tie Mtieiry Pliifidealer BVKBY TBTTR8I>AT,BT F. Q. SCHREINER. OflMtaBMkBvtfcUac- IWwfcoM, No.W». TIRMt OF tUatOflPTIONi OMfW W'*® •ItmtlH, Wets. Tbrm months. 40ots. Thindtf, December 7, 1911. M'HEHRY fUBUC SCHOOL NOTES BASKET "f'-i- TEAMS OPEN SEASON WITH DOUBLE VICTORY. The first room enjoyed a feast in the basement last Wednesday afternoon. The members of the physical geog raphy class were busy last week draw ing oontour maps of an island. The fifth room had four visitors last week. Why don't you come and see how it seems to go to school? The public school pupils had the pleasure of a four days' vacation last week. Some pupils wish that Thanks giving day might come every month. Many high school pupils find amuse ment as well as knowledge in the mag azines and books on the hall reading table. Everyone remember the last basket ball game of the year Friday night, Dec. 8. Harvard has the reputation of having two of the fastest teams of the eounty -and two fast and exciting games are looked for. The following quotation was found ih a magazine by one of the Cicero students: "Lines of Cicero all remind us, We can make our grades sublime; Apd by asking lots of questions. Take up all of class time." M'HENRY DEFEATS DUNDEE. Last Friday night our high school t?<*Tng met for the first time this year two of the neighboring high school The girls' game, which was played first, was easily won by the Mc- Henry girls, the score being 22 to 4. The boys' game was close and there fore more exciting. The boys' team was crippled with the loss of Conway at center, who was compelled to stay home on account of his sister's illness. ' Martin took his place, while Dodge ably filled the latter's place at guard. The game was marked by the fre- qoent fouling of both teams. The final aeore was 26 to 22. Followihg are the line-ups and scores: McHenry GIRLS Bacon R F Burke L F Smith C Tesch RG Welch L G . Field goals-Bacon, 5; Burke,3; Smith, 2l Rausch, L Free throws--Bacon, 1; Rausch, 1. Eftlow. 1. Fouls--Bacon, 2; Tesch, 2; Rausch, 3; Enlow, 1. BOYS RF L F C LG RG Dundee Enlow Howe Rausch Rieche Creighton McHenry Bonslett Bolger Martin fig* Dundee Bright Rowe Rausch Grant Fay Field goals--Bonslett, 5; Martin, 2 Bright* 4: Rowe, 3: Rausch, 1. Free throws--Bonslett. 6; Bolger, 6; Rowe, 2; Rausch, 2; Fay, 1. Fouls -Bolg6r, 3; Martin, 3: Nickels, 2: Grant, 8; Fay, 2; Bright, 2; Rowe, 2: Rausch 2. \ spent TKEKA COTTA. Florence Conway has been on the sick list the past week. Mr. and Mrst Chas. Buck Thursday last in McHenry. I. E. Mason of Cherry Valley was a sailer in this vicinity Friday. J. Norris of Crystal Lake called on Mends here Sunday evening. Ray Cox of Burton's Bridge was a fealler here Sunday afternoon. Miss Mae Ames visited with her sis ter in Elgin part of last week. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent last week with relatives here. J. R. Knox of McHenry was the guest of relatives here last Thursday. Mrs. E. W. Kelley and daughter, Grace, were Chicago visitors last Fri day. Miss Freya Foereter of Chicago spent the week end with her parents here. Misses Minnie and Alice Knox of McHenry visited at "M. Knox's Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Clark and Mrs. FVriler of Ohio visited at J. M. Phalin's Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and fam- Sir were entertained by McHenry rela-ves Thanksgiving day. Eugene Leisner, who recently re turned from Kentucky, spent Thurs day and Friday at his home here. You flust Decide Soon You must decide on all gifts within a few days. Better make sure of pleasing the Recipients by giving some of the useful items that comprise our sen sible holiday stock. B&!R, HAT, CLOTHES, COMPLEXION AND SHAVING BRUSHES, PERFUMES, TOILET WATERS, FOUNTAIN PENS, COMBS, TOILET ARTICLES, SAFETY RAZORS, BOX STATIONERY, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, XMAS CARDS, HOT WATER BOTTLES, ETC., ETC. Splendid choice in every line, prices right on all N. H. 