Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Sep 1911, p. 7

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~ ^ ' "« * n " U. ^ r II'Till mi 11 !' '.!,.jaiiinwnn" " * s * WHO WILL WIN THIS DANDY FOOT BALL? Several of the boys and! girls who were late entering the COLE'S JUNIOR CONTEST have more votes to their credit than those w h o e n t e r e d e a r l y . Y o u c a n y e t w i n o n e o f N the splendid prizes we offer in the contest. We want every boy and girl to try to win a prize. It is great fan If you enter in the right spirit, How Would You like to Win this Splendid Foot BtK? COME IN AND GET A COLE'S JUNIOR BUTTON Cafe's Junior Girl or Boy (806F-a> j. 3. Uycital •* Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven'to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by ealling upon us. :: :: :: :: :: :: F. L. McOmber THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE FLIES (MEAN LOSS wherever Stock is kept Conkey* Fly Knocker MEANS PEACE AND PROFIT Mm »v«ry Sly in •*•£>«. lieSpS wtlawS mmyv mud one ounce will spray two amraais. The pictlim tell the story to 'iMtfymm Bmaeshotn mJ iiwatrnm, a&Vfc,: vouR TIMC. TfclMPEK, w 0HOKEM BONES. We i.bivfo it fa quuta Sin-. half gaDom Me. erallwiB Try it «nif be couviseedL or bring' your faorue nod »i Will deuionaUttU.' it THE LAST FLY OF SUMMER BITES HARD Get a Can of COIKEY'S E. v. MCALLISTER & co. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Reduced Prices Ladies' low cut and strap pumps at ONE-THIRD OFF ON EVERY PAIR All good styles. :: :: :: :: 3U DS at very low prices during balance of this month. Don't miss your chance. J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburtfh. 111. *Phoi\e 926. mi HUM i NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS MMba KINOWOOIK B. IT. Nixon'8 mother and brother from Minnesota are visiting him. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon visited with relatives in Greenwood Sunday Clarence Tuttle and father were Chi­ cago visitors Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. August Walters of Woodstock were at their farm Satur­ day. George Bacon, wife and daughter of Antioch visited relatives here the past week. John Green of Chicago was an over Sunday guest of his brother, Jame$, and family. G. E. Adams and sister, Miss Vera, spent Friday evening with friends in Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger of Wood stock visited at the home of John Carey Saturday evening. Miss Agfles Carey is quite sick. Her sister, Miss Florence, is taking her place in the school. Misses Tina and Katie Pint of Mc Henry called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson Tuesday. Seven of our ladies attended an Eastern Star meeting at Crystal Lake last Friday evening. Edwin Johonnott, wife and little son left Saturday morning for their home in Terre Haute, Ind. Mr. Sanderson of Milwaukee visited his cousin, J. V. Kuckland, and moth­ er the last of the week. Frank Hawley, Andrew Walters, Eleanor Hawley and aunt spent Mt»n day at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs. Nancy Lawson of Park Ridge visited at the home of her brother, William Dodge, the past week. Mrs. J. I). Smith was called to Thomas Hodge's, near Richmond, Sun­ day morning on account of the illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen took Mr and Mrs. Ward Hloss to their home in Salem, Wis., last Thursday, returning Friday evening. Messrs. and Mesdames Lewis Whit­ ing and John Stecker of this place and Ed Wolkos of Oshkosh, Wis., took in the sights of Pistakee Bay Sunday. C. E. H. Tuttle came out from Chi cago Saturday with a fine new Buick auto. He and his wife drove to Maren­ go with it Sunday evening. The W. C. T. U. will hold the first meeting of the year with Mrs. Alice Peet Saturday afternoon of this week, Sept. 9. Leader, Mrs. Jennie Spauld- ing. Wm. Doherty and daughter, Miss Grace, and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Powers and children of Holcombville spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc­ Laughlin. The Ringwood butter factory is doing nicely. While some went to other places in the spring some new ones have come in since, so all is going along well. Miss Eleanor Hawley returned Sat­ urday evening from New London, la., where she has been visiting for some time. Her aunt came with her for a week's visit. It pays to advertise with us TKKKA COTTA. Henry McMillan was a recent Elgin visitor. Ed Bergman of Chicago spent the first of the week here. Miss Lillian Riley spent last week with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. Waltennan were McHenry callers Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay of Chicago is visit­ ing relatives and friends here. Miss LaNette Covalt of Crystal Lake spent Labor day at S. B. Leisner's, Miss Annie Buss spent the latter part of last week with McHenry rela­ tives. Mr. and Mrs. John Heffron of Chica­ go were recent guests in the McMillan homes. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin was entertained by home folks Sunday and Monday. Miss Cecelia Gannon of Chicago was the guest of ('has. La Plant and wife Sunday and Monday. Misses Marguerite, Genevieve and Dorothy Knox of Emerald Park called at J. M. Phalin's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Person of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. School began here Tuesday, Sept. 5, with Miss Beatrice Norris of Crystal Lake as teacher. Seventeen pupils were enrolled. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway visited with Elgin relatives Sunday. The trip was made in the former's touring car. Carl Bergman returned to his home in Chicago Monday evening after spending the summer with his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, daugh­ ter, Marjorie, and son, Thomas, Miss Anna Cahill and George Callahan of Chicago were Woodstock visitors Wed­ nesday. DANCE AT RIVERSIDE HOUSE. The young people of McHenry and vicinity will be delighted to learn that the Riverside dances will be continued a while longer and the next one of the season will take place at that resort next Saturday evening, Sept. 9. Sher­ man famous orchestra of Woodstock will be in attendance and the very best in the line of music may be expected. The proprietor of the Riverside House is well pleased with the manner in which the young people are showing their appreciation of his efforts in giv­ ing them the best in the land in the way of dancing and hopes that the at­ tendance will continue as in die past until the close of the fall season. All are cordially invited to be present at lbs mm itanir. tuiwimuib Schuch was in W oodstock O. Kline was in Crystal Lake was in Crystal Lake wis a Chicago passen- Agnes Friday. Mrs. D. Monday. Ray Lynch Wednesday. W. P. Allen ger Monday. Miss Lura Davis was a Chicago vis­ itor Saturday. Mrs. A. S. Wakefield was in Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch was a Chicago shopper Tuesday. Mrs. A. Tranah visited in Chicago part of last week. Mrs. L. Nelson is visiting her sister^ at Muskegon, Mi«h. Louis Johnson was in Crystal Lake on business Saturday. Frank Peck of Chicago was calling on friends here Wednesday. O. J. Olson and son of Chicago vis­ ited at Hans Nelson's Sunday. Mrs. French and children visited rel­ atives in Woodstock Saturday. E, S. Olmstead visited at the home of his son in Woodstock Friday. D. O. Kline and W. Cobb were vis­ itors in the windy city Tuesday. R. F. Gronzo was a Woodstock busi­ ness caller Wednesday afternoon. W. Wilcox of St. Charles called or friends here Saturday afternoon. Otto Madsen and Geo. Fautz left Monday for Michigan City. Mich. Mrs. Ritter entertained her daugh­ ter from Delavan, Wis., over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jaeobs of Crys­ tal Lake visited at A. Jacobs' Wednes­ day. A. Skinner entertained a friend from Manitowoc Saturday, Sunday and Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed and daughter, Ethel, were Woodstock callers Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Francisco and Flor­ ence visited relatives in Hebron re­ cently . Mrs. J. J. Reser and daughter, Mar­ jorie, visited relatives in c apron Wed­ nesday. Supt. E. L. Kimball of Hebron vis­ ited at the home of H. Reed Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. F. M. Risley and J. J. Reser were in Marengo on official business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs visited this week with Chas. Tackman and family at Irving Park. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and sons of Woodstock spent Monday night at R. L. Dufield's. Mrs. R. L. Dufield attended a meet­ ing of the Eastern Star at Crystal Lake Friday evening. Miss Anna Morse left Sunday to re­ sume her school duties in the central part of the state. Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, and Irvin Kennedy attended church in Woodstock Sunday. E. E. Knilans left Monday to join J. Bartz in Chicago on a land inspection tour thru Michigan Mrs. Herman Wille and son, Irvin, and Miss Rachel French visited in Crystal Lake Tuesday. Harold and Lester Castle of Austin visited part of last week with their grandfather, A. F. Davis. A party of young folks enjoyed a merry time at the home of Cecelia Bonieson Saturday evening. Misses Ruth Peterson and Nina John­ son and B. C. Berg of Crystal Lake were callers here Thursday last. Kenneth Smith returned to Chicago Saturday after spending his vacation with his grandfather, J. C. Button. R. Dygert is having cement floors laid in the barn on the Bunker farm. W. Harden of Woodstock has charge. Miss Hallie Barber left for Bald- mound Monday to spend the winter with her aunt and attend high school at Geneva. Messrs. P. B. Haughawout and L. Johnson called on Mrs. L. Johnson at the Wesleyan hospital in Chicago Wednesday. Irvin Kennedy returned to his home in Chicago Monday after a two weeks' vacation spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Mrs. F. Reed was in Elgin Wednes­ day and Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. C. M. Clark, and two children from Pasadena, Cal. School opened full force Monday morning with B. C. Berg principal and Miss Ruth Peterson primary teacher, both of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Marshall of Ma­ son, Mich., and the latter's niece, Miss Rovabeck, visited with E. S. Olmstead and Mrs. Smith from Wednesday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wheeler attend­ ed the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wheeler at Ar­ lington Heights Saturday, returning Sunday evening. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and Miss Mabel Skinner and friend, Miss Rovabeck, attended the Woodstock Presbyterian Sunday school picnic at Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Misses Martha and Emma Hoeppner of Chicago visited with their sister, Mrs. W. Weiland, recently. Emma and Willie Weiland accompanied their aunts to Chicago Wednesday for a short visit. Earl Neal, the seven-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cooper, passed away at the family home last week Friday, September 1, following an ill­ ness of three days of accute pneumonia. This was the only child of the family and the death is a particularly sad one. The bereaved parents have the sympa­ thy of the people of Ridgefield and the entire community. The little body was laid to rest in the Crystal Lake cemetery on Sunday afternoon, follow­ ing services at the Lutheran church at that place. -THE • ••" - Life old PMograpii Depends on the permanency of the paper on which it is made. Our photographs are made on the best and most permanent papers manufactured--guaran­ teed, in fact. :: :: :: Schnabel's ..Photo Studio.. Have your pictures framed ar­ tistically by a man who knows how. We make and sell all kinds of frames. Visitors always wel­ come. :: :: :: :: WEST H'HENRY, ILLINOIS 'PHONE 971 Opera : House Sun., Sept. 10 LATEST AND BEST MOVING PICTURES AN INDIAN DRAMA "The Mother Arrowplane" COMEDY All Seats, 10c WALKER MOTOR BOAT Ndvfgdtar m Neptuie The Navigator will make no more regular trips this sea­ son, but the boat is at your service at any time that ap­ plication is made for trips to all points along the river, the chain of lakes and Wil- mot, Wis. Call 'phone 494. (apt. Frederick Belter Capiain CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All •dvertioemeota Inserted under thin tiuad at th« following rat**: F1T« ltn«.n or lew, M c«ntn for Brst lnnertlon; lk tenia for each subsequent Insertion. Morw Man Ave lines, 6 cents a line for first Insertion, nd 1 oents a line for addition I Insertions F°S and two lots. Inquire of E. J. Hanl,y, West McHenry, III. F°£ SALE-- Bow boat and small heuting stove. 8. li. Colby, Mcllenry, 111. 12-lt "CVJK HALF,--A good farm of eighty »cr»w. E Inquire of C. W. StbisuKB, West Mclleu- ry State Bank. 7-tf T^Ott 8ALE-0heap, single cylinder motor- cycle. In good running order. Inquire at this office. ll-tf F OK SALE--A good, gentle family horse. For further information apply to or n<l- s W. J. Welch, McHenry, III. 'Phone dress 803. h-tC I7MJR SALE-- ttlver property; house and four ^ lots, just north of Orchard Beach hotel. Inquire of O. W. Stjcnqkk, West McHenry State Bank. "-tf A U TO MOBILE FOB SALE--Bambler run- about with top and lamp; in good condi­ tion; |100. Apply to C. A. Cohas, Emerald Park, Sept. 9 and 10. 12* FOB SALE- 15 h. p. five-passenger automo­bile; flrst-clas* condition. For further Information address or call on J. W. ScHABrr, K. F. D. No. 1, McHenry. Ill, 10-tf |3U>B UENT--Either for cash or shares, my 240-itcre farm, located about 1H miles northwest of McHenry. inquire of or write Mh8. Nick Bohb, McHenry, 111. The passenger boat "Navigator will leave the Riverside pier at 10:00 a. m. tomorrow, Friday, for Scotty's landing, Fox Lake, where a train may be taken for the Libertyville fair. Fare, 50 ceats each way. 12-1 *?;•?, v ' M l Tablets, Pencils, Paper and everything else in the line of School Sup­ plies at the drug store of N. H. Petesch, 'Phone 274. - McHENRY, ILLINOIS. " 'J' £%> • " i : • Calves Without Mtik THE 20TH CENTURY METHOD BiatcKford's CALF -Mi Will raise or veal calves at from one-third to one-quarter the expense of feeding milk. Raises better calves and saves the milk. You can't afford not to use it. Used and indorsed by experimental stations and farmers all over the world. It is absolutely the only milk substitute that contains all the elements necessaav for bodily growth in the cor­ rect proportions. Pushes pigs, colts, lambs, etc., forward better and quicker than any other food. Prevents scouring. 100 pounds makes 100 gallons of perfect milk Substitute. For sale by WMbur Lumber Company WEST McHENRY, ILL TELEPHONE NO. J) Sftl i M i >: mi & ! (? EARLY RISER THE HONE PKUVUCT FLOUR U ' - H E N R You will never go wronglby using the home brand. Ask the hundreds of us­ ers. They know. / J . S P E W C E J T - WW Milienry Flout di' M Milk WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. 'ifl >11 V '.'j • • • While we do not claim to have a better stock of goods than the rest, we do claim and can prove it that our stock compares favorably with the best to be found anywhere, and, bet­ ter still, we are selling our Richardson's Rugs and Linoleums at prices that are making oth­ ers sit up and take notice. Our Fnrniture department is always complete and we are always willing to deliver the goods right at your home without extra charge. We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine which you must see to appreciate. Too many good features about this machine to enumer­ ate, so the best we can do is to invite you to our store and let us explain its merits to you. Jacob Justen.. f . . .M . O

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