Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1911, p. 5

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I? - TWO-PASSENGER RQDEL T TORPEDO RUNABOUT, TOLLY EQOBTED FIVE-PASSENGER HODEL T TO JR1NG CAR. FULLY EQUIPPED $S«»O.0O $690.00 THREE-PASSENGER MODEL T COMMERCIAL ROADSTER, RUMBLE DETACHABLE SEAT, $590.00 NO FORDS SOLD UNEQUIPPED. PRICES F. 0. 8. DETROIT I One-third of all Cars made in America in 1912 will be Fords That old, reliable 20-hor^e power car. The above prices include full equipment: Extension Top, Automatic Brass Windshield, Gas Lamps, Generator, Speedometer, 3 Oil Lamps, Tubular Horn and Kit of Tools. The Model T Ford is the lightest car in the world, size, power and capacity considered; consequently the easiest on tires. Ford owners frequently report a mileage of from 10,000 to 15,000 miles on one set of tires. Ford Model T is the cheapest car in the world to buy and maintain, and simplest to operate. This is because of the heat-treated Vanadium Steel construction--the simple and accurately scientific design both in motor and chassis and its general ail-round stability. :: :: :: :: :: IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF ALL MODELS CAN NOW BE HADE. IF YOU INTEND BUYING A CAR THIS FALL OR IN 1912 LET ME EXPLAIN THE MERITS OF THE 1912 FORDS JOHN R. KNOX. *PKone 651 McHENRY, ILL. J) NEW YORK If i NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS M. J. WALSH, AGENT C O M I N G ! Central Opera 11 ouse ONE NIGHT ONLY SUNDAY, NOV. 5 J. B. ROTNOUR OFFERS Miss Flora DeVoss AND OWN COMPANY IN "Two Thieves" ia Acting People--All Special Scenery--4 extra vaudeville acts MISS DEVOSS ASSISTED BY THE STRONGEST CAST OF fUriiLAR PLAYERS 114 THE MIDDLE WEST kidukfieid. Wilbur Motlit whs a Crystal Lake ca Her Morulas. Genevieve Cuddard went to Wood­ stock Saturday. A. Josepherwm drove to Woodstock Friday evening. ( In is Hoy was a Woodstock caller Satmd:i\ afternoon. Mrs. A. H unt of Kl^iti was in town Friday on business. A. (Shepard went to Lake Mills, Wis., Tuesday forenoon. Airs. Lolo Hennett spent a part of last week in Woodstock. Miss Helen Reed was a business call­ er at Woodstock Saturday. Misses Mabei and Klsie Wille were Crystal Lake callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Cooper were busi­ ness calleis in the city Sunday. Mrs. Lolo Hennett and son. James, were Chicago shoppers Saturday. Miss Isalnlle Johnson viMled lier sister, Mrs. A. Hanson, Thursday. The I>aditV Aid will meet with Mrs. E. Knilans Thursday afternoon, Nov. 9. several voting people attended the dance at Crystal Lake Friday evening. 11. Knilans and Fred Willi*, Jr., drove lo Crystal Lake Saturday even­ ing. Mrs. CotT of Kljrin visited with Mrs. K. Smith a part of Thursday and Fri­ day . Mr. and Mrs. Frick of Kltfin visited with Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Dutield Sun­ day. Station A {font Lynch and wife visit­ ed with their daughter in the city- Sunday. Miss Lura Davis of Austin called on her grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Button, recently. H. Wilson and daughter, Leah, of Woodstock visited his mother, Mrs. A. Josephenson, Monday. Please don't forget the basket social Nov. 10, to be held in the Gregory dis­ trict. Everyone is cordially invited. Miss Mabel Skinner and Mrs. C. H. Giesselbrecht and little daughter were pleasant callers at Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Waterman and child and S. Reed and daughter, Virginia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hen­ ry Reed. Ralph Walkup, who is attending agricultural school in Indiana, spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Walkup. Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson of C'hi- cajro visited with their daughter. Mrs. L. Nelson, and family for some time and left Friday forenoon for Muskegon, Mich., where they will make their future home. Mrs. J. J. Reser entertained twelve ladies and gentlemen of the choir at her pleasant home Thursday evening. Mrs. Reser, leader, had planned an exceptionally fine program for the choir. One number was that each should bring something he or she wished to give away. Ten minutes was allowed to exchange articles, then each one was called on to tell why he was presented with the article he held. One of the ladies got an old