Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Aug 1911, p. 5

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m OUR FORMER AD ANNOUNCED THE COLE'S JUNIOR CONTEST We want every Girl and Boy who wants to win a prize to come to this store and register their nM"iw and enter this Contest Come and Get a Cole's Hot Blast Girl or Boy Button Free to all girls and hoys 15 yeai*s of age or under. Call (or booklet which will tell you all about it. Also tells you how you may win one of the splendid prizes. See the Prizes in Our Show Window Cole's Junior Girl or Boy Utrawji 3. 3.» Agest* for Cole's Hot RIart Stoves Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. F. L. THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE Match for the 9 At McAllister's SALE OPENS AT 9 MINUTES TO 9 A. PI., TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, AND LASTS THREE DAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. AUGUST 31 Below we list a few of the many bargains to he had during our 9 cent sale: One pound Epsom Salts One pound Sulphur 2 ounces Castor Oil... 2 ounces Cream of Tartar Box of Charcoal Tablets Box Sulpho-Tartar Tablets.. % pound Chloride Lime 10c Toilet Soaps 15c Tooth Brush Three Corn Cob I'lpes Two packages Chewing Gum. Two 10c packages Tobacco 9c Be 9c Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be 19c Two 10c plugs Tobacco 10c 4 ounces Bay Hum 19c 8 ounces Witch Hazel 19c Crane's Headache Tablets 9c Crane's Liver 1*11 Is 19c Crane's Kidney Pills ...29c Shoop's Couffh Remedy 39c Hess' Poultry Panacea _19c Instant Ixwse Killer 19c Two Lamp Chimneys 19c H ounce Blue Moon Perfume. 29c Any 35c Box Paper . 29c Watch our windows next week E. V. MCALLISTER & CO. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Reduced Prices Ladies' low cut and strap pumps at ONE-THIRD OFF ON EVERY PAIR All good styles. :: :: :: $U(WIVt£ft DRbbbGOODS at very low prices during balance of this month. Don't miss yonr chance. \ J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh. III. « 'Flume 926. V^. 0 It pays to advertise with us NM»»M MIN9M e HtMOIMHHH ••*••••• eee«*ee# MIIMM IIUHfJ NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS nA< aiMUKFIKUl. L. A. Walkup was in Chicago Fri­ day. A. F. Davis was a Chicago visitor Friday. H. Hanson of Chicago was in town Saturday. Mrs. B. F. Peck visited al Lake Genevj^recentlv. A. K. Salow and family spent Sun­ day at Lake Geneva. A. Josephenson is visiting relatives at Minneapolis, Minn. Clarence Thayer of Woodstock was in this vicinity Saturday. Miss Ruby Steele of Capron visited at J. J. Keser's last week. Sunday school at 10:,'{0 next Sunday morning, with song service. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson visited relatives at Woodstock Sunday. Frank Berg visited in Chicago and Waukegan Saturday and Sunday. Miss Minnie Moore of Chicago is visiting with Miss Lizzie Furney. Irvin A. Kennedy of Chicago is vis­ iting in the home of J. B. Lynch. Mrs. I). O. Kline and daughter. Ruth, drove to Woodstock Salurdav. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Barber were Chicago visitors Thursday and Friday. Misses Glenys Jacobs and Clara Salow were at Crystal Lake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson and daugh­ ter. Rose, were in Woodstock Tues­ day. Mrs. W. P. Allen and daughter, Kvelvn, are visiting relatives in Chi­ cago. A large number from here attended Gollmar Bros.' show in Woodstock Tuesday. Miss Alida Rydquist. of Crystal Lake is visiting her friend, Miss Arline Ste­ phenson. Mrs. H. M. Cooper and son. Earl, visited with Mrs. S. Austin at Wood­ stock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mufiiey and son. Mason, of Woodstock were in this vicinity Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Senne and son, Elmer, are visiting relatives at Red­ wood Falls, Minn. Reuben Hesselgrave and Miss Mabel Peterson visited the former'? sisters at Richmond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and sons of Woodstock visited at R. L. Du- field's over .Sunday. J. J. Reser, F. M. Ivisley and W. Levey attended the aviation meet in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Knilans visited with J. Bartz and family in Chicago Thursday and Friday. Mrs. R. L. I>u:ifId and son, Arthur, visited friends in Chieago from Wed­ nesday until Monday. Miss Genevieve Goddard visited from Wednesday until Saturday with Mi's. Held at Palatine. Miss Anna Johnson of Huntley vis­ ited her brother, L. Johnson, and fam­ ily the tirst of the week. W. S. Rush ton left last week Satur­ day for treatment at the M. W. A.'s sanatorium in Colorado. Mi's. L. A. Walkup returned home Friday after an extended visit with her mother in the East. Mrs. Myers Levey and children of Rockford visited her parents and other relatives here last week. Miss Groose of Chicago visited at Chas. Stratum's and A. K. Salow's Fri­ day. Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mary Quail of Woodstock visit­ ed her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher, on the farm Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. F. M. Risley and Mr. and Mrs. R. 1)\gert attended the dance at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Charles Levey and wife of Batavia and Mr. and Mrs Krinnloff and son of Aurora visited at S. Le\ey s Sunday. Mrs. H. Fanning and Mi's. J. B. Lynch and children returned Thurs­ day from an extended visit in Wiscon­ sin. Rev. and Mrs. Giesselbrecht and daughter, Helen, visited in Chicago and Milwaukee the latter part of last week. Mre. F. Wille, Jr., and daughters, Mabel and Elsie, auu Flsie Anderson visited friends at Mcllenry Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. J. k5. Lynch and daughter, Mad- alene, and Louis Goddard attended the aviation meet in Chicago Saturday and visited with Mrs. C. E. Con- .ty Sun- day. Mi«. J. Johnson (nee Carrie Reed) and daughter, Bessie, of Blackstone, Va., are visiting her parents, brothers and sister and numerous friends and neighbors. George Wheeler, Robert Knilans, Ed Anners, C. Hoy, F. S. Morse, Chas. Ormsby, Walter Cobb and li. Hessel- grave attended the aviation meet in Chicago the past week. Among those from here who listened to Rev. Dickey at the Presbyterian church in Woodstock were Mrs. E. Smith, Miss Mabel Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey and W. Levey. August Wille, Walter Senne, Louis Thayer, Ed Pearson, Andrew Nelson, Rachel French, Elsie and Mabel Wille. Agnes and Elina Schuch and hthei Thayer attended the auto picnic at Crystal Lake Saturday. Lay aside your cares Sept. 1- to 15 and attend the great McHenry county fair at Woodstock. It will be worth your while. You will see good races^ good ball games, good music and mar.y other good things too numerous to mention. Come over. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid society w ill be held in the church parlors Thursday, Aug. 31. Every member is requested to be prestnt to decide all important questions to be brought up in the business meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Supper, 10 oente. Rl NO WOOD. George Andrews moved his family to McHenry last week. Leslie Francisco is spending the 'week with Leon Dodge. Wade Sanborn and wife were calling in Spring Grove Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon were at Antioch Saturday and Sunday. The Misses Smailes of Elgin spent Tuesday at H. M. Stephenson's. Gus Gratton and wife went to Racine last Saturday for a few days' visit. L. D. Todd shipped a carload of cat­ tle from this station Saturday evening. C. E. Fay and wife of Granville, 111., are visiting his mother, Mrs. Spauld- ing. John Hoffman and family of Wood­ stock visited at Ray Merchant's Sun­ day. Mesdames Ray Dodge and Louis Schrader were Richmond callers Mon­ day. A number of our town folks took in the Gollmar circus at Woodstock Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Harrison were vis­ iting out of town a couple of days this week. Miss Sarah Dodge is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Lawson, at. Park Ridge. Miss Marguerite Roggeveen of Chi­ cago is visiting with Miss Agues Dodge. Mrs. Henry Wilcox and daughter of Rockford visited at Bert McCannon's the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark of »>stend called at J. C. Ladd's Sunday. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson and Mrs. Gladia Kellogg visiuni in W<xxlstock Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. West lake of Spring Grove visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dodge Sunday. Mrs. Ward Woods and children of Lake Geneva spent Thursday of last week with Mi's. Johonnott. Mt-s. Grace McCannon an»l Lena Peet visited Thursday and Friday with relatives in Huntley and Elgin. David Shales and daughter Sarah of Wilmot spent part of last week with his daughter, Mrs. Alex Anderson. Come to the great McHenry county fair at Woodstock Sept. 12 to 15. Chil­ dren will be admitted free on Wednes­ day. Mesdames W. A. Dodge and L. W. Francisco spent Sunday and Monday with George Bacon and family at An- tiocli. Warren Foss and family, Paul Ste­ phenson and Lora Walkington attend­ ed Gollmar Bros.' circus at Lake Gene­ va Monday. August Walters of Woodstock has been here painting his farm buildings. Mrs. Walters spent Friday night and Saturday calling on old friends. Beatrice and Carolyn Randall, who have been visking friends in Ring- wood for the past three weeks, re­ turned to their home in Elgin Thurs­ day. William Smith was called by tele­ gram Sunday to Erie, Pa., on account of the serious illness of his baby daugh­ ter. Woi-d was received Monday that the child was better. Want to laugh and forget your cares and wowiesY Then see "Hello Bill" or "A Jolly Bachelor's