tm 9,. ijV " lie Ndleiry Muter >nunD I'm nmuT »r F. O. SCHREINER. O^Uli lutk Bntldinf, TelAphoa*. No.STR. T*MM« Of* tUMORIPTIONi III BWity »«tt. TteM utrnf*. Met! Tbmity, November 16,1911. PHEtRY fUBUC SCHOOL NOTES BASKETBALL GAME OT THE MM TOKOMOW NIGHT SEA The tenth and eleventh grades had a test id English history last Friday. On account of the bad weather there were but a few to witness the games Saturday evening. Having completed the study of the oceans, the physical geography class is taking up the study of the lands. Current events will be discussed this week by Loren Martin, Edward Nick els, Ethel Harrison and Julia Freund. The high school has had no visitors this week. Better come before the winter weather sets in and see what we are doing. Do not forget the third number on the lyceyui course, which will be given in the Central opera house Nov. 24 by Byron W. King. The entertainment which the Ihigh school athletic association planned to give the Y. M. C. A. boys proved a complete failure. On Friday the tenth year English class wrote descriptions of a "Barnyard Scene." There were several very in teresting sketches. The weather prophets of the phys ical geography class were quite aston ished at the change in the weather. But never mind, they will be able to prophesy it right after a time. The boys' game was about as rough a one as was ever witnessed in this town. Our boys could easily have won if the regular team had been there. However, the boys that played did finely, considering' the handicap. The members of the high school team this week learned of the death of Norton, a freshman at the Univer sity of Illinois. Norton was forward and centre of the Dundee high school basket ball team which played here twiee during the past two seasons. On account of the bad weather Sat urday night the basket ball games were not played as advertised. The Division street Y. M. C. A. boys came and played against a "pick up" team consisting of two high school boys, two boys from Hunter's team and one alumni player. The boys from Chica go won, 27 to 17. Four sophomores played against four juniors, the latter winning with the score of 25 to 12. The girls of the third room gave their teacher a surprise Wednesday noon in the way of a fruit shower. There were seven little waitresses, each wear ing pretty white aprons. The wait resses were: Agnes Matthews, Helen Faj, Eva Lauras, Eleanor Whiting, Pearl Payne, Katie Thurlwell and Frances Vycital. The shower was very much enjoyed by all. Miss Knox, the teacher, invited the room to help her eat the fruit. On Friday evening, November IT, the McHenry town team meet the high school team in a basket ball game. Both teams are determined to win and will fight hard for the victory. Capt. Martin feels justified in saying that his team is in perfect condition and he is sure that they can stave off defeat. The line-up of the two teams in all probability will be: Auction Sale! a. A. SATTten, - AUCTIONEER Mr. Sattem is a pujp[l of the famous Carey M. Jones, America's foremost auctioneer. Come and hear him. Hive JJJMj lease having expired and beinjf unable to rent a suitable farm, I have decided to quit farming and will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder without reserve, on the Ferdinand Pfannenstill farm, 3 miles east of Mo- Henry, 1 mile north of Lily Lake school house, 2 miles west of Volo and 5 miles northwest of Wauconda, on Saturday, Nov. 18 commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following property, to-wit: 75 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 75 consisting of 20 choice cows, 5 new milkers, 6 springers, balance due in January; 1 full blood Holstein bull 18 months old, 5 heifers 18 months old, 14 yearling heifers, 2 brood sows with 14 pigs, 4 fat hogs, wt. 300 lbs. each; 19 shoats, wt. 150 lbs. each. HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY 25 tons of upland hay in barn and stacks, 10 tons of fine timothy hay in barn, 8 tons husked corn. 200 bushels choice white oats, 75 bushels choice barley, 20 acres of corn in shock cut with binder. 