Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1911, p. 6

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f * :'4 ilk Umbrella* haw a way of finding mv OWMTB thcM days. China Mems to Im dolus • thorough Job of awakening this time. This la the aeaaon when the aver­ age Janitor la an ardent coal oonserra* tionlat. Fiancee of Dead Fr^nk Brimmer­ kamp, Whose Body la Exhumed, Brings Name of Under­ taker Into Caee. New York la to spend $30,000,000 on education next year. It needa every cent of it Neither .fleetrie currents nor one's ltelghbor'!i <jhfr?:-"'n» should be allowed 'to roam atpmrge Girls look as though they would hare to grow a lot in order to fit their new fangled baggy overcoats. Meanwhile other shaky dams hold­ ing back water that might destroy towns should be braced up. An amateur has no business trying to fly. Let him hang his hat on a hangar, but don't go near the aero Edison 1b under the fire of the Ger­ mans because he says they drink toe much beer. He might Invent a substi­ tute. New York's death rate has reached a new low mark. We congratulate that city upon being such a poor place to die In. A burglar who coughed like a moto- cycle robbed a garage. What could be do If he were trying to rob a round­ house T Yes, Claribel. as you say, the duke of the Abruzzl must be a very domes­ tic man, since he has been sweeping the seas. A Massachusetts woman has left her estate to the old maids of her town. How absurd! There are no old maids these days. * Prospects for the rice crop are good, bat that does not especially Interest the young woman who Is soon to be­ come a bride. The New York man who Is trying to compel his wife to marry her affin­ ity has evidently made a study of the refinements of cruelty. An 1804 dollar, lurking around Chicago. Is said to be worth $650. There are times when a dollar la worth more than that. For $10,000 an Indianapolis man Is pushing a wheelbarrow around the country from capital to capital. How does Hits assist the uplift? It was polite of Togo to give his tut horse to the emperor Instead of to the elevator man. to whom so many American hand their gift clgara. The office boy's relatives will now regain their health for a few months, the frequent reports of their deaths having been grossly exaggerated. Your plain citizen will do little ivlating across the country so long as the necessity remains for private trains In the immediate background. New York courts have sent to the penitentiary a farmer who recorded a horse race bet It is better for the amateurs to leave these affairs to the professionals. Chicago.--Formally charged with the murder of Policeman Arthur Bis- sonette, Mrs. Loui6e Vermilya was given a bedside hearing by Municipal Judge Walker and later conveyed to the county jail hospital by authority of a mittimus issued by Judge Wallp er. She will be given a further hear­ ing November 28. Coincident with this action Assist­ ant State's Attorney Burnham de­ clared that Mrs. Vermilya "and others" will in all probability be In­ dicted for murder when the grand Jury convenes next Monday, or as accessories to murder. Simultaneous with this statement, Coroner Hoffman made public an as­ tounding affidavit signed by Miss Elizabeth Nolan, former fiancee of Frank Brimmerkamp, Mrs. Vermilya'# son. in which she charges that MrB. Vermilya poisoned Brimmerkamp, her son by a former husband, and men­ tions the name of Undertaker Charles C. Boysen in connection with certain life insurance policies. Coroner Hoffman exhumed the body of Frank Brimmerkamp and placed the viscera in the hands of Prof. Walter Haines for analysis. The viscera of' Richard T. Smith, who also died in Mrs. Vermilya's house after a short, violent and mys­ terious illness, is already in the hands of Professor Haines. Arthur Bissoaette, Sr., father of the dead policeman, told th<> police of having visited Mrs. Verm^a's home the day before his son was re­ moved to Mercy hospital, where he died the following day. "Mrs. Vermilya gave me ham and eggs for breakfast," said he. "and I used pepper on them. Shortly after­ ward I was stricken with pains in my stomach and they have not entirely left me yet. ' "My son, Archie, accompanied me; Mrs. Vermilya gave Him a drink of whisky and he also was stricken with pains in his stomach, the cause of which we could not determine." WASHINGTON'S FOE IS FREED Those Harvard astronomers who> have discovered a new comet should have waited for a more opportune mo­ ment. There Is too much real news In the papers these days. Brooks' comet Is now moving away from the earth. It can still be seen by the naked eye in rear elevation, it