- ~vr-\:. - ",> . ; - ... ....... - ̂ _ -̂ y, . <yf , ̂ - z*sy Tit McHenry Piamfleaicr ',.;,,,,,*BBMfEI® KVRRY THURSDAY BY | P. Q. SCHREINER. # 'HMMita Raak BalMlng. Telephone. No. *7*. OF •UMORIPTIONi M|Ml ;. ®®° •lX months, nets. Three months. Wctm. Thoriday, February as, 191a. FOB REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Democratic repre sentative of the eighth senatorial dis trict and solicit the support of voters at the coming April primaries. 31-tf C. F. HAYES. CO* STATE'S ATTORNEY. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, siibject to the de cision of voters at the primary of April 0, A. D. 1912. DAVID R. JOSLYN. 34-tf FOR ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of assessor for the town of McHenry, subject to the de cision of the legal voters at the com ing township caucus. Respectfully, 36-4t* J. W. KIMBAI.T.. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Acting on the advice of my friends. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, subject to the de cision of the legal voters at tjje com ing spring township caucus. Respectfully, 34-tf JOHN NIESEN. The Keeley Cure for the Liquor Disease Has Never Failed sSV.' : TO THE PEOPLE. I have filed my petition for a renom- ination to the office of county surveyor of McHenry county. If the voters feel that I have been a faithful servant during the last three years I will feel grateful to them for an endorsement via a renomination at the coming pri maries. Respectfully, 36-tf LESTER BARKER. FOR TOWN CLERK. I herewith announce myself as a can didate for the office of town clerk for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the legal voters at the town caucus to be held here Saturday. March^ 16. Thanking the voters for past faVors and trusting that they may see fit to support me once more, I am Respectfully yours, 35 CHARLES B. HARMS EN. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of highway commis sioner for the town of McHenry and will appreciate the support of my friends the legal voters at the coming town primaries. Thanking the voters for past favors and trusting that they will be with me again, I am. Respectfully yours, 35-tf JACOB R. JUSTE.W The Keeley Institute, DwigHt, 111. Beautiful location. Delightful surroundings. Finest accommodations. The Keeley Care Is Permanent "This is the twentieth anniversary of my rein carnation and release from the bondage of the Demon Rum. Completely cured--the accursed ap petite never to return." This is a sample letter; we have many, many thousands like it. But we never publish names of patients, without their consent. In a number of instances we are allowed to use names of men who have been cured, as references, and will be glad to do so, and convince inquirers of the truth of our claims, if desired. Home Treatment We do not recommend home treatment in the case of either liquor or drug addictions; these condi tions are serious and demand the best and most efficient treatment; this cannot be administered by the patient hypself. It is better for him to be in a Keeley Institute, where he is constantly under the supervision of physicians who are skilled in treating these cases and where every phase and development of his case is watched and cared for. Full Information on Request Booklets and full detailed Information sent In sealed, flam envehtpe on request. Please use the coupon. }ou can save tha t brother, relative, friend, employe from ruin, disgrace and death? Will you do tt? THE LESLIE E. KEELEY CO. DWIGHT. ILL. 400,000 men have been saved by the Keeley treatment during the last 32 years! 400,000 families restored to happiness! New hope and joy and ambition brought into the lives of approximately 2,000,000 people! Isn't there someone you can help? Drunkenness Is a Disease Dr. Leslie E. Keeley proved that drunkenness is a true disease. It affects the nerve cells, pro ducing in them a demand for alcoholic food. And it paralyses the sufferer's will power and ability to resist. Not one man in a thousand can stop immod erate drinking of his ova accord. No more than he can cure himself of smallpox or brain fever. He must have help! How the Keeley Treatment Cures The Keeley remedies cure by removing the artificial alcohol appetite from the nerve cells, and restoring them to their natural condition. The Keeley medicines are nerve tonics. They cause no sickness or nausea. They are absolutely non-injurious and leave no ill effects of any kind. The "craving" for drink is not the disease. It is simply the symptom of the disease, just as a cough is a symptom of some irritation or inflam mation. When the nerve cells are restored to their nor mal, healthy condition, the appetite for alcohol disappears. " II-- " ^ Information Coupon ^ THE LESLIE E. KEELEY Co.. Dwlrfht, Illinois Please send me under plain, sealed envelope full In formation about the Keeley treatment for alcoholic disease, morphine, opium and tobacco habits. & Name.. Address. Town State .... Name and address of person for whom treatment is desired. (May be omitted if inquirer does not wish to state It.) I an in favor of a law giving us the Initiative, Referendum and Recall, and to elect the United States Senators by a direct vote; also to nominate and elect