\ -V ;•» •T'n. ,- -~*n*y -- " ' 'T, f " • '; "- j--, ^ « y < p ™ ~w, * > STS? f # ' ;^s ^ ̂̂ ̂ r̂«? *""»* W f̂ff (?/ ? r#r «***?> Join Cole's Junior Contest Every boy is interested as soon as lie sees the excellent prizes offered in the Contest I k * • Come On, Boys and Girls! We want every boy and girl who wishes to compete in this Contest to come in right away and register their names. We will give you a booklet which will explain all about the Contest. Remember the closing date is Sept. 15th. Begin now as every day counts. 1 See the Prizes in Our Show Window THIS WILL BE A GREAT CONTEST Cat* Junior Contest Button (8MF-6) 1.3. B* • Cole's Junior Girl «r Boy (?• Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show yon why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. :: :: :: :: :: :: F. L. McOmber THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE Monday, September 4 Children's Day At McAllister's Drug Store A useful souvenir will be given to all school children visiting our store Monday, September 4, to see our new line of SCHOOL BOOKS, PEN AND PENCIL TABLETS, SPELLING BLANKS, coram Buoy Our assortment of Lead Pencils will please . the eye and your pocket book. Send the children Monday. E. V. MCALLISTER & CO. WEST McHENRY, ILL. t Ladies' low cut and strap pumps at ONR-THIRDOFF ON EVERY PAIR All good styles, :: :: :: SUMMER DRESS GOODS at very low prices during balance of this month. Don't miss yonr chance. J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh. 111. :: 'Phone 926. & It pays to advertise with us MfWMlMl rNEIGHBOR/NjitjgEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CQRliS OF CORRESPONDENTS MUMMNk 'OHNgRtBOB. C. M. Adams passed Thursday in Chi cago. Misses Kate and Mayme Frett were McHenry callers Tuesday. Joe Miller of Fox Lake is spending a few days at his home here. rs. Wm. Kattner and son of Spring Grove were recent visitors in .lohns- burgh. Mr. Esch and lady friend of Spring Grove were callers in Johnsburgh last Sunday. Jos. Hueniann and Jacob Miller were among the Chicago passengers Monday morning. Misses Regina and Matilda Freund spent several days last week with rel atives in Chicago. Mrs. John King and daughter. Kate, spent several days t lie past week with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Peter Kreundand Miss Gertrude Sohaefer were I'istakee Hay visitors last Sunday afternoon. I jew Alt hot! of l'alatine passed Sun day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Katmer of Spring Grove were guests at the home of Jacob Miller Sunday. Misses Kate Schaefer nnd Clnrn fjay of I'istakee Iiay passed Monday after noon at their homes here. John Lay of Chicago is spending a few weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lay, here. Mr.'and Mrs. John Karls of Spring Grove visited at the home of Mathins Schaefer and family Tuesday. Miss Anna Freund of Chicago has been spending several days this week at the home of C. M. Adams and fam- ily. Mi's. Wm. Meyers and children re turned home Saturday after spending a few da\s among relatives and friends in Chicago. Mrs. John Niesen entertained the KNKRfLl) PARK. H. Berkircher* is spending this week in Chicago. Miss Helen Smith spent Sunday with her parents here. R. F„ Sutton of Chicago spent Sun day at his home here. Miss Katie Knox spent a few days the past week in Chicago. Mrs. W. Blum is entertaining Mrs. I?. Suiter of Chicago this week. Miss Mary Gibbs spent the past week with Chicago relatives and friends. Mrs. John Powers of Elgin is the guf.st, of relative® here for a few weeks. Miss Elizabeth Morrisy of Dundee visited Miss Margaret Sutton Sunday. Miss Celia Powers of Elgin is spend ing this week with the Misses Sutton. Miss Nancy Frisby spent a week re cently with Elgin relatives and friends. Miss Florence Welch of Griswold Lake visited Miss Katie Knox Satur day. M iss Anna deary went to Elgin Fri day to remain a few days with rela tives. Miss Margaret Sutton went to Chi cago Monday to spend a week with relatives. Misses Anna Frisby and Mabel Granger of West McHenry were callers here Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Bonslett and children and Mrs. P. Doherty were callers at E Knox's Monday. Miss E. NeMett returned to Chicago- Monday alter spending several weeks at J. R. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Kaufer and daughter, Clare, ol Chicago are spending a few days at J. li. Smith's. S. Romano and friend. .1 De Grazia, of Chicago are spending this w<»ek with the former's mother. Mt ssrs. 1'. Aylward. Mai tin Knox and Joe and John Sutton attended the road races at Elgin Satui-da\. Miti. John Allen of Chicago spent following company last Sunday: Messrs. j several days the past week at the houie and Mesdames John S. Freund, Hubert of h<M' mother. Mrs. W. K. Burns. Michels. Jacob and John Miller, Peter Niesen, daughter, Martha, and Miss Rena Michels. TK.KKA COTTA- Eugene Leisner of Chicago visited at his home here Sunday. Miss Agnes Conway is the guest of Elgin relatives this week. Miss Emma Conway of - El^irj spent Sunday at her home here. Walter Conway spent Friday and Saturday with Elgin relatives. Miss Dorothy Walsh of McHenry is visiting at M. Knox's this week. Mrs. Royal Gracy of Crystal Lake called on relatives here Tuesday. Frank Brantingham of Chicago is spending a few days at S. B. Leisner's. F. H. Wattles and son, Howard, of McHenry called in this vicinity Thurs day. Mr. and Mi's. Thomas Powers of Mc-1 Henry spent Tuesday with relatives here. Miss Mildred Walsh of Griswold Lake spent last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chica go visited at Henry McMillan's last week. J. M. Phalin, daughter, Eleanor, and son, Thomas wen* Chicago visitors Saturday. Mi's. Knox and daughters. Frarces and Mabel, were guests of Elgin rela tives Friday. Mrs. Frank McMillan spent a recent afternoon with Mrs. David Powei-s at. Holcomhville. M iss Anna ( ahill and nephew, George Callahan, Chicago are visiting at J. M. Phalin's. Mrs. G. P- Hay of Chicago visited her sister, Min. »S. li. Lei»uer, the tirst of the week. Mrs. George W. Phjilin aDd son, Thomas, qf Alabama spent last week at J. M. Phalin's. Thomas Ames. M. Knox, ('has. La Plant and Will Conway witnessed thfe races at Elgin last Friday. Misses Mary Burke and Frances Knox and Edward Knox were Emer ald Park visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chi cago spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisaer. K1NI1WOOII. C. E. Hawley was in Elgin Monday. Walter Bradley was an Elgin visitor last Thursday. C. W. Harrison was in Kenosha Fri day of last w eek. E. C. Hawley and H. W. Allen were Chicago passengers last Fridav Mr. and Mi's. Ward Bluss uf Salem, Wis., are guests at H. \V. Allen s. One of Charles Oleson s little l>oys has been quite sick the j«o>t week. T. A- Abbott and wife of Ostend vis ited at H. W. Allen's last Thursday. Mrs. Ada Dodge and Miss Agnes McHenrv visitors last Dodge were Thursday. Mrs. Johonnott's aunt returned to her home in Madison, Wis., the tirst of last week. Mrs. Almira Dwelly of \\ oodstock visited Ringwood friends Thursday of last week. Ed. Dodge visited his sister in Elgin the last of the week and attended the auto races. Mr. Towers of Elburn, 111., has been engaged as pi^,ncipal of our school for the coming year. J. V. Bucklnqd's niece and husband from near Burlington, Wis., visited with him last week. Joe McCannon and family of Wood stock spent Saturday and Sunday with Ringwood relatives. C. E. H. Tuttle and wife went to Chicago last Friday morning, return ing to Dundee in the evening. Florence Lowell and two children of, Algonquin vfefted her sister, Mrs. Ed. Whiting, the last of the wee]*. Mr. and Mrs. Houghten drove out in their car from River Forest and were guests at P. Armstrong s Sunday. Miss Irene Frisby of West McHenry and Miss Maude Bernard of Chicago were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. E. Walsh and son. Walter, went to Chicago Wednesday to attend the wedding of E. Walsh at that place. Miss Anna Gillipsie returned to Chi cago Sunday alter spending an enjoy able vacation at the home of A. Fel- meten. W. K. Burns and son, Kenneth, 1). W. Ilill, Jas. Haxton and James and Paul Armstrong spent the week end at the Park. Mrs. Geo. Scrivner and children re turned to Chicago Monday after spend ing several weeks as guests of L. Huck and family. M rs. John Powers and daughter, Celia, and Miss Lucy Sutton spent Tuesday with the Misses Courtney at Wauconda. Mi-s. E. Knox and daughter, Gene vieve, are gue6ts at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. C. I). Whit ing, at Woodstock. M essrs. Win., Geo. and Walter Blum and M isses Gertrude and Janette Blum and friend, Anna Zaff, of Chicago were gnests at the Park Sunday. Mr. and Mi's. Andrew