Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1911, p. 7

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. t k ̂ V V . . S t f oats. #• % .. C"W <"r stock of F*1 Clothin|'-. and; ; - ! .*%*: •. •v ; v $24.00 to $3.00 * a taprice to select the Garment that meets your " choice. Call and inspect the line and '"'•$*•*« will stew you" how to SAVE S5.00 - * * ' oa a Suit or an Overcoat JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, PHONE 303 vrvderwea,r SeJe m !> " You can make a substantial saving j by purchasing your underwear here 50c ^gfade women's fleeced underwear, sale pm&se . 35c 50c grade men's fleeced underwear, sale ffriee. . • •» - < " • 39c jOorset C&rers, fleeced, long sleeves, sale price..... 19c Boys' aad children's fleeced and wool under­ wear at big reductions. Shoes at cost and below. JOHN STOFFE is riot as large as yon would like to « have it. We can show you how to make it larger. By systematic feeding of scientific feeds, you 'can increase your production from 20 to 50 per cent. ho are feeding E DAIRY FEED ore milk every day. Noth- it for mixing with ground The best lighteuer on he same time containing e of protein, the great- producing property. A TRIAL rELEPnONl; NO, 01* Company ITEFS CLOSED FROM njUMBEALEK OF *WEHT1f-CTVE YEARS J*BOi :̂ W. E. Colby shipped to Chicago kutt week seven hogs that weighed 9680 pounds. Who can beat it? Rev. B. Brunning, pastor of the Uni­ versalist church, commenced his second year as pastor of this church on Sun­ day last. The Kickappo Indian'Medicine com­ pany, who are now holding forth at Riverside hall in this village, are drawing crowded houses each evening. C. T. fildredge is now paying an average of $100 per day for poultry. He took In on Tuesday eight dressed greese that Weighed 96 poinds, the largest weighing fifteen pounds. Police Magistrate Holmes had the misfortune to slip and fall on the side­ walk a few days sino$ and the result was a broken shoulder. He is getting along as well as could be expected. The Universalist Christmas Sunday school entertainment promises to be splendid and unique on Friday even­ ing." They are building something at the church for that night and What is it, is the quostion. Go and see. Christmas exercises will be observed at the M, E. church on Friday even­ ing A boat^will appear well laden with presents, under a captain of six years' experience and a full crew of sailors in costume to take full charge of the boat. A s^ort and interesting program is being prepared to precede the appearance of the craft. The church is to be tastefully decorated and nothing undone to make it pleas­ ant and interesting to all. DECEMBER 29,1886. Thermometer 24 degrees below zero on Monday morning. Ugh! H. H. Nichols is driving the hand­ somest cutter in town. He gave it to his wife as a Christmas present. The Catholic society in this village, Rev. Father O'Neil pastor, last week put a fine new organ in their church. Married--At Genoa Junction, Wis., Dec. 22, 1886, by the Rev. H. W. Har- bough, Mr. Fred Wells to Miss Millie Henry, both of McHenry. There were six hundred and twenty- five persons, by actual count, at the Kickapoo Indian entertainment at the Riverside hall on Thursday evening last. - C. H. Morey has been confined to the house the past week with sore eyes. It is hoped that he will be around again soon. II. W. Allen and bride of Ringwood returned from their wedding trip on Thursday evening last, and we under­ stand were met at the depot by the Ringwood cornet band Mid were es­ corted to their residence, where they found about fifty of their friends as­ sembled to welcome them home. The band furnished some excellent music, a ijne supper was served and a pleas­ ant and enjoyable evening was spent, all departing at a late hour wishing the newly wedded pair God speed in their journey of life. During the trip East Mr. Allen and wife visited Bos­ ton, Springfield and other points and report a very pleasant time. A large and pleasant gathering of relatives and friends assembled at the residence of E. M. Owen, in this vil­ lage on Christmas night, about thirty being present from Chicago, Wood­ stock, Barreville and other places. A fine Christmas arch was erected, and a very enjoyable evening was spent by those present, which is sure to be the case with all who are entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Owen. Just as we go to press we learn that Wm. Snow, brother of Mrs. Jos. Fitz- simmons, was killed in Chicago on Tuesday and that his body wou,ld be brought here tonight. The Christmas entertainments at the Universalist and Methodist churches, in this village, on Friday evening last, were both well attended and many valuable gifts were distributed^ K. or £. ELECT. The Knights of Columbus at their regular monthly meeting held at Stof- fel's hall last Thursday evening elected the following officers for the eotnintr year: Grand Knight, Walter J. Walsh; deputy grand knight, A. E. Nye; chap­ lain, Rev. A. Royer; chancellor, M. A. Conway; recorder, Chas. W. Gibbs; fi­ nancial secretary, Wm. Stoffel, Sr.; treasurer, John H. Miller; lecturer, Rev. D. Lehane; advocate, John I. Sut­ ton; warden, Earl McAndrews; inside guard, John Relihan; outside guard, Simon Stoffel. At the close of election a debate on Woman's Suffrage toqk place, with Simon Stoffel and Prof. A. E. Nye taking the woman's side of the argument, while Walter J. Walsh and F. G. Sebreiner could not see where women should be given the liberty vote. The jpeetjng proved a big NEW rSA* DAflCE. Year danae will take pM^P 11, West McHenry, 0P Dec. 30. Those charge £tVe plan- guests a very occasion &nd e fine been •i A HAPPY AND PR05PE NEW YEAR TO AL Of our entire stock of Merchandise at Cost and below. Comei and get first choice. F. A. BOHL n L STATE TAX UP FIVE CENTS UNCLE BILL'S SALVE This here salve I can