LET US HRL^, YOtI 1 CHECK YOUR WANTS FRON TIE LIST BELOW: FOR HER FOR HIM Perfumes Fine Cigars Box Paper Cigar Cases Gift Books Hat Brushes Fine Candy Safety Razors Toilet Sets Smoking Sets 'Hand Mirrors Clothes Brushes Manicure Goods Playing Cards Brushes and Combs Military Brushes CHRISTMAS CANDIES FOR THE CHILDREN. LARGE DOLLS, TOYS AND GAMES. TRIMMINGS FOR THE CHRISTMAS TREE. HOLLY WRAPPING PAPER AND BOXES FOR GIFTS. E. V. WleAIIister & Co. r m h i k n ; OUR ABLJS CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Lest You Forget WHAT to buy for Christmas and WHERE to buy it, we offer you a short list of serviceable articles to be found at our store. :: » SKATES TEA SETS CASSEROLES PLATED WARE POCKET KNIVES CARVING SETS SAFETY RAZORS CHAFING DISHES COFFEE PERCOLATORS NICKELED SERVING DISHES FANCY SHEARS AND SCISSORS A big line of enameled and plated kitchen ware. :: :: :: F. L. J. C. Debrecht & Co. 15he General Mer Hants Johnsburgh. III. *Phon« 926. Raid On Our "BaM iiand" Footwear! This winter weather is sending in almost, everybody who need: rubber boots wu'u-, v.et your* while our stock is complete. CHERRY VALLEY. Mr. Fitzsiunnons' new barn is near- ingr completion. M r. Moran attended the stock show in Chicago last week. Miss Flo.v Doud visited at the Hobart home in Ostend Sunday afternoon. C. B. Durkee and Miss Floy Doud were Woodstock visitors last Satur day. William Miller recently spent an evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherman vis ited at the Hutson home one evening last week. William Buchert made a short call at the home of C. B. Durkee and wffe last Sunday. Miss Hettie Randall seems to be en joying her work with Fantham & Son in Woodstock. The Rossman home saw quite a mer ry gathering within its doors one pvoii- ing last week. Edward Pfannenstill is Hoovering from a slight attack of heart and stomach trouble. • Mrs. Joseph Draper, who was quite ill last week, is fueling better w<> ace glad to announce. Albert Buci»eil has aeceph»d the new position of teaching skating when the weather permits. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Draper are pleased to announcie the arrival of an other son. No "race suicide" here. Mr. Rogei-s and Mr. Townson of Aurora have lieen inspecting the new- barn on their farm, tenanted In Orcin Smith. Miss Ijucile Hutson is the proud |»os- sessor of a new pair of skates. Now, boys, it. seems to be up to \o»i to teach her to skate. Miss Hettie Randall and gentleman friend, Chester Blackburn, of Wood stock were visiting at the Randall home Sunday. A number of girls in this community have l>een dressing dolls for the ba zaar. Mi's. George Hutson lias been soliciting for it. Skating has been the leading sport here, but we fear the weather has up set it for awhile. Ask the weather bureau man to send vis some calm, cold nights. Quite a number from Cherry Valley attended the minstrel show Saturday night. Altlio the night was dark and the roads muddy, all felt well re|»aid for their trip. Don't forget the Christmas enter tainment at the Cherry Valley school house Dec. 22, at K:00 p. m. There will be an unusually good program and a Christmas tree that will remind vou of your own school days. KIMUWUOII. Bert McCannon was a visitor in Crys tal Lake Tuesday. Glynn Francisco of Woodstock was in town kist Saturday. Miss Lor a Walkington was an Klgin visitor Friday of last week. E. C. 11 aw ley took a trip to Minne sota last week to look at a farm. Miss Kleanor Hawley went to Klgin Monday afternoon for a few days' visit. Andrew Watei-s of Klgin was a week end guest of hi* sister. Mr-*. K. t . Hawley. James Green was in Klgin Monday a id purchased the house and lot of Miaa Frank Ingalls. Mrs. George Minshall of Lake < ien- eva was a Sunday guest of her grand- [ mother, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. Quite a number from here attended the supper aud sale given by the W ill- ing Workers in Mcllenry on Thurs day afternoon of last week. The W. t . T. I*, will meet Saturday afternoon of this week with Mrs. Maty Dodge. Topic, "Christ and His Mis sion." Leader, Jennie Spaulding. Clyde Francisco attended the funeral of his cousin, Miss Sadie Hobart. Tues day. The many friends of the family in this place extend their heartfelt sympathy to the sorrowing ones. Mrs. Sadie Struble has been visiting her friend, Mrs. L. D. Todd, of Dun dee for the past week. Mrs. Ik>ra Williamson also spent Tuesday nnd Wednesday o f t h i s week w i t h h e r . Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 18S8 This Bank receive® deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on tin e depos its, extends all courtesies t oneiet- ent with good business principles and does a mmL BAHKIM BUSINESS respectfully solicting pnblic pat ronage. Honey to Loan on reaf estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in I^rst Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Better make that ap pointment today. Christmas draws near er every hour. :: :: An enlargement given with each order. :: "PHONE 971. WEST PHEWY. ILL VOLO. Fxl. Lusk and wife spent Monday in Chicago. Miss Naomi Vasey was a ( liicago visitor Thursday. Geo. Eatinger and family leave this week for their new home near Alex andria, La. Misses Kathryn Frost and Lillian Efflnger spent Tuesday in Libertyville and Waukegan. Mrs. C. G. Huson and daughter. Marion, were guests of Liliertyville friends Saturday. H. Rogers of Waukegan was taken suddenly ill last week. His daughter, Mrs. Chas. Raught was called there Thursday. At this writing he is some better. Mrs. Dr. Stevens otf Janesville, Wis., formerly Miss Gertie Wood of this vicinity, died at her home there Sun day at the age of fifty-three years. Her old acquaintances will be grieved to learn of her death. TKBKA COTTA. Miss Agnes Conway is quite sick at this writing. Mrs. Chas. Buck was a McHenry visitor Monday. Miss Tillie Stewart of McHenry called in this vicinity Sunday. John Campbell of Grafton, O., vis ited at J. M. Plain's Monday. Miss Florence Knox was visiting the Misses Sutton at Emerald Park Sun day. Mesdames A. T., Frank and Henry McMillan were Crystal Lake callers Monday. Martin and Thomas Foley of Cleve land, O., spent Friday at J. M. Phalin's and C. £, Martin's. KIIWGIllfElU. M rs. Cooper went to the city Thurs day. Chris Floy boarded the (.'hicago train Thursday. August. Wille was in Woodstock Thursday. M iss C)ar% Salow went to Chicago Wednesday. K. Knilans was a Crystal Lake call er Thursday. A. F. Davis of Chicago visited in Ridgetield Saturday. Henry and Herman Wille were in Harvard Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Salow were call ers at Batavia Friday. Miss Clara EichkofT of Woodstock was in town Thursday. Mrs. Hansen and son. Earl, visited in Woodstock Saturday. .Mr. and Mi's. Chas. Tackmann visits ed at A. Jacobs' Monday. C. Davidson of McHenry was a busi ness caller h*>re Thursday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and Miss Mabel Skinner went to Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dvgert spent Sat urday taking in Hje sights in ('hicago. I>on't forget the bazaar and chicken pie dinner to l»e held in the church Dec. 15. I. E. Mason apd U. F. Peck ttoarded the 7:02 train for Chicago Tuesday morning. Mrs. L. Johnson and son, Lloyd, vis ited in Batavia fi-om Tuesday until Saturday. Mrs. H. Wille and son, also Mi: Rachel French, went to Crystal Lak Thursday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch is slowly recove ing from a serious illness, caused Ir eating canned peas. Mrs. Merrill Howard and Mrs. Wal ter Furn of La Prairie, Wis., spent Wednesday at the Risley home. I. E. Mason and F. W. Wille, Jr., shipped a car load of cattle to the city Monday. Mr. Wille accompanied the car. Miss Etta Levey, Wilbur Moffatt and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Levey of Crystal Lake visited Myers Levey and family from Saturday until Monday. N. J. Garrison has sold half interest in his store business at Ridgefield to Mr. Aughenbaugh. The name of the new store will be "The Economy." A. J. Dietz, who has been in Hart's gro cery store at Woodstock for the past live years, will be the manager. SCHOOL NOTKS. November has been an interesting month. There was so much to learn about our forefathers, the Pilgrims, and their hardships. This subject gave the smaller ones many interesting things to draw and cut, while the third and fourth grades were busy reading and writing compositions per taining to Thanksgiving. During the month all of the children took part in dramatizing"The First Thanksgiving." They also learned many appropriate poems and songs. These were used for a little program given the day be fore Thanksgiving. After the pro gram the children played "The First Thanksgiving" in a delightful way. They wore paper caps, kerchiefs, col lars and cuffs to represent Pilgrim men and women. We also had a real Samoset and his Indian friend with us. After this, both