Gregori and son, Hugh, of Chicago returned home Sunday after sending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Sr. Mary Oswald and friend, Sr. M. Bert ill of Lyons, la , w ere guests at the home of the former's brother, P. Armstrong, a few days the past week. Wm. Sutton, who has been holding a position at the U. S. census depart ment at, Washington, D. C., resigned his }>osition and returned home Satur day evening. Miss Alice Sutton returned home Monday after spending a week in El gin. She was accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. W. D. Van Gorder, and children of Chicago. Messrs. M. and N. and Miss Bettie Stangerone, Mr. and Mrs. A. DeTrana and daughter and A. Naidi and daugh ter, Tess, of Chicago w ere guests at Oak Villa cottage Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong re turned to their home at River Forest Wednesday. Misses Ruth and Eva remained at the Park and are enter taining the Misses Alice and Ella Wheeler, Elsie Watrouse and Bernice Blum of Chicago for a few weeks. (rill A Arthur Frost of Chicago is here for a few days' visit. Mr. Ford of Chicago is a guest in the Benwell home. Miss Jessie Benwell of Morton Park is visiting relatives here. Lawrence Miller entertained friends from Milwaukee a few days recently. John Curray and family of Wauke- gan were guests in the Kirwan home Wednesday. Will Huson, Will Frost and Henry Stadtfeld attended the auto races in Elgin Saturday. Mrs. Harry Nicholls and daughter, Lavina, are visiting relatives and friends in Chicago. Misses Kathryn Frost ancf* Frances IX)we spent Tuesday in Libertyville with Mrs..A. Grandy. Mr. Baldwin and daughter, Elsie, of Chicago visited Clark Huson and fam- ilv a few days the past week. Miss Frances Dowe and brother, Arthur, of Kenosha are spending a week's vacation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson en tertained relatives and friends from Chicago and Des Plaines over Sunday. S. Blodgett and wife and W. Smith came out from Waukegan in their auto Friday for a short stay at the Paddock borne. Habit is acquired. Some will appear before our camera regu larly--others, less mindful of their friends, only at long inter vals. Get the habit and come often. :: :: :: :: :: Schnabel's ..Photo Studio.. MAKER OF PIIOTOfillAPliS THAT PLEASE Have your pictures framed ar tistically by a man who knows how. We make and sell all kinds of frames. Visitors always wel come. :: :: :: WEST M'HENRY, ILLINOIS "PHONE 971 20 HEAD MAKES FOR SALE ALWAYS ON HAND AT 1659 W. 14TB STREET CHICAGO, ILL., "PHONE 3606 CANAL Ranging in weight from 1000 to 1500 pounds. Matched teams and single. Prices from $60.00 to *250.00. All horses sold on ten days' trial and war rant. All money refunded if horse is not as warranted and freight paid both ways. Honest dealing is my motto Reasonable credit given. All horses bought of me will be delivered to -'the R. R. dei>ot free of charge. I do not sell windy or heavey horses. Gentle men wjshing farm, express, driving or general purpose horses please oall and look my horses over. I can sell cheap for I pay cash for my horses. Gentle men wishing horses and having no time to come and look them over just write me the kind of horse wanted, naming color, weight, shape, kind of wvork to be used at, also price you want^ to pay and I will use you as square as if you were in my barn yourself. I will re fund all money on horses bought and my warrant is good. I will save any person wishing a horse from $10.00 to $25.00 dollars on any horse wanted. Hoping to see all of my old customers, and as many new ones. Chicago Horse Exchange. E. M. EJ»f*LEY PROPRIETOR. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisement# Inserted utuler this head at the following rate* Kit® line* or lew, M cents for first Insertion; 16 cents for eaoh subsequent insertion. More tfcau lines, & cents a Une for tirst Insertion, nd Scents a line for addition I insertions. UM}R SALK -House und two lots, laquire " of E. J. IIanly . West McHenry, 111. IjMJK SALE--A good farm of eighty acres Inquire of C. W. 8TBHUBR. West Mclli n- rjr State Hank. 7-tf GVJK SALE--Cheap, single cylinder inotor- ^ cycle. luRoqd running order. Inquire at this office. _ 11-tf EH)KHALE Six hole kitchen stove, reser- " voir, wood and coal gmte; almost new. I nqulre at this office. TTVOU SALE A good, gentle family horse. ^ For further Information apply to or ad dress W. J. Welch , McHenry, 111. 