Troubles," un­ der the "management of those well known managers, Mahara & Choate. That^ is in itself a guarantee that the entertainment will be first-class. At Central opera house Sunday, Aug. 27. The races at the great McHenry county fair to be held at Woodstock Sept. 12 to 15 are of an unusually at­ tractive character. The race for two year olds located in the county already has ent ries of eight. Harvard is going to furnish more horses for the county races than any other town so far heard from. JOHNSHIJBOa Mrs. J. C. Debrecht passed Wednes­ day in Chicago. S. H. Smith passed Thursday of last week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King were Mc­ Henry visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nett were Spring Grove visitors Wednesday. Mesdames Hubert and John S. Freund of McHenry were callers in Johnsburgh Tuesday. Math. Laures of McHenry spent Monday at the home of Joe Hettennann and w ife. Peter Williams and wife of Spring Grove were Johnsburgh visitors one day recently. Quite a number of our young folks drove to Woodstock Tuesday to attend the circus there. Dr. Nye, daughter, Rosemary, and son, Harvey, of McHenry were callers jn Johnsburgh Wednesday. Miss Barbara Schmitt is spending the week with her cousin, Miss Dena Tonian, near Spring Grove. Miss Mary Pitzen of Volo is spend­ ing several days this week at the home of her brother, Mike Pitzen. Mrs. Wm. Klein and little daughter of Ingleside spent a few days the past week among relatives in Johnsburgh. Stephen H. Freund and daughter of Nebraska are spending a few weeks among relatives irud friends in Johns­ burgh and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mic-hels and daughter, Rena, and Miss Barbara Wagener of Chicago spent Monda\ in Lake Geneva. Wednesday is children's day at the Woodstock fair. Bring them in by the wagon lo:id and give them all a good time. Remember that you were young once yourself. Bring the baby to the stutio in the morning. He feels better and brighter then and we have more time to perpetuate those cunning little dimples of his. :: Schnabel's ..Photo Studio.. THE BABY STUDIO Have your pictures framed ar­ tistically by a man who knows how. We make and sell all kinds of frames. Visitors always wel­ come. :: :: :: :: :: WEST MTOY, ILLINOIS •PKI.WJR 971 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All a>dvcrtt«eni4)nU tus*rted under this head at the following r*tet. Five lines or le*s, t& cente for flret Insertion; 15 cent* for efech subsequent Insertion. More than A?« line*, & oente a line for tirst Insertion, nd Soentca tlfu- for addition! insertions. SALE -House au«l two lots, Inquire ^ of K. J. IIani.v, \Ve«t Mo.Hcury, III. tiV_)R SALE--A good fiirru of eighty acres. Iiujulrv of i.1. W. Stknuur, Wcsi Mi-Hen­ ry State 7-tf F 'OU SAliE--A/ood, ireulle family horse. For further information apply to or ad­ dress \V. J. W', McHenry, 111. 'I'lione X-tf soa KV-Hl i*A LK-- Klver property ; liouse and four *• lots. jiiNt, north of Orchard tleaeh hotel. Inquire of U. W. Stknokr. West Mcllenry State Hank. T-tf pH)K SALK--flOeords second icrnwth onk In stove blocks, also 2T>0 oak punts, good size and seven feet long. Inquire of W. fc. Ooi,bv Spring Urove, III. 9-3t* \*7ANTED-A pair of tame young rabbits. ** Must be same age and come from same mother. For particulars address The I'i ain- ukai.kk, Mcllenry, 111. 10-tt. CH)H SALE--4ft h. p. passenger automo- E bile; Unit-class condition. For further Information address or call on J. W. ScHAKrr, K. F. I). No. 1, McHenry. Ill, 10-tf EXECUTOR S NOTRE. Estate of Jacob Schumacher, Oeceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Jacob Schumacher, deceased, late of the Oounty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear be­ fore tne Oounty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House la Woodstock, at the Oc­ tober Term, on the first Monday In October next, .tt which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate paymeut to the uuderslgned. Dated this 10th day of August., A. D. 1011. s-3t Martin F. Schmitt. Executor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Barnes & Barnes, Attorneys. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I McHenry County, f lu the County Court of McHenry County to the September Term, A. 1>. 1911. lu the matter of the final report of ) William 11. Harrison, ex-ofticio ad- ) mlnlstrator of the Estate of Allen I P. Colby, Deceased. ) To any and all persons interested In said estate: Take notice: That the final report, of the undersigned Is now on file in the Clerk's office of said Court., and that on Monday, the *th day of September, A. I). 1911, the under­ signed will ask said Court to approve of said report, order distribution, and declare said estate settled, and discharge the undersigned as such Administrator. Dated this 7th day of August, A. D. 1911. WlLMAM 11. HARHIAON. Ex-OBlcIo Administrator of the Estate of Allen I*. Colby, Deceased. K-3t NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Barnes & Barnes, Attorneys. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I _ McHenry County, ( In the Couuty Court of McHenry Oounty to the September Term, A. I). 1911. In the matter of the final report) of Barbara Eugeln. executrix of) the last will and testament of) Mathlas Engein, Deceased. ) To any and all persons Interested in said estate: Take notice: That the undersigned, exe­ cutrix of the last Will and Testameut of Mathlas Engeln, deceased, will, on Monday, the 18th day of September, A. D. 1911, at ten o'clock a. m., of said day. present to the Coun­ ty Court of McHenry County, at the oourt House In Woodstock, Illinois, her Final He- port as such Executrix, and ask that said estate be declared settled, and the uuder­ slgned discharged as such Executrix, when and where you may appear. If you see fit so to do. Dated this ffind day of August, A. D. 1911. Barbara Enoki.n, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Mathlas Engeln, Deceased. 10-3t Mrs. E. Lusk and Elsie Walton spent Thursday in Chicago. Henry Stadtfeld and W. Shaude tock in Chicago Wednesday. Robert Paddock of Charlevoix, Mich., visited his mother and other relatives the past week. Mrs. Bert Paddock and Mrs. Will Huson attended the aviation meet in Chicago Saturday. Miss Mary Raught of Libertyville has been visiting relatives and friends here the past week. Mrs. Robert Paddock is some better at this writing. A trained nurse from Chicago is caring for her. Mrs. Lee Huson entertained her friend, Miss Flora Churchill, of Liber­ tyville Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Albert Kutenburg returned to her home in Waukegan Saturday after several days' visit with relatives. Mrs. Rexis and daughter, Mrs. Geo. Ku^bler, of Des Plaines were guests at John Richardson's over Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Walton visited relatives in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Jane Con­ verse accompanied her home Sunday evening. Lloyd Williams and Robert Smith left for Des Moines, la., Thursday after several weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. Huson. 8p*nd Your Vacation In COLORADO. Special low rate round trip tickets on sale daily until Sept. 3U to Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo^ No bet­ ter place on earth to spend your vaca­ tion, and this is the time of the year when Colorado is at its best. Secure your tickets via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line. Any North Western Line Agent will gladly quote you rates, make your sleeping car reservations and give you all de­ sired information. 1̂ -11 Are You Particular. Enough About Drugl? y We like particular customers. It's a pleasure to sell to people who want qual­ ity. We buy for particular people and therefore have a stock of the best goods that the market affords. Whether you know drugs or not, you'll be protected from unworthy goods aijd unfair pric­ es when you trade with us. We con­ sider ourselves responsible for the quality of everything- we sell, whether drugs or sundries. Anything purchased here not proving satisfactory we desire to make right, either by exchanging or refunding the money. :: :: :: :: N. H. Petesch, 'Phone 274. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. fr Calves Without Milk THE 20TH CENTURY METHOD Blatctiford's CALF MEAL WiS? raise or veal calves at from one-third to one-quarter the expense oi feeding milk. Raises better calves and saves the milk. You can't afford not to use it. Used and indorsed by experimental stations and farmers all over the world. It is absolutely the only milk substitute that contains all the elements necessaay for bodily growth in the cor­ rect proportions. Pushes pigs, colts, lambs, etc., forward better and quicker than any other food. Prevents scouring. 100 pounds makes of perfect milk sii^tftute. For sale !»y Wilbur Lumber Company WEST McHENRY, ILL. TELEPHONE NO. 651 The Flour that has stood the test. A better quality Flour was never placed upon the market. The housewife who uses our product need never worry as to its results. It has that rich flavor that is so often miss­ ing in other brands. Get a sack today. It retails at $1.40 West Mm Hour <uc feed .iilh WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER. Prop. & fP We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson^Make. These Hugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality awl price. :: :: :: IKEE SEWING We still have the agency for the PreeJSewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market ̂ It's a pleasure for us to explain the|meritsof this machine|so why not drop in and let us «tell you all about it? :: :: :: - - - Jacob J us ten.. 1^

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