u Need Clothing, Shoes, Hats, V. Shirts, Gloves, Underwear We deal entirely in Men's and Boys* wear and cad save you money in these lines and show you a larger assortment to select from than you can find in McHenry County Call and see our line and convince yOtirself of our statement. :: :: :: JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - PHONE & T JOHN STOFFEL General Merchandise West McHenry, III. Phone 301 Now that the Gasoline Stove sea son is almost past, we are placing those we have left on sale at a re duction of ten per cent from their regular price. We haven't the room to carry them over and for this reason are placing them on sale at this great sacriGce. There are only a few left, so call in while they are being sold at Bargain Prices. 1 AT REDUCED We Have many remnants and small pieces of Sum mer Dress Goods to dispose of in the next two weeks at Greatly Reduced Prices Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Oxfords in popular shades and shapes at A Saving to You Straw Hats, in common and fine dress shapes, new up-to-date goods At Cost GROCERIES OF THE PUREST AND BEST QUALITIES Try our 50c Tea. None better. Coffee at 25c, 30c and 35c per pound. Special prices in large quantity. FT,<OlJR--Early Riser, Drum Repub lic and Seal of Minnesota. Corn Meal, Graham, Rye, Whole Wheat and Spencer's Breakfast f^d Goods delivered promptly. 'Phone 343 M. J. WALSH. ! ft 11*0 EFTJCI. ix' J. Oak root Was at Crystal Lake, Mon day. ? G. W. Wheeler was in Woodstock Friday. Miss Clara Salow was in Crystal Lake Saturday. P. W. Hartman was in Woodstock Saturday. A. F. Salow was in Chicago on busi ness Friday. Chris Hoy was in Woodstock Satur day evening. Mrs. H. M. Cooper was a Woodstock visitor Friday. Mrs. F. Wille, Jr., was a.Woodstock visitor Saturday.' r Frank Peck of Chicago called at R. L. Dufield's Wednesday. Miss Edith Nelson visited last week with relatives at McHenry. Herman Irish and son of Harvard spent Sunday with his parents. W. Reed and R. F. Gronzo were at Crystal Lake Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ellsworfh of Woodstock visited her aunt, Mrs. S. Wakefield, Friday. Mrs. Anna Hunt of Elgin visited at R. L. Dufield's Tuesday and Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wheeler attend ed camp meeting at Des Plaines Sun day. Ed Cadwallader left Sunday for a brief visit at Brayton, la., and Omaha, Neb. Misses Elma Schuch and Glenys Jac obs were at Crystal Lake Friday after noon. Mr. Bergstrand and daughter, Ruth, of Dundee were calling on friends here Friday. Mrs. E. E. Knilans and daugnter, Rhoda, were Crystal Lake shoppers Friday. Chas. Yanke, wife and baby of Genoa visited his brother here several days recently. Clarence Thayer visited his sister, Mrs. George Gorham, Monday and Tuesday. A. W. Mink of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dygert. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nelson and chil dren visited the former's brother at Huntley Sunday. Misses Elma Schuch and Clara Salow are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Shaw at Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Mrs. F. Wille and Mrs. H. Wille and son visited with Mrs. Ed Senne at Woodstock Thursday. The Ladies' Aid society are plan ning a social to be held at Richard Reed's Friday, Aug. 4. R. Frydendall and E. L* Jacobs and wife took in the band concert at Wood stock Thursday night. Mrs. Grace Manning and son of El gin visited two weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L- Du field. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kline and chil dren of Chicago visited last week with D. O. Kline and D. L. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Salow and daugh ters, Florence and Edna, attended church at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Johnson and chil dren of Chicago visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Waterman and daughter, Avis, of Woodstock visited at Father Reed's Saturday and Sunday. A. Skinner, R. Hesselgrave and Ed Pearson of the Oliver force spent Sat urday and Sunday at their homes here. Miss Ethel Reed returned to her home Friday after an absence of near] ly two years with relatives in Califor nia. Mrs. D. O. Kline and daughters, Ruth and Mabel, and Mrs. Katie Bren- neman were Woodstock shoppers Thursday. James Whyte, wife and daughters, Jessie and Ruth, and son, George, of Crystal .Lake called on friends here Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Lynch, daughter, Mada- lene, son, Ray, and Mrs. H. Fanning left Monday lor a three weeks' visit with relatives at Green Lake, Cadott and Waupaca, Wis. SPECIAL ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that on Sat urday, August 12, 1911, an election will be heid in the Village ot McHenry, Illinois, for the purpose of voting for or against the following proposition: "'Shall bonds or obligations for the purjKjse of providing funds for the con struction and erection of a Village Hall in the Village of McHenry, Illinois, in the sum of Nine Thousand (9000) Dol lars, be issued by the President Board of Trustees of McHenry?" ThJ^ voting place being in the Village Hall. The polls of said election will be opened at 7 o'clock in the morning and will continue open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Given under my hand at McHenry the 19th day of July, A. D. 1911. H. E. I^ICE, Village Clerk of the Village of Mc Henry. PIANO TUNING. An opjx>rtunity of having your piano put in first-class condition. Mr. Mayr, ex[>ert piano tuner and repairer, hav ing tuned pianos in and around Mc Henry for the past eight years and proved satisfactory, will be in McHen ry and surrounding country from now on during the summer months. Price, per tuning, ^3.00. Address all communi cation to FRANK J. MAYR, Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. NOTICE. I have left all accounts due me with C. W. Stenger at the West McHenry State bank for collection. Anyone knowing themselves indebted to me will confer a great favor by settling their account# at the above mentioned place at as early a date as possible. 