visitors and children enjoyed a Thanksgiving party, and later played games. We regret that more of the mothers did not come to the program. Their presence encour ages the children more than anything else. Those present were Mrs. Allen, Misses Clara Salow and Lucy Benson, also Mi's. F. Peterson and Eleanor Nel son of Crystal Lake. Among our Thanksgiving decorations was a Pil grim and Indian village, with the May flower in the harlior. The houses, w igwams, Indians and Pilgrims were made by the children. The Wednesday before Thanksgiv ing the four upjK'r grades enjoyed a party, in which pies, candy and all kinds of fruit formed the feast. Sto ries were told and the grades went down to the primary room to listen to the program. WAIiKUP SCHtX>L, DIST. NO. 77. Third month. The monthly grades of each pupil were very good. The social, which closed our month's work, brought splendid returns, con sidering the bitter cold weather. The I23.<>0 which we cleared will be used for school purposes. We will soon begin work on our Christmas program, which will be given the Friday afternoon before the holidays. We hope to have a Christ mas tree to make it seem more like holiday time. Everyone will be wel come. Bethel Shelt, Teacher. We wish to announce to the public that wfe have opened a first-class, up-to-date grocery store in the Simes block on the West Side and are now prepared to furnish you with first-class groceries. We have placed an order and delivery wagon upon the road and will take and deliver your orders with promptness and dispatch. Thru honest dealings and cor rect prices we hope to win your patronage. Respectfully yours, Phone 653 West Mcllenry Why d; > m&rket? [3Z9 Because the The chances are the farmer brought him there. And those other little pigs that stayed at home--no doubt they will be brought here, too. We are headquarters for choice pork. E. F. Matthews WEST McHBNRY TELEPHONE 3 N«H< Plata* Subdividing Farm and District Drainafa ARTHUR L. WEBSTER, C. E. CITY ENGINEER OP WHEATON, ILL. COUNTY SURVEYOR OF DU PAGE CO. Whaaloit Olfieaa: PhoiMM Cam H 011 to, 77 City Hall. 233 Raaiaanca, 283 Waadatock Offica in Arnold Black C. L. Try an Raaidant Enfinaar /OHNSKIBOH. Wm. Kattner of Spring Grove was a caller here Sunday. Mesdames John King and William Meyers were McHenry callers Monday. Quite a number from here attended the show at McHenry Saturday even ing. Mrs. Joseph Michels and daughter, Rena, were McHenry visitors Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund of Mc Henry visited among relatives here Tuesday. Lew Althoff of Palatine passed Sun day in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Michael Adams of Meyer, Iowa, is visiting among relatives in Johnsburgli and vicinity this week. Mrs. Frank Miller and daughter, Lizzie, and Mrs. Mike Pitzen were McHenry visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams and son, Edward, moved from Fox Lake to their ' cottage at Pistakee Bay last week. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All -r. .•nrnitji.it. Itmertprt mm,-! imp at iht following five lln<*« or lens, *6 cent* (or Ant Insertion. IS cents for tai-h aubsequent Insertion. More ttinu Ave llntw, 5 cents a line (or flrat Inaertion and Scent* a line (or addition! insertion*. "CMJK SALE--A uumber of Duroc Jersey -1- boaro For further Information call or write Guy Harbison, West McHenry. Ill 'Phone 574. 21-tf Cj^OK KENT--An (W-acre fitrm situated three *- miles south of Crystal Lake. Inquire of or write <J. W. Sticnoek, West McHenry State Hank, West McHenry, 111. 25-tf F°5 RENT--At $d.00 per acre cash or on shares, my HO acre black prulrlefarm known as t he Math. Kreund farm. Apply at once to John F. Frkcnd, Ulngwood. 111. 86-3t IpOR SALE-A number of geese. Will dress r them iind have them reiidy for your ('hrlstmus dluuer. Inquire of or write Mas. E. S. Whiilib. McHenry, III. 'Phone 512. 36-tf RIVEK LOTS FOR SALE--A number of very desirable building lots on the west shore of Fox river at May's si venue, opposite Schitf- fer's grove. Inquire of or write Stephen H. Smith or The Plaindkalkr, McHenry, 111. 25- Feb. »* IpOIt SALE--River property; house and four E jnots, Just north of Orchard Beach hotel. Also some choice building lots on the east bank of Fox river, south of McHenry wldge. inquire of C. W. Stknoer, West McHenry State Bank. \ 7-tf lJ^OR SALE--Store and stock of goods, good * point, prices right. Also fifty good Mc Henry county farms, prices right and terms easy. Also some fine bargains In Minnesota tanas. If you wish to buy or have anything to trade call on or write C. E. Uavl.Ori>. West McHenry. 