has a fuzzy tall and looks like a two- oent star that has got smudged. Earie Ovlngton is going to try to carry mall by aeroplane from the At­ lantic to the Pacific coast It is hoped that be will assume no needless risks by reading post-cards on the way. It is reported that women are going to wear smaller hats this winter. The milliners must have discovered that some of the women had big bats that were as good as new left over from last winter The hoopsklrt has appeared In Paris, and the first one seen on the streets created quite as much of a sen­ sation as the first hobble skirt, and doubtless will be quite as strongly denounced. It has been so long gone that not even the memory of the good old times can save it. In fact, if it is . imported as a fashion, it will be so new as probably to receive more re probative attention than even elec­ tion frauds. Harry A. Ulrich, Charged With As­ sault on Colored Educator, Is Discharged by Judge. New York.--Harry A. Ulrich, a dog fancier, was acquitted of the charge of assaulting Booker T. Washington, the negro educator and principal of Tuskegee Normal school at Tuskegee. Ala., on the night of March 19 last. Judge Moss delivered the opinion of the special sessions court. Judge Zeller concurred but Jijdge O'Keefe dissented. The ruling read: "The court acquits the defendant by a majority decision, Judge O'Keefe dissenting." The acquittal was based on the court's opinion of the relative value of these two passages of testi­ mony. By. Mrs. Sara Alvares: "Dr. Wash­ ington followed me and said: 'Hello, Sweetheart.' I reported to Ulrich that a big colored man had insulted me." • By Principal Washington: "I went to the house to seek Mr. D. C. Smith. I never addressed any remark to the woman." Immediately following the acquit­ tal Ulrich was rearrested upon an in­ dictment found J)y the Essex county (N. J.) grand jury, charging him with deserting his wife four years ago. When a sculptor says that a Boston statue of Psyche needs more clothes he does not reflect upon the decora­ tive value of the Psyche knot He merely calls attention to its in­ adequacy. MOSLEMS SLAY 500 ITALfANS Turks Reoccupy City of Derna, Tri­ poli, After Overwhelmingly De­ feating Invading Army. Constantinople.--Five hundred Ital­ ians were slain and the remainder of the Italian force was taken prisoners in a terrific battle with the Ottoman troops, according to dispatches Which have been received here. The official announcement also de­ clares that the Ottoman troops have occupied Derna following the en­ gagement in which the Italians met with their overwhelming defeat. Washirgton.--The United States cruiser Chester, now at Malta, has been ordered to steam for Tripoli. The officials here refused to make any statement as to her mission, but it is believed the intention is to as­ certain at first hand the truth re­ specting the charges that the Italian troops have perpetrated barbarities upon the Turks and Arabs. As the bath tub is the great symbol of civilization, and as those nations who make the most use of it are the most progressive, it is gratifying to note that the mission Indian In south­ ern California is coming under tbe up­ lifting Influence of the bath tub; he Is using it for a bed. Colon Mayor 8hot in Cafe. Colon, Panama --Mayor Eclare Is In a serious condition as a result of a pistol shot in the chest received during an affray at a restaurant, in which Marco Duque. son of the propri­ etor of the Star and Herald, also fig­ ured. Three others, one an American, were slightly wounded. Friends of Diaz are reported to be plotting for the purpose of restoring him to power in Mexico Why can't they, since be has succeeded In set­ ting away from trouble, let the poor old man alone? Sugar Takes Another Drop. New York.--The price of refined sugar was marked down another ten prints here, making the third decline recently reported. JOB HARRIMAN. Job Harrlman, Socialist candidate tor mayor of Los Angeles, Cal., got more votes than either of his opponents in the primary election held here, but he did not receive a majority. Hence the issue will not be settled un­ til the election In December. Under the city charter a majority In the pri­ mary elects. Thousands of women worked for Harrlman. Finally Cured bj Lydia E Pink- ham*s Vegetable Compound. Erie, Pa. -- "I suffered for five years from female troubles and at last was almost helpless. I went to three do©, tora and they did >r no good, so my sister advised me to try "Lydia E. Pink- h a m ' s V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d , a n d when I had taken only two bottles I could see a big change, so I took sis bottles and I am now strong and well again. I don't know how to express my thanks for the good it has done me and I hope all suffering women will give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It was worth its weight in gold."