Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1912, p. 5

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is the old stand-by. You remember hearing your gTf nd- roother say that she would have nothing but PILLSBURY'S. Perhaps some of the things she said and did are now out of date, but PILLSB^RY'S still holds its £lace in her daugh­ ter's, granddaughter's and great-granddaughter's homes. FOR \ nC • ; 'tr': I 1H| '-Wf FOR BISCUIT PASTRY NEVER DISAPPOINTS BREP CAM For sale by the follow WILBUR LUMBER CO. M, J. WALSH, JOHN STOPPEL, P. A. BOHLANDER, N. P. STEILEN & SON, LAWRENCE HUCK, M. M. NIESEN, J. C. DEBRECHT, nig: dealers: WEST McHENRY WEST McHENRY WEST McHENRY WEST McHENRY McHENRY McHENRY McHENRY .TOHNSBURGH People should be just as careful in choosing their Druggist as they are in choosing a doctor. :: Both have very important duties to perform in the treatment of disease and unless both are well qualified the patient .will be the loser. :: :. Trust a conscientious doctor to diagnose your ailment and to prescribe for you and trust a capable and skilled DRUGGIST to prepare your medicine. When it come to the filling of physicians' pre scriptions and the making of medicine for the sick we firmly believe you should decide to have us DO it because you will get ABSOLUTELY PURE AND FRESH MEDICINES. You will get exactly what the doctor orders; it will be made right and because WE ARE PROPERLY LICENSED BY OUR STATE GOV­ ERNMENT AS REGISTERED PHARMACISTS TO DO THIS KIND OF WORK. OUR STORE IS THE PLACE WHERE FREE ANTITOXIN IS PUR N1SHED BY THE STATE. :: :: :: ^3 I vrv 11 nil 11 1 Vi «i RAISE PICKLES FOR Nationdl Pickle and Canning (o. WE WANT 300 ACRES FOR McHENRY THIS SEASON. THE USUAL CONTRACTS. :: :: A pr 85 FRESH I NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y I -- -- j ! OUR - ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS | B A K F R V J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY : SERVICE Johnsburgh, III. RIGHT PRICES *Phone 926 KI.NUW ••«»!». Mrs. H. W. Allen was in La Ice Gen­ eva Monday. Mrs. Mai> Carey was a Chit ago pas­ senger last Thursday. Irving' Merchant of Woodstock was in town last Saturday. E. T.^Chase passed his Hsyhtv-third Saturday last, Feb. 10. Will Shultz spent Sunday with his sister in Lake Geneva. Floyd E. Howe spent last week with his Michigan. Miss Ellen Hall was a week end vis­ itor with Richmond friends. C. E. Hawley and wife visited Kljfin relatives Monday and Tuesday. Miss [rum McOannon of Woodstock is caring for Mrs. Ray Merchant- Mrs. Louise flawley spent Thursday of last week with relatives in Barrings ton. L. D. Todd and wife of Dundee spent the last of the week at C. E. H. Tut- tle's. * Chauncey Harrison and John Carey were Chicago visitoi-s one day last week. Miss Agnes Dodge spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends in Mc- Henrv. Will Hendrickson and wife of Rich­ mond visited at C. D. Bacon's one day ast week. Mrs. Laura Norton was the guest of Mrs. S. W. Brown Wednesday night of last week. Grandma Hawley of Harrington is spending this week with her son, C. E., and fan i I v. Mrs. John Gould of Woodstock was a Sunday guest of her pat ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mrs. John McLaughlin entertained a party of friends Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Frankie ^tephenson. Mrs. Benson of Woodstock spent from Saturday until Monday evening with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Mer­ chant The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. Nellie Dodge Thursday, Feb. 2'2, 1M12. Dinner will be served. John Bell and wife were in Spring Grove Wednesday of last .week to see their son, Duane, who was very sick. Mrs. Bell remained until Saturday evening. She left him better. Mrs. S. W. Brown entertained a party of friends Wednesday evening of last week. There was good music. The house was prettily decorated in pink and white. Dainty refreshments were served. Our 1912 Sample Books of Wall Paper have arrived. They are now ready for your inspection. Prices are very reasonable, quality considered. : : LET DS PLAN IMPROVEMENTS FOR CITY OR FARM A. L WEBSTER, CIVIL AND DRAINAGE ENGINEER WHE.ATON, ILLINOIS C. L mON, RESIDENT ENUNLER- MtNQLD BLOCK WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS ^HHTIRPf 1V1I1 »TO WHEATOM OffW -• VOLO. Mrs. Jane Converse is quite ill again at present writing. John Williams of Chicago visited relatives here the past week. Frank Nichols has returned from the hospital and is getting along nicely. Matt. Miller and family contemplate moving to McHenry in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. F. Croker of Liberty- ville were recent visitors at Lee Hu- son's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raught were guests of relatives in Waukegan Sat­ urday. Earl Paddock purchased a fine team of horses in Chicago Monday and drove out Tuesday. Arthur Stanford and sister, Mary, of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday at their country home. Mrs. D. V. Waite is visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. Neish, of Racine, Wis., for a few days. Miss Frances Miller entertained a few of her friends at her home Mon­ day evening, the event being her twentieth birthday. Ceorgie^ Vasey is in Milwaukee where he underwent an operation for cataract on his eye. His sister, Naomi, accompanied him there. CHERRY VALLEY. Mr. Smith is numbered with the sick. Floy Doud spent Friday night at the home of Sherman brothers. Remember the basket social at the school house Friday evening C. B. Durkee and Clarence Draper drove to Marengo Monday, returning Tuesday evening. Rush of business called Miss Doud to Woodstock Saturday morning with the weather 22 below zero. August Rossman attended the funeral a friend in Marengo Wednesday, returning home Thursday night. Mrs. Coonrad and children of Green­ wood have returned home after spen<£ ing the week at the home of G. S. Randall. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Randall left Wednesday night for Rochester, Minn.' where Mj^s. Randall will enter Mayo brothers' hospital for treatment. William Buchert has procured the 1912 new model runabout that Ed. Pfannenstill had. Will has made a number of trips to Woodstock the last week, tho the hills are steep and the snow is deep in some places. She show* no lack of speed or endurance. kmkrali* park. Mrs. E. Knox visited M. A. Sutton Monday. Wm. Buttner visited relatives in Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Sutton spent a ipouple qf days this week in Elgin. Messrs. J. J. Flunky and Jas. Hughes »{>ent Monday in Chicago. Lawrence Huck, Jr., visited friend* in Chicago the past week- Miss Anna Frisby callefl op friends in this vicinity Wednesday. Miss Mavmp Smith of McHenry is spending a few wewl^s at home. Mr. and G. W. Stengpr and family were visitors'at E. Knot's Sun­ day. Miss Lucy Sutt<»fl is spending a few greeks with Mends in Elgip and Chi V*£°- J3S-* Messgg, R. W.J? J. J. SiH- KtUUIsNKUlb C. H. Dufield was in town Thursday. Mrs. S. A. Merchant i$ on the sick list. Mi-s. Dygert called in Woodstock Friday. Wilbur Levey called In Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. W. E. Dike was in Woodstock Tuesday. August Wille called in Woocj stock Wednesday. W. E. Dike was in Dundee on busi­ ness Mo6day. Mrs. S. Thayer of Woodstock was in town Tuesday. Mrs. S. Wakefield called on rela­ tives in Barrington Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Jacobs visited frieods in Woodstock Sunday. Arthur Skinner attended the raotOr- show in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Knilans were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben IIesse 1 grave of Woodstock visited here Sunday. F. W. Wille shipped a cat-load of cattle to the city Monday evening. Nirs. R. L. Dufield and Mrs. E. B. Smith were in Woodstock Monday. Miss Clara Eichkoff of Woodstock was a pleasant Ridgelieldcaller Thurs­ day. Misses Ethel Reed andGlenys Jacobs were in Elgin Wednesday and Thurs­ day. Mrs. A. Stephenson was at Crystal Lake Tuesday, having dental work done. Little Miss Virginia Reed of Wood­ stock is spending a week at Grandma Reed's. Mrs. Harry Cooper visited with her sister, Mrs. Ed Senne, at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Will French and also Miss Rachel French called in Woodstock Thursday. Miss Arline Stephenson entertained Miss Alida Rydquist of Crystal Lake Saturday. H. 1*. Barber of Chicago visited his son, J. L. Barlter, and family on the farm Friday. If anyone is in need of a good pair of shoes they can be found at the de­ partment store. Mrs. R. L. Dufield attended a special meeting gl the O. E. S. at Crystal Lake Friday evening. Mrs. A. Anners and Mrs. J. J. Reser were business callers at Crystal Lake Monday afternoon. M. M. Freeland and A. P. Peck and son, Perlie, boarded the train for the windy city Monday. * Roy Skinner and family of Wood­ stock Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield. Elston Hunt of Elgin visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield the latter part of the week. Fred Wille, Sr., and son, August, also Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooper, were in Chicago on business Monday. Mrs. S. Hansen and Miss Nellie Johnson of Barreville spent Saturday at the home of John Carlson. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet with Mrs. Earl Jacobs Thurs­ day afternoon, Feb. 22. at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. A. Peterson returned to her home Sunday after nursing her fafher, Lars Larsen, of Woodstock thru fin illness. Miss Esther Zonk and brother, Frank, of Woodstock attended the dance in the M. W. A. hall Saturday evening. Messrs. R. Reed, W. R. Wagner and Brown called at the office of the county superintendent of schools on business Friday. Mrs. Rose Goddard of Woodstock attended the entertainment given by the seniors of the C. L. H. S. in the church Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed, daughter, Ethel, also Robert Gronzo, attended "Paid In Full" at the opera house in Woodstock Tuesday evening. S. E. Olinstead visited his father, E. S. Olmstead, Monday. Miss Bethel Shelt, who is teaching in the Walkup district, enjoyed a cutter ride home with hiui. Mrs. C. E. Conertv and children, also Miss Mamie Philip of Chicago spent the first of the week at