Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Aug 1911, p. 5

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Boys and Girls Read Thi* We want all the Boyi and Girls in this vicinity to coma to our store and resistor their names and the COLE'S JUNIOR CONTEST We liana little book for yoa tint tell* jroa *11 about it and explaht* fcww you can win a prize before school opens. Come and see She prizes dHb» placed in our show window we propose giving to oar little friend#-- 1st Prise to Girl*---"Stitchwell" Sewing Machine 2nd Prize to Girls--A Six-Ball Croquet Set 1st Prise to Boys--League Catcher's Mitt* Ball and Bat 2nd Prize to Boys--Rugby Foot Ball Contest Begins August 1, Closes September IS Get a Cole's Junior Button (8MV4 j. 3 Ac**** fa* Cole's Het Blast Stores -ad Ranges Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick MealT' has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and whichi you may learn by calling upon us. F. L. THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE Rome necess i t i e s ! We invitejyour inspection of-'our new line of Hot Water Bottles, Fountain c _j ( n..L iwt vaj/a, ivuii* ber Gloves, Ear and Ulcer Syringes, Rubber Sheet­ ing, Cotton, Gauze and other sick room supplies. e.U.mcHllister°£o. Druggists » Ulc^i HKTKnry •• HOLLAND BRAND «T BUTTER ALWAYS FRESH AND SWEET. SOLD IN PRINTS AND IN BULK. TRY IT. J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh* 111. '!S *Phoi\e 926. r -- ' • T T ™ " * * r r " r i 1 1 1 i n i i • n 1 1 • 1 1 1 i i i i i n r t t i i s s s p s s w g > s s | O t n ) c o x s # s s o t a m u x NEIGHBORING NB WS AS CHRONICLED JBv\ OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 1 It pays to advertise with us « ! i K»|KKJM.n HARK, Ed. Sutton of South Dakota is spend­ ing a few weeks with relatives and friends in this vicinity and in Chicago and Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs of Mc- Henry were callers here Sunday after­ noon. Miis Irene Frisby of McHenry vis­ ited Miss Lucy Sutton Sunday. Mrs. John Armstrong and son, Os­ wald, drove to Chicago in their ma­ chine Friday and returned Saturday in spite of heavy roads. Messrs. Geo. Armstrong' and H. Ber- kircher drove to Chicago Tuesday in the farmer's auto. Sister Mary Bernard of Chicago and Sister Mary Agatha of Dubuque, la., spent a recent day with the Misses Sutton. Robt. E. Sutton spent the week end at his home here. r Mr. and Mrs. & J. Campbell and son, Lester, of Chicago enjoyed the past- week at Chas. Cohan's cottage. Miss Marge Granger of McHenry spent Tuesday with Miss Mas Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bending of Wood­ stock spent a few days' outing at H. Bending's cottage last week. Mrs. Geo. Scrivner and daughters, Marion and Gertrude, of Chicago are spending a couple of weeks at L. Buck's cottage. Miss Na Mett of Chicago spent the past week with J. R. Smith and fam­ ily- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blum of Chicago are guests of John Armstrong and fam­ ily this week. Miss Li/.zie Kirk of Chicago is the guest of Mrs. Hugh Kirk at tjie Hax- tori cottage. Miss Blanche Sutter of Chicago is spending a couple of weeks at Wm. Blum's. Misses Gertrude and Janette Blum and Messrs. Win. and Walter Blum of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage here. Miss Bessie Devlin of Chicago spent a day recently with the Misses Sutton. Misses Beulah Larkin and Helen Hoelscher returned to their homes in Elgin Saturday after spending a few days with Miss Lucy Sutton. Mrs. John J. Flusky, assisted by Mrs. B. Butterly of Chicago, gave a lawn party at her home here one day recently in honor of her two grandchil­ dren, Eileen and Katherine O'Reilly. Mrs. James Hughes and children helped make the event an enjoyable one. Those relatives and friends from out of town who attended the funeral of R. J. Sutton were: Ed. Sutton of Harrisburg, S. D.; Mrs. Margaret