the President of the United States by a of the people. for, the Lake County National bank of Libertvville. Attorney MacGuffin has been active in politics in Lake county and is well known to the party leaders thruout the district. He has many warm friends and supporters in McHenry and Boone counties, and this, coupled with the fact that he has no opponent in Lake county, practically assures his nomination in the primary election Tuesday, April 9. Almost every member of the Lake County Bar association, including the circuit judges, favor the candidacy of Mr. MacGuffin and in view of the fact that it has never been customary to elect a senator to succeed himself in the eighth senatorial district, it seems almost certain that, with no candidate in Boone county, the claims of Lake county, taking into consideration its large population, manufacturing and shipping interests, are well founded. Democratic candidate for Represen tative in General Assembly, 8th Dis trict. Vot« _ u @ JflfflU V. FREUND 111., West McHenry, FL, 1912. primaries April 32-tf Paid MacGuffin of Liberty ville, Lake county, is a candidate for state senator on the Republican ticket from the eighth senatorial district. Mr. MacGuffin is a prominent attor ney Of Lake county and has practiced In the courts thereof for the past sev enteen years, during which time be has resided at Liberty ville, one of the richest farming sections in northern Illinois, where he has built up a line business and gained the confidence of business men and farmers to such an extent that he has received the most enthusiastic endorsement of any candidate, who has sought the office of .gtate senator in many years. Paul MacGuffin has. in the past been to the office of president of the village board of liberty ville, and is present • director fn, and attorney To the voters of the eighth sena torial district: Having given due consideration to the solicitation of many of the voters, I have decided to become a candidate for renomination to the office of state senator in this, the eighth senatorial district of Illinois, embracing the coun ties of Lake, Boone and McHenry, and in making this announcement I do so with the assurance that I have, during my first term in this important office, sought to advance the best interests of the people of the district and to vote in accordance with the desire of the majority of the people, in so far as I have been able to gather their wishes. In making this announcement I want at this time to call the attention of the voters to a few matters in the line of constructive legislation, and legisla tion for the benefit of the people of this district, in which I have had a hand: First: I voted for George Edmund Foss for United States senator because the voters of the district had thus ex pressed themselves, on every ballot ex cept the final one, and on the final ballot I voted for Albert J. Hopkins because I did not sanction the bi-parti san alliance that resulted in the elec tion of William Lorimer, which has brought shame and disgrace to our fair state. Second: I supported the primary law, under which every voter has the right to express his choice as to who shall be the nominees of his party for every office, and the final law that I supported has been approved by the state supreme court. Third: 1 have kep* faith with the farmers and dairyi by supporting measures calculated for their benefit or opposing those whose passage would huv, an injury to them. Among th. *<• I,i l l s wiUi House Bill No. ,r>o. Ttiih provided that the city of Chicago should not have the right to insist on the tuberculin test ing of milk. Tl„. iaw should have been on the statute b„()k* many years ago. Again, I opposed House Bill 540 which had already passed the lower house. Before acting on this measure, however, I consulted with various milk producers thruout the district and called to Springfield a number of them, after having also called a conference of many producers, to whom the bill was explained and who agreed that its passage would be a great detriment to the dairy interests of the state. The result was that the bill, which was re ferred to the committee of which I was chairman, that of live stock and dairy ing, was never reported out of commit tee by me and was thus defeated. Again, Senate Bill No. 478 was referred to my committee- This bill provided that hotels and restaurants using but- terine or process butter, or any adul terated food stuffs, should give notice of such use either by printing the fact upon the bill of fare or by posting large cards embodying said fact where the same could easily be seen by pat rons. I gave this measure my strong est support, and in my opinion the law should have been enacted, for by sup pressing the use of the adulterated products the market for butter would have been strengthened, which would have meant better prices for the farm er's butter, as well as his milk. This bill was reported favorably out of committee and passed by the senate, but was defeated by the butterine in terests in the house. I believe that if butterine is used in public places it should be sold for what it is. Sixth: I secured the passage of Sen ate Bill No. 331, which appropriates the sum of $2,500 per annum for the years 