recommend. It surely is A cow's best friend It suits, it heals As fine as silk. You never miss A mess of milk; Capital Stock, $25,000. PUT Y (HRISTMI For it will prove, Without a doubt, That "Milk Stool Salve Is down and out. where th The onl place is an institi bank. Ope count here posit daily tfc For barb wire outs It stands at par, For it will heal Without a scar. & • • There are lots who will lafgh, And at this poke fun. Just for why? I'm old Bill Dunne. you take in. That will insure the safet cash beyond question, an insurance that t ^ 1 nothing: to obtain. Do it now, .. .Safety Deposit Boxes, $3.00vPer Ye OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagner, C. ii. Fegera, Sr., Pre*. Vice Pres. Carl W. 5tenter, Cashier. COUNTY RATE. TOO, WILL BE TWO CENTS nana THAN YEAR AGO. An increase la both the state and county tax rates will prevail over a year ago, so tax payers can expect to find their taxes higher when they come to pay them a few months hence. In the state tax rate it is the highest known in many years, the rate. this year being 35 cents on each one hun­ dred dollars of assessed valuation. It has exceeded the 35 cent rate, but at that time the one-fifth valuation was the rule, while now the basis of as­ sessment is on throne-third valuation, which makes 35 cents a pretty steep one. The advance of 2 cents vin the county will only make a slight differ­ ence. County Clerk Still and his corps of helpers are busy on the tax books now, having just received final figures from the state auditor confirming those pre sented by the state board of equaliza­ tion. But the lateness of the receipt of these figures makes it clear that the tax books will not be ' ready for deliv­ ery to collectors .much before late Jan­ uary. MOTOR BOATING ON CHRISTMAS. A feat was performed on the waters of Fox river at this place on Christmas day that has never before been accom plished and one that could not have been accomplished in about forty years had motor boats been the rage all these years. We refer to a motor boat ride made by Arthur J. Hunter on Fox river on the above mentioned day. Christmas was a most Ideal day, so ideal, in fact, that it struck Mr. Hunt­ er to take a pleasure trip in his hydro* plane, Rebecca. The novel sight was witnessed by quite a number of spec­ tators,. who' watched the progress of the speedy eraft from the river bridge and shores of the river. Chas. Reit- esel arrived on the shore of the river just in time to get a snap-shot of the boat and its driver. We doubt if Mr. Hunter will ever take another motor boat ride on Fox river here on Christ­ mas day. THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY. The Public Service company of northern Illinois, which -is supplying McHenry with electric light and power, has completed arrangements for the occupancy of an entire building at Jol- iet, 111., in which their officers are to be situated. All the executive offices of the company will be transferred to the second floor of the building. There will be a hall on the third floor for the purpose of holding meetings. The first floor will be converted into a store room. The first meeting of the heads of the departments of the southern di­ vision wis held in the company's office at Joliet last week. Read The Plaindealer. Now to find out My place of abode. I live near McHenry, On the Woodstock road. My' address-- And, better still, It is the little house Under Shermah's hill. You all do know That I work out. It is no use To run about. ! I can't be there To be your host, So tack your order To the post. To find the author Of this poem At 6 p. m. You will find him home. NO CONSOLIDATION. The following letter froi/i Hamilton Browne explains itself: Publisher ycHeisry Plaindealer: My attention has been called to a state­ ment published in several of the news­ papers in northern Illinois to the effect that the Marengo, Lake Geneva & Northern railroad, which line [ am engaged in building from Marengo to Delavan, Wis., and the Chicag^j, Har­ vard & Lake Geneva line, now in oper­ ation from Harvard to Lake Geneva, and for which road I have a contract Of purchase, have been merged with the Waukegan road or t he Woodstock- Sycamore line. It may interest the public to know that the statement is entirely imagin­ ary. The above lines which 1 repre­ sent are not to be merged with the Waukegan or the Woodstock-Sycamore properties and such a merger would be about as impossible as one with the New York Central or some road in China. The road from Marengo to Delavan will be completed and ultimately merged with the Elgin & Belvidere line. Yours truly, HAMILTON BROWNE. to our many customers for their patronage during 1911 and solicit tinuance during the coining y< will make extraordinary eifor your good will by carrying a; stock as our facilities will per WagonsBuggies, Engines^ Wagon Boxes, Horse Blanj Lap Robes, Storm Fronts, Shoveling Boards, Litter teries, Axle Grease, Oils, loaded another carload of Why not come and get one? one. We will again handle Indiapa Si for 1912. Get our prices and terms fore buying. We deliver them when sol M. STOFFE Phones: rbs!dIn2e-7»», Cra4* with Ibis store and share our profits. " Bio Call 'Phone 541* :: mcBcnrv, 111. our proQt Sharing $ money toe fa extending the season's greetings to our customers and friends we wish to state that the year's business just now coming to an end has t?een very satisfactory to~us and we take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks for your patronage and support $nd sincerely hope that our gopds and service merit a continuance f)f same during the coming year. Trusting that the new ye*r ffl^y frriqg added happiness, health and wealth to one and We ^re, Yours very respectfully, Block # Bdbke. • i i n i . • i " • . . . . • . . , , u t i l 1/

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