You N^ed Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Qloves, Underwear We deal entirely in Men's and Boys* wear and can save you money in these lines and show you a larger assortment to select from than you can find in Mclienry County Call and sec our line and convince yourself of our statement, :: :: JOS. W. FWEUND WEST McHENRY, PHONE 303 To tfic Lover of 000D (Of EEE We wish to advise you that we have In stalled in our store a new ROYAL ELEC TRIC COFFEE HILL. This machine Is ttjuipped with steel knives whii-ti cut the l>erry into practically uniform clean cut particles, instead of (jrindinK and crush- inn H. as by the old method. All coffee mills heretofore used will only crush the berry, mutilating the minute oil cells, allowing the coffee oil to evap orate. thus impairing the strength and flavor. By this new process the little oil cells remain unbroken, the essential oil (food product) cannot evaporate and the coffee thus retains Its fine, rich, aromatic flavor in its full strength. This Is one reason why a pound of coffee cut in this mill will make from twelve to fifteen more cups of full strength coffee than will any coffee ground In the old way. The lover of good coffee finds here a rich ness of Savor never found in coffee ground io the ordinary way. Another feature about this mill is that you may have your coffee cut as fine as the finest sand and it will still he practi- 7i r vhich is produced by the old method of grinding. ...i, ..... a clear cup of coffe instead of the muddy effect-- a result of using the old style mills. ROYAL CUT COFFEE is also adaptable for percolators or French drip coffee pots. m A rou» or OUR COFFEE CUT ON a ROYAL MILL AND WE MNOW vm. WILL BE FLEASFD WITH THE RESULTS. :: :: JOHN STOFFELw.m?henry Ah 10 per cent Reduction Now that the Gasoline Stove sea son is almost past, we are placing those we have left on sale at a re duction of ten per cent from their regular price. We haven't the room to carry them over and for this reason are placing them on sale at this great sacrifice. There are only a few left, so call in while they are being sold at Bargain Prices. John Uycital f AT REDUCED HRfgtS We have many remnants and small pieces of Sum mer Dress Goods to dispose of in the next two weeks at Greatly Reduced Prices Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Oxfords in popular shades and shapes at A Saving to You Straw Hats, in common and tine dress shapes, new up-to-date goods At Cost GROCERIES OF THE PUREST AND BEST QUALITIES Try our 50c Tea. None better. Coffee at 25c, 30c and 85c per pound. Special prices in large quantity. FLOUR--Early Riser, Drum Repub lic and Seal of Minnesota. Corn Meal, Graham, Rye, Whole Wheat and Spencer's .Breakfast food Goods delivered promptly. 'l'hune 343 . J. WALSH. V!*" WEEKLY SXCVm HEMS 0 AS TAKEN FROM THE COLUMNS OF OUR MANY EXCHANGES. NlSCELLANEOtf* ASSORTMENT OF MEWS ITEMS IN CONDENSED FORM FOR BUSY PEOPLE, Woodstock is to have a postal sav ings bank, beginning Monday morn ing', Aug. 21. Thirty-five thousand black bass were placed in Fox river just above the dam at Elgin last Friday. T. C. Schroeder of Richmond is the largest land owner in McHenry coun ty, possessing 1,569 acres. It is in ten farms in Richmond, Burton and Hebron townships. The second annual carnival of the Delos F. Diggins library at Harvard netted the ladies in charge $627.05. The total sum taken in was $783.82. It was a fine success in every way. The automobile road races at Elgin will take place on Friday and Satur day, August 25 and 26. There will be four big races, $5,000 in prizes will be awarded. The Presbyterians of Harvard have let the contract for a beautiful new church which will cost about $18,000 and is expected to be completed next February. Pearl hunters of Elgin had a lucky day last Sabbath, Jim Tollura, a Hun garian laborer, finding one weighing 27 grains and valued at $1,200, while Leo Lange found a 14 grain gem val ued at $800. The Chicago Industrial Home for C hildren at Woodstock is to be replaced with a more modern and substantial building in the near future. Funds for this purpose are being1 solicited thruout the codnty. A strange new disease has become prevalent among horses in the vicinity of Kirkland, 111., and several animals