Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1912, p. 4

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'» r*- A t f - •* rwjpy:'*'- - *4,* v tI ^ ™ •->• v; •. •;-», 5*7 "* «•?.> .^v.-*- .**• *IJfl >*?* - 1 . r M , „ , v - . . ^ „ • « $ * " > • £ ? - ^ * # & ? * , » • v '^i, 'rsr-*^ iT '-v? r •Lj^MMMBMiMMBMIIMII l|l||inilllW»l|' ilUMariMaW^WMI^^ I ilBii»*iJtllJi*nilliliilJil,jLl.iULllllWI«]|lilul»l Uu<auS-lfcB!nm»l.fcaMa^imwm>M>--fc**"1* **':i &USWm^C*fr»!fc»IMMdWWI«»l».!mL«>wAl^»ta^ Mill <11 urn I' MJI ll »m IUIIill|J^XiJU^MIlrtl^.)jiu»yu.W .111. ' Jll I „ ...jL=*= ' . .jbjt,-*! CLEARING Ladies' and Children's Coats We do not want to carry over any Coats. They have been priced to move them all. All Coats sold at $4.50, sale price S2.-.98 All $9.00 coats at this sale -$^9>8 All $12.00 coats at this sale $7,-98 All $6.00 coats at this sale sata All $11.00 coats at this sale $6,48 All $10.00. coats at this sale -$7^00 And all thru the line you will find a bargain in every item. MEN'S CAPS All Men's $1.00 Caps, sale price.... 69c All Men's 75c Caps, sale price 4 |)c All Men's 50c Caps, sale price :25C 1 lot of Lace, per yard "f Q 1 lot of Lace, per yard 10c 1 lot of Embroidery, sold and worth 15, 18 and 25 cents, per yard 10c Best quality Dress Ginghams 12 1 2C gee what we offer in Muslins 9~1 OC Wool Dress Goods They all must be reduced. Color, Red, Wine, Blue, Brown, Black, Navy, Tan and White. Big line to select from. All $1.00 Dress Goods, per yard 79c All 75c Dress Goods, per yard All 50c Dress Goods, per yard.o Children's Underwear Heavy ribbed, with extra heavy fleece lined shirts or pants 25c 1 lot of Ladies' fleece lined shirts and pants, to close 25c L. BLOCK Successor to BLOCK & BETHKE fINDING that we have too many warm goods left over for this time of the year, we have decid-1 to hold a Fifteen Day Sale to close them out quick and at the same time to reduce the stock, > here is a chance. You cannot afford to pass by a large, clean stock of Merchandise to select from and at prices that will make it worth your time to attend this sale. Remember the date, beginning Friday morning, Feb. 9, and continuing until Saturday night, Feb. 24. This sale will be for Cash only. So come early and get the choice pick. :: :: :: :: :: LADIES' SHOES All ladies who have worn our Shoes will bear us out that there is no Shoe sold at the prices we sell Shoes that give the wear and comfort and have the snappy style to them that our line of shoes have. Here they are at a big saving. All Ladies' gun metal, kid, patent colt and tan Shoes, that sold at $3.00,. at this sale., $2.25 All Ladies' gun metal, patent colt and fine kid Shoes that sold at $2.50, sale price.. . $1.75 All $2.00 and $2.25 Ladies' Shoes, at per pair -SI .65 Take your choice of all Ladies' Oxfords that sold at $3.00 for . $2.00 All $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 Ladies' Oxfords placed in one lot, at this sale for.. .. $1.65 Odd lots of Ladies', Misses' and Boys' Shoes, worth up to $3.00, per pair sale price. $1.00 UNDERWEAR We have still a full line of wool Underwear for men in a good run of sizes. You cannot afford to pass it by. Men's all wool Underwear that sold at$1.5'» per garment, at this sale, per garment.. . $1.15 All Men's wool Underwear that sold $1.25, at this sale, per garment 90c All Men's f wool Underwear that sold at $1.00 per garment; while they last at this sale, per garment 75c All Men's extra heavy fleece lined shirts and drawers, something warm. A large full cut, sale price, per garment 38c Telephone No. 5 4 1 . SHOES FOR MEN The famous Thompson Shoe that you know is cor­ rect in style and wears the best. The whole line'to pick from. All Men's button and lace Shoes, gun metal, kid and patentcolt that sold at $4.00 and $4.50, at this sale per pair $2 85 All patent colts, gun metal and kid button or lace $3 .50 Men's Shoes, sale price . . $2.60 - - __ - . Men's Oxfords It may seein a little early but here is a chance for you to purchase a pair- of Oxfords at a price that will pay you to save them until warm weather. All Men's gun rnetal, patent, kid and tan Oxfords that sold at $4.00, at this sale for per pair only One lot Boys' $2.0i> Shoes, fair run of sizes, sale i";"" •••••" $1.40 One lot Boys' $2.50 Shoes, something strong, sale $1.90 Men's Felt Boots, combination complete. . $2.60 BED BLANKETS Any $2.00 Bed Blanket, hravy, sale price..