--Mrs. J. P. JEsmxjxsL H. F. D. No. 7, Erie, Pa. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harm­ ful drugs, and to-day holds the recofd for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn. Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, such as inflamma­ tion, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache* indigestion and nervous prostration. Every suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you want special advice write Mrs.PlnkIiams, Ijymi,, l!ass», for it* It is £ree ami. always lidpiuL W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 45-1911. 8HANGHAI IS CAPTURED BY CHI­ NESE REVOLUTIONISTS WITH­ OUT RESISTANCE. THRONE ACCEPTS NEW CODE Constitution Adopted. Provides For Perpetuity of Manchu Dynasty But Curtails Power of Throne-- Fall of Wasung Expected 8oon. Shanghai.--The city of Shanghai was taken over by the rebels without a battle, the authorities offering no resistance and the troops of the Kiangnan arsenal Joining the invad­ ing forces. A large force of rebelB has set out for Wusung, ten miles up the river, and a report that the city has fallen, together with all the forts along the river, is expected hourly. Other ferces are advancing on Nan­ kin and Ching Klang. The province of Yunnan seceded and declared its Independence. The capture *of this city was accom­ plished with astonishing ease. There has been no fighting or disorder and the sudden movement was unexpect­ ed. Peking.--The national assembly completed a draft of the bases upon which it proposes to construct the new constitution of China. It was submitted to the throne and accepted immediately. The tentative plan pro­ vides for the perpetuity of the Manchu dynasty. The power of the emperor is closely restricted by the constitu­ tion, which is to be written by the national assembly. The Imperial princes are made in­ eligible to the offlceg of premier, mem­ bers of the cabinet and administrators of the provinces. Hongkong.--Fighting is still in progress in Hankow, according to late dispatches received here. The city is described as a pile of ruins with boaleB strewn everywhere. The battle there between the royalists and the rebels Is believed to be the most vicious of the revolution. An English Inventor Is working on - # Wireless telephone wbicb will enable ' «le to talk any distance Moreover. Wfeen perfected a man can carry one la his pocket rnd be right in toucb with hie home or office wherever he Is. What then will be the use of ever goln* away? Boston Hotels Bar Bible. Boston--Managers of three large Boston hotels have refused to allow Hie Gideons, an organization of travel­ ing men, ^liich seeks to donate a Bi­ ble to every hotel room in the coun­ try, to place Bibles in their hostelries Ship 8inks: 22 Drown. London --The Greek steamer Lordos Byron foundered .in th* English chan- nel during a gale. Twenty-two of her crew were drowned. The remaining three of her crew were picked up b» the Bteamei Grotius HALT SENATE INQUIRY 8TEPHENSON COMMITTEE END8 WORK AT MILWAUKEE. DOESNT 8TOP TO CHEW* Senator, Who Is Last Witness, Denies Use of Money for. His Election. Milwaukee.--The senatorial investi­ gating committee, which has been probing the election of Senator Ste­ phenson has completed Its work in Milwaukee. The committee finished the taking of testimony and adjourned to meet in Washington at the call of the chairman. The last witness was Senator Ste­ phenson, as he had been the first. He denied ever having any connection with either Hlnes or Shields in regard to his election, and denied ever hav­ ing given Shields or anyone else a blank check. Senator Stephenson said that he had made no promises and had paid no money to any legislative candidate to assist in his election, nor had he au­ thorized anyone to do so in his be­ half. Edward Hlnes of Chicago took the stand again and denied that he had a conversation with R. J. Shields. Hlnes denied that he bad ever had a talk with Senator Stephenson regarding the election or in regard to money. Senator Heyburn said, before an­ nouncing the adjournment, that the committee had examined 120 wit­ nesses, and had taken 20 affidavits. Gentle Willie--Does that bull terrier of yours ever bite? Mrs. Subbubs--No, he generally swallows everything whole. TRAIN HELD UP BY BANDITS PASTOR HAS NEW WITNESS Druggist 8ay» Alleged Victim of Rev. Richeson Bought Cyanide for Chemical Experiments. Boston.