. Ice cream and cake will be served at 15 cents a plate. VUIA I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. D. V. Smith of Oak Park called on friends here Sunday. Grandma Kinrade of Solon Mills is a guest at John Vasey's. Miss Martha Rossdeutsclier of Chi­ cago Sundayed at home. Mi's. Geo. Walton entertained friends from the city the past week. Ray Paddock made a trip to St. Charles Sunday in his new auto. Miss Dorothy Fulton of Waukegan is spending a week at the Iiaught home. Misses Nettie and Esther Russell visited relatives in Waukegan Satur­ day and Sunday. Thomas Sutton of Solon Mills is vis­ iting his cousin, John Vasey, at the present writing. Mrs. John Richardson and mother, Mrs. Shults, visited Chicago and I)es lysines relatives recently. The Misses Blake of McHenry were guests of their cousins, the Misses Brown, a few days last week. Mrs. C. G. Huson and daughter, Marion, returned Tuesday from an ex­ tended visit with C. Jepson and family in Wisconsin. Rev. Rempe departed for Riverdale, SI!., last Thursday and Rev. Rees of the same place accepted the call in our parish. He and his sister arrived last Friday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond, accompanied i»v her sister, Mrs. L- Clough and daughter, Bess, spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles K apple at Grayslake. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. KMSBALD PARK. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. M. Sheehan of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Mrs. Robert Sohns spent a few days recently in Chicago. Louis Eisenmenger spent a few days last week in Chicago. Miss Anna Cl6ary visited friends at Griswold Lake Sunday. Miss Lucy Sutton spent Wednesday with Miss Anna Cleary. Mrs. Nellie Biggy is spending a few days this week in Chicago. Thos. A. Frisby of Elgin is enjoying his vacation at his home here. Mrs. Lawrence Bending is spending a few weeks at H. Bending's. Lawrence Bending spent the week­ end at the H. Bending cottage. Miss Mayme Ay 1 ward of Elgin visited relatives here this week. Joe Kiensle of Chicago is visiting a few days with Mr. and A. Laper. Robert E. Sutton is spending a two weeks' vacation at his home here. M. Stangaroni of Chicago was a guest at Oak Villa cottage Sunday. Miss Mfta Burns spent a few days this week with relatives in Chicago. Miss Lena Ipshal of Chicago spent a week recently with Miss LucileLaw son. Messrs. Sullivan and Whiting of Woodstock visited at Ed. Knox's Sun­ day. Miss Eleanor Lark in spent Wednes day with Miss Pender Walsh in Mc­ Henry. Miss Hazel Lockwood of North Crystal Lake visited Miss Mamie Smith Tuesday. Mrs. M. Sheehan of Chicago is spend­ ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bending. Mrs. C. Romano and son, Frank, spent a few days the first of the week in Chicago. Miss Eva Walsh of Chicago and Earl McAndrews spent Monday evening at Ed. Knox's. Mrs. Jack Walsh and children of McHenry spent Monday with Mrs. Ellen Walsh. Sunburn or windburn cause no dis­ comfort if you use our Benzo cream-- 25c at Petesch's. Mrs. Ellen Frisby and son, James, visited George Frisby and family at McHenry Sunday. Messrs. Jas. and Ed Kennaley of El­ gin spent last Friday with Mrs. Ellen Frisby and family. Sullivan Romano and friend, Mr. Michaelson, of Chicago are spending a few days at the Park. Mi's. Kaiser and daughter, Bernice, of Chicago are spending this week at Robert Sohn's cottage. Louis Eisenmenger has sold out to Thos. Goggin of Chicago who will take possession of the place this week. Misses Gertrude and Janette Blum of Chicago are enjoying two weeks' va­ cation at their summer home here. Miss Florence Welch very pleasantly entertained a number of friends Sun­ day evening in honor of her cousin, Miss Helen Foley, of Cleveland, Ohkv who is spending a few weeks with rel­ atives in this vicinity. Mi's. George Fraser entertained about fifteen children from the Park Monday afternoon at a party in honor of her daughter Hazel's eighth birth­ day. A very pleasant time was had by all, playing games, after which a dainty lunch was served. KINO WOOD. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. Mrs. Jessie Smith was in Chicago Friday of last week. Walter Bradley was buying goods in the city Tuesday. i H. M. Stephenson and family drove to Twin Lakes Sunday. Mrs. Shafer of Texas is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jessie Smith. Rev. William Nickle preached in the M. E. church Sunday evening. Miss Gertrude Fay of Ridgefield spent Sunday with her parents. William Cole and wife of Richmond spent Sunday at W. E. Walker's. Motion pictures at the Central Sat­ urday and Sunday. Show starts at 8:15. Mrs. Emma Brown and daughter, Florence Smith, were in Elgin Mon­ day. Mrs. £jangham of Solon is spending this week with Ringwood relatives and riends. Mrs. Florence Smith and Mrs. Ada Tuttle were in Greenwood Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow spent Sunday with rel­ atives south of McHenry. Rev. William Nickle was calling on some of his old pupils at Wilmot and Spring Grove Tuesday afternoon. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Emma Brown Saturday of this week. Election of officers. Let all come out. Ice cream will be served. Mrs. Warren Foss, Mr. Foes' mother and sister, William Coates and daugh­ ter, Emma, and Martha Bradley spent Tuesday seeing the sights of Geneva lake. Our buggies represent more style, more finish, more value for the money than any buggy on the market. Wm. Stoffel. E. T. Chase and wife and H. W. Allen and wife visited Charles Thomp­ son's family at Gilmer Sunday. Miss Alta came home with them, remaining until Tuesday evening. ILLUSTRATED TERMINAL FOLDER. A complete pictorial folder describ­ ing the magnificent new Passenger Terminal of the Chicago and North Western Ry., Chicago, free upon ap­ plication at Ticket Office, the North Western Line, or address A. C. John­ son, P. T. M., 226 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 5-2t I sell farms. D, F. Quinlan. SATURDAY Mi SUMY, JULY 22and23 THE WOTiOGftAPH The Latest Thing in SHOW STARTS AT 8:15 P. N. SC H N A P E L ' S PHOTO STUDIO WEST PMENRY, ILL 'PHONE 971 For a limited time we will give a 16x20 enlargement with each order |of Photos. A large as­ sortment of Picture Frames al ways on hand. :: WALKER MOTOR BOAT Hivifttor ii Passenger Boat NAVIGATOR makes two trips dally from Pis- takee Bay to the Lotus Beds, excepting on days when other­ wise chartered. T~ Passengers J,from--McHenry„and along the river wishing to take a day's outing at reasonable rates, phone 494 the evening be­ fore to make arrangements. Will atki trips with one or More puMogeri (apt. Frederick Belief Captain What la tha main dlffcrvnc* totwmn • p*rter h*uM steak and a park chap? I Til* alsal There's nothing like a porter house or sirloin, if you choose, a cut of flank, or slice of round, to drive away the blues. ' There's nothing like a tender chop of veal, mutton, pork or lamb, to make you say, when stowed away, "Quite satisfied I am." E. F. Matthews WEST MCHENRY Ylil.HI'HONE j FOR RENT--Four furnished rooms for summer visitors; light housekeep­ ing if desired: pleasantly situated near the river. Address P. O. box 246, Mc­ Henry, or phone 251. ...THAT... Remedy Is Here When you want some medicinal or toilet preparation you have seen advertised or been told of, come here for it, whether advertised as sold by us or not. We have all the goods for which there is any de­ mand in this locality, including many not to be found elsewhere. :: :: :: N. H. Petesch, 'Phone 274. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. (p Eai*lv ilkeJHL Jd w The Flour that has stood the test. A better quality Flour was never placed upon the market. The housewife who uses our product need never worry as to its results. It has that rich flavor that is so often miss= ing in other brands. Get a sack £« J today. It retails at ' ' West McHenry F!ir and feed Mills WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we 'are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: :: FREE SEWING MACHINES We still have the agency for the FreeJSewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits-of this machine|so why not drop in and lot us tell you all about it? :: :: :: :: • • • • I tteai SPECIALLY LOW PRICES on elbow and ordinary length silk and cotton Gloves and Mitts. :: REAL BARGAINS in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords. :: - " WALL PAPER at greatly reduced prices. :: :: Children's Rompers at a saving of ten percent. Low prices on Laces and Embroideries. :: Economy Fruit Jars at a saving of 15 per cent. Children's and Misses' plain and lace stripe white Hose at prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere. Come in and get acquainted with this store's goods and prices. Pay c^sh and save money, because it pays to pay cash. :: :: :: John Stoffel, (Ue»1 iltcfienrv. 111. Cclcpbon* no. 5«>l

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