Kelley of Clinton, la.; Messrs. M. Kel- ter, John and Ed. Kelter, John and Will Wall, Will Bolger, John and Paul Armstrong, John Knox, Mes- dames Tlios. Cooney, Andrew Gregory, Wm. Heaney, Margaret Knox, Wm. Bowles, Misses Margaret Aylward, Celia Powers, Mr. and Mrs. John .Demling, Mr. and Mrs. D. McMana- nian, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cohan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hoelscher and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burke of Chicago; Mes- daraes la. Cleary, Win. Lester, Ed. Wall, Frank O'Flarity, P. Costello, Geo. A. Hoelscher, Misses Mildred Hoelscher, Mayrae Aylward, Nellie Cleary; Messrs. Robt. Aylward, Mike Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleary, Atty. and Mrs. John R. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Fid. Larkin and family of Elgin; Mrs. Thos. F. Hayes of Harvard; Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger, Mrs. D. Corr, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Wood­ stock: Mrs. T. J. Renehen and Mrs. Ed. Renehen and daughter of Round Lake. TEBHA COTTA. James L. Burke visited at M. Knox's Monday. A. T. McMillan, who has been quite sick, is now better. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin visited at her home here Sunday. Miss Eleanor Phalin is visiting at J. Relihan's at Emerald Park. Mrs. John Alyward of Elgin was the guest of relatives here last week. John Bolger and wife of Woodstock called at J. M. Phalin's last Tuesday. Thomas Phalin returned to his home here Saturday after a week's visit with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kline and daughter of Chicago spent a few days last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and sons of Holcombville called on relatives and friends here Sunday. Mrs. S. B. Leisner returned to her home here Thursday evening after a lour weeks' visit with Chicago rela- i j v es. Dr. H. D. Hull of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and Mrs. Frank McMillan were Spring Grove visitors last Tuesday. Born, to Dr. and Mrs. Rossdeutacher a son, Aug. 14. Mrs. Esse Fisher is improving slowly after a serious illness with eye trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gale and daugh­ ter of New York were guests at the Raught home Wednesday. Mrs. Geo. Huson and daughter, Reba, of Hobson, Montana, are visit­ ing relatives and friends in this vicin- ity. The ice cream and basket social at UH Catholic schoolhouse was largely attended. $125.00 was cleared for the Iw nefit of the church. Mrs. Robert Paddock is very ill with congestion of the liver. Dr. Palmer is iu attendance. Her daughter, Mrs. Will Smith, of Waukegan is with her. Carl Atterbury of Waukegan spent Wednesday at the Raught home. Mrs. Atterbury and children accompanied him home Thursday after several week*' visit hers. ciuuiunutLU A. Hansen has a new automobile. J . Oak root was in Woodstock Tues­ day. Herman Wille was at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Miss Clata Salow was in Crystal Lake Monday. Mr. and Mre. A. Anners were Elgin visitors Monday. Miss Mat tie Gibson was a Woodstock visitor Tuesday. H. Irish of Harvard spent Sunday at the parental home. F. W. Hartman and E. Letsler spent Monday in Chicago. N. J. Garrison of Woodstock was a Monday caller here. Mrs. P. fJ. Houghawout was a Crys­ tal Lake caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Yanke and son are visiting in Chicago. Mrs. F. Wille, Jr., wafe a Crystal Lake passenger Monday. Misses Ella and Alice Baker were Chicago shoppers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed visited in El­ gin Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Arthur Skinner returned Monday from a week's camping near McHenry. Louis Goddard visited with Graham Sillars at Elizabeth a few days recent­ ly. If you accidentally get in the ditch or stuck in the mud