'Phone N03. K-tf EVJR SALE Klver properly; house and four ^ lots. Just north of Orchard Beach hotel. Inquire of C. W. Stenger . West McHenry State Hank. 7-tf T3V)K SA LE--flO cords second growth oak In ^ stove bl<x'kn, also 250 oak posts, good size aud seven feet long. Inquire of W. K, Colby Spring Grove, HI. 9-31* tXTANTED A pair of tame young rabbits. " * Must be smne age and come from same mother. For particulars address Thk Pi ain- DCAI.KIl. McHenry, III. 10-lt BVJK SALE 45 h. p. five-passenger automo- ^ bile; flrst-class condition. For further Information address or call on J. W. Schartk, K. F. D. No. 1, McHenry. Ill, 10-tf NOTICE OF FINAL BETTLEMENT. Barnes & Barnes, Attorneys. STATE OF ILLINOIS, i McHenry County. t In the Count y Court of Mollenry Oonnty to the September Term, A. I). 1911. > In the matter of the final report) of Barbara Engeln. executrix of) the last will and testament of) Math las Engeln. Deceased. ) To any and all persons interested In said Take notice: That the undersigned, exe cutrix of the last Will and Testaineut of Math ins Engeln, deceased, will, on Monday, the 18th day of September, A. I). 1911. at ten o'clock a. m.. of said day. present to t he Coun ty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock. Illinois, her Final Re port as such Executrix, and ask that said estate lie declared settled, and the under signed discharged as such Executrix, when and where you may appear, if you see lit so to do. Dated this ZSnd day of August, A. D. 1911 Barbara Enokln. Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Mat hi as Engeln. Decesised. 10-3t ~ OSTEND. Miss Hazel Thomas visited with friends in Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. W. Martin of McHenry is visit ing at the home of W. F. Bassett. Mrs. Alma Thomas and daughter, Ella, spent Sunday in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Randall left Mon day for a visit with friends in Michi gan. Several from here attended the auto races at Elgin last Friday and Satur day. Misses Alice and Sylvia Richardson were camping at Lake Zurich with Attorney and Mrs. Thompson of Chi cago. The school board is making several improvements at the school house, among which is the installation of a Smit,h heating system. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Bradley of Ringwood went to Elgin last Thursday to see the mili tary encampment there. Don't forget to send that boy or girl to school next Tuesday morning. See the beautiful new line of fall millinery tt the Lotus. H"11 Tablets, Pencils, Paper and everything else in the line of School Sup plies at the drug store of N. 11. Petesch, 'Phone 274. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 4 's Calves Without IVMk THE 20TH CENTURY METHOD Biatchford's CALF MEAL Will raise or veal calves at from one-third to one-quarter the expense of feeding milk. Raises better calves and saves the milk. You can't afford not to use it. Used and indorsed by experimental stations and farmers all over the world. It is absolutely the only milk substitute that contains all the elements necessaay for bodily growth in the coi> rect proportions. Pushes pigs, colts, lambs, etc., forward better Mid' quicker than any other food. Prevents scouring. 100 pounds makes 100 gallons of perfect milk substitute. For sale by Wilbur Lumber Company WEST McHENRV, ILL. TELEPHONi: NO. OS"- i EARlY RISERl THE HOME PRODUCT FLOUR jsi F A N C Y FAMJLYf FLOUR , j . I P E n q e u . . Ar M*HCflWV IlU You will never go wrong by using the home brand. Ask the hundreds of us ers. They know. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS JOHN 5HENCER. Prop. Come Here for It While we do not claim to have a better stock of goods than the rest, we do claim and can prove it that our stock compares favorably with the best to be found anywhere, and, bet ter still, we are selling our Richardson's Rugs and Linoleums at prices that are making oth ers sit up and take notice. Our Furniture department is always complete and we are always willing to deliver the goods right at your home without extra charge. We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine which you must see to appreciate. Too many good features about this machine to enumer ate, so the best we can do is to invite you to our store and let us explain its merits to you. ..Jacob Justen.. •9 • i f