A I . 1;P : m " y' W±H4 A f ^ a n t w r -- . k j i y j f c r Ip-""<&-> V\ \ 'v-'-' '•' •»"> • vif^., ; w ^Ira. 1 --y?". '*%>#•¥!* - i -- * - _ i ~ ~ . -- l . - t . t - . . t . ,.\ >.a *"..». -. jv * ^ ...Mi ..ft.*^*tm'~.+J..l2^.L^^ .. .Jt, *-: : ^ ̂ ' 0Jk" '• •• . $'* } • : * • * Clothing;, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Gloves, Underwear We deal entirely in Men's and Boys' wear and can save you money in these lines and show you a larger assortment to select from than you can find in McHenry County Call and see our line and convince yourself of our statement. :: " :: JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - PHONE 303 WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS AS TAKEN FROM IDE CHUNK Or •UK MHY EXCHANGES. JOHN STOFFEL General Merchandise Wfest McHenry, III. Phone 301 IK' t'Z-L yt. Now that the Gasoline Stove sea son is almost past, we are placing those we have left on sale at a re duction of ten per cent from their regular price. We haven't the room to carry them over and for this reason are placing them on sale at this great sacrifice. There are only a few left, so call in while they are being sold at Bargain Prices. 5obn Uycital J M* a >f 7 . '*• \ flu &b- M ' Warm wotta *&• W&.: X« AT REDUCED PRICES We have many remnants and small pieces of Sum mer Dress Goods to dispose of in t.he next two weeks at Greatly Reduced Prices Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Oxfords in popular shades and shapes at A Saving to You Straw Hats, in common and fine dress shapes, new up-to-date goods At Cost GROCERIES OF THE PUREST AND BEST QUALITIES Try our 50c Tea. None better. Coffee at 25c, 30c and 35c per pound. Special prices in large quantity. FLOlfR--Early Riser, Drum Repub lic and Seal of Minnesota. Corn Meal, Graham, Rye, Whole Wheat and Spencer's Breakfast food Goods delivered promptly. 'Phone 343. M. J. WALSH. MISCELLANEOUS ASSORTMENT OF NEWS ITEMS IN CONDENSED FORM FOB MttSY PEOPLE. Harvard has a couple of wireless tel egraph stations, maintained by two of her boys. Fred Pflug found a 44 grain pearl in Fox river at^Elgin the other day which he sold for $1,200. Oliver Few, the Elgin street car con ductor who recently found a fine pearl, has sold it for $300 to a European jew eler. The Fox river is to be scraped out to aid the city officials in fighting off the attack of typhoid fever. The river bed is said to be lined with filth. Elgin commissioners are considering the feasibility of calling a mass meet ing for the purpose of discussing the proposed improvement and beautifying of Fox river. A steam plowing outfit composed of a 25 horse power gasoline engine and four 16 inch plows has been tested out on a farm in Delavan with very satis factory results. Barrington is named by a Chicago paper as one of the cities being consid ered as a location for the new one million, five hundred thousand dollar hospital for the insane, to be erected by the state. Rudolph E. Seiler of Woodstock has been selected as one of three proteges of the Yale scholarship trust of Chi cago. Boys of ability and character are chosen. They are advanced money and repay it in five years from gradu ation. Arrangements for oiling the streets at Carpentersville are being consid ered by the village board with the cit izens. The cost for an average width street would be 10c per lineal foot, in cluding the scraping and removal of dust. It is proposed to divide the ex pense between the village and proper ty owners on both sides of the street. A new two story $20,000 fire proof structure was definitely settled upon at a meeting of the directors of the Lake Bluff orphanage held ^ Sunday afternoon, to replace the Marrilla Hobbs Home, which was destroyed late in the winter by fire. The new building will provide a home for 55 children, who otherwise would be without shelter. Hog cholera is creating havoc in swine herds of farmers at various places in DeKalb county. Sycamore papers of last week gave the names of farmers residing near that place who have lost between 200 and 300 hogs with the prevailing malady. Whole droves have been wiped out and in some instances the farmers have not been able to bury them as fast as they die. Burglars visited Richmond Monday night of last week and got away with over $500 in merchandise and about $40 in cash from the store of J. A. Meiss- ner and W. C. Schlupp saloon. The postoffice at DeKalb was robbed early Tuesday morning, possibly by the same parties, as auto tracks at each place in dicated the mode of departure. The haul at DeKalb is reported to be $5,000 in stamps and $500 in cash. A mastodon's tusk was unearthed by one of the steam shovel crews working in the C. & N. W. pits at Cary. This makes the second specimen of the kind found in this vicinity, but this one, which was taken out at a depth of 60 feet, was not in as good state of pres ervation as the one found previously, as it crumbled to pieces when exposed to the air, showing that it must have been buried beneath the surface for ui^eus of years. The specimen was taken to Chicago for exhibition. Work was started last week on the rebuilding of the powder plant at Pleas ant Prairie. Since March 9 of this year when the great explosion took place there has been nothing doing at this plant. The men who had been employed in the work moved away. During the summer the company had been busy adjusting claims for damage for losses and paid out over $200,000. Special legislation was passed at the present session of the legislature and regulations made with this particular plant in view. Noitf that everything has been straightened out and the com pany knows what it may expect, it is going to work to rebuild, complying with all requirements. Don't forget your packages, purse, umbrellas or other valuables in dis embarking from a passenger train and expect the Btation agent to wire down the line and have the same returned to you without charge. In the future messages asking conductors to make a search for missing articles will be charged for at full rates. All of the railroads have made it a rule to