call on A. Peter­ son. Misses Lura Davis and Anna Morse were Chicago visitors the first of the week. Mrs. F. W. Hartman and Miss Gene­ vieve Goddard were Woodstock visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Kline and daugh­ ters, Ruth and Mabel, visited in Wood­ stock Sunday. Miss Doris Terwillagerof Woodstock was the guest of Miss Genevieve God­ dard the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senne and son, Marcellus, of Woodstock visited at F. Wille's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson and son took in the moving pictures at Wood­ stock Monday evening. Miss Olive Hesselgrave returned Monday from an extended visit with relatives in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Lars .Jensen of Wood­ stock are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson are the proud parents of a baby girl that ar­ rived on Saturday, Aug. 12, 101 r. Mrs. L. Randolph and Mrs. Scott Austin and daughters of Woodstock called on Mrs. H. N. Cooper recently. Mrs. Robt. Kimball and children of Poplar Orove visited part of Monday and Tuesday with C. F. French and family. Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Dickey and daughter, Edith, of Nebraska visited their many friends here from Thurs day until Saturday. KIHaWUOD. Mrs. Julia Francisco went to Oatend Friday of last week. Mrs. Emma Matthews went to Wood­ stock Wednesday afternoon- Ray Merchant and wife spent Sun­ day with Woodstock relatives. Mrs. Ella Bigelow and daughter, Agnes, we're at Lake Geneva Monday Mrs. Ella Bigelow left for her home at Sun Prairie, Wis., Wednesday morn­ ing. J. C. Ladd, Floyd Howe and Bert Bell were in McHenry Tuesday after­ noon. Bert MeCannon and wife attended his uncle's funeral at Greenwood Tues­ day afternoon. George Hutson and family of North Nunda visited at William Kelley's Fri­ day of last week. Leroy Peet and son, Arthur, and C. W. Harrison were Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. J. C. Ladd entertained a party of old neighbors and friends, also pupils of Mrs. Ella Bigelow, Thursday of last week. "The Convicts Daughter," a triumph of dramatic genius, at the .Central Sunday, Aug. 20. Seats on sale at Petesch's. 9-lt Mrs. Jessie Smith and two small chil­ dren left Friday morning of last week for Erie, Penn., to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson was taken quite sick Sunday evening, but at this writing is reported better. Mrs. Lil­ lian Marvin is caring for her. Pavilion dancing all the afternoon and evening at the Eagle picnic at Co­ lumbia park next Sunday, August 20. Music by the Columbia orchestra. 9-lt Mrs. Jones, who has been visiting her dj»ugfrter, Mrs. Hepburn, for the past few weeks, returned to her home in Columbus, Ohio, Monday morning. Mrs. W. A. Cristy of Joplin, Mo., was visiting friends in town Tuesday night and Wednesday. Thursday she went to McHenry to be present at the Willing Workers' meeting. MUST KEPOKT PIKES. C. J. Doyle, state fire marshal, has issued letters and blanks to all fire departments demanding that reports be made of all fires during the ensuing year. The blanks contain spaces for the date and hour of fire, name of own­ er, name of occupant, name of city or village, kind of structure, purpose for which occupied, value, damage, insur­ ance and cause of fire. Carelessness, adjoining fire, burning rubbish, overt heated stove, sparks, lightning, spon­ taneous combustion and gasoline are given as the various heads under which causes of fire may be grouped. It also is stipulated that the blanks be , forwarded to the state fire marshal at Springfield within onq week of the fire's occurrence to avoid penalty. Tbo Northern Life pf Illinois. First-class workmanship at ^rea­ sonable prices rule ^here. But even at that, the price is a sec­ ondary consideration with us. Quality first. AH the time. Schnabel's ..Photo Studio.. Have your pictures