30 tons of shredded corn fodder, new McCormick corn harvester, grain seeder. Deering mower, sulky hay rake, 3-section harrow, new Janes- ville corn planter, new Osborne pul verizer. new Janesville cultivator, 2 walking plows, 1-horse cultivator, lum ber wagon, truck wagon, set of bob sleighs, hay rack, milk wagon, wheel barrow, fanning mill, corn sheller and many other articles too numerous to mention. us a chance to prove to you that just as good a line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits is car ried in this little grocery as may be found anywhere. We are not as large as some of the others, but, with your patronage, expect to grow and expand. Our business has grown considerably sincfe we started in McHenry' which evidences that our goods and prices suit the public. v M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 flcHenry, - Illinois, GOOD FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 and under, cash: over that amount a credit of 12 months will be given on good bankable notes bear ing 7 per cent interest. No property removed till settled for. BERT E. DOVVELL, Prop. SIMON STOFFEL, Clerk. Auction Sale! George Vogel, Auctioneer Having decided to quit dairying, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the place known as the Nick Schnei der farm, situated one mile northeast of McHenry and two and one-half miles south of Johnsburgh. on the Pis takee Bay road, on Friday, Nov. 24 commencing at one o'clock p. m., the following described property, to-wit: 24 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 24 consisting of 30 Choice Cows 30 milchers and elose springers; 2- year-old bull, 13-year-old black mare, weight 1150 lbs.; 12-year-old black mare, weight 1150 lbs.: 8-year-old sor rel gelding, weight 1100 lbs. HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY Eight tons choice timothy hay in barn, 13 acres corn stalks, 3-inch tire truck wagon, walking plow, milk wagon, 2- section harrow, set double work har ness, single harness, light driving har ness, 8 milk cans, pails, strainers, etc. ..Centerville.. Always a fresh and complete 1 i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :• C. G. Frett, Proprietor. r- 7 McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS. Auction Sale! G. A. SATTEM, Auctioneer GOOD FREE LUNCH AT NOON M. T. T. W rede Page (Capt) Robison Knox Huck M. H. S Boiger L F Banslett R F Conway C Nickels R G Martin (Capt) L G TO BYBON W. KING. Ok,aUUfnl player upon a thousand lyres That aeod their music flooding'liU the land. Like sapphire wares that roll upon the strand AMI brealt in sparkllag gems as day expires. H<m.*ralcom» when the soul, 'mid conflict tlrte, tkai it may rise by inaprattou grand T* where repose with cloudless azure spanned ' listens to the heavenly choirs! 1 forever sweeping as you go 1 golden strings that bring us rest and cheer, lilt Wafce within these roseate gleams that blow Aad All with hope life's ragged pathway drear. Aad WW the soul with their sweet sympathies 9o wtmav our God's eternal glories lie. -- G. W . Grofts, Omaha, Neb. Dr. Byron W. King's lecture sub- imta: All the World's a Stage. X>pet.That See Not, Ears That Hear --TERMS OF SALE:-- All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit o^one year's time ill be given ,on good bankable notes drawing interest at six per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. JACOB DIKDRICH, Prop. SIMON STOFFEL, Clerk. Auction Sale! George Vogel, The 'Once and Glory of Workman ship. Under the Shadows, the Glory of Hft&rMtae. Vfhat Fools These Mortals Be. ^jyrlock the Just. ^8 Modern King Lear. Tort's Witchcraft In It. a»ud Fancies. Young Ambitious Ladder. The Builders. Shakespeare's Mac Beth, etc. One of these at the opera house Fri day, Nov. 24. Auctioneer Harry Van's Vaudeville company is an unrivaled array of bright, catchy amusement at the Central opera house next Saturday and Sunday evenings, Nov. 18 and 19. Bargain prices, 15 and 25 eents. From the present outlook the ice man will be on the job earlier than naoal this season. Don't have colds. Our cold tablets will keep you free from them. 25c at „ ...... Having decided to quit "farming, I will sell at public auction on my farm, located 5i miles northeast of McHen- y, miles east of Ringwood, 24 miles northwest of Johnsburgh and 3 miles southeast of Spring Grove, on Tuesday, Nov. 21 commencing at one o'clock p. m., the following described property, to-wit: ji HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 21 ---consisting of --15 HEAD OF CATTLE-- Nine milch cows, ,ne.w milkers and close springers; 3 three-year-old heif ers, 2 two-year-old heifers and 1 one- year-old heifer. Bay mare, 10 years old, wt. 1400 lbs.; bay mare, 7 years old, wt. 1200 lbs.; black gelding 11 yrs. old, wt. 1150 lbs.; 2 Prince Noir colts, one 2 coming 3 years and the other 3 coming 4 years old; 175 chickens. HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY 15 to 17 tons of fine timothy hay in barn, live or six hundred bushels of good white oats, 13 acres of corn in shock, cut by hand: some fodder corn in stacks, Milwaukee mower, Kingman corn planter, tools, road cart, milk cans, pails, etc. --TERHS OF SALE:-- All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. NICK F. FREUND. STEPHEN H. FKEUND, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. David K. Jimlyn, Attorney. Estate of Mary Ann Weber. I>eceased. The undersigned having l>een appointed Administrator of the Estate of Mary Ann Weber, deceased, late of the County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that lie will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at t he January Term ou the first Monday in January next, at ^ ? a rsons having claims tur&lnst said Estate are not ified and requested to at tend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. AH persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 14th day of November, A. D 1011 P. B. WEBKB, Administrator. ' The undersigned, having decided to quit farming and go West, will sell at public auction on the Frank Hanly farm, situated about one-half mile southwest of the McHenry depot, on Monday, Nov. 27 commencing at one o'clock p. m., the following described property, to-wit: 47--HEAD OF LIVE STOCK--47 consisting of 21 HEAD OF CATTLE 7 cowS, 4 3-year-old heifers, 3 2-year- old heifers, 3 yearling heifers, 1 year ling bull, 3 calves. 7 HEAD OF HORSES Span of black brood mares (Normans), 10 and 11 yekrs old; gray gelding, 12 years old; brown gelding colt, 2 years old, wt. 1200 lb.; span gelding colts, 3-year-old chestnut colt and 2-year-old black colt, sired by Vogel horse; suck ing colt. 19 nous One black 1'oland China boar, eligible to register; 3 Chester White boars, 8 brood sows, 7 barrows. -HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY-- Three stacks straw, 2 stacks alfalfa, 1 stock millet, timothy hay in barn, alfalfa hay in barn, 1,000 bu. oats, some spring wheat, some corn. Wide tire wagon, narrow tire wagon, light truck wagon, new broadcast seeder, 16-inch disc, new; 2 combination walk ing, sod and stubble plows, combination riding corn plow, Deering binder, Deering mower, 2 wooden drags, 2 hay racks, combination wagon box and wood rack, 2 sets heavy Concord har ness, 4 milk cans, milk canvas, some cedar posts, some oak posts, Shrop shire ewe. TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 10 months' time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at 7 per cent per annum. No property removed until for. C. C. MILLHEAM. SIMON STOFFEL, Clerk. PLAN YOUR TRIP TO CALIFORNIA NOW Via th« North Waatara Lin*. The famous San Francisco Overland Limited, luxuriously equipped, provid ing every travel comfort, electric light ed thruout, with perfect devices for ventilation and sanitation, leaves Chi cago daily from the new passenger ter minal (the most modern railway sta tion in the world), only 67 hours enroute to San Francisco. /-The Los Angeles Limited, the fast electric lighted "homelike" train to southern California, leaves Chicago daily, only t>8 hours enroute. For reservations and full particulars apply to ticket agents, Chicago and North Western Ry. 21-21 w~ Denim Blue Serge Oxford Pincheck Staple Suiting Black and White Silk Mixture Worsteds Dunmore Silk Stripe Worsteds Black Novelty Herringbones Brown Sharkins Silk Stripe Illuminated Blue Serge Brown Diagonal Sturburg Worsteds Brown Diagonal Cassimere Suitings s, ft 1 Metcalf Gray Diagonal Novelty Gray Melton Novelty Oxford Melton Gjay Tweed Cheviot Shetland Diagonal Novelty Black and Blue Thibet Tan Fine Diagonal Melton Pantorus High Class Novelty Black Kersey--Fast Color Forman Basket Cheviot G-ray Herringbone Cheviot Blue Kersey