have died within a few days. The first symptom of the trouble appears to be lameness, then the horse becomes sick and soon dies. In Elgin they are talking of building a dam south of the city on Fox river in order to raise the water level as far north as Kimball street. A similar proposition has often been broached in Dundee, where something of the kind is quite as essential. Notice has been served on th^ ex press companies and shippers of the state that the Illinois railroad and warehouse commission would issue an order prescribing a schedule of re duced express rates to apply thruout the state after Aug. 1. Timothy seed will command the highest prices this season it has in many years. A Boone county farmer sold a quantity of the seed in Belvidere one day last week for $7 per bushel. The ordinary price of timothy seed is $2 to $2.50, with $3 considered a pretty high price. A fast mail train on the New York Central road, a few days ago, drawing seven all steel mail care and two Pull mans, ran three miles in one minute and 50 seconds. The first mile was made in 38 seconds, the second in 37 and the third in 36, the fastest time ever made in the world on a steam railroad. Honey will be a pretty scarce article this season is the declaration of bee keepers in this section of the country, who say that if bees get enough to feed on thru the wioter the owners will count themselves lucky. Scarcity of flowers and especially of elover this year is said to be the cause. What ever clover honey there may be made wlii sunejy bring a good price. The ehe«semaker of Appleton, Wis., has been given a contract by the Na tional Dairy Shaw association to build a cheese weighing 12,000 pounds, three times as large as the bigg-est cheese ever made in the world, which was the one built there last summer by Mr. Sinon for the same association. It will require all the milk from 6,500 cows for one day and it is estimated that it will take sixfcy-five tons or 130,- 000 pounds of milk and cream to make this cheese. Illinois will have a model peniten tiary which will supplant the old one at Juliet. After spending considerable time in the investigation of peniten tiaries thruout the world, State Archi tect Zimmerman will build it on the circular cell plan. There is but one other such system in the world and that is found in Holland. By the means of the circular cell, each pris oner will have the advantage of an out side window and will receive the fresh air and sunlight. F. M. Wilkes, department head of the North Shore Electric company, carries his left aim in a sling l>ecause of severe burns received at Barrington last week while testing the voltage. The current had nut passed thru the transformer and Mr. Wilkes received 4,000 volts, enough to kill him instant ly had his arm not been resting on a steel tank, which formed a better con ductor than his body. His burns are quite severe, but is thought the in juries will not be permanent. A useful hint for persons of inex perience who are tempted to invest in advertised stocks may be derived from a disc loan re following the arrest of a firm of dealers in alleged securities in New York. Among the firm's effects was what the i>ostoftice inspectors termed the "largest sucker list in ex istence." It contained one hundred and twenty thousand names divided among four classes, headed "special," "good," "fair" and "worth trying." It must be consoling to a man who has yielded to a temptation to get rich quick to know that his name is^treas- ured as "good" in a list of "easy marks." • We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Ruga of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: :: :: FREE SEWING MAC1HES We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits»of this machine|so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: :: :: :: :: ..Jacob Justen.. HOLLAND BRAND • ITTMV i\r f • •mi/ ALWAYS FRESH AND SWEET. SOLD IN PRINTS AND IN BULK. i TRY IT. J. C. Uebrecht & Co. Johnsburgh, 111. *Phoi\« 926. F. A. "OHLANDER General Merchandise The McHenry Bakery AND LUNCH ROOM We have publicly introduced ourselves now we want you to call and meet us face to face. You will find us to be as courteous and obliging as we appear on paper. We are not in the habit of boasting but we do feel