framed ar tistically by a man who knows how. We make and sell all kinds of frames. Visitors always wel­ come. :: :: :: :: :: WEST N'flENRY, ILLINOIS 'PHONE 971 Chicago & North-Western. Leave Ohlc&tfo. •7.00 :i in.. *8.45 a in. *12.30 p m +1.00 p ni.. *l:lft p in. *3.40 n m *3.15 p m *4.50 p m.. 7 10 a. in . rl.46 a oi. 1.05 p m Leave Mctlenry. *7.10 !i in .. *7.10 am.. t7.1« H Til. * S . : « a m . *4.38 p in *4.3»i p m.. *B.2T pui. 7.10 am... 7.10 a ni Effective June 18.1911. VIH DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Via RlRin Via l>es I'lalnes ... Via Elgin Via Des Plaintw Via Des l'lalues... Via Des IMaluos Via Elgin Vla Des PlaitiiflS... SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin ... Via Des I'laluws Via Elgin' Wa*K DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Via Dea Plaines ...Via Elgin Via IK's TMnlnea. Via Des Plains* Via lK»s IMalnes Via Elgin Via Des t'liiiuas SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Des l'lalues VtaElgiu --Elgi .20 p m Via Des Plalnes 7.32 p in Via Des ('laities. T.;5S p in Via Slain . •Dally e*cept Sunday. •Saturday only. tMoutlay only. Arrive BQcliuury. ...10.1ft a m ... 10. lii a m 2 45 p ni 2.12 p in 2:45 p n\ 4.45 p til o m #.27 p m ...8.45 a. ni. . _. 10.04 a m 4.60 p m Arrive Chicago. 9.20 a m 10.05 a m .. 8.38 a m ..#.40a m ..8.25 p m ..7.25 p ni . .7.57 p in . .9.36 a m . 10.15 a ni ..8.40.p ni .9.10 p m . 10.25 p ni CLASSIFIED nrPAPTMPHT VM ftltlflM? I All ftdvertlMBwntii tnm>rt«d aiulrr thU head at the following rate.: Fire line* or 1MS, K cento (or ft rut lutrtloii; 1( cent* for each aubaeqaent insertion. More than IWe lines, 5 cents a line for ttrat Insertion, nd 8 cent* a line for addltionl insertions. F°" SALE--House and two lots. Inquire of E. J. HANL.Y, West McHeury. III. prELP WANTED--At the canning factory. ** Apply to HANLY BROS., West McHenry, at once. »-lt TJH>K SALE--A good farm of elgbtv acres. 1 Inquire of C. W. STKNUER, Weat McHeu­ ry State Hank. 7-tf TX7ANTED--Good. cheap horse for farm ** work in exchange for hay or cash. A. PHIUPP, K. 1. McHenry. III. 9-lt WANTED--A man to put on twenty-five rolls of felt roofiug. Inquire at the mill. JOHN SPEMCICH. West. McHeury. 9-lt DOR SALE--A good, gentle family horse. For further information apply to or ad­ dress W. J. WELCH, McHenry, ill. 'Ptaoue H03. 8-tf CVJUND-- Heifer In my corn field. Owner may have same If he pays for this ad and my loss of corn. A. PHIMPP, U. 1, Mcllenry, III. 9-lt CH)K SALE--The property known as (Jolum- " bla Park, near Johnsburgh river bridge. Inquire of or write K«v. S. WOLFUARTKN, McHenry, 111. »-lt CH)R SALE --Klver property; house and four ^ lots, just north of Orchard lieach hotel. Inquire of C. W. STKNUBK, West McHeury State Hank. 7-tf 1JH)R SALE--00 cords second growth oak lu ' stove blocks, also 250 oak posts, good size and seven feet long. Inquire of W. E. OOI.BY Spring Grove, III. 9-3t* cauouy top, basket phaeton. Swell out- POR HALE--Welch pony and Studebaker, -- cauouy top, basket Dhaetou. Swell out­ fit and will be sold reasonable. Address MRS K. E. WADHAMS. 4747 Wlnthrop Ave., Chicago, 111. U-lt 1JH>K HALE--Summer home at Pistakee Hay. ^ Will be sold furnished or unfurnished. Ti." 'ui-iiisiiiuK iuciuues an elegant plauo. The home is modern in every detail, includ­ ing bath »nd new gas plant. Newly decorat­ ed on the interior and painted ou the exter­ ior. Address DR. K. E. WADHAMS, 4747 Wln- throp Ave., Chicago, 111. 9-lt EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Schumacher, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Jacob Schumacher, deceased, late of th;- County of McHeury and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear be fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the Oc­ tober Term, on the first Monday iu Oc to tier next, a,t. which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notiiied and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of August, A. D. 1911. S-3t * MARTIN F. SCHMITT. Executor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Barnes & Barnes, Attorneys. STATE OF 1LLINOIS, t __ McHenry County, f °"- In the County Court of McHenry County to the September Term, A. I), 1911. Iti the matter of the final report of ) . William H. Harrison, ex-officio ad- ) niinlstrator of the Estate of Allen ) P. Colby, Deceased. ) To any and all persons Interested In said Take notice: That the final report of the uiidersigned is now on file in the Clerk's office of said Court, and that on Monday, the 4th day of September, A. I>. 1911, the under­ signed will ask said Court to approve of said report, order distribution, and declare said estutt? settled, and discharge the undersigned as such Administrator. Datud tills 7tli day of August, A. D. 1911. WILLIAM H. HARRISON, Ex-Officio Administrator of the Estate of Allen P. Colby, Deceased. 8-3t PIANO TUNING. An opportunity of having your piano put in first-class condition. Mr. Mayr, expert piano tuner and repairer, hav­ ing tuned pianos in and around Mc­ Henry for the past eight years and proved satisfactory, will be in McHen­ ry and surrounding country from now on during the summer months, l'rice, per tuning, $3.00. Address all communi­ cation to PRANK J. MAYR, Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. Don't forget to attend the Eagle picnic at Columbia park next Sunday. August 20. Something to attract all. tt-lt All kinds of amusements and attrac­ tions at the Eagle picnic at Nell's Co­ lumbia park next Sunday, August 20. 9-lt We guarantee whatever you buy of us to satisfactory, Petesch's. m WW'" JET'S Are You Particular •k:m Enough About Drugs! We like fMirticular customers. It's'• sk, pleasure to sell to people who want qual­ ity. We buy for particular people and therefore have a stock of the best goods that the market affords. Whether you know drugs or not, you'll be protected from tinworthy goods and unfair pric­ es when you trade with us. We con­ sider ourselves responsible for the quality of everything we sell, whether drugs or sundries. Anything purchased here not proving satisfactory we desire to make right, either by exchanging or refunding the money. :: :: :: :: N. H. Petesch, 'Phone 274. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. I Calves Without Milk THE 20TH CENTURY METHOD I Biaichford's CALF MEAL. Will i'Uisi' or vt»a! calves at from 0110-ihird to one-quarter the expense of feeding milk. Raises better calves and saves the milk. You can't afford not to use it. Used and indorsed by experimental stations and farmers all over the world. It is absolutely the only milk substitute that contains all the elements necessaay for bodily growth in the cor­ rect proportions. Pushes pigs, colts, lambs, etc., forward better and quicker than any other food. Prevents scouring. 100 pounds makes 100 ;-?•>('1-ms of perfect milk substitute. For sale by Wilbur Lumber Company WKST McHENRY, II.L. TELEPHONE NO. 051. Riser The Flour that has stood the test. A better quality Flour was never placed upon the market. The housewife who uses our product need never worry as to its results. It has that rich flavor that is so often miss­ ing in other brands. Get a sack $1.40 today. It retails at West McHenry Flour and M Mills WEST McMLNIO . ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCFCR, Pr»p. We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson iMake. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we flan please you as to quality and price, :: :: FREE StWiNG MACHINES We still have the agency for the FroeJSewiiig Machine, the best sewing machine on the market. It's a pleasure for us to explain the|merits«of ibis machine|so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: ,, :: :: :: :: •* ..Jacob Justen..

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