Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1911, p. 5

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// We A:e deia} to Something New Something Different IT'S LIKE THIS We ask you to make a bid on a Genu­ ine Round Oak heating Stove No. 18, and we are going to sell same to the highest bidder--no matter how low the price offered. The Genuine Round Oak is the first and foremost heating stove on the mar­ ket today. It burns any kind of fuel successfully. It holds the fire. It lasts. It satisfies every user. It is now on exhibition and you are invited to see it and MAKE US A BID. HOW TO DO IT Fill out the Coupon below, or write us, naming your bid, mail or leave at our store in sealed envelope marked 44Stove Bid." All bids will l>e opened at our store SAT., DEC. 2. 2 p. m. Someone is goint> to get the worth of their money in the genuine Round Oak, the highest grade heating stove in America. We hope it may be you.. C O U P O N My bid on the Genuine Hound Oak Stove No. 18 is Name Address ... All bidders must be present at the opening of the bids or have authorized representa­ tives. F. L. WEST SIDE HARDWARE NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KlIHitFlElU Will Bordon ol Woodstock was in town Satuidiiv. E. S. OlrnsUad was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. Thanksgiving seruets will he ob­ served next Sunday. liay Emery of Woodstock was a Mo.-day caller here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wille and son spent Sunday in Crystal Lake. W. S. Jaynes was a Sunday caller among Ilidgefield friends. Miss Mabel Wille visited with Mc­ Henry relatives last week. Oscar lianty of Chicago visited with Miss Cora Lock wood Sunday. Miss Mabel Skinner was a Wood­ stock visitor one day recently. M ' . and Mrs. A. Anderson were Crystal Lake shoppers Thursday. Frank Mufly and Clarence Thayer of Wojdstock were in town Monday. C. Ha>, F. Wille, Sr.. and W. Yanke were Crystal Lake callers Wednesday. Mrs. A. F. Salow and daughter, Florence, were Elgin visitors Monday. Mr. Bonixchseii and family spent SunJax with John Nickleson and fam­ ily. .vi i s. I). O. Kline was a business caller in Woodstock the tiiisl of the week. Henry Wilson of Woodstock visited with his mother, Miv A. Josephenson. recently. Miss Cilenys Jacobs was a business visitor in Crystal Lake Wednesday afternoon. l i e in >en Hessel grave and sister, Miss Jennie, of Woodstork visited relatives here Sundax. RING WOOD. William Coates is very sick at this writing. Mr. Luberto has moved his family to Chicago. The Ladies' Aid did well at their bazaar last Thursday. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson was in Mc- Henry Monday afternoon. Clarence Tut tie and father were in Ridgefield Monday on business. Mrs. Arthur Merrill of Solon at­ tended the M. E. dinner last Thurs­ day. Mrs. Ed. Bobbins of Chicago visited her aunt, Mrs. E. T. Chase, the last of the week. Edward Kimball, wife and daughter of Atlantic. Ia., visited Saturday with Ringwood relatives. ' Mrs. Nellie Tuttle and Mrs. May Noonan were Chicago visitors Wed­ nesday of last week. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw and a friend, Mrs. Brown, of Elgin attended the Ladies' Aid dinner last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hawver of Lake Geneva sperit Tuesday night at H. W. Allen's. They were on their way home from Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle, Mrs. Waiter Bradley and Mrs. Mervin attended the birthday party of Rev. Collins at Greenwood Wednesday. Mre. Dora Williamson and Mrs. Sadie Struble of Pauls Valley came Tuesday night to see their father and uncle. William Coates, who is very sick. Alonzo Kimball and wife of Mason City, la., came out last Thursday to attend the golden wedding of his •J) NEWYORK CHICAGO m. J. WALSH, AGENT Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a OCnCRAL BARKI1K BUSINESS respectfully solicting pnblic p»t- ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property tor sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE ID First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. EXCELLENT LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries Is the Inevitable rroult if you use White fwan . Flour... •4 < * ̂ RFLGRM VVN 'kracoHfa |\ /u FOR SALfc tsv Wilbur Lumber Co. West .IcHenry N. P. Steilen & Son richenry John Richardson VolO William Althoff Johnsburgh Better make that ap­ pointment today. :: Christmas draws near­ er every hour. :: :: An enlargement giveq with each order. :: SdinMs Studio, TUMI 971. WEST HmWK , ILL. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR F* £?M'U$ K l S E f l F A b i C f FA MIIV FLOUR ItLV 3^ .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WEST fflMf FLOUR AND ftt« HILLS 4 V\ s-mw • i-i I P'i$K'y i _-*\j Mbo BLItTEICE DARK, WITH "AT THE MERCY Or VitfERIUS" CO. Basket social at the Ostend school house nej(t Saturday night. Convey­ ances will leave Petesch's and McAl­ lister's drfltf stores at 7:30 p. m. Mi. and Mrs. K. K. Shepard enter- t'lined Miss Florence Monroe of Wood- stork Sunday. ( liauiH'v Stephenson of Chicago is visiting w ith his parents, M i . and M l-s. A. Stephenson. Mi'-. H. Nelson spent the latter part of last week with relatives in Chicago, returning Sunday. Carl Marail was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mis. H. Heed Tues­ day and Wednesday. Mis. A. Peterson visited with her daughter, Mrs. Larson, in Woodstock the fore part of the week. Mrs. C. H. Og'bin of Elgin visited with Mrs. K. H. Smith and family a part of Thursday and Friday. Mrs. C. Tachman and little daugh­ ter, Harriett, sj>ent a part of Sunday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobs. The cemetery society will meet with Mrs. A. Anners Thursday, Dec. 14, at Everyone try to come. Please don't forget the date. A. P. Peck and wife are spending a month on a pleasure tour. They will isit Houston, Texas, Settle Lake, L*.. and other points of interest. 