shoe with a hole in the sole and said that she thought it was given away because the owner was afraid of getting her feet wet. An incomplete love poem was also on the list and a musical term had to be supplied to complete the poem. This caused a great deal of interest. A dainty and appetizing luncheon was served in the mean time. Songs and fwd ebew ended » rnoft plMmu and profitable evening enjoyed by all. Rev. and Mrs. Giesselbrccht and daughter were honored guests. VOLO. Miss Lucy Dunnill is a Chicago vis­ itor this week. Misses Lydia and Edyth Nicholls spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. ('has. Raught and Miss Ella Moore spent Saturday in Waukegan. Mr. LeWald of Chicago was a busi­ ness caller at W. Huson's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Eatinger and daughter, Maude, were Elgin visitors Friday. Geo. Eatinger entertained relatives from Dundee and Clevhland, O., last Thursday. Frank Zuelsdorf and H. Nicholls went to Chicago Sunday, returning the following day. Miss Clara McConaty of Elgin is vis­ iting at the bon e of her niece, Mrs. James Kirwan. Mrs. Eilen Hogan and daughter, Millie, of Elgin ace visitors at the Raught home. John Sutherland, wife and son. Hen­ ry, of Waukegan were guests at ('has. Raught's Thursday. Miss Eva Vasey is quite ill with an attack of appendicitis. Dr. McCor- mick of Waukegan is in attendance. Miss Frances Miller returned home Wednesday, after spending die past year with her sister, Mrs. J. Brown, in Oklahoma. Mrs. W. B. Smith returned to her home in Waukegan Tuesday, after a three months' stay here during the illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Paddock. KING WOOD. Mrs. i^adie Hepburn was a Chicago passenger Monday. H. W. Allen was in Sharon, Wis., Thursday of last week. S. W. and J. S. Brown and wives drove to Harvard Sunday afternoon. Miss Agnes Bigelow spent most of this week with relatives south of Mc- Henry. Miss Agnes Carey was able to take her place in the school room again Monday. E. C. Hawley returned from North Dakota and Minnesota Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cristy of Wau­ paca. Wis., were at their farm south of town Wednesday. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church will bold their annual bazaar in the M. W. A. hall Nov. 19. Bert McCannon and family and L. A. McCannon and wife spent Sunday with relatives at Delavan, Wis. Mrs. Libbie Ladd and Mrs. Hattie Buckland went to Milwaukee to attend the national W. C. T. U. convention. Remember the W. C. T. U. due din­ ner at Mrs. H. W. Allen's Saturday of this week. Subject, "Housekeeping vs. Housekeeping." Leader, Mrs. Em­ ma Brown. C. W. Harrison and J. S. Brown went to Chicago Tuesday morning to be present at the laying of the corner stone of the Medinah temple at 12 o'clock that evening. "Hello, Mary, your new suit looks fine." "It is just that old suit. I sent it to the McAllister laundry agency to be cleaned and pressed." How can Lodtz make suits and over­ coats for $14.50? Because he buys the cloth direct from the mill, 20-U EXCELLENT LAIWES AND--^-- Delicious Pastries Is the inevitable remit ft jrw w* White Swan ...Flour... FOR S 5 F. BY Wilbur Lumber Co. Wejt ricHenry N. P. Steilen & Son ricHenry John Richardson Voio William Althoff Johnsburgh (r Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED "888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm landB, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to bny or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Glass Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Illsl 4T« of Conkey's Roup Remedy in the drinking water will save your fowls from the deadly ravages of Roup. :: :: :: :: :: Conkey's Roup Remedy kills the disease germs, tones the bird and saves your profits. Guaranteed. 1'rices 50c and $1. Conkey's l'oultry Book Free, if you call or send 4c in stamps. FX)It SALK BY--- E. V. MCALLISTER & CO. DRUGGIST 'PHONE 304. WEST M'HENRY. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AD advertisements inserted under thin bead at the following rate*: Five line* or l«u, tt ewla (or flift inwitluu, 16 cento for earb aubaequent Insertion. More than Ave line*, S cento a Una (or ftrat Insertion, n J S uente a line to* addition I inaertlon*. WJ ANTED--Competent tflrl for general »» house work. D. F. Qoim^tw, Wood­ stock, 111. lit XpOR 8ALE-Family launch, 2 cylinder, 18 ^ foot loug, top and cushions. Address M. E. Solomoh. 