|JQ All $1.50 grey or white I»«•«i l»lank<jts £^ «| All $1.00.Bed Blankets, su'c price 80C MEi'S SWEATERS Do not overlook this department. We have still a large line to select from in nearly all shades. ' Men's three in one Sweater, extra heavy, in maroon only. This is one of the latest Sweaters on the market, sold at $5.00, at this sale for .. . • 5Q All $3.50 Sweater Coats, sale price 75 All $2.50 Sweater Coats, sale price St 75 All $2.00 and $2.25 Sweater Coats, sale price. Special lot of Children's, Men's and Ladies' Sweater Coats, sold as high as $3.00, one lot. each. • QQ lie NcHenry Mtoler BY f*UBM8Elel» B./KRY F. 0. SCHRE1NER. OflMta Biak BulMla|. Telephone, No. tit. TIRMS OP SUBSCRIPTIONT SI .60 Three months. 40 oM. neyear •Is Month*, TO eta. Tlrarsdaj, February 8, 191a. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of Democratic repre­ sentative of the eighth senatorial dis­ trict and solicit the support of voters at the ooming April primaries. 31-tf C. F. HAYES. FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. I hereby announce that I am a can­ didate for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject to the de­ cision of voters at the primary of April 9, A. D. 1812. DAVID R. JOSLYN. 34-tf FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Acting' on the advice of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, subject to the de­ cision of the legal voters at the com­ ing spring township caucus. Respectfully, 31-tf * JOHN NDESEN. I am in favor of a law giving us the Initiative, Referendum and Recall, and to elect the United States Senators by a direct vote; also to nominate and elect the President of the United States by : . ie people. Democratic candidate for Represen­ tative in General Assembly, 8th Dis­ trict. Vote fur 0 JOSEPH W. FREOND West McHenry, 111., 8,1812. primaries April 32-tf -.7 poa't have colds. Our cold tablets yfp keep you free from them. 25c at JP̂ cicb'fc 21*ti EMERALD PARK. FEBRUARY 1, 1912. Miss Maude Bernard of Chicago and Miss Irene Frisby and Phil Aylward of McHenry were callers in this vicinity Saturday evening. Miss Margaret Aylward of Chicago and Miss Anna Frisby and Phil Ayl­ ward we^e in this vicinity Saturday. Mrs. Robt. Sohns of Chicago is spend­ ing this week at the Park. Will Sutton returned to Elgin Tues­ day after spending the past week with relatives here. Miss Eleanor McGee was a caller at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ed Sutton, Monday. Joe Sutton of Elgin honored home folks by his presence Sunday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton, Misses Maude Bernard, Irene Frisby and Messrs. Phil Aylward, Joe Sutton. Lawrence Huck, John Gibbs, Jr., and Thos. Bolger attended the ski tourna­ ment at Cary Sunday. Misses Katie Knox, Florence Welch, Messrs. Glen Robison and Roy Conway were among those who attended the tournament at Cary Sunday. Miss Alice Sutton returned home Wednesday evening after spending a few weeks with relatives and friends in Chicago, Elgin and Champaign, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton and Miss Eleanor McGee visited relatives in Wauconda Monday. Mrs. E. Knox is spending this week with relatives in Woodstock. Miss Adah Carey and Thos. Doherty were cutter riding on our streets Tues­ day. Miss Lucy Sutton spent Thursday and Friday last in Chicago. A number of sports from this vicin­ ity attended the horse races at Wau­ conda Saturday. CHERR% VALLEY. William Miller is numbered with the sick. A number from here attended the funeral of J. C. Clemens Sunday. Mrs. Randall is not improving as fast as her many friends would like to have her. Mrs. I. E. Mason and son, Marshall, were in Chicago Wednesday, attend­ ing the automobile show. Mi>>. Smith and son, Roy, were calhd to Kirkland to attend the funeral of a relative and returned home Sunday. Rose Rossinann has gone to Elgin to spend a few weeks with her sister and assist in caring fur her little nephew. O.N, Brass of Grand Island, Neb., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Grant Randall, and shaking hands with old friends. William Buchert and Floy Doud were in W oodstock Saturday evening, the latter doing shopping and having dressmaking done. I aul Brorton and George Jones of north Ci jbtai Lake were callers at C. B. Durkee s Friday last. Mr. Jones announces himself a candidate for the office of tax collector of Nunda town­ ship. Did you ever notice how much the oal For old Days delivered when you need it--as you want it. Thoroughly screened and free from slate or waste insuring you the mini mum heat at the maxi­ mum cost. :: 'Phone your order today and we'll send a load up right away. WltBtiK UMBER (0. 