44-tf ALBERT ETTEN FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE--A 26 foot motor »x>at. Seating capacity, sixteen peo ple. First-class equipment and driven by a ten h. p. locomobile engine. For further information call at this office. We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure tht^we can please you as to quality and price. :: FREE SEWING MACHINES We still have the agency for the FreefSewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits-of this machine|so why not drop in and let %s tell you all about it? :: :: :: :: :: :: :. • • K0 P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAOE FREE SS-i-hSST CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. '1 he McSlenry J&akery AND LUNCH ROOM We have publicly introduced ourselves now we want you to call and meet us face to face. You will find us to be as courteous and obliging as we appear on paper. We are not in the habit of boasting but we do feel that our baking is as good as one mky find in any first-class establishment. Our Lunch Room business is also picking up very nicely which tells us that the public appreciates our efforts in giv ing McHenry a high-class, sanitary eating place. 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop. iHinimiiiiiitinmnMm NOTICE OP SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Hopson ft H*il«mb«ak, Attorneys. To George Ethan Lamphere and whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that Mary H. Lamphere, guardian of said George Ethan Lamphere, on Saturday, the fifth day of August, A. D. 1911, at ten o'clock a. m., pursuant to a Decree of County Court of McHenry County, will sell at public auction the undivid ed one-fifth share of the said George Ethan Lamphere, minor, in the fol lowing described real estate, situated in the City of Elgin, Kane County, Illi nois, to-wit: Lot number three in block thirty-three of P. J. Kimball, Jr.'s, Third Addition to Elgin, in Kane County, Illinois, excepting the south 69 feet of the east eight rods thereof; also the east two rods in width of lot two in said block, at the front door of the dwelling house on t.h« premises, that said sale will be at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, ten per cent payable at the sale and balance when the sale is approved by the court and the deed given, MARY H. LAMPHERE, Guardian. 3-3t. LOW ROUND TRIP EXCURSION RATES. To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colo., daily until September 30. Favorable ptop-overs. Liberal re turn limits. For full information, ap ply to Ticket Agents, the North West ern Line. 5-2t I*•••«••• PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office In Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 aud 911.1 REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. " Edward B. ('rook & w to Chas.'Bern hardt Mueller, It 45 Orchard Beach, l>e iDg A. L. Howe's sub-dlv of pt s4 sec 24. pt nwv< sec 25, McHenry |375.00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles C. Young, 21 .Woodstock Myrtle E. Matthews, 20 Crystal Lake Ernest Malsch, 21 McHenry Mamie Schessel, 23 Richmond Hubert Zolldan, 25 Hebron Kroline Weidemann, 29 " Robert C. Derthiek, 22 Harvard Blanche Cannon, 18 " Robert W. Lehigh, 33 Chicago Clara J. Smith, 21. .Morrisonville, Wis Joseph King, 23- .Tohnstuirgh Lena Mueller, 20 . " Frank Warren Titus, 22.N. Crystal Lake Ethel Marguerite Jack, 21 44 TO ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS VIA THE NORTIf WESTERN LINE. ror iant daily I/ctweea Cbica go and the Twin Cities, The scenic way. by day; the comfortable route by night. Convenient schedules and equipment of the most modern type. The service includes the "Best of Everything" in railway travel. Full information on application to Ticket Agents, the North Western Line. 5-2t ' 9 y. F. A. BOHLANDER General {Merchandise & fp Capit&l Stock, $25,000. Idle Money should n^ver be,kept around your place of business. The money may get lost; and at least it should be em- JUg*! ployed in finance for riitgj twenty-four hours a " day. No business can 1 increase unless the fi nancial and office department is conducted in a business like way. And this can be done only through a bank. .. .Safety Deposit Boxes, $3.00 Per Year a Edwin L. Wagner, Pres. OFFICERS: C. H. Fegers, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashlef. Simon Sioffel, Vice Pres. HAYING AND CULTIVATING We have a complete stock of Cultiva tors that cultivate; self dump and side delivery Rakes, Hay Loaders, Rock Island, Clean Sweep and Gearless 5, (> and 7 ft. McGorinick Mowers, Sec tion Rivets, Sickle Heads, Binding Twine, Wagons, Buggies, Lightning Rods, Ktc. This is the only place in the U. S. where you can get an Um In dia Attachment for your Cultiva tor, Mower, Binder, Plow or Wagon. Call and see us. WM. STOFFEL Phnn^^* OFFlCfc-772. rnuncs RESIUENCE-791. McHENRY, ILL. TELEPHONE 54* Hot Weier (M Plain and fancy Lawns, something exceptionally good, at per yard 10, IS, 18 White Barred and Striped Flaxons and thin, sheer Muslins, just the goods for a cool dress. .10, 121-2, IS Plain and fancy Silk Mixed Dress Material, all good patterns and will make a stylish dress, per yard 30, 35, 40, 65, 9S, $1.00 Percales and Ginghams 8, 10, 121-2, IS ft ? Men's 2-piece Bathing Suits SO, $1.00 Boys' 2-piece Bathing Suits SO Boys' Bathing Trunks IS Ladies' Bathing Suits, worsted $3.00 Bathing Caps and Slippers 25 We have Water Wings, good ones 2S Tennis Shoes 45, 60, 70, 8S Men s leather trimmed Canvas Oxfords and Shoes per pair $1.50 Ladies' Oxfords, all styles and leathers. .$2 TO $3.50 Men's Oxfords, button and lace $4.00 & $5.00 J