'Phone 374 Petesch McHENRY, ILLINOIS J ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE! f GEO. VOOEL, Auctioneer The undei-sijjned. administrator for the estate of .lohn M. Miller, will sell at public auction on the late John M. Miller farm, located 1$ miles north of Johnsburgh, 2 miles southeast of Spring Grove and 4 miles east of Rinkr- wood. on Thursday, Dec. 14 commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp, the following described property, to- wit: 40--HEAD OF LIVE STOCK--40 consisting of 21--HEAD OF CATTLE--21 some close springers ajid 5 with calves by their sides, balance good milkers. Some£very£choice Holsteins are in cludedJJin this herd. Two 2-year-old heifers, 2 yearling bulls. FOUR HEAD OF HORSES One bay gelding, 14 years old, wt. 1250 pounds; bay mare, 4 years old, in foal, wt. 1200 pounds; black mare, 8 years old, wt. 1100 pounds; bay work mare. TenjChester White brood sows, 130 chickens. HAY AND GRAIN Three tons timothy hay in barn, about 12 tons slough hay in barn, 3 stacks corn stalks, stack fodder corn, iiaO bu. of oats, 4a bu. seed barley, free from foul seed; 30 bu. winter wheat, 10 bu. spring wheat. 16 tons of corn in crib, husked by hand: 30 bushels potatoes. MACHINERY McCormick grain binder, nearly new; McCormick corn binder, McCormick mower, Buckeye seeder, new sulky plow, 2 walking plows, 2 riding culti- ators, walking cultivator, set of drags, pairs bob sleighs, new cutter, 2 truck wagons, narrow tire wagon with box combined, hay rack, 800-pound scalr-s, milk cans, good coal stove, 2 sets work harness, light driving harness, fanning mill, 2 cross-cut saws, stone boat, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. GOOD FREE LUNCH AT NOON! CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ikit i&avcrtieuiiieiita UkMrted under thle hea<i at tb* l#£k»wiu|g rates: Five line* or 1<*m, 86 cento for flr*t ftBB&rUosi; 16 cents for each subsequent Insertion Are iinea, 6 cent* * line (or flret insertion Md 3 cents a line for Addition! insertion*. |J*OR SALE--A few pure bred Buff Orping- ton cockerels called for at oace. F. L. MoOmbeb, West McHeury. 'U-i "BV>K SALE--A uumber of Duroe Jersey boars. For further information call or McHenry, 111 write Got Habbmoh, West •Phone 574. lry, II 21-tf IJMJR SALE--Full blood Rhode Island Red * hens, cockerels and pallets. G. R. Andrews, hack of the old Lawless store build- lag, McHenry, 111. St-2t "BK)R RENT * miles south of Crystal Lake. -A.b 80-acre farm situated three Inquire of Or write C. W. Htsnukk, West McHenry State Bank, West McHenry, III. 25-tf T>IVEK LOTS FOR 8 ALE--A number of very desirable building lots on the west shore ;«t Fox river at May's it venue, opposite Schaf- rter's grove. Inquire of or write Stephen H Qmitb or The Pi.aimdkalbr, McHt-nry, 111 • S5-Feb. 1* TpOR SALE--River property; bouse and four lots, just north of Orchard Beach hotel • Aisosotne choice building lots on the east J&ttk of Fox river, south of McHenr Jinjusr. of C. W. Stehokk, West *9t&te Bank. 7-tf bridge - M < "tj^OR SALE--Store and stock of goods, good . point, prices right. Also fifty good Mc- Henry county farms, prices right and terms bargains In Minnesota point, prices right. Also fifty good Mc county farms, asy. Also some fine .. ads. If you wish to buy or have anything trade call on or write O. E. Gayix>hd est McHeury. "Phone 414. 