--An important new witness for the defense In the case of Rev. C V T. Richeson, charged with the murder of Avis Linnell. has been found in Eugene Levitan of Dorches­ ter, who until last Thursday conduct­ ed a pharmacy at B0 Boyleston street, Cambridge. Mr. Levitan declared that a few weeks before the death of Avis Lin­ net] be sold a small quantity of cya­ nide of potassium to a young woman whom be believes was the student of music wbose death by poison is charged against the young clergyman. Campaign Managers 8ued. Milwaukee.--Charles Lamb of Madi­ son has brought suit for $1,295 against J. Elmer Lehr and E. A. Edmonds, campaign managers for Senator Steph­ enson, alleging that sum is due him for campaign work. Shipping Damaged by Hurricane. London.--A violent hurricane which has been raging on the Atlantic has done considerable damage to shipping. The coast is strewn with wreckage. The gale was especially violent off the Mersey and Dee. * Chinese Manila Is Burned. Manila.--The Chinese district was swept by fire with a loss of over $1,000,000. The fire threatened to destroy the commercial center of the city, and the Twentieth infantry, with General Punston In charge, was called out to assist the lire fighters. Robbers Frightened by Approach pf Switch Engine After Blowing Rock Island Safe. Memphis, Tenn.--Five masked men held up a west-bound Rock Island pas­ senger train midway between Memphis and Hurlburt, Ark., ransacked mail pouches and fired seven nitroglycerin caps into the "local" safe of the ex­ press car, which wrecked the car. The amount of their loot is unknown. Three suspects are being held ijt St. Francis county Jail. In the qaidst of their pillage the ban- dits were frightened away when a switch engine approached. WOMAN ACCUSED OF MURDER Arrest of Mrs. Louise Vermilya, Charged With Poisoning Chicago Policeman, Is Ordered. Chicago.--Following a report of the experts who examined the viscera of Policeman Arthur F. Blssonette, who died In the home of Mrs. Louise Ver­ milya under mysterious circum­ stances, that they bad found "arsenic in abundant quantities," a warrant charging Mrs. Vermilya with murder was issued. Coroner Hoffman announced that he would exhume two botyles immediately in a further investigation of eight fa­ talities among persons related to or closely associated with Mra. Ver­ milya. f Three Die as a 8aerlffc&. Chicago.--Death by starvation was the Bacrlficlal faith testimony of Henry Letsch, torty-six years old; Anna Letsch, forty years, and Harman Letsch, twelve years--father, mother and child--found dead at their resi­ dence after three weeks jf seclusion. Woman Given Life Term. Milwaukee.--Mrs. Mary ^okxyrlc, who, with Pajo Mravlc, was convicted of the murder of the woman's hus­ band, was sentenced to life imprison­ ment Indiana Banker Leaves Prison. Leavenworth, Kas. Frank H. Nicolai, a "former Auburn (Ind.) banker, left the federal prison here a free. man. He served two years of a five-year sentence for embea»lament Col man Is Critically III. Lexington Junction, *Mo.--Norman J. Colman of St Louis, first secretary of agriculture of the United States, was taken from a Wabash train here after having suffered a stroke of apoplexy, which, it Is feared, may prove fatal. Killed in Auto Wreck. Danville, 111.--Moses Solomon, a wealthy business man of Elgin, 111., was instantly killed at Fithian, when an automobile in which he was riding «rrartura«4. , ' Most Fickle Man. When Col. William M. Howard, now a member of the tariff board, was elec­ tioneering for congress one autumn in bygone days, he struck a back­ woods county In Georgia, and got very busy talking softly to the voters. He was much concerned about a man named John, who was now for him, then against him, and always change­ able. 'What's the matter with John?" the colonel asked one of his constituents. 'Aw, you can't tell nothin' about John, colonel," was the assurance. "He Is tiie most fickle man you ever see. Why, he has had religion so many times, and been baptized in the creek down here so often that the bullfrogs know him every time he's 'merged." Her Infinite Variety. A woman smoked a cigarette, and made thereby a sensation. Such a sensationvln fact, that short­ ly another woman was smoking, and then another. But as more and more women smoked the sensation they made grew less and less until at length they made no sensation at all. That ended it. "Well, what next?" quoth woman­ kind, for age could not wither her nor custom stale her Infinite variety.