11 Conent of Woodstock, also Mr and Mrs. John Borden of the same place, spent the day Thursday at Mr. ind Mrs. George WTheelerSs. Donald Knilans was taken suddenly ,ick last week Wednesday with appen­ dicitis. It was at first thought he would pull thru without an operation, liut later an operation was performed, and at the present time Donald is thought to be slowly improving. Drs. Windmueller and Baccus and a trained nurse from Chicago are in attendance. Donald is a general favorite with old and young and all will be glad to learn he is better. Later--Donald Knilan's died Wednesday morning. The twenty-first annual convention uf the McHenry County Christian En­ deavor society will b»e held at Ridge- tield Nov. 24 and2o. Theme, Efficiency. Entertainment will be furnished all delegates. Dinner will be served to all delegates in the church parlors on Saturday at 12:31) o'clock. Plan to be in attendance Friday evening, as spe­ cial music and a splendid address by Rev. K- L. Reiner of Chicago will be the feature. Everybody cordially in­ vited to come out to all the meetings. Those knowing themselves indebted to (J. W. Besley will confer that gen­ tleman a favor l>v calling at the drug store of E. V. McAllister & Co. and squaring their accounts. <23 brother and is visiting relatives in Ringwood and vicinity. H. W. Allen and wife and Bert Mc- Cannon and wife attended the golden wedding of their uncle, John Kimball, Friday evening of last week. It was an occasion long to be remembered by all. McCOLLUM'S LAKE. Hazel liobison has an attack of tor- silitis. L. P. Kane is spending the week at Racine, Wis. May Noonan spent Monday and Tues­ day in Chicago. Earl Whiting made his usual trip to Volo Saturday night. Allan Noonan and Thos. Kane spent Saturday in Woodstock. Clarence Tuttle and wife of Ring- wood spent Sunday here at the Lake. Wo understand that Raymond Whit­ ing is now learning to smoke papa's best. Lora and Elsie Smith gave a party at their home Saturday evening. Games were played and refreshments served at a late hour and everybody reporting a good time returned to their various homes. Those present were: Misses Katie Buch, Marguerite Knox, Letah Page, La Nette Whiting, Margaret Buss, Belle Carey, Evelyn Carey, Ethel Harrison, Florence Welch, Eleanor Whiting and Marion Whiting. Among the gentlemen who attended were: Ray Page, L. P. Kane, Ambrose Noonan, John Conway, Glenn Robison, Clinton Martin, Allan Noonan, Edwin Knox, Robert Knox, Harry Stephenson, Ed­ ward Harrison and Leon Dodge. VOLO. Geo. Eatinger visited relatives in Barrington the past week. Mrs. Edward Lusk was in Chicago Wednesday purchasing goods. John Eatinger of Thedford, Neb., was a visitor at the Eatinger home the past few days. Mrs. Jane Converse is quite ill with asthma. Dr. Palmer is in attendance. Mrs. Zuelsdorf of Palatine is spend­ ing a few weeks with her son, Frank, and family. Miss Eva Vasey is improving some at this writing. Miss T. Hildengart visited relatives in Chicago Monday and Tuesday. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving day and to give the employes of The Plain- dealer the day off we will issue one day earlier next week. Advertisers as well as correspondents are kindly asked to bear this fact in mind and send in their copy one day earlier. F When it is Drugs It is often necessary to know, and a satisfaction to be sure, that drugs purchased are of the best possible quality. This cer­ tainty and security is always provided when you buy drugs here. For years we have given that sort of service which builds public confidence and wins the permanent favor of careful peo­ ple. When you get anything here you can be sure about the quality and equally sure that, quality considered, the price is right. N. H, Petesch, : Druggist 'Phone in Suits, $14.50 I know I have a good thing. Come in and see. You don't need a Suit now, but the day will come when you will. It will pay you then to know the prices and goods. Ill give you my time and show you what you can do in the clothes line. I don't want you to buy and I want you to feel you don't have to. I extend to you the courtesy of an invitation to my shop and see things for yourself. Do me the courtesy of coming to see. It will tickle me and put you under no obligations. LADES' AND GENTS' SUITS CLEANED AND SCOURED JOHN D. LODTZ, McHeory, Illinois •A) SUITS, 514.50 OVtBCOATS, 514.50 While we do not claim to have a better stock of goods than the rest, we do claim and can prove it that our stock compares favorably with the best to be found anywhere, and, bet­ ter still, we are selling our Richardson's Rugs and Linoleums at prices that are making oth­ ers sit up and take notice. Our Fnrniture department is always complete and we are always willing to deliver the goods right at your home without extra charge. We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine which you must see to appreciate. Too many good features about this machine to enumer­ ate, so the best we can do is to invite you to our store and let us explain its merits to you. ..Jacob Justen.. To the Hcrusewives There isn't a housewife in the world but what has more or less trouble with her baking. There are times when it comes out just dandy. But they are not always lucky. We can do your baking and do it satisfactorily. Our bakery is always right. Nothing but tirst-class bread, cake, pies, cookies, etc., are allowed to leave this establishment. That's why we want you to buy your bakery here. A trial order will verify this statement. :: :: :: 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COnMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION UIVBN TO THX SALK OF Dressed Beef, rtuttoou Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists famished on application. COLO STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3, PaltM St Whoctalt Mtrk«t. •v. *

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