extend this service free of charge to the for getful ones who have been passengers, but the matter has been under inves tigation by the superintendent of tel egraph and the decision has been reached the sending of the message without charge is a violation of the interstate commerce commission's rul ing. Station agents or operators fail ing to observe the law will be subject to a heavy fine. PIANO TUNING. An opportunity of having your piano put in first-class condition. Mr. Mayr, expert piano tuner and repairer, hav ing tuned pianos in and around Mc Henry for the past eight years and proved satisfactory, will be in McHen ry and surrounding country from now on during the summer months. Price, per tuning, $3.00. Address all communi cation to Frank J. Mayr, Plaindealer. McHenry, 111. Now is the time lor lightning rods. Better let us figure with you. Wm _ > \ » 1 n We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: FREE SEW1WG MACHINES ^ We still have the agency for the Free Sewing' Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits «of this machinejso why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: :: :: :: :: • • J A clearing sale of Summer Dress Goods during the month of Au gust until the stock is exhaust ed. Don't miss your chance. First come, best served. :: J . C. I »ebrecht S Co. Johnsburgh, 111. :: 'Phone 926. I 0 • f : F. A. B^HLANDER General Merchandise I File Mcitlenry Bakery AND .LUNCH ROOM- We have publicly introduced ourselves now we want you to call and meet us face to face. You will find us to be as courteous and obliging as we appear on paper. We are not in the habit of boasting but we do feel that our baking is asj good as one may find in any first-class establishment. Our Lunch Room business is also picking up very nicely which tells us that the public appreciates our efforts in giv ing McHenry a high class, sanitary eating place. Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop. HANS HANSON AT THE CENTRAL. Did you ever realize what an impor tant factor good music is to the pro duction of any drama? How a situa tion, a climax is intensified, how sad ness is made more sad, comedy more comical, by the accompaniment of good music? The orchestra carried by the Hans Hanson company is one any the ater might justly envy. The inter missions between acts, every climax of the piece and all the specialties are made the most of by the splendid aid of this magnificent orchestra. At the Central next Sunday evening. FINDS VALUABLE PEAftL. J. E. Jacobs pf Elgin, who was here last week searching for pearls, was well rewarded for his time and trouble in coming here. In the third shell that he picked up he found one of the finest pearls that has ever been taken from the Fox river. The finder of the pearl has been offered close to $1,000 for the gem. The Northern Life of Illinois. CANNOT SELL BASS IN STATE. No black bass, t*e tribe of tinny specimens so much in demand by pat rons of restaurants and fish markets, can be sold in Illinois hereafter. This construction is placed on the new fish law, passed by the last general assem bly, by Attorney General Stead in an opinion rendered to E. E. Caldwell, chief fish warden of Havana. The opinion which affects the sale of black bass and several other kinds of fish is given in section 11 of the law, and the section provides as follows: "It shall be unlawful at any time to sell or offer for sale or expose for sale or have in the possession for the purpose of sell ing, any black bass, pike, pickerel or pike perch, commonly known as wall eyed pike, or ja£k or yellow- salmon." FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT OISOn;--A 2t> foot motor boat. Seating capacity, sixteen peo- Ele. First-class equipment and driven y a ten h. p. locomobile engine. For further information call at this office. If you demand quality Petesch's is the place to buy your drugs. W ft Capital Stock, $25,000. See this Book It is a bank book. It means a great deal -- perhaps more than most things that are shown to you in the ordinary course of business. Are you one of those that have a bank book in your business? If you are not, then our advice is to get one quickly. Visit us some day and we will explain the banking business to you. . . . . S a f e t y D e p o s i t B o x e s , $3.00 Per Year -OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagner, Pres. C. H. Fegers, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffei, Vice Pres. Protect your cattle with Stand ard Fly Shy, for sale exclusively by us. :: :: :: JUST ARRIVED--A carload of McCormick Corn Harvesters and Twine. By giving us your order early we can serve you better. WM. STOFFEL Phnnpc office-77*. r l l U l l C d a R R S I D R N C R - 7 Q I . J. BLOCK & BETHKE McHBNRY, ILL. Sale Sale Sale Here is your chance: We have taken our entire stock of Men's Oxfords regardless of price and made one big lot and one low price. Remember this takes in our entire stock of the Thompson line of oxfords, none better made, giving you oxfords that so|d at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00, your choice of patent coif, gun metal and tan«, at the one price for all $2.9S Good quality Men's Shirts and Drawers, each 28 Good quality Ladies' Vests, sleeveless U, IS Muslin Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery and lace, big values, each 28, $, SO Good quality Men's Sweater Coats, just the thing to slip on these cool mornings . . 80 TELEPHONE 541 Sale Sale Sale Ladies, Notice: We expect our new line ol tali and winter Ladies' Shoes the next week and in order to make room for the large line we must close out our entire stock of oxfords. Here is your chance to get a pair of oxfords or pumps for a lit tle of nothing. All oxfords sold at $2.25* $2.50, $2.75 an<T$3.00, to close out quickly are now..$1.8S Lawns, Lawns! Here they go--we don't want to carry over a yard of summer goods. All lawns and batiste sold at 15c and 18c to go in one lot. .10 Gingham Petticoats. Made of good quality nurse stripe gingham, full cut, ruffled flounce, sell ing at....... SO, 89, 75, $.100 NV 0