Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1911, p. 4

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BUT THEY DO CUT A FIGURE IN MAKING HIM A A Tailor-made Suit always fits. A ready-made one loses its shape very soon. Look about you on a Sun­ day and see the difference between store clothes and TAILORED. SUITS. You can see--you never remarked the difference, m^ybe; 'tis there and you can see it. :: :: Tai'ored Suits, $16.00 up |ANY MAN CAREFUL OF HIS APPEAR­ ANCE WANTS HIS CLOTHES: FIRST: UP-TO-DATE IN sail: PERFECT IN FIT AND WfllKPMSilP " TBIP: MADE OF THE BEST POSSIBLE MATERIA?, CONSISTENT WITH Hi SIZE OF US POCKET BOOK A well tailored, well trimmed is cheaper than a poorly trimmed ready- made one. The difference in looks may be noticed two blocks away. :: s: Tailored Overcoats, $16 up I Will Guarantee tyle, Perfect ship in fit and finish in any material at a lower price than any man in the business within 100 miles. Give me a chance and I'U prove it. My rent is lower than city rents and I am willing to give you the benefit of my thirty-five years' experience for less than any competitor. Give me your next suit to make and I'll show you that a country tailor can give you as much, if not more, satisfaction than any city tailor that ever puffed over a goose, and a darned sight cheaper. I learned my trade in Chicago and have kept up to date in everything but price. :: :: :: :: To fit perfectly a Suit must be well MEASURED. Can a butcher, for instance, take your measurements as well as a man who has done noth­ ing but measure and work on measurements all his life? VP jtl < THE TAILOR'S SIGN--The horse shoer uses a horse shoe as a sign, the barber a striped pole, the tobacconist a wooden Indian, but what emblem belongs to the tailor? Guess it and you can have a Form Hanger. J. D. iODTZ, McHENRY Cleaning, pressing and re­ pairing are among our spec­ ialties and we guarantee sat­ isfaction. We also have the best house in Chicago to do our scouring, dry scouring. Silks and worsteds can be re­ newed to give perfect satis­ faction. Try us and see what we can do in the dye­ ing line. :: :: :: The McHenry Plainiealer UBLlSHEii EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. OSeala Bank Building. Telephone, No.m. T«RM» OP SUBSCRIPTION: viMrtw v. ».5o •lx month*. 75 eta. Three months. 40 eta. Thursday, October 26, 1911. SCHOOL NOTES. The boys had their first basket ball practice last Wednesday night. Many beautiful plants have been placed in the windows of room five. The English history class is now working on maps of Teutonic Britain. Mrs. Martin of the fourth rdorn .was absent two days last week o^^account of sickness. -r We had three visitors last Wednes­ day: Misses Lulu Byrd, Ruby Claxton and Emma Freund. JOSEPH W, FREIMP Current topics will be discussed l^is week by Edyth Petesch, Corabel Me Omber, Agnes Conway and Elsie Wolff. The second number of the lyceum j series, Admont's Alpine Troubabours, will be at the Central opera house on Wednesday evening, Nov. 1. This entertainment is expected to surpass the lirst. Kichmond. Va.tTimes Dispatch: Ad­ mont's Troubadours of Innsbruck, Ty­ rol, presented an excellent program lor the Ladies' club last night. Mr. Admom is a thorough musician and the sniuf can be said of the other members of he company. The solos, quartets and yodel songs in native cos­ tumes gave the whole program an aspect of originality not soon to be forgotten--At Central opera house, Wednesday evening, Nov. 1, under auspices of McHenry high school. 19 was the first to announce himself as a Democratic candidate for representa­ tive from this district at the request of the Democratic leaders of Boone, Lake and McHenry counties. Mr. Freund's honest dealings of twenty-one years as a merchant and public officer has fit- ed him well for the position. 17 I DICTATE TO MY CONSCIENCE. I hereby announce myself as candi- 4ate for the legislature from the eighth senatorial district and I ask the sup­ port of all loyal Democrats at the com­ ing April primaries. 14-Gt J. B. Murphy. WEDDING BELLS RING OUT (Continued from front page) COMING. "Other People's Money"' is consid­ ered to be the best farce comedy writ- - ten since the days of the famous Ho.vt oomedies. "Other People's Money" is BOW in its sixth successful year and as S laugh producer has been endorsed by press and public in all the cities of America. The play was written for laughing purposes and there is not one dull moment during the action of the ^>lay. Specialties are given during the play by Mae Dudley, A1 Plate and Parry Lord. The engagement of "Other People's Money" is for one night only at the Central opera house, g^nday, Oct. 29. 19 7 flebooi pooks •$ Pvtoeeu*. H-t| about two years ago, when he took up his place of abode at 322 Dundee ave­ nue, Elgin, where he has since resid­ ed. He is employed as railway mail clerk on the Northwestern road, his / ' run being between Chicago and Lake Geneva, Wis. Mr. Block is a bright young fellow and has the respect and esteem of McIIenry's entire populace. Mr. and Mrs. Block are enjoying their honeymoon at Cleveland, O., and will be at home to their friends at West Chicago on and after November 1. The couple's many friends here ex­ tend congratulations. "OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY." One of the funniest farce comedies ever written is "Other People's Mon­ ey," which is now in its sixth success­ ful year, and during that time has made millions laugh. Both press and public have pronounced this one of the funniest plays ever written, guaranteed to be a sure cure for the blues. The company, under the management of the Wallace brothers, is composed of all star comedians and their perform­ ance is^bne long laugh. Specialties is a guaranteed attraction in every sense of the term. This funny play comes to the Central opera house for one night onlyy Sunday, Oct. 2v. £ W ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander passed Tuesday in Chicago. L. F. Block transacted business ii the metropolitan city Tuesday. E. W. Howe attended to busines matters in the windy city Tuesday. Miss Marie Engeln visited relative in Woodstock Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Page boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Everett Hunter transacted business iar*the metropolitan city Wednesday. Dr. A. C. Spurling was among those who boarded the Chicago train Wed­ nesday morning. - John Stoffel and daughter, Martha, were among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. Henry N. Dowe and son, Al­ fred, were among the Chicago passen­ gers last week Friday. Martin Thelen of Elgin passed Sat­ urday and Sunday as the guest of Mc­ Henry relatives and friends. Mrs. John Boyle and John and Miss Maggie Walsh were among the Chica­ go passengers Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eisentnenger and children passed Sunday as the guests of North Crystal Lake relatives. Rev. A. Royer went to Naperville, 111., Wednesday, where he attended the funeral of Rev. A. Wenker this (Thursday) morning. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heimer and daughter, Alvera, and Miss Josephine Engeln of Woodstock were McHenry visitors last week Thursday. Mrs. Mary E. Smalley, Mrs. Helena Smalley and Miss Helen Smalley of Grafton, Vt., are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Engeln. Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas and Miss Marie Engeln met their sister, Mrs. Helena Smalley, of Grafton, Vt., at Kalamazoo, Mich., on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth went to Chicago Wednesday morning to attend the Muller-McFarland wed­ ding. Miss Muller is a niece of Mr. Wentworth and has spent many sum­ mers here. Why are Sunday dUlnars the bast? OCT EH D. R. H. Richardson left for Dakota last Thursday to visit relatives. Miss Daisy Gaylord spent a few days t^his week with Alice Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas were shopping in Chicago last Thursday. Frank Martin and William Thomas transacted business in Batavia last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Randall of Genoa Junction visited relatives in this vicin- lly Sunday. Mrs. E. J. Mansfield of Greenwood was calling at W. F." Bassett's last Wednesday. Mrs. F. E. Martin and sister, Mrs. R, Thompson ??ers shopping in Elgin one day last week. w. Because the bettor the dav tha bettor the tiitsojE Meats for Sunday dinners our long suit. A liberal amount'of suet with each fine roast. That suits every good cook. Among our boasts are our Sunday roasts. They should grace your tables. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY TELEPHONE 3 WEST SIDE LIVERY & AUTO LIVERY R. I. OVERTON. Proprietor. AUTOMOBILES AND Bases i u c t .it ; tmltis fur points OB Plstakue ISay .iud Kox Luke. Team­ ing of alt kinds done promptly. Spe­ cial attention irlven to traveling men. First-class rigs witli or without driver at reasonable prices. \ Weet McHenry, 111. • Telephone 6 A very pleasant W. C. T. U. meet­ ing was held at the home of Mrs. T. A. Abbott last Saturday. Emil Thomas, who is attending the college of engineering at Champaign, spent Ssturdayaad Sunday with hie parent* here. ..Centervifle.. (ifOtEfJ Always a fresh and complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :* :• C. G. Frett, Proprietor. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. us a change to prove to you that, just as good a line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits is car­ ried in this little grocery as may be.found anywhere. We are not as large as some ol the others, but, with your patronage, expect to grow . and expand. - Our business has grown considerably since we started in McHenry which evidences that our goods and prices suit the public. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 flcHenry, - Illinois ASK YOUR GROCER FOR M l . < BiSE'fi F A U G Y FAMILY noun , ' J . S P ENCER V A. ILLS. A .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WEST i'HENRY FLuuit m MILLS 999 999 9*4 94*4****49*4*4## | Professional, Society V J * and Business Cards § DAVID C, WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND OCULIST. Of- 1 fioa and residence, corner Elm and Groan atreeta, McHanrr. Illinois. Talaphona N*. 311. DR. R. G. CHAMBERtIN DBNTISl!' Office over Beafay'a Hours; 8:00 to 5230. W«t(T MoHlNRT. ILU ' DR. N. J. NYE McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Immr • at Johnaburgh, 111., from 7:30 a. n. to 11:30 a. m. Wednesday and Sunday ol each week. PHONE; McHENMY 333. DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON JOHNSBURGH, :: :: ILLINOIS Telephone No *93. SIMON STOFFEi: Insurance agent for all classes of prQperty in the best companies. We Repeat It! A dozen Photographs will endear1'jOu to twelve friends ADOLPH WEGENER Dealer im HARNESS, ROBES AND SUPPLIES A largo diaplay of ol all kind*. (lor noes built to order, ~ WEST McHENRY, Repairing neatly done ILLINOIS Next Saturday the day. to get that hat for the little girl. The Lotus mil­ linery will hold a special of chil­ dren's hat* on that da/« lWfc Schnabel's Photo Studio.. L Q. SENG fJawe degree ol ex- oUeaee h llfaon -»* OgoW, afcpao / orrlco, MM W land, lame every­ thing except tko c* NUMBER_4El IilNN.MAfo. CHICAGO. PAKCbLfc Ct1ECK£D FREE Fine Stock NtrekaaOao PWno SeloO Itool Cstalo G. A. SATTEN EWve yout* pictures framed ar­ tistically by a,map who knows how. We make and sell all kinds of frames. Visitors always wel­ come. :: :: :: :: WEST PTHEIfRV, flLLDVOIS TMONE 071 telephone No. 804 AUCTIONEER WEST N'HENKY, ILL. W. P. KINNS ....GENERAL TEAMING ... Or All. KINDS ON SHORT NOTICE Telephone No. 961. WEST RcHENRY, - - ILLINOB Take the little folks to the millinery next Saturday. A special sale of children's and misses' bats wiH take plaoe on that daj, PL ^ 'J

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