1911 and 1912 to aid the State Dairymen's association in compiling, 'publishing and distributing its reports and meeting its other expenses. Seventh: I introduced a bill for an appropriation of $15,000 to build a state armory at Woodstock, and this measure became a law after a hard fight. Said bill met with no favor in the house, but when the house appropriation bill reached the senate, recommending the building of other armories and omit ting Woodstock, I secured its amend ment by adding the appropriation for the Woodstock armory, and if the amended bill had not been accepted by the house, there would have been no appropriations passed for the building of armories in the state. kv. Eighth: I introduced and secured the passage of an appropriation of $12,500 for the establishment of a fish hatchery in Lake county. This ifill passed the senate practically without a dissenting vote, but the same interests in the house tfcat killed Bill No. 478 would not even allow this measure to be put upon the calendar. I have this matter well advertised, and believe that at another session I can secure its passage with little difficulty. Lake county should by all means have one or two fish hatcheries because of the many lakes within her borders, for it would mean the keeping at home of many of those who now journey to other states to secure good fishing and spend their money. I introduced and got thru the senate a number of other meritorious bills, and, in view of the above statements of facts, which can be verified by the records at Springfield, I submit my candidacy to the Republicans of this district, assuring them that my best endeavors will be given, if renominat ed and re-elected, to securing for them everything demanded in the way of legislation for their benefit and pro tection, and I believe that, with the of the distr ict i experience acquired the past three years, my efforts will be much more effective. In conclusion, allow me to ask the voters of the district if the statement made by my opponents in the last cam paign, to the effect that 1 could not i^ake good if elected, are not strongly refuted by the record 1 h^ve produced, and in view of these accomplishments 1 confidently ask for your supporjb in the coming campaign, for which I will MeHENRY, ILLINOIS. W. uraev'f Bifl 5000 FEET n PICTURES OF FILM FUil REELS ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM. DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 P. PI., SBOW AT 8:00. ADMISSION, OILMEN, IOC ADDLTS, :: :: 20C NO RESERVED SEATS lor iicnl'lcmcn vvfu* chcrish Otiuliiy. For sale by all leading dealers. be very grateful and will , Mjrn the compliment by serving you with all the zeal and energy that I can muster n your behalf. Respectfully, A. J. OLSON. Typewriters Given Away • The Emerson Typewriter company of Woodstock, 111., have recently given away over 400 of the highest grade, wholly visible Emerson Type writers made in the world. They have gone into every state and terri tory in the United States. There may be some in your town. They are giv ing them away everywhere to men, women, boys and girls, ofter 18 years of age, on surprisingly liberal condi tions. If you could make any use of a $100.00 typewriter, providing it did not cost you even one cent, then in a letter or on a jjostal card addressed to Frank L. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111., simply say, "Mail me all your Free Offers," and by return mail you will receive their Free Of fers, the names of over 400 who have recently received typewriters free, and you will learn on what easy condi tions you can get one of their type writers free right away. The Emerson Typewriter is one of the highest grade, wholly visible typewriters made in the world. Many who have used the "EMERSON" and other makes pronounce the "EMER SON" superior to any $100.00 type writer on the market. It is a w fu lly visible machine, has every new, up- to-date feature, looks like other higti grade $100.00 typewriters, though it sells regularly for less and on teims of $1.00 down and 10 cents a day un til paid for. The "EMERSON"' has every new improvement, universal keyboard, back spacer, tabulator, two- color ribbon, everything the best: is the ideal machine for beginners as well as for the most expert, typists and stenographers; just the type writer for the smallest or largest office. If you could possibly make any use of a high grade typewriter, even though it didn't cost you one cent ol money, then be sure, on a postal card or in a letter addressed to Frank L. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111., say, "Mail me your Free Offers." 15he Future of your Child concerns you, the parent, most vitally. It will wor ry you less if you have something to remind you of your child in those later days when he has wander ed afar. Bring him--or is it a girl?