'I'hone 414. 15-tf Only $1,000 required by 1,1912. to buy a flrst-elass 200 acre farm on 15 to 20 years' time at 5 per cent. Title perfect, good land in high state of cultivation, free from foul weeds; good, large buildings, on fine road, near school; orchard, timber, etc. May rent, act quick. SIMON STORFEL, West Mcllenry, III. 21-tf Chicago & Nortta-Western. Leave Ohicago. *7.00 a m. •8.30 a m. •1:15 pm. •3.40 p m •3.15 p m. *4.90 p m. Effective Nov. 1H. Ml. WSBK DAT TBAINS. NORTH BOD HD Via Elgin Via I>es Plalnes Via I>es Plalnes.... Via Des Plalnes Via Elgin Via Des Plalnes... Arrive McHenry. ..10.01 a m ...10.01 a m .. p m 4.50 p m 6.lh p m .. .8.1H p m SCUD AT TRAINS. 7.10 a. m Via Elgin 9.55 am 8.30 am Via lies Plalnes 9.55 a ni 1.65 p m Via Elgin 8.00 p m WSBK DAT TRAINS. McHenry. southbound. "ohl^o. •7.10 am Via l>es Plalnes 9.20 am •7.10 am Via Elgin. 10.05 am •3.24 am Via Des Plalnes #.40 a m *4.50 p m Via Des Plalnes 6.25 p m *4.50 pa Via Elgin 7.25 p m I 8CHDAT TRAINS. 7.10 am Via Des Plalnes 9.35 a m 7.10 am " Via Elgin 9.56 am 5.00 pm.... Via Des Plalnes 5.30 pm 5.00 p m Via Elgin 7.J5 p m •Dally except Sunday. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. David R. Josiyn, Attorney. Estate of Mary Ann Weber. Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Mary Ann Weber, deceased, late of the County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Terai, on the first Monday in January uext. at which time ail pt rsons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to at tend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 14th day of November, A. P. 1911. n-9 P- H. WiEjtit, Administrator. r" (oif s lie Wifflinfs of something amiss in throat and lungs. Colds mean a tearing down--an attack ott vitality. A remedy to cure properly must not drug away the cough --it must search out and remove the real trouble. Then the cure is a right one. Our White Pine and Tar is first of all harmless. It relieves quick ly because it acts nature's way. It cures thoroughly so no weakness remains to cause trouble later. Notice how well yott feel after you are cured by it. Price 25c. N. M. 'Phone 274. Petesch McHENRY, ILLINOIS. J I know I have a good thing. Come in and see. You don't need a Suit now, but the day will come when you will. It will pay you then to know the prices and goods. I'll give you my time and show you what you can do in the clothes line. I don't want you to buy and I want you to feel you don't have to. I extend to you the courtesy of tin invitation to my shop and see things for yourself. Do me the courtesy of coming to see. It will tickle me and put you under no obligations. LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS CLEANED AND SCOURED JOHN D. LODTZ/ McHenry, Illinois SUITS, $14.50 OVERCOATS, tM.SI Furniture CHRISTMAS is almost here* once more and many are they who are wondering and study ing what to give. We suggest a piece of Fur niture. It is something that will be appreci ated not only by one member of the family bat by the entire family as well. Not only will it be appreciated at the time it is given,'but the receiver will be given 365 days in the year to get the benefit of the gift. This is the proper time to buy. In case that we haven't just what you want we can send and get any piece desired on short notice. Not only that, but we are willing to store the goods for you until such time as you see fit to have us de liver them. Think this over, :: :: :: ..Jacob Justen * • CliRS^I MAS BAlvURV Christmas is very near at hand and if there is any time of the year that the housewife has more than she can do it is at this particular time. You must have bakery and you cannot afford the time to do it yourself. We extend to you our services and guar antee you satisfaction. We will bake up all the goodies that the' Christmas time affords and we know you will not go wrong by giving us your order. Also a complete line of Christmas candies. 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT V SPECIAL ATTENTION U1VKN TO THX SAI.K OP Dressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, Veal, Ptottltry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldeet home on the street Ttga and pctoe list* application. COLO STORAGE FREE Stall 3t $, PiltM St. Who«Mle Marfctt. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.