A Tailor-made Suit always fits. A ready-made one loses its shape very soon. L*ook about you on a Sunday and see the difference between store clothes and TAILORED SUITS. You can see--you never remarked the dif ference, maybe: 'tis there and you can see it. :: :: - - - - Tailored Suits, $14.so up ANY MAN CAREFUL OF HIS APPEAR- ANCE WANTS HIS CLOTHES: FIRST; UP-TO-DATE II STELE W OP- PERFECT IN FIT AND WMMANSHIP HIP: MADE OF M POSSIBLE MWM CMSISW WITH THE SIZE OF HIS POCKET mm A wetl tailored, well trimmed OVERCOAT is cheaper than two poorly trimmed ready- made ones. The difference in looks may be noticed two blocks away. :: Tailored Overcoats, $14.50 up in any material at a lower price than any man in the business within 100 miles. Give me a chance and I'll prove it. My rent is lower than city rents and I am willing to give you the benefit of my thirty-five years' experience for less than any competitor. Give me your next suit to make and I'll show you that a country tailor can give you as much, if not more, satisfaction than any city tailor that evei* puffed over a goose, and a darned sight cheaper. I learned my trade in Chicago and have kept up to date in everything but price. :: :: :: :: To fit perfectly a Suit must be well MEASURED. Can a butcher, for instance, take your measurements as well as a man who has done noth ing but measure and work on measurements all his life? ETHINQ NEW I have just completed arrangements whereby I can save you the middleman's profit by buying direct from the mills. A Tailor-made Suit or Overcoat for $14.50. That is from $4.00 to $7.00 cheaper than you can do anywhere for the same article. What do you think about that? A perfect fit guaranteed D« Codtz, enry, Cleaning, pressing and re pairing are among our spec ialties and we guarantee sat isfaction. We also have the best house in Chicago to do our scouring, dry scouring. Silks and worsteds can be re newed to give perfect satis faction. Try us and see what we can do in the dye ing line. :: :: :: lie McMiy harnm ""PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. ofloaln Bank Building. Telephone. No.272. TCRM8 Of SUBSCRIPTION: ney«»r W-60 Six month*. 76 ctt. in vacating an elective office if more than 2% of the prospective income is spent to obtain said office. I am in favor of abolishing the board of review by punishing for perjury any person or persons making an untruth- WEEKLY rmm ITEMS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY LITTLE VILLAGE. What ti the difference between a meat ahop and a bake ahep? Thr«e months. 40nts. Thursday, November 2 JOSEPH W. FREUND was the flrsi to announce nimself as a Democratic candidate for representa- tMp from this district at the request of the Democratic leaders of lioone, I^ake and McHenry counties. Mr. Freund's honest dealings of twenty-une years as a merchant and public officer has fit ted him well for the position. 17 TO THE DEMOCRATS OP THIS DISTRICT. In asking the support of all true and loyal Democrats it is but fair to de clare my principles in advance of the primaries so that all may know the results to be expected in case of rny election. I am unalterably in favor of a state-wide primary law in selecting candidates for all offices within the gifts of the people. I am in favor of abolishing the free-pass system as now vigorously upheld by recreant officials, as we all know. I will work for the election of United States senators by direct vote of th people, who should no longer be de ceived and betrayed in tilling this higl office in political trades and tricks. 1 Vill Support for office worthy, true and Joyal Jeffersonian Democrats and their ' time-honored principles. I am in favor of abolishing the elec toral college and have all the votes counted for the respective candidates for president. I am in favor of. 7 Stringent, corrupt practice act. •* | gig Ja fovor ot making it a felony iul statement to the assessor of his or her property as required by law. I a m in favor of a uniform system of school books to be printed at cost by the state. I will not be found a compliant tool for politicians higher up and thus be tray my constituents as a rank counter feit. I am in favor of a just civil service law honorably and impartially enforced. If elected I promise justice and fair ness to all, and if defeated at the pri maries will loyally support the nomi nee of the Democratic party during the campaign and at the election. JOHN B. MURPHY, Is McHenry, 111* ENOUGH AND THEN SOKE. Lewis Bishop, the Water street ton- sorial artist, was'among those who were given mnr-e than their share of the Hallowe'en pranks. When he reached his place of business on Wednesday morning he found it utterly impossible to gain entrance to the place. Among the things that were used to blockade the entrance to the shop were a road scraper, 'bus, boxes and other things that would not look well in print. Mr. Bishop, upon arriving at the shop, lost no time in calling up Mayor Miller. The "wreckage," we are told, was cleared away by one of our police of ficers. Photographer Schnabel ar rived on the scene early enough to get a snap shot of the place. Several resi dents 011 the West Side who suffered | property loss, we are told, will let the law take its course, SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTER AND HANDED INTO OUR OPPICE BY OU FRIENDS. G . W. Besley went to Woodstock jesday afternoon. Miss Marie Engeln is spending a iek with friends at Grayslake, 111. Miss Leona Cropley of Solon spent lesday with Miss Mildred Gaylord. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter spent ednesday in the metropolitan city. Miss Gertrude Schaefer of Wood- ack spent Sunday at her home here. T. W. Winkle spent a few days re- ntly with his brother, Peter B., at Ltawa, 111. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling were nong the Chicago passengers Tues- ly morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander spent Wednesday and Thursday in the met- jpolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles and iughter, Myrtle, were Chicago vis ors Wednesday. Miss Jennie Lambert of Genoa Junc tion is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord. Miss Alice Waite passed Sunday at the home of her brother, J. E. Waite, at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs. Clara Harrison of Woodstock was a guest in the home of C. E. Gay lord last week Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gierke of Chica go are being entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Hoeft of Chi cago have been visiting several days with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eisenmenger, Jr. Mrs. Rollin Waite was entertained in the home of her son, J. E. Waite, at Lake Geneva, Wis., one day last Week. Miss Josephine Engeln has returned to Woodstock after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Engeln. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rakow and chil dren of Algonquin were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Block last Sunday. N. A. Huemann, J. W. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. John and son, Wesley, and C. S. Howard boarded the Chicago train this morning. sme I fciUt In one tha Kaada are rare; in tha other wall done. Try our rare meats. Improve their rarity by good cooking and we will guarantee the best results. The remembrance of quality will lintrer long after the appetite is satisfied and you'll bob up serenely for the next meal. E. F. Matthews WEST McHBNRY TELEPHONE 3 1 E N T O C K Y for Cit'nticincH Wfio cherish Qu.ility. ..Centerville.. (irocery&Markct A l w a v s a t i c s l i a n d c o m p l e t e l i n e o I t ! i e choicest of g »*<•>- c e r i e s a n d V Meats. Phone, S52. :: :• :• C. G. Frett, Proprietor. r MctlENRY, :: ILLINOIS. ' ASK YOUR GROCER FOE WEST SIDE LIVERY t AUTO LIVERY R. I. OVERTON PROPRIETOR Get your feed ground at Bonslett's feed mill by electric power. Come any week day, at any hour between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. We will start up for you whether you have only a few bags or a full load. 19-2 . The Northern Life Insurance of Illi nois. J, W. Gilbert, Gen, Aft, 18 =s> us a chance to prove to you that just as good a line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits is car ried in this little grocery as may be found anywhere. We are not as large as some of the others, but, with your patronage, expect to grow and expand. Our business has grown considerably since we started in McHenry which evidences that our goodsand priced suit the public. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 riclienry, - Illinois. AUTOMOBILES AND Busuft meet HM vntnis for points OU Ptatakf Bay >u»> Fox Lake. Team- inn of all Kinds done promptly. Spe cial attention Kiven to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. Weit McHenry, III. - Telephone 6 | The M. E. Aid society will meet with Mrs. C. L. Page on Friday after noon of this week. A conveyance will leave the M. E. church at 1:30 p. m. for those who wish to attend the meet ing. ADOLPH WEGENER Dealer in HARNESS, ROBES AND SUPPLIES A large diaplay af blpnkete at all Icjnda. Har- neae fcullt ta erder. Repairing neatly dona WEST WcHENRY, - ILLINOIS The Northern Life Insurance of Illi nois. J. W. Gilbert, Gen. Agt. 18 l i S E f l T A N C V FAMILY F/Ot'R J.t:. "E.'cf.R ; ILLS. .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WES M'BENMY FLGUM AND FEED MILLS FOR- Christmas Of Course! An enlargement given with each order. Fine Framing at reasonably prices. Setters Studio, 'PHONE ill. WEST H'HEftttY, ILL 19*9*9 999 999999 -999 99-9 999 4 # | Professional, Society V | $ and Business Cards $ *•«* ***«»*«** Cfl *«****«•* I DAVID G. WELLS, N. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Gt- 1 lice and residence, corner Elm and Green atraata, McHenry, IUinaia. Telephene Na. 311. DR. R. G. OH AMBER LIN DENTIST Office aver Bealey'a Drug Stre. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. \V «»•! MoHuNinr. ILL, DR N. J. NYE NcHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hanra • at Johnaburgh, 111., from 7:30 a. m- ta 11:30 a. m. Wednesday and Sunday of each week. 14IONE; NcHENRY 333. \ : DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON JOHNSBURGH, :: ILLINOIS Telephone No *9t. SIMON STOFFEL, Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. Wait McHenry. Illlaola L Q.SENG Same degree ef ex cellence In lifuari a*4 clgara, Sana •ervice, aame aid •tand, aame every- thing except tha a^NUMBER MX la 106 N. 8th Ave. CHICAGO. m C K £ D f R E E Fine Stack Marekandlae Farm Bala* Kaal Estate Na. 004 G. A. SATTEW A0CTI0KU1 htSI rffiNKY, 0L. W. P. K1NNS ....•GENERAL TEAMING.... or ALL KINDS Ml SHORT NOTICE Teleahene Na. 081. WEST NcHENRY, ILLINOIS Pencils, pens and pen holers at Petesch's drug- store. 14<f The Northern Life Insurance of Illi nois, J. W. Gilbert, Gen. Agt, J# .1.