the home of Mrs. Conerty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Mildred French is suffering with inflammatory rheumatism. Dr. Wind- mueller of Woodstock was called td ascertain the nature of the disease, as her father, C. F. French, is em­ ployed in the Borden milk factory. Mr. and Mrs, A. Josephenson moved their household goods to Woodstock Thursday. Mr. Josephenson, however, intends to remain as an employe of the Borden Milk company at Ridge- field, driving back and forth to and from his work. We receive a fresh lot of Bakery Goods from the Kind Baking Co., of Elgin on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. Try our special Homestead Coffee at 30 cents a pound. Those who have given it a fair trial like it. :: Our prompt delivery sys­ tem is taking with the pub­ lic. Let us deliver you a trial order today. Math. Laures Phone 653 :: West McHenry ton of Chicago spent Sunday wi,th home folks. Miss Katy Knox visited in Wood­ stock Friday and Saturday last and at­ tended the K. of C. ball at that place. Jas. Costello of Elgin visited rela­ tives here over Sunday and attended the leap year dance Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Qibbs, Miss Anna Frisby apd Mr. McCarthy of Mc­ henry spent Thursday evening at E. Sutton's. DANCE AT THE RIVERSIDE* Another one of those enjoyable dances will take place at the Riverside House on Saturday evening of this week, Feb. 1". Landlord Gang is pre­ paring to entertain a large crowd on this occasion, and owing to the faot Vhat this wiU be the last event un­ til after the Lenten season a big crowd is looked for. Heimer's orchestra will furnish the music. Tickets, 50 cents. A cordial invitation is extended to all. BUILD A HOME IN 1912 AND REJOICE every anniversary thereafter like a lot of your friends do who gave up the chase for elusive riches long ago and started to build their fortunes in the good old substantial way of our Pilgrim Fathers. Remember, "A rolling stone gathers no moss," and nothing will stop a family from rolling quicker than a comforta­ ble home. It gives husband, wife and children something to work for and once you get such a uni­ son of action from the whole fam­ ily success is bound to crown your efforts. We've been pre­ paring for a lot of home building here this year and have a stock of lumber that outclasses in qual­ ity even that which your grand­ father used when he built his home sixty years ago, and you know that's "goingsome." Come in and see it. ••There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE 681. LET US POT A LITTLE , Ii -YOUR We are agents in McHenry for - the Sunshine--finishes for Furniture, Woodwork and Floors. :: :: :: We take orders for Heath & Milligan's nixed Paints (. V. NcALllSTIR & (0. Druggists West McHenry ASK YOUR GROCER FOR RfllL£RMfl(e FAKiy FAMU.1 uOI/g .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WEST M'HENKT FLOUR AND FEED MILLS NUNDA TOWNSHIP TAXES. Notice is hereby given that I will be at the West McHenry State bank every Thursday, beginning February 8, for the purpose of collecting taxes for Nunda township. On Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week I may be found at the store of Schueneman & Rahn at North Crystal Lake. HENRY MOMILXAM, COLLECTOR. 3 3 - M e h 1 5 - ' ' v W V - ' OOVf Oil IS Druggist. Mchenry, 181. (r: Don't LET US SELL YOU ONE OF OUR ROUND OAK HEATERS. IT WILL -KEEP YOUR BONE WARN AND COZY ON THESE COLD DAYS. We always aim to carry as complete a line of Furniture as may be found iri sktitf t6Wn in the state the size of McHenry; " We are now making a specialty of furnishing homes for newly married couples and feel certain v that we can furnish homes just'as cheap as any Furniture House in McHenry county. The fact that we have furnished such homes,, in McHenry, Volo, Fox Lake, Johnsburgh, Grayslake, Ringwood, Woodstock and oth/er places proves that we are giving satisfaction! JACOB JUSTEN The Home, of- Pure Olive Oil is be­ coming generally used for indigestion, rheumatic and kid­ ney troubles, gall stones, etc. :: :: Olive Oil is not -------------- only a laxative, but seems to exert a soothing, healing and nourish­ ing function throughtout the system. A large number of people are finding that the daily use of a few spoonsful of the oil keeps them in fine physical cohdition. A pure oil is of*course ne 8- essary and in our imported brand we provide otie of guaranteed quality. :: :: :: PRICE. 75? PER PINT N. H. Petesch, A •sr5'.' * 1 ijj It % €f fi -r I 1 V I; -'Mi "y . i ;h PURE FOOD BAKERS If you have not been a patron of this * Bakery now is the time to start. Be­ gin the new year by placing a trial or­ der with us and we know that you will become a steady patron of this Bajkery. * Phone 1033 II A. TIETZ, Prop. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COn MISS ION MERCHANT S|»®CIAL ATTENTION OlYKN TO THS SAJLK OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Peultry, . hides. Etc., Butter and Eggs This ie the oldest boost on the street Tags and price Ustf ftaraWhaft oa application. COLD STORAUE FREE CHICAGO, tyXINOIS. Stall * J. PaltM St WIiimmU HUrkM. •• • P'-l

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