'PHONE 681. Why d*M the aun rise so gloriously in the east? 13t> i Because It can't halp it. When the sun in all its glory hursts Try a breakfast of wieqei wursts. There are none quite so nice as ours For those early morning break­ fast hours. You'll like 'em -you can't help it. E. F. Matthews WE5T McHENRY . TELEP ONE j J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY : SERVICE : RIGHT PRICES Johnsburgh, III. 'Phone 926 FEBRUARY 14 is Valentine Day. We have a large assortment of VALENTINES ranging in price from 1c to 50c each. FEBRUARY 21 Lent begins. Our Fish Circular will be sent you in about a week. Kindly await same. It will^ay you to look it over. (P 1 RAISE PICKLES FOR NdtiuiMl Pickle (iiiu Canning (0. WE WANT 300 ACRES FOR McHENRY THIS SEASON. THE USUAL CONTRACTS; :: :: A pr 25 ..Centerville.. Always a fresh and complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 5 5 2 . : : : • : • C. G. Frett, Proprietor. McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS. temperature varies in di .•rent local­ ities? A couple left h re Saturday night, with, tin teiijperr an- at twelve below zero, and arrive-1 in Woodstock two hours later and fo .nd it only une below. WANTED--A girl for work in my tailoring shop. Must be handy with the needle. J. D. Lodtz, 33-tf NAPS LOT SURVEYS FARM SURVEYS :: PUTS SUBDIVIDING PROFILES A. U WEBSTER, CIVIL AND DRAINAGE ENGINEER WOODSTOCK AND WBEATON, ILL SEWAGE PLANS FAVmc rLANS CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT m ln«frt*»(j under this at thfe "lit)!! OT l6H», 86 C«U,t« tOT tint lonertton; 16 rent* for e«u-h subsequent Insertion. More than five lines, E> cents a Une for first Insertion. »Dd 3 cent* a line for ail^u»oi>j Insertyo^p. W ANTF<1>-(Jood, timothy seed. Wil- 81 t*DB DI,,M8B Co West McHenry, 111. F ° » t u u . h o m c ! , ° u u * c o i l , # d ° f * ' LOST--Blue horse blanket. Sunday. Kcturu to J. C. DKBHKCHT, Johlisburgh. KE- ward. .W'lt it^OK SAI.E--Ten fine single comb Khode isittuu Udd COClivrtls. W. K. tiHAiiijEV, Klngwood, III. ;<4-3t WANTED--Two reliable farm hands at OBO. J. SAYEK'8 stock fartn, Ptatakoe Bay. 111. BenZo cream, 31-tf For chapped bands. 26c frt Fetich's. Start Right Start tho now year out ri#ht by making this storo your Grocery and Fruit shopping place for the year 1912. We have en­ joyed a good patronage during the year just end­ ing, but can take care of more business the com­ ing year. Thanking you for patronage extended and wishing all a happy and prosperous new year, we are, Respectfully yours, M. H. NIESEN TRLEPMONE NO. 694 TlcHenry, - Illinois. i Professional, Society S wid Business * £ Cards $ **** **» m *** J DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Of­ fice and residence, corner Elm and Green streets, McHenry, Illinois. Telephone Ne. 311. DR. N. J. NYE ̂ McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office heurs 1 at Johnsburgh, III., from 7:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Wednesday and Sunday of each week. PHONE; McHENRY 333T Telephone No *93. ' ~~ ' SIMON STOFFEL Insurance a^ent for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHenry, llllno4« Fine Stock Merchandise Farm 8alee Reel Estate Telephone Ne. 804 G. A. SATTEM Aucnonit WLi! il'HENRY, ItL L. Q. SENG ame degree of ex- < alienee n liquors id cigars, seme •rvice, same eld and, same every- ilng except tfle b Is 106 N. 8th Ave. CHICAGO. f^KtcLs cnECKBI) FREE WEST SIDE LIVERY & AUTO LIVERY R. I OVERTON. PR :TOK AUTOMOBILES /IDSIT Buses meet, nil trains for points 011 Ptstsiktit' Bay and Fox Lake. Team­ ing of all hinds done promptly. Spe- cta attention iiteon to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver ai reasonable prices. WMt McHenry, ill. • Telephone 6 You cannot obtain from any stock corset the classy lines, style, taste and absolutely perfect fit to be had In a » Spirella Corset A type for every figure Let me select the model vour figure re­ quires and fit ittovuu SPIRELLA BONING retains its shape per­ manently, allows ut­ most freedom of mo- tit*n: gives supreme satisfaction, perfect comfort. My train­ ing1 and experience are at your service. Appointments to your pleasure at your home. Post card or phone call will bring MISS ALICE SIMES, 'Phone MJ Fresh fish every FrUkT^nfTM. Niesen's. "* %

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