908 The Rookery. Chicago. 20* TpOB SALE-A number of heavy, well-con- ^ structed milk wagons. Just the thing you have been looking for. Jos. May, King- wood, 111. l»-8t* rjU)R SALE--Ulvtsr property; house and four " lots, just north of Orchard Beach hotel. Inquire of C. W. Stxmgeh, West McHenry StuU' Bank. 7-tf TT^OUND--A heavy lap robe. Owner can ^ have same by proving property and pay­ ing for this notice. Call at Jacob J us ten's furniture store. 20-lt TTHJR SALE--Six dollars buys a nearly new No. 13 Peninsular heating stove. Will burn hard or soft coal aud wood inquire of Mrs. J. M. Pbeston, McHenry. 111. 17-tf T7H)R SALE--Store and stock of goods, good -F point, prices right. Also fifty good Mc­ Henry county farms, prices right and toi ms easy. Also some fine bargains tn Minnesota lands. If you wish to buy or have anything to trade call on or write O. E. Gatw>rd. West McHenry. 'Phone 414. 15-tf AT THE CENTRAL. The play by the Flora DeVoes com­ pany at the Central opera house Sun- day evening, Nov. 5, will be one of the latest comedy dramas written, "Two Thieves," with Miss DeVoss in her favorite acting comedienne part of "Nan, the Nipper." She will be as­ sisted by a caste of twelve people and the best known talent in the popular priced field. The company is under the personal direction of J. B. Rotnour, who is fully awake to the demands of popular theatre goers, and assures the Kublic the very best attraction that it as been his good fortune to combine. All special scenery is used in mount­ ing the play, together with electrical effects. Four extra vaudeville acts are making the performance continuous, i'uyulw price# will prevail, YOUR COLD IT MAY LEAD TO SOMETHING WORSE Colds mean congestion and impaired circulation in a delicate part of the system. To avoid the development of something worse, they should be cured at the very start, and they can be. Petesch's Pirvk Cold Tablets will break up a cold in a few hours. It does it by equalizing circulation, reducing the inflammation anu restor­ ing the congested parts to normal con­ ditions. It has done it in hundreds of cases and will do it for you. Give it the chance. We guarantee it--refund your money if you are not satisfied. Price, 25 cents N. H. Petesch, : Druggist 'Phone »74 1 YOU... f t f l f V I I about it all summer, but have never found time to do it. It's human nature to put off ordering Storm Susfi until the snow is flying. If you have not already ordered yours, do not put it off any longer. Order now before the heavy rush begins. :: :: :: Wilbur Lumber Company WS- ST McHENRY, ILL TELEPHONE NO. «><ss Came Here for While we do not claim to have a better stock of goods than the rest, we do claim and can prove it that our stock compares favorably with the best to be found anywhere, and, bet­ ter still, we are selling our Richardson's Rugs and Linoleums at prices that are making oth­ ers sit up and take notice. Our Fnrniture department is always complete and we are always willing to deliver the goods right at your home without extra charge. We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine which you must «ee to appreciate. Too many good features about this machine to enumer­ ate, so the best we can do is to invite you to our store and let us explain its merits to yon. ..Jacob Justen.. I I I To the Ho\isewives There isn't a housewife in the world but what has more or less trouble with her baking. There are times when it couaes out just dandy. But they are not always lucky. We can do your baking and do it satisfactorily. Our bakery is always right. Nothing but first-class bread, cake, pies, cookies, etc., are allowed to leave this establishment That's why we want you to buy your bakery here. A trial order will verify this statement. :: :: :: :: 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop. IMMMNNNMMI P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO THK ftAlJt OF v Dressed Beef, riutten, Hofs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price Hats fnrnished on application. COLO STORAGE FRBB CHICAQO, M.I INOIS. Stall * a, PaMM St. W h <>•••!• Market.

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