15-tf Sillily required by March 1, IU12, to bir " a first-class 200 acre farm on 15 to 2 ••• gears' time at 5 per cent. Title perfect, good " mndlnhlgh state of cultivation, free from -foul weeds; good, large buildings, on tint* road r school; orchard, timber, etc. May rent, quick. tsiMoK SvoFFBiy, West McHetijr M SAT. i Dec. 9 (Si 10 K. of C. Under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus of McHenry TERflS OF SALE All sums of $10 and under, cash: over that amount a credit of five months' time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at seven per cent per annum. No property to !><• emoved until settled for. JOHN A. Miller, Administrator. Stephen H. Freund, clerk. Auction Sale! Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer Having- rented his farm the under signed will sell at public auction on the Martin N. May farm, located four miles northwest of Johnsburgh, two miles northeast of Ring-wood, two miles south of Solon Mills, on the Ring- wood and Solon road, on Thursday, Dec. 21 commencing at ten o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 93 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 92 19 head Holstein cows, some with calves at side and close springers: 4 three-year-old Holstein heifers. 8 two- year-old Holstein heifei-&, <> Holstein yearlings, 18 month Holstine bull heifer calves, bay horse, 8 years old; bay horse, *i years old; gray horse, 4 years old; bay mare. 8 years old: bay mare, 16 years old; roan colt, coming 3 years old; bay colt, coming 4 years old; 25 brood hows, weighing about 2L'5 pounds; 20 barrow hogs, weight about 22;j pounds, Chester White boar, 250 chickens, 8 ducks, 4 geese. HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY 18 tons timothy hay in barn, 30 loads corn stocks, 2 stacks corn fodder, 50 bushels seed corn, 600 bushels White Plume oats, 1400 bushels of corn husked by hand, 25 bushels barley, narrow tire wagon with top box, wide tire wagon, iron wheel wagon, milk w agon. Champion grain binder, Deering corn binder, Rock Island hay loader, Brad ley gang plow, Emerson sulky plow, walking plow, McCormick mower, cul tivator, pulverizer, Kingman corn planter with 100 rods of wire, Gorhain seeder, hay rake, land roller, 2 sets of bobs, 2 hay racks, hog rack, hog coop, wood rack, road wagon, fanning mill, 800 pound Fairbanks scales, wheel bar- The Show With the Jingie We wish to announce to the public that wo have opened a firstclass, up-to-date grocery store in the Simes block on the West Side and are now prepared to furnish you with first class groceries. We have placed an order and delivery wagon upon the road and will take and deliver your orders with promptness and dispatch. Thru honest dealings and cor rect prices we hope to win your patronage. Respectfully yours, urws & Jits Phone 653 West McHenry row, 2 sets of drags, 2 buggy jx)les, stone boat, grind stone, tank heater, potato digger, corn sheller, 8 milk cans, pails and strainers, post maul, log chain, sw ill cart, eider press, 50 grain bags, set dump boards, 3 sets heavy work harness, set light driving har ness, set single harness, riding saddle, 2 sets leather fly nets, 18x20 ft. canvas, inilk canvas, some household furniture, forks, shovels, hoes, and numerous other articles. Plenty to Eat and Drink at Noon --Terms of Sale:-- Amounts under $10. cash: over that amount 12 months' time w ill be given on bankable notes at 7 per cent inter est. No property removed until set tled for. Martin N. May, I'rop. Stki'hen H. Frkund, Clerk. The members of the Hamilton club on the West Side enjoyed a turkey dinner at their apartment over the John Stoffel store on Wednesday even ing of last week. The guest of honor was C. W. Stenger. Don't worry about holiday presents. We worried for you months ago. Come now and see what this worry has amounted to. Petesch's. 25 For chapped hands. 