--- Puck. That Canada has coma rapidly to the front in the past ten years is am­ ply shown in tbe results of the census recently made public. The population of the ..Dominion is now placed at 7,081,869, which with outlying points to be heard from, may bring it up to 7% millions as compa/ed with 6,371,- 815 in 1901. Though these figures are large, they do not present a total as large as waB expected but they do show a greater increase of percentage In population for the decade than any similar Increase in the Uni&d States. The highest percentage ever reached by the Republic was 24%; the per­ centage of Increase in Canada for the decade is 32%. Thus it will be seen that the provinces west of the lakes, with the great broad fertile acres ready for the sowing and immediate reaping of grain and the ValleyB of British Columbia capable of producing fruit with which to supply its neigh­ boring provinces east of the moun­ tains, have attracted numbers, which has exceeded the most optimistic of the expectations of ten years ago. Upon the prairies of the ten years ago there was but a spare scattering of people; but today, no matter in which way you go, take any direction, and you find homes and farms and good ones too, occupied by the very best class of people in good sized set­ tlements with plenty of roonf for five or six times as many more. The pop­ ulation of Alberta is set down at 372,- 919, as compared with 73,022 In 1901; Saskatchewan 453,508 as compared with 91,270 in 1901; Manitoba's 454,- 691 compares well with its 255,211 in 1901; and so does that of British. Co­ lumbia--362,768 as against 178,657 In 1901; but in a territory as large as this a population of 1,643,000 is little more than discernible in point of num­ bers. The work through it has been great. Look at the towns that have been built up; its cities, Winnipeg with 135,000; Vancouver with upwards of 100,000; Calgary with 43,000; Ed­ monton, Regina, Saskatoon; Leth- bridge; Medicine Hat, Moosejaw, splendid cities--none better any­ where; well maintained and equipped. These have come with existence and been built as they have been built by reason of the splendid agricultural country by which they are surround­ ed. The population j is scarcely dis­ cernible. A population ten or twelve times that shown by the recent census could be easily maintained in even greater wealth than that which maintains the present numbers. There is certainly a wonderful future for Western Canada and that which goes to the development of the west will enrich the last. This is the growing time in Canada and what has been done in the past ten years is but a beginning. The next decade will show a far greater advancement. In the meantime Canada is bidding wel­ come the progressive and industrious citizen. The Invitation is a standing one. At the forthcoming land exposi­ tion In Chicago, Canada will have one of the best exhibits of farm products that has ever been made and it will be well worth while inspecting It and getting information from those who may be In charge. ' WULEJNG TO BELIEVE HIM. 'V.". • V /^Cv' 'i •K-JW, • h t . . . . RED. It's the Red Blood Corpuscles That Proper Food Makes. An Ohio woman says Grape-Nut* food gave her good red blood and re­ stored the roses of youth to a com­ plexion that had been muddy and blotchy. She says: "For 10 years I had stomach trouble which produced a breaking out on my face. The doctors gave it a lopg Latin name, but their medicines failed to cure it. Along with this I had fre­ quent headaches, nervousness and us­ ually pain in my stomach after meals. "I got disgusted with the drugs, stopped them and coffee off short, and quit eating everything but fruit and Grape-Nuts, with Postum for my table beveiage. "The headaches, stomach trouble, and nervous weakness disappeared al­ most like magic, which showed that when the cause was removed and good food and drink used nature was ready to help. "My blood was purified and my com­ plexion became like a young girl's, while my weight was Increased from 90 to 120 pounds in a few months-- good, solid firm flesh, where it used to be soft and flabby. "I recommended Grape-Nuts and Postum to one of my friends, who was afflicted as I had been. She followed my advice and in a short time was re­ stored to complete health and in about 8 months her weight increased from 100 to 148 pounds. "Our doctor, observing the effect of Orape-Nuts and Postum In our cases, declared, the other day, that he would hereafter prescribe these food prod­ ucts for gastritis." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road to Weilvllle," in pkgs "There's a reason." E-ver rend tk« above letter? A new Mr appear* trom time to time. They are irnulu, true, ui fall •* tlf.... lift SCSI* yfeti A 8ERIOU8 ERROR. Many a case of kidney disease has proven fatal because the symptoms were not recognized. If you suffer from backache or bladder irregulari­ ties, follow the ad­ vice of G. H. Tut- tle, Rogers street, B r o k e n B o w , Nebr. - Says Mr- T u t t i e : " I w a s confined to my home for weeks, unable to walk more than ten feet at a time. Tbe doctor said I had gravel, and his treatment helped me temporarily, but soon the symptoms returned with greater »everity than before. Being urged, I used Doan'i Kidney Pills and received almost instant relief. In a few weeks' time I was completely cured" "When Your Back Is Lame, Re­ member the Name--DOAN'S." 60c. a box at all stores. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Early Tr«in»ng. "8be claims tJuu her ancestors stood torturing with red-het pinchers." "I believe it. She can wear shoes three sizes too small and look happy." --Harper's Weekly. Important to M«Umm . Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOKIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caaioria A town that pays the preacher aad supports the editor is mighty closa to haavea.--Atlanta Constitution, Cement Talk No. 11 There are countless uses for UNIVERSAL Portland Cement about the place. For the cellar, concrete is water-proof, rat- proof and everlast­ ing.' Concrete is the best material for side­ walks, steps, foundations,^ well curbs, posts, troughs, water tanks, barn floors and cisterns. It will pay ?ou to build of concrete. t lasts forever. It is fireproof, sanitary and cheap in the long run . Use UNIVERSAL Portland Cement--it makes the best concrete. UmYERsAL PORTLAND CEMENT CO. 72 W. ADAMS STREET. CHICAGO -f _ ARNUAfc OUTPUT 10,000,000 BARRELS Dc Wealth--It is a generous SIMl helpful world. De Witte--Indeed? De Wealth--Yes. When it was an­ nounced that I desired to die a com­ paratively poor man there^ was a gen­ eral movement to assist me in the enterprise. Sloan's Liniment is a relia­ ble remedy for any kind of horse lameness. Will kill the growth of spavin, curb or splint, absorb enlargements, and is excellent for sweeny, fistula and thrush. Here's Proof. " I used Sloan's Liniment on a mule for high lameness,' and cured her. I am sever without a bottle oI your liniment; Vi-ive bought more oI it tnan any other remedy for pains." Baily ICikbv, Cassady, Ky. 'Sloan'* Liniment is the best made. I have removed very large shoe boils off a horse with it. I have killed a quarter crack on a mare that was awfully bad. I have also healed raw, sore necks on three Eionte*. I have healed grease heel on a nsare that could hardly walk." Anthony G. Hivkk, Oakland, Pa., Route No. i. good for all farm stock. -'My hogs had hog cholera three days before we got your liniment, which I was advised to try. I have used it now for three days and my hogs are almost well. One hog died before I got the liniment, but 1 have not lost any since." A. J. MCCARTHY, Idaville, lad. Sold by all Dealers. Price loan'is Book ou Hbraes Cattle, Hogs aad jfotxitry AddrMu. BottoB. ivktma ake the Liver Do its Duty Ni-ix; times in ten when the lfour is right the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfirmly conij pel a lazy livi do its duty. Cures Com •tip&tion, In- digestion, Skk Meaciaclie, muk Distress After looting. SMALL FILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK. Genome must bear Signature NEW RUPTURE CURE IX, E. BROOKS. Brooke' Appliance. New discovery. Wonderful. No obnoxious springs or pads. Automatic Air Cuskioas. Binds and draw* the brolmt [j«rts tooeiher as you wonM • broken limb. No salvm. Nt> lymphol. No lies. Dur­ able, cheap. Sent on trial. T*at. Sept. 10, *01. lATALOGliK FREE kuoks Bidg., Marshall, Mioh» A L L E N S U L C E R I N L S A L V E Bom rff.Io- Kor the tre»tm»>nt of Chronic Ulcer*. JIoers,8crofulous l)lc«r»,VsrlooM Uleers. iolcnt rleers.Mercurial t'lcers,White , Sores, all old sores. V< ' mall SO cents. S. V . ALL Dept. Al, St. Paul* Bpoitsmrs screua Brant Goods. Eattom MML Square Deal StiaramtM* kai aUap for POWELL*CLEMENT CO. 410 Main.St.. Cinrinn»H, Attention Stockmen! ̂ QiPB ftt) IB- dependent income on ail inrestment within rvach ot alL W rite today for full Information. Standard Veterinary Institute, Covington, Kentucky I PARICER^S""™" Hair balsam Clauite* and t**tuifle« tha hmp. P*omoto« a liuiuriaiit growth. Jlsver f ails to Be&tore Orm Hair to ita Youthful COIOTT Q&fM di«»ejutp it hair fallifiigk If aflltcteft with j mam trM, wt j Thompson's Ey« Wat«r [PATENTS WitMi E.CeleiBan.WMfci tngton,I>.C Hooka free. Hiffe-sst MtertaoM. .B«st irnm*., •'W Jl

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