--to our stu dio and give us the privi lege of making that re minder for yon. --Fine Picture Frames-- Sobers Photo Studio PHOTOGRAPHER OF CHILDREN PHONL $11. WEST H'BENRY, ILL A good time to Knd one ol the children here lor meat? EXPEND $68,790 ON ROADS MARKET When tho phone ia out of order and you can't come youraelf. You can send the children here with the assurance that they will return with as choice a cut of meat as you would procure yourself. We seek your continued patronage. E. F. Matthews WEST MCHENRY TELEPHONE 3 VAST SUN USED EVERY YEAR ON HIGH WAYS. McHenry county annually expends the sum of 790.51 on its roads and bridges as shown by levies made in the seventeen towns of the county. And of this big sum the town of McHenry expends the most, its total expendi ture reaching just $0,910.67. When you stop to think of it, it is a big amount of money to use every year, this almost $69,000, but the roads of the county are among the best of any county in the state and if McHenry county is to retain its position for the thoroughfares the money must be used for road improvement, for the day of laying out new roads has passed. Chemung stands second in road money expended, with Dorr third, the former town making a levy of $6,749. 13, while the latter's run to $6,371.06. Marengo follows with a levy of $5,996.- 14, with Nunda and Grafton coming close for nejft; place, Nunda expending $5,422.27 and Grafton $5,262.07. Al gonquin s road tax levy amounts to $4,355.94. Barring the small town of Burton, Hebron levies the least sum for its roads of any town in the county, the levy there amounting to only #1,997.07, BILLIARD AND FOOL HALL Now Open in the Schumacher Block. Pass your recreation hours at the Redwood where you receive the most courteous treatment and where the best of tables are at your service. The finest Pool and Billiard hall in McHenry county. Open to everyone. FULL LINE OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES Winchester Bros. Proprietors. while its neighbor to the south, Green wood, makes a levy of $3,285.41, with Hartland, Alden, Dunham and Rich mond, towns of about the same class, make levies of $2,706.46, $3,192.99, $3,- 381.10 and $2,435.91 respectively. Coral, Seneca and Burton complete the sev enteen, the levies in these three towns being $3,694.48,13,210.16 and $815.05. EMLffl LOAVES -AND- Delicious Pastries li the Inevitable (wait If you u«o White Swan ...Flour... FOR SALE UV Wilbur Lumber Co. Wtit .TcHcory N. P. Steiien & Son flcHenry John Richardson Volo William Althoff Johfisbtirgh Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 Thip Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. * REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to hay or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. •tt j J Professional, Society v * * Mit? Business Cards itiMiitttitfiuH DAVID 6. WELLS. M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND OCULIST. Be# and rwaldence, caraar Elm and Oi streets, McHenry, Itlinaia. Talaphana No. ML N. J. NYE MeHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OtOc* !»•*• at John»bur£(r, 1)1., from 7:30 a. m. t* lbSO a. Wadnaadar and S«aday a! aacfc wlek. PHONE; MeHENRY 333. fetopbonc ftu 293 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. Wut Mchaary. IIHaota Plna Stack Marchandiaa Fat* Balaa Raal Estate Talaphana No. 894 G. A. MCflMP* WEST H'HENKY, ILL L. Q. SENG Santa d*<raa cl ox- ?eilenca n Itqcora •n<i cigar*, aunt tarvic*. aama tud, aama avary- :hlitg axoopt tkt HTNUMBER Jgk la 106 N. 8th Ava. 4 CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE WEST SIDE LIVERY I AUTO LIVERY R I OVERTON. PR /V. AUTOMOBILES ANB Buses iruJiQs for points an Pistakee Buy aud Fox Lake. Team- inn of all kinds done promptly. Spe cial attention sriven to traveliug men. Fli*st-class rigs with or without driver ai reasonable prices. Weft McHenry, III. • TatephMM 6 J We Wire Houses for fElectric Light at cost and spread the bill over 2 years, pay able in monthly install ments without interest. The expene is small. No damage to the house. No inconvenience to the occupants. Ask your neighbor who ^ has it about Electric Light and Electric Power in the" house. Each is a luxury in every thing but cost. ELECTRIC LIGHT IS ALWAYS RELIABLE Public Service Company OF NOiyHERN ILLINOIS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR You cannot obtain from any stock corset the classy lines, style, taste and absolutely perfect fit to be had in a Spirella Corset A type for every figure Let me select the model your figure re quires and fit it to you SPIRELLA HONING retains its shape per manently, allows ut most freedom of mo tion; gives supreme satisfaction, perfect comfort. My train ing' and experience are at your service. Appointments to your Kleasure at your ome. Post card or phone call will bring MISS ALICE SIMES, 'Phone 233 ..Centerville.. Grocery fitMikPf Always a fresh and complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :• C. G. Frett, Proprietor. MeHENRY, :: ILLINOIS. B1SEB FANCY FAMILY FLOUR s p E w c e J T x r M*-HI:nry ills .-X. .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WEST M'HENRY FLOUR m FEED HILLS Start Right Start the new year out right by making this store your Grocery and Fruit shopping place for the year 1912. We have en joyed a good patronage during the year just end ing, but can take care of more business the com ing year. Thanking you for patronage extended and wishing all a happy and prosperous new year, we are, Respectfully yours, For chapped hands. Be MO cream, 25c al Petesch's. 21-ti j M. H. NIESEN TBLEPHONE NO. 694 rictlenry, - !Hinwls., J •- Pt;: