•* fi Vgi.l. •""' Ti 400 fSUltS ( J <> •' v;..;.' .jvPfc * Comprises our stock, ©f Fall Clothing for Men and Boys $14,00 to-fS-00/ i| price to select the Garment that meets ydtir choice. CaU and inspect the line and we will show yon how to ^ SAVE S5.00 i ' on a Suit or an Overcoat JOS, W. FREUND WEST McHENRV, PHONE 3<»3 GETTING CHILLY! Of course it's getting chilly and it's going to keep right on getting chilly. That's the reason why we have laid in a big stock of Underwear for Men, Women and Chil dren--the kind that will keep you warm and comfortable. A good way to save doc tor's bills is to keep your body comfortable during the cold weather. Let us supply you witfi Underwear this year. We will guarantee you satisfactory goods at satis factory prices. What more can jou ask? JOHNSTOFFEL WEST McHENRY TELEPHONE 301 Irrigated IMW JU3ES or FRUIT AND WHEAT MTOS NOW OKM FOR BOffi SEEKERS IN SOUTHERN MM! where the land will yield from 35 to 69 bushels of wheat per acre and from 80 to 125 bushels of oats, from 80 to 110 bushels of barley per acre, from 359 to 650 bushels of potatoes to the acre, from 7 to 10 tons of alfalfa to the acre and r£HB BEST FRUIT COUNTRY IN THE UNITED STATES and sells at $50.50 per acre on the yearly install ments. That is, you pay $3.00 per acre down and 25 cents per. acre to the state and then you have twelve years to pay the balance in. I also have many improved stock ranches that have from 10 to 40,000 acres of government range adjoining it. It has plenty of good water and good I soil, favored hv short winters. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY when money is the closest for you can always buy at half price. Now is the time to see the land because you can see just what you are getting and what the land is producing and convince yourself that this is the proper time to buy. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE AND SEND TEN CENTS TO PAY POSTAGE ON LITERATURE. Address, 1 HENRY flAPES RICHFIELD, IDAHO. AT REDUCED PRIG! We have many remnant® and small pieces of Bum mer Dress Goods to dispose of in the next two weeks at Greatly Reduced Prices Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Oxfords in popular shades and shapes at A Saving to You Straw Hats, in common and fine dress shapes, n: •• up to flsite goods.. At Cost GROCtKiES OF THE FOREST AND BEST QUALITIES Try our 50c Tea. None better. Coffee at 25c, oOc and 35c per pound. Special prices in large quantity. FLOUR--Early Riser, Drum Repub lic and Seal of Minnesota. Corn Meal, Graham, •Kye, Whole Wheat and Spencer's Breakfast food Goods delivered promptly. 'Phone 343. M. J. WALSH. •;»*: •. . . - • t --t J%8Sf 3£&MJ fiSPOKT ItMl SB1 f HMS AMI AnfMNukc NORBElt 296. j'TnaT patM EnroHtnent: iky*, (3d; total, 90. ~ , No. bi days attendance: Boye, 359J; girls, 226; total, 567£. No. of dajjp absenoe: Boys, 15|̂ girlS, I; total, 18*. Oases of taitUneM: Boys, 3; girls, 2; total, 5. * „ Average daily attendance for grade, 128.36.- 3 No. of pvtptle rknking %bove 90in industry, 8. $jfo. neither absent nor tardy, IS. SBCOTTD GRADE. Enrollment: Roys, 8; girls, 13? total, ,21. No. of days attendance: Boys, 152i; girls, 250f; total, 403. No. ofdaysabseiwe: Boys. 7|; girls, H; tot&, 9. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0; total, 0- ' Average daily attendance for grade, 19.65. No. of pupils ranking above 90 In in dustry. 5. No. neither absent nor tardy, 13. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of eaviBS of truancy for room, 0. Mrs. M. Overton, Teacher. THIRD GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 13; girls, 5; total, 18. No. of days attendance: Boys, 2311; - 1 ««WV1 ft 1419, 99j l/OWbl, MVf. • No. of days absent: Boys, 25$; girls, 1; total, 2$}. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls> 0; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 16.625. No. of pupils ranking above 90 In in dustry, 6. No. neither absent nor tardy, 9. FOURTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boy*, 11; girls, M; total, 22. No, of dayg attendance: Boys, 212$; gifts, 210|; total, 423*. No. of days absence: Boys, .71; girls, total, 16f. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, 2; total, 3. A versus daily ziizziizxizz for grade, 21.162. No. of .pupils ranking above 90 In in dustry, 13. No. neither absent nor tardy, 10. No. of %ase8 of corporal -punishment for room, 1. No. of capes of truancy for room, 0. Clara V. Stoffel, Teacher. FIFTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 7; girls, 10; total, 17. \ No. of days attendance: Boys, 107; £rls, 185*; total, 292*. No. of days absence: Boys, 8; girls^, (ft total", £7*. * Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 1; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 14.81. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 15. No. neither absent nor tardy, 6. SIXTH GRADE. , Enrollment: Boys, 14; girls, 12; total, 26. No. of days attendance: Boys, 256*; girls, 217*; total, 474. No. ofdaysabsenoe: Boys, 11; girls, 6*; total, 17*. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 2; girls, 0; total, 2. Average daily attendance for grade, 23.7. No. of pupili ranking above 90 in in dustry, 22. No. neither absent nor tardy, 15. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0, No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. * Kathryn L. Knox, Teacher. SEVENTH GRADE- Enrollment: Boys, 13; girls, 15; total, 28. No. of days attendance: Boys, 293; girls, 298*; total, 541*. No. of days absence: Boys, 7; girls; U; total, 8*. Cases of tardiness: Beys, 1; girls, 1; total, 2. Average daily attendance for grade, 27. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 7. No. neither absent nor tardy, 17. EIGHTH GRADE. * Enrollment: Boys, 6; girls, 7; total, 13. No. of days attendance: Boys, 10?*; girls, 13$*; total, 306. No. of days absence: Boys, 2{ girls, 1*; total, 3*. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0; total, 0. Average daily attendance for grade, 12 plus. No. of pupils ranging above 90 in' in dustry, 6. No. neither absent nor tardy, 12. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Mrs. E- D. Martin, Teacher. NINTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 9; girls, 16; total, 25. No. of days attendance: Boys, 173*: girls, 304; total, 47t*. No. of days absence: Boys, 6*; girls, 16; total, 2^*. Case* of tardiness: Boys, 3; girls, 1; total, 4. Average daily attendance for grade, 23.8. . v I No. of pupils tanking a^p^ SO in in dustry, 2Q„ • " No. neither absent nor >tardy, 11. TENTH GRADE. Enrollment: jBiojrs,.5; girls, 12; total, No. of days attendance: girls, 2351; total, 331|. No. of days absence: Bays,-4; girls,r 4*; total, 8*. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 3; girls, 1; total, 4. Average daily attendance for grade, 16 plus. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in* dustry, 14. .. No. neither absent nor tardy, 7. . No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Agnes A. Perry, Teacher. ELEVENTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 1; girls, 8; total, 9. No. of days attendance: Boys, 20; girls, 154*; total, 174*. No. of days absence: Boys, 0; girls, 5*; total, 5*. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0; t6tal, 0. Average daily attendance for grade, 8.7. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 9. No. neither absent nor tardy, 4. TWELFTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 3; girls, 6; total, 9. No. of days attendance: Boys, 57*; girls, 117; total, 174*. No. of days absenoe: Boys, 2*; girls, 3; total, 5*. f Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, 0; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 8.7. No. of pupils -ranking above 90 in in dustry, 9. No. neither absent nor tardy, 2. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. REPORT OF ALL GRADES. Enrollment: Boys, 108; girls, 127; total, 235. No. of days attendance: Boys, 2047; girls, 2449; total, 4496, No. of days absence: Boys, 97; girls, 62; total, 159. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 15j firte, 8; total, 23. Average daily attendance for school, 224.8. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 133. No. neither absent nor tardy, 120. No. of cases of corporal punishment for school, 1. No. of cases of truancy for school, 0. A. Edgar Nye. Superintendent. PIANO YUMA. An opportunity oi Having your piano put in first-class condiitioa. Mr. Mayr, expert piano tuner and repairer, hav ing tuned pianos in and around Mc- Henry for the past eight years and proved Baiuwaciory, wiii be in McHen- ry and surrounding country from now on during the summer months. Prioe, per tuning, $3.00. Address all communi cation to FRANK J. MAYR, Plaindealer McHenry, 111. Headquarters v for school supplies. N. H. Petesch, the Centerville drug- fist. I4rtf For a square deal and a quick sale list your property with C. E. Gaylord, West MoHenry, 'phone 414. Oct. 1 Pencils, pens and Petesch's drug store. pen holders at 14-tf The postoffioe department is becom ing more striEgent in requiring that all rural routes must be served in its entirety. Heretofore during winter storms and the rainy weather in the spring, the carriers would not always make the entire route each day, and were allowed their regular pay, if they covered the greater part of their routes, after all reasonable attempts. But now the department will make reductions in the carrier's pay upon any partial failure each day. A reduction will be made for each partial failure in the following cases: Whenever the partial failure may be attributed to the condition of the carrier's stock or equipment, or is due to his failure, in stormy weather or in time of high water or bad roads, to use every endeavor to serve his entire route by traveling every road avail able; whenever the failure is due to lack of interest in the service «jr mis conduct on the part of the carrier, sickness, or any personal nature to the easier. Upon reaching an obstructed point, a stream which is unfordable or a bridge which cannot be crossed, he should make such deviation from the official line of travel as to avoid the obstruction. If this is not possible he must return immediately to the past- office and start out in the opposite direction. Whenever, after leaving the postoffice, the carrier finds tfiat he cannot reach his route, he must travel some other roads, altho they way be covered by another .carrier, and make every endeavor to serve the patrons. The excuse that the roads are slippery or too hard to travel will not be con sidered, as each carrier must be equipped to serve his route under all conditions of roads or weather. L. T. H$Y SWORN ». States Marshal Lumen T. Hey six? po succeed himself by Jpdgre 6$9rge A• P^rpeptep gt the Unite# States eourt M§nJ#y. As soon ss he took the oath, wfriph is far second term, Mr, Hoy re^rp^ to his office and swore in bis deputies, ^fte deputies who took the-oath were; John P. Wolf, chief deputy; George Q. Allen, Otis E. Bergeson, Thomas Middle ton, E. C. Cook, Joseph T. Buckner, Wm. H, Griffith, Jr., Charles Sohrimpl, C. P. Ooeptfeer, £, T. Donovan, W. H. Wilmot, Edw&rg g. M&rs»les, Ejiwin Northrop, A. $, 0#14er} WiHi#W W> CreeJey, John Gilbooiy, fYinlpv'- Rdward W«h«fjf>r *q<§ Hergjft" ^ T « r r -- t-rfffi- T I*.1 Hf ! W^T llll'tl F. Ranke. Mi't Hit Itotf l»«i«r It fisirantMd t§ b§ a i«n«y Ittir ft 1® auanmtwMl to wv# * tlilM <n fta»I ww any lower draft *lo«i of tim g»m* mlm, una we h«v« a from ih# Cole Mai*uf«eturinar Gf», ti tills affect Bwidw ibis, Cola'a Met Bluei burn* any kind of fuel, mt% • efcai llKUites bard coal, erunhei Wood or cob*. Don't watt until the mtsiiuw. to well on mi<i the cold we«.thi»r le here b«for# investigating the merlte- Of this remarkable heater. W« ligiv^ them on hand and will ba gl«4 te siww them to you. Thf prlot runa from UJ.0® upw ^ aB-14). .',sm ^ ?§*** p ^ ^ - J* t - • ratat D? PRICES P. A. B0HLANDER General Merchandise •0DTES MUST K SntVEP ORIBRJU. MAIL CAKMIElt SOmMS ME- WJCTlOlf IN PAY. Capital Stock, $*5,000. Something lor a Rainy Day is most desirable, pro viding it's useful. The "rainy day" of "mid life, " as of "old age," is sure to overtake you if you live. How is your Savings Bank Account? That's a serious question. Perhaps you have neglected opening one--if so, see us, open an account here and deposit money at this Savings Bank. ....Safety Deposit Boxes, $3.00 Per Year -OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagner, Pres. C. H. Fegers, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. =SV Frotept ypijr cattle lyitfc Stand? ard Fly Shy, for sajp exclusively bytta. ;; :: JUST ARRIVED--A carload of McCormick Corn Harvesters and Twine. By giving us your order early w© can serve yon better. WM. STOFFEL Phones: Res'^ir^e^et. CleaM* Item* oi. B. Parle- ftMa tf ill ie 541, « IRcn'tVliie shoes, men's fine Hats, men's Vine gaps, ml furnishings SWEATER COATS They ;ara heroj for Men, Ladies and Children Mid the quality' and prify? }s - absolutely the best we have ever shown. ;; li ;> " :: :: Ladies* all wool Sweater Coats, V mek, T&U cplfcr, dou ble and single breasted, ootof« cardinal, and white S3.50 to S7.00 Men's up-to-.date Sweater Coats in all tlie popular sliades and weaves, at prices ranging from.. SOC $5«00 Children's all wool Sweater Coats si.oo Children's all wool Sweater Coata, roll collar.. $ 1,75 Odds and Ends to dose by value. si.oo SPICIAL VALUES Megfe&pfr Dr*fe.$if$eB jjist received, up-to-date tde. fine qualfty, at S3.00 and $3.50 Ladies' f^t&cpafcs, sp§ci^J 69C Stamps Fjecp^, si}k ^nd lacjp 2SC Fujl sis© Bppjlppe^ edge Ped Sprees- TJiis spread is a regular 14.00 guilt. They were sUghtly spiled, so'the manufacturer loet t^e money, we didn't. On •S€tl£' \Vliil0 they last ftt , S2.50 All Ladies' Oxfords sold at $2.25, $2.75 and $8.00 to cloaetnow afr. si.75 All Men's $4.00, $4.50 and $5.60 Oxfords to close now at , S2.95 4/