Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1911, p. 5

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•./w~.s H 'Mi-?: '4 f!UW"W 1 fW Brings Prompt Aid in Case of Fire THE farm buildings are often at the mercy of flames. A minute's time gained at the outbreak of a fire, meant saving the property. A call on the Bell Telephone saves the precious minutes. The far-sighted farmer appreciates its pro­ tection as well as its economic value. The best time to join the army of progres­ sive farmers is NOW. Consult our local manager. C H I C A G O T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y ̂S V: ALL KINDS ALL STYLES AND PRICES The Peninsular Line AND The Round Oak Line The Two Very Best in the Stove Family F. L. THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE ckSIiig and Canning Helps.... CANNING mm ••I y jMSSSiS,- FLIES wherever Slock 18 Contey's Fly Knocker MEMS f^tACr PROFIT KiKb mvmry fly Sfe Wte. tkwsfw wtberti twajr, and om oanc* will spraj few® TlitpictarMtalltba •ttefrv feo ikMtrgwten M»s&nhoen and HhrsmMn. SAVE YOUR TIMK, 1 TEMPER, an* BROKKM BONKS. We ?i8ve »f ia ejsafftE is5e„ half k*11oius # graHame 11.09. Try it and bfci eoavirittxl., wi brimr jruur bom wu 9 "» wewflftanamtntalt. " ^ SEALING WAX CINNAMON CLOVES DILL SEE! CURRY POWDER MUSTARD SEED TOMfflC Get a Can of v irw cs » E. V. MCALLISTER & CO. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Am IF YOU are to make bed comforters or blan­ kets and need Cotton Batts, call on us, We have Cotton Bats of all sises, from one*half pound to four pounds each. The prices from 10c to 95c per batt. They are all good quality, full weight and size. Come early and have your choice. :: :: J. C. Debrecht 61 Co. Johnsburgh. 111. :: IPHone 926. It pays to advertise with us NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE corps of correspondents rimowood. J. S. Brown was a Chicago Monday. Mrs. Julia Francisco is visiting' Mrs. Edith McCannon. Miss Eleanor Hawley spent Sunday with Elgin relatives. Mrs. C. E. H. Tuttle is in Chicago this week for medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bassett of Chi­ cago were over Sunday guests at H. W. Allen's. Mrs. Lucinda Francisco of Woodstock is spending a few days with Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. J. C. Ladd and wife and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith attended the Libertyville fair last Friday, Mi's. Eva Wagner of West McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence. The W. C. T. U. meeting at Mrs. Alice Feet's was a very pleasant meet­ ing and well attended. A goodly number of the parents and school children attended the county fair Wednesday, that being children's day. Misses Lora Walkington. Eleanor Haw 1 ey and mother and Mrs. E. T. Chase were McHenry visitors Tuesday afternoon. Rert McCannon and family. Mrs. Emina Matthews and Mrs. Julia Fran­ cisco spent Sunday at Charles Shales' near Richmond. VJuite a number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. I'eggy ilodge near Richmond last Thursday. She will be missed In her many friends in this vicinity. ' The Tale of a Coat" at the Central Sunday, Sept. 17. This company is at Woodstock this week, giving the best of satisfaction, with high class vaude­ ville acts. Seat sale at Petesch's. 13 VOLO. Anna Rossdeutcher of Wauconda is spending a few days here. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowel 1, Wednesday, Sept. »>. a son. Mr. and Mi's. Albert l'addock were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mrs. WTi!l Montgomery and son, Roy. of Chicago visited relatives here Mon­ day. Miss Hiedendorf of our village is the guest of relatives in Chicago for a few days. Mrs. H. Nichols and Livoni returned from Chicago Saturday alter a several weeks' visit.1 Mrs. Mary Noonan of McHenry spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs. J. Stadtfeld. Arthur Frost returned to Chicago Sunday after a two weeks' vacation with relatives and friends. Arthur Stanford and sister, Mary, returned Monday from a few days' visit with friends in Kalamazoo, Mich. Miss Ressie Dunnill left for Brooklyn, New York, Wednesday to visit her brother, Charley, and olher relatives. The corner-stone of the new Catholic church at Round Lake was laid Sunday afternoon. Rev. Riss and A. Heis- man from here attended the services. Miss Kathrvn Frost, accompanied by Mr. and Mi's. H. Ford and son, liudd, of Cary, motored to Crystal Lake Sun­ day, where they spent the day with friends. OSTKNn. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Rainey of Ring- wood were Sunday callers in this vi­ cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin attended the Lake county fair at Libertyville last Thursday. Roy and Sadie Hobart entertained a number of friends at a barn dance at their home last Friday evening. Emil Thomas leaves for Champaign Tuesday morning, where he wiii take a course in engineering at the Univer­ sity of Illinois. Mi's. Clara Harrison and Mi-s. Ed. Martin of Woodstock visited at the home of the former's son, Cuy Harri­ son, last Tuesday. Miss Hazel Thomas entertained Misses Florence. Maude and Fanny Granger, Hettie Randall and Phil Aylward last Friday evening. | PROBATE NEWS j I [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract ifniit.s Office in Ar- M| 11 lift' Al>- Uoniputiy, Woodstock. Ill nold Block, east side pul stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones fWH. HOS and #11 1 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of John Dwight Clinton Gaylord. Proof of death & petn for lettei-s of adminis­ tration filed & approved. C. E. Gay- lord appointed administrator. Bond $1000. llohert J. Sutton. Request for ap­ praisers filed. marriage licenses. Frank W. Pana, 47... - ... .Fulton Nellie IjQucjenbeck, ,'17 Marengo Michael J. Retterath, 2ti.Spring Grove Rosa Wagrner, 20 " " tlt-nry A- Conerty, 38 - ..Denver, Colo Julia M. Shattles, 2ti.. .Hampshire, 111 John Grant, 22 Chemung Marion King, 18. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Chas. 9. Northrop, Attorney. Estate of Robert J. Sutton, Deceased. The underslened having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Robert J. Sut­ ton. deceased, late of the County of McHenry iukI State of II limits. hereby gives notice that lit- will appear tiefore the County Court of »h-Henry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the November Term, on tin first Monday In November next, at whirli < itise all persons having claims against snid Ksi ate are notllled and requested to attend "or the purpose of having the same adjusted All persons indebted to said Estate are re- (im'sted to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this9th day of September, A. 1). 1911. lit-Jt Edward R. Sdtton, Administrator. Irvin, and •« callers at and family • \ . a t t h e E. Cadwallader was a Woodstock caller Saturday. Mrs. D. O. Kline was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. Tegtmire went to Crys­ tal Lake Wednesday. A. Peterson and son, George, were Elgin visitors Sunday. Mrs. F. Wille is slowly recovering from her recent illness. Chas. Wandrack, state food inspect­ or, was in town Thursday. W. W. Strahler of Chicago was a caller at the manse recently. P. Nelson and wife spent Sunday with relatives near McHenry. Mrs. Frank Muflley and son, Mason, of Woodstock were here Friday. Elsie Wille and Mabel Kline went to Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Misses Emma and Clara Eichkoff of WToodstock called on friends here re­ cently. Miss Eva Austin of Woodstock visit­ ed with Rev. and Mrs. Giesselbrecht Friday. Walter Cobb and Ed Anners were business callers at Crystal Lake Wed­ nesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Y a n k e a n d son, Vernon, were visitors at Powers Lake recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Cooper are spending a few days with Woodstock relatives. Bob Knilans returned from a land seekers' tour in the wilds of Michigan Tuesday morning. Mrs. H. Wille ahd son. Miss French were busines the Lake Thursday. Mr. and Mi's. A. Hanson spent Sunday near If nut I home ol L. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waterman and son, Henry, of Seneca visited at the parental home here Sunday. Mrs. Monroe and daughter, Florence, of Woodstock visited with Ridgelield friends Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson on Sunday entertained E. H. Hansen and sister Bettie, and Helding Olson of t 'rystal Lake. Mr. and Mi's. Lyman Levey visited with the former's parents Wednesday and Thursday, Mrs. Levey remaining for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Emery and daugh­ ter, Olive, and George Harden of Woodstock visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wrap and two children of Crystal Lake spent Satur­ day afternoon and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Broderman. Herman.Irish and little daughter of Harvard visited Sunday with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Irish, also his sister, Mrs. A. Levey, and family. Mrs. C. M. Clark and two children of Pasadena, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. M ax Baldwin and children, also Earl Borden, of C'arpentersville, were re­ cent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mix. Fred Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jewett of Har­ ris, Mo., are visiting relatives in Ridge- tield and Woodstock. Mr. Jewett is a nej»eew of Mi's. George Irish and Mrs. Sarah Wakefield. The Cemetery association will give a picnic dinner at Crystal Lake, near the ice house, Thursday, Sept. 21, weather permitting; if not, the ladies will me.a with Mrs. A. Jacobs. Floyd Morse has sold his farm to a Chicago party. John Peterson has pur­ chased a farm near Seneca. Mr. An­ derson will move to Mrs. S. R. Smith's farm and C. H. Dulield will go West in the spring. P. B. Haughawout and L. Johnson sited Mi-s. L. Johnson at the Wes)cy­ an hospital in Chicago Sunday. Mr. Haughawout, Mrs. Johnson's father, returned Tuesday, and, as her condi­ tion permitted, Mrs. Johnson returned with him on the 6:06 in the evening. JOHNSBIIROM. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pitzen enter­ tained a company of relatives and friends one day recently. Those pres­ ent were: Messrs. and Mesdames John Pitzen, William Oeftli^g, Michael Schaefer, Ben Schaefer, Fn^nk Miller, Jacob A. Miller, John Meyers, Otis Murray, A. Mueller; Misses Lizzie Miller, Laura Miller, Mary and Rosa Pitzen: Messrs. Peter Schaefer. Peter Oettling and Anton Miller. A fine time was had by all. Wre are all going to get our cotton batts for those bed ©comforters from Debrecht's. Aren't yo,uV Well, you ought to! Tbey have all kinds, you can get any siae you want and the prices they have on them are not high either, especially when you eoasider the quality. lS-lt Miss Lizzie Miller and Mrs. Michael Pitzen and daughter, Rivera, visited Mrs. Jacob A, Miller last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nealson of Pis- uikee Bay passed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mi's. Jos. H. Huemann. For a square deal and a quick sale list your property with C. E. Gaylord, West McHenry, 'phone 414. Oct. 1 Pall opening of the Lotus millinery ob Saturday! Sept. 23. 13-lt I DAN FUND STILL GROWING. To satisfy the interested ones The Plaindealer this week takes the pleas­ ure of publishing additional contribu­ tors to the Fox river dam fund. These contributors' names have never been published and their donations will swell the total amount considerably: Valvoline Oil Co.. . $ 25.00 Salvator Romano. 35-50 Joe Michels 5.00 Cicera Gun & Sporting' club 10.00 Dr. McBurnev 25.00 B. P- Horton 24.00 Net proceeds of dance 16.25 Over and al>ove boat raffle value 192.55 The last named item refers to the boats donated by the Hunter Boat con - jany. The boats were valued at $400 00. The sale of raffle tickets amounted to *562.55, just *192.55 more than the value of the boats. The committees are still at work and a&Htional donations »re looked (or. -THE- Life of a Phot Depends on the permanency of the paper on which it is made. Our photographs are made on the best and most permanent papers manufactured--guaran teed, in fact. :: : Schnabel's % ..Photo Studio.. Have your pictures framed ar­ tistically by a man who knows how. We make and sell all kinds of frames. Visitors always wel­ come. :: :: :: :: :: IV. ILLINOIS ( f> I i! v 'Si S %*ii c F! Rfl R Sun., Sept. 17 Arthur Gillespie's Players ?®!pf THE TALE OF a COAT SPECIAL Vaudeville FEATURES FRANK HOWARD Author and comjnjser of famous songs ROSE VINCENT Prima Donna par excellence CAROLINE DAVIES Singing Comedienne--the latest mo­ ment in catchy songs BILLY MURRAY Clever Entertainer, direct from Lon­ don Music Halls PRICES, : 25, 35, SO WALKER MOTOR BOAT ftl*u2A>tAi' mil kiAA mm^otui QIIU nepiuiie The Navigator will make no more regular trips this sea­ son, but the boat is at your servioe at any time that ap­ plication is made for trips to all points along the river, the chain of lakes and Wil- mot, Wis. Call 'phone 494. (dpt. FreoeritK Belter Captain CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All fcdvt*rtisemecitu tnwrted under this hefcd at the following •*»!«•: 11dm or Idm, M centa (or first taaertton; U cents for each aubnequent Insertion, loretluui five 11dm, t o«nta a line (or (lrat Insertion, nd 3 centa a line (or addition! Insertions. pMJR SALE-- House and two lots. Inquire ' of E. J. Hahlt, West McHenry. 111. F°" .SALE--Row bout and small heating stove. 8. H. Coi.Br, McHenry, III. 12-lt ttvoR SALE--A good farm of eighty acres. E Inquire of C. W. STKNQER, WestMcJIeu- ry State Bank. 7-tf TX7ANTED--A (jlrl at the McHenry House. Inquire of or write Mas. J. C. Bickleb, McHenry, III. 18-tf WANTED-Ten men for common labor. Will pay (2 per day. Call at once. GEO J. Saybb. IMstakee Bay. 13-1 LOST--Ou roud between McHenry and Spring Grove, a rubber boot. Finder will ulease leave at this office and receive re­ ward. IJXOR SALE--River property ; house and four •P lots. Just north of Orchard Beach hotel. Inquire of C. W. 8ticiigicb, West McHenry titate Bank. 7-tf OR SALE -45 h. p. live-passenger automo- bile; tirst-ciass condition. For further Information address or call on J. W. ScHABrr, R. F. D. No. 1. McHenry. Ill, 10-tf F AUTOMOBILE RUNABOUT FOR SALE-- •t\ |ioo or less takes It; In good condition Must sell this week, do not www to take It back to City. 0. A. Cobam, Emerald Park 18 (f Tablets, Pencils, Paper and everything else in the line of School Sup­ plies at the drug store of N. H. Petesch, Phone 274. McHBNRY, ILLINOIS. cF"' - f : t < . Calves Without THE 20TH CENTURY METHOD RlA4|^kfAi*#l>e ^Jll CT BIC11 Will ra ise or veal calves at from one-third to one-quarter the v of feeding milk. Raises better calves and saves the milk. You can't afford not to use it. Used and indorsed by experimental stations and farmers all over the world. It is absolutely the only milk substitute that contains all the elements necessaay for bodily growth in the cor­ rect proportions. Pushes pigs, colts, lambs, etc., forward better and quicker than any other food. Prevents scouring. lOO pounds makes 100 pllons of perfect milk substitute. For sale by * Wilbur Lumber Comparty WEST McHENRV, ILL. TELEPHONE NO. 651. & While we do not claim to have a better stock of ^oods than the rest, we do claim and can prove it that our stock compares favorably with the best to be found anywhere, and, bet­ ter still, we are selling our Richardson's Rugs and Linoleums at prices that are making oth­ ers sit up and take notice. Our Furniture department is always complete and we are always willing to deliver the goods right at your home without extra charge. We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine which you must see to appreciate. Too many good features about <his machine to enumer­ ate, so the best we can do is to invite you to our store and let us explain its merits to you. ..Jacob Justen.. 1 1 I AND LUNCH ROOM- ery The best in the land. That is the verdict returned by the army of patrons of this place. Of course, it's the best. We are not apprentices at the business, but claim to be thoroly acquainted with every detail connected with the business. That is why our bread and pastries are giving such excel­ lent satisfaction. Remember, we never pass out any stale stutf. Everything fresh--we t|ike every day. Try us. :: 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION G1VKN TO THE SALS OF Dressed Beef, rtutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price list* forniahed on application. COLO STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3. Palto« St. Whonits Market. » . . * A . .} M

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