25c at Petewb'g, Benzo cream, 2J-U T fesas . SUT CUSS I Tjie Devest Ctf legs '•4to % Hand PsEslej : rare opportunity to *«cure direct from oae of America'* leading manufacturers of Cut Glass one of the Uiwest lines of samples brought to thtl City* TBlIIIB^tilfVr niltM * *nM>uUv /if cunnlvinor wliAl<Mi«t*rfi mmA Mtv StOTSf With Stat)!# We h ive had th K. «,uw. vvu «vc, ucuru oi wen priccs? All the finest products of the most skilled artisans of oue or America s foremost glass-cutting shops. No chenp imitations, but brilliant hand-cut and hand-polished wares. See the ware itself now displayed at our store; get the first choice, buy now; for y v.ir own sideboard or future gifts. We have divided j;he entire shipraent into four groups ai the following prices: products CROUP Ho, 1t $1,50 to $2,25 values, yew choice at the abswl prfct if r 98c iwi ftmin. worth Aua Th fi.jo V9C This* 6-inch Rmr4 Napptc. voitli *150, fenwiionat •*«>* prior X-pt. Squat Crtam Pitcher. *1 the rhlicu- 4dw price of $8c Sugar Bowls'to match Creamers, Creamers to match Sugars, 6-inch Round Nappies, . . . 6*inch Hid. Nappies, . . <• ii <> Spoon Trays or Bon-Bona, . . C o v d . P n f f B o x c i s , . . . . Fancy Bou-Bons, Ice Bowls . 8-incb Stem Vases, .... M-pint Squat Creamers, u» VahM 11.50 each 1.50 " 1.50 •" 1.7S /' 2.00 " 2.00 41 2.00 " £.25 " 2.25 " .2.25 " r7S " ^11 ol the above articles 1c Croup & wo old tie attueual valuta «t th« low pricaa nanieil Special (tiring thia 8eitMHonal SaiapJe Sale AH "Team" «• frnm $2.75 tg $4.00 ml Srasitiodil pries, lU-iticlv Hand-cut vrould bi chcap #3.7$. SentMtiona) This beaulifttl 2-pin( T^nL .r.l Pitcher always sell rendilv for #4 00 This Celery is cheap •t #i.ou Sensational pric* TW- : Bdv, mrtb fi.00 Oil TMt 4-incb Handled v Kappic and several others, worth #1.75 cacti. Sensatiooai w'-•' .**&>. price. Tlita Spooa friy, woith #2.00. Sensational prict, 98c $1.98 6-inch Round Nappies, Sugars to match Creamers, Creamers to match Sugars, 10-inch Stein Vases, 7-inch Round Nappies, . Covd. Puff-Boxes, . . Celery Trays, .... 2-pint Tankard Pitchers, 8-inch Salad or Berry Bowls, 3.75 8-in. " " " 4.00 V- 75 2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00 3.75 3.00 3.25 3.00 4.00 Vahu each Yoar choice of all artidN MUd 1b Oroop 2, while |btf teat, at the Seasatiooal price of $1 EACH Thia ft-ia. 11and-cut *4.00. at the Sensational ijrice of Tbto 7-Inch Nappte woulc tnnpt anyon< at #3 00 Scpaaftonal price, $m $3,75 to $6.00 values. Your choice while they last. $3,48 iii >$r>m Pitcher, to inttcb ' TumMen, making Wfticr Set. to gool valu* it f5 50. Sensational price. $3.48 Set m 6 Lumblera to it^h Pitche nh #4.50 $3.48 lOTteto<*» Tit is e*tra fti^a deep hand-cut Celery - is a choice er at & *0. . nsatjon^l $£48 8-inch Round Nappies, .... Sugar Bowls to match Creamers, Creamers to match Sugars, < . . 8-inch Royal Vases Tall Oils or Vinegar Cruets,. . . Extra Fine Celery Trays, 5-inch Footed Comports, .... 8-inch Berry or Salad Bowls, . . ii i . I I " . . . Set of 6 Tumblers to match Pitchers 3-pint Pitcher to match Tumblers, Mayopaise* Bowl and Plate, . iuul Low . *3.75 . 4.00 . 4.00 . 4.50 . 4.25 . 4.50 . 4.75 . 5.50 . 5.75 . 4.50 . 5.50 . 6.00 Value each set each All of the above articles in Group 3 would be considered as leaders^by lead ing cut glass merchants. Our Sensa? t i o n a l S a m p l e S a l e p r i c e . . . . ,48 ?•« EACH \ : Tlii*. fc-imh extra «i y Tiru nlal tti'l SunborSl de-»>.:n V.la.I or b i; ; i) is K>mcimart soil) foi <1»> 00. a«i<t is unusaai value at $5.75 Srn^Mtionai pn. e.. fS.4# ThU 6 V iii; pl#t9 ai \utile at #6.00 lor the two pieces Sensational price •#34» GROUP No. 4: $6.75 to $8.75 values. During our Sensational Sab, your choice, each f. :V\W piii 9-(n. txtft tarft Berry or Salad Bowl, cut very deep, ^n4 polished like a huge iliamood; easily worth $7 50. Sensational S^le price, $4,98 I Saic price shovk pii'te sometioiei »oiil it < $4.98 8-inch Art Cut Salads or Berry Bowls, . . v£et of 6 Extra Deep Cut ' Tumblers to match Pitchers, . 