that our baking is as good as one may find in any first-class establishment. Our Lunch Room business is also picking up very nicely which tells us that the public appreciates our efforts in giv ing McHenry a high-class, sanitary eating place. * Phone-1033 A. TIETZ, Prop PR OB A TE NE WS j [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office In Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Monev to iovuj on real estate In sums of nve hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments 'to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 011.1 REAL JS»TAT*C TRANSFERS. Lizzie A. Hons &bUi WJlklns, Its 55, 5<t & 57 Orchard Bsacb, betog A- L. Howe's sub dlv of pt sW ntu>. 44. nt. nwX sec 25, McHenry fWOO.$l 1'ROBATK PROCEEDINGS. Claim day had in following estate#'. John M. Miller, James R. Sayler. In re George. Ethan Lamphere, minor. Report of sale of real estate approved and ordered «tf record. Us l,ate of James It. Sayler. Appraiseuajent bill filed, approved and ordered off reeoitl. John M. Miller. Inventory approved and ordered off record. MARRIAOE LICENSES. George A. Thatcher, 3f> Chicago Louise Ruether, 25 Richmond William E. Kroeger, 23 f^tjtie E. Kruse, 23. Crystal Lake Frai^c Schmeckel, 24. Bristol, Wis f^W^sa Krohp, 18. Genoa Jet., Wis WO*fLD 0E LOOKED AFTER. A reader asks a Plaindealer repre sentative why it is that the water- tower has not been cleaned this year. From the stench that comes from the water taken from the mains we should say that the job should be done with <0W,t further delay. We have also been t«ld lAxq.p q. fviffifoer of the hydrants in tit# yijl*jg£ afe #u£ of commission and that w case of #re fh^ village would he without, tftje proper projec tion. If this be tru£, the b<yard should take steps to repine the hydrants, even if they are obliged to borrow |the flajQney to make the improvement fiwburn or wm.c£u»e no dis comfort if you use mr cream-- 25c at Psteseh'fl. For a square deal and » quipfc 8#lp list your property with O, K, G&ylord, West McHenry, 'phone 414, Oot, J A nullum I Juiil i/uini Capital Stock, $25,000. Use Wisdom in the care of your money. Do not try to do business in the old, c a r e l e s s w a y . T h e busines^f man transacts all his affairs thru a bank. There is no other way recognized by the men who are foremost in business and finance. If you have not already opened an account with us, let us talk the matter over with you. . . . . S a f e t y D e p o s i t B o x e s , $ 3 . 0 0 P e r Y e a r 8 -OFFICERS: Edwin L Wagner, C. H. Fegera, Sr., Pres. Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pre#. Protect your cattle with Stand ard Fly Shy, for sale exclusively by us. :: :: - JUST ARRIVED--A carload of McCormick Corn Harvesters and Twine. By giving us your order early we can serve you better. WM. STOFFEL Dhnnpc* OFFICfi-77*- jr nones. kbsidencb-791- If you demand quality Petesch's is the place to buy jour drugs. BETHKE MCHENRY, ILL. Here is your chance: We have taken oui* entire stock»of Men's Oxfords regardless of price and made one big lot and one low pricg. Remember this takes in our entire stock of the Thompson Ufle of oxfords, none better made, giving you oxfords that sold at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. your choice of patent colt, gun metal and tans, at the one price for all |2,fS Good quality Men's Shirts and Drawers, each...28 Good quality Ladies' Vests, sleeveless ... 12, 18 Muslin Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery and lace, big values, each 28, 3 , Good quality Men's Sweater Coats, just the to slip on these cool mornings TELEPHONE 54" Sal.e Sale Sale Ladies, Notice: We expect our new line of fall and winter Ladies' Shoes the next week and in order to make room for the large line we must close out our entire stock of oxfords. Here is your chance to get a pair of oxfords or pumps for a lit tle of nothing. All oxfords sold at $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00, to close out quickly are now..$1.85 Lawns, Lawns! IJere they go--we don't want to carry over a yard of summer goods. All lawns and batiste sold at 15c and 18c to go in one lot. .10 Gingham Petticoats. Made of good quality nnrse stripe gingham, full cut, ruffled flounce, sell ing at 80, 85* 78, $.100