Imported Fancy Black, Quarter Lined Pants, $3.50 Our Motto: Honest work at living prices. We absolutely guarantee these Clothes in every detail John D. Loiltz & jZfT?r? ~Y " Why would Jack Spratt'a wit* cat na fat? Reaches all Stores ITH a telephone in her home, the housewife may select her supplies and economize on household ex pense. Provision dealers call their patrons daily to quote prices and quality of stock. They encourage the telephone order for it is convenient for the customer. The telephone in the home reduces the cost of living--and in a thousand other ways ^oves its worth. Ivwjr Ball Talaphutia S* a Dlitim Siattvg §1116180 TELEPHONE COMPANY J. C. Oebrecht & Co. 15he General MercHants Johnsburgh, 111. 'Phone 926. Our stock is supplied with all neces- aries to meet this cold and snappy win ter weather. We have a large variety of Flannels, Blankets and Yarns, also Underwear for men, women and chil dren. In fact, we have everything in this line you may need to keep warm. Come at once and make your selection. PRICES AND QUALITY RIGHT. Simply bocauaa aha 4Ma't laan that war. Jack Spratt would eat no fat, His wife would eat no lean, Thus between the two of them They'd eat a meat shop clean. The lonjf and short of it is that we have the fat and the lean of it. Is your choice fat orleanV E. F. Matthews WEST McMBNKV TELEPHONE 3 Napa, Plata, Subdividing Farm and District Drainage. ARTHUR L. tEKflQt, C. E. CITY ENGINEER OP WHEATON. ILL. COUNTY SURVEYOR OP OU PAQE CO. Whaaton OUicaai Phone* Court Houaa, 77 City Halt, 239 Raaldance, 288 Woadatack Offlaa in Arnold Bl««k C. L. Tryon Raaidant Enginoor L. Q. SENG Sana dagraa at •*- cailanca in II qua re and cigars, aama aanrica, aama aid atand, aama aval thing except EVNUNBER la 10* N. Sth Are. CHICAGO. FAKCfcLS CHICKED FREE th> EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Joseph I. Long, Attorney. Estate ot Bruce W. Starrltt. Deceased. The underslvned having beeo appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Bruce VV. starrltt. deceased, late of the Coun ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the January Term, 011 the Hrst Monday In January next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and rtsjuested to attend for the purpose of havlug the same adjusted. AM persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate paymeut to the undersigned. Dated this 8th day of November. A. D. 1911. 21-3t CLARA M. STARRITT, Executrix. For chapped hands. 25c at Petesch'B. Benzo cream, 21-tS THANKSGIVING RAFFLES. Peter B. Freund, the West Side saloon keeper, wishes to announce that Thanksgiving raffles will be conducted at his place of business every day, be ginning Monday, Nov. 27, and contin uing up to and including Thanksgiving day. 22 _ _ & | Professional. Society # » and Business Cards j -ft****** *(-***«- ****** **t **t * DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Of- fic# And residence, corner Elm and Green streets, McHenry, Illinois. Telephone No. 311. DR. R. a. CHAMBJOKLIIS DENTIST Otflce over Bevlcy'e Diug . Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WBST MOHRNRY. II,I„ DR. N. J. NYE McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hour. 1 It Johnaburgh, 111., Irom 7:30 a. nru- to 11:30 a. m. Wadneaday and Sunday ol each week. PHONE; McHENRY 333. 1)r. Arnold Mu k l l k r , PHYSICFAN AND SIMOKON JOHNSBlJKtiH, :: ILLINOIS Telephone No 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance a^rent for all classes of property in the befet. companies. West. McHenry. Illinois Fine Steek Narehandlaa Farm Salea Real Eatate Telephene Na. 894 G. A. SAUDI AUCTKNVLUt WEST M'HENRY, ILL W. P. KINNS ....GENERAL TEAMING.... Or ALL KINDS ON SHORT NOTICE T«tepti«»i<e NSJ. S81. WEST McHENRY, -• ILLINOIS ADOLffl Wtlii!U,3t Dealer In HARNESS, RWS AND SUPPLIES A large 41aplar ef blanket* at all klnda. Har- •eaa kallt ta ardar. Repairing naatly dana WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS WEST SIDE LIVERY & AUTO LIVERY R I. OVERTON. PROPRIETOR. AUTOMOBILES AND Buses meet all 1 rains fur points an Plstakee Bay and Fox Lake. Teain- luir of all ulnds done promptly. Spe cial attention if I veil to traveling men First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. Wwt Mcltoarjr. III. « Telephone 6