9«inch Extra Large Salads or Berry Bowls, 3-pint Extra Fine Pitchers to match Tumblers, 9Ji-inch Tall Comports, 6-iltch diameter, , 12-inch Royal Vases, 8-incli Pern Dishes with PUted Metal Lininus 14-iuch Ice Creaiu Travs, ^6.75 each 6 75 set ..SO eacl. cN 00 6.73 s. r ̂ 7 75 8.75 Socftc ||ia abo\e named Group 4 are sold bv leading |f*i ! era <it prices front #lu lo t.i h T>i^> <>re all dniKrIjtivf ulur: |/ucc.* tiamert alwiw liurin^ i ; s ^ei|Mt)oH«l S*le, vour - • m $4.98 Thi* lx-aut»tul r. art pt«*e, V i uichcb iliatiutn popular v MjKvrt a mp m hrs ht^h ell $4.98 '$4.98 Nothing Reserved Irotn thia SensationaJ Sample Sale. Come l irst «nd Oct Vour Chutc«. VICTOR, EDISON AND COLUMBIA Phonographs Are you existing? Get a Vic tor, Edison or Columbia and live! Enjoy the grand opera singers, the popular songs, the great bands "and orchestras, old time melodies, sacred music, dance music--all the wonderful variety of melody, sentiment and mirth that comes with a Phonograph and makes life worth living. :: By our easy-payment plan you can have a Victor, Edison or Columbia right away and pay as convenient. :: :: :: New records every week. :: N. A. Huemann, West McHenry, Illinois. 1 Professional, Society 5* » | and Business Cards ; f. fff *-*« * DAVID a. WELLS, N. ». OCULIST. Of- -- £!• ami Ttlifhtn* N PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND Oi Mnur Eli a«Uiu7, ItliMia. T«ln! !• ami Oimb •. SU. M. N. J. NYE NeHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offim huin I m* wti'11" " to lWO a. m. Wednesday and Sunday at each weak. FHOWB5 McHENRY DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON ^ JOHNSBURGH, :: :: ILLINOIS rdephoBC No *9). SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHanrr. IIHmI, Fina Staek Nnrchandiaa Farm Saiac Raal Estate G. A AUCI!0N££K Talephana Na. 804 WEST N'KNRY, ILL W. P. K»NN!S ....GENERAL TEAMING or ALL KINDS ON WORT NOTICE Telephmw N«>, Sft? WEST NeHENRY, ILLINOIS ADftl PH WFflENER Dealer Ijj HARNESS, ROBES AND SUPPLES A Ic.p f >•. display of blankets ol ail kinds. Har ness built to order. Repairing neatly done WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS Napa, Plats, __ Subdividing Farm and District Drainage ARTHUR L. WEBSTER, C. E. CITY ENGINEER WHEATS*, ILL. COUNTY SURVEywIi Or UU rAGE CO. " Wheaton Offices; Phones Court House, 77 City Hall, 233 Residence, 283 We^dsteck Office Arnold Block C. L. Try en Reeldent Engineer L- Q- s®6 ^ M ®em*'e*re* •* **• cellence n liquors and cigare, same •an Ice, asms eld tend, same every thing except the NUMBER la 100 N. 8th Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHI CKBU FREE WEST SIDE LIVERY & AUTO LIVERY R. I. OVERTON. Pi mMm. .«&I)TOMOH1L1SS ANU /' Buses uieet all trains for points ou IMst.aU ee Bay and Fox Lake. Teaui- liitc of all kluds done promptly. Spe- cla atteutlou Klveu to traveling men. First-ckiss rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. West McNtvjr, ill. • Teltpliont 6 Candies and Nuts For Xmas We have purchased as nioe a line of Christmas candied nuts and fruits as was ever brought into the village and we know that we can please you in these particular lines. Other Christmas goods that will meet with your approv al and suit your pocket book are also to be found here. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 HcHenry, - Illinois. 4 The great chanticleer novelty put on by the Heimer sisters, Margaret Ward and Nettie Whiting. All the old fav orites still retained and some new ones added. With the K. C. minstrels Sat urday and Sunday, Dec. 9 and 10. 25