Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Feb 1912, p. 5

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is the old stand-by. You remember hearing your grand­ mother say that she would have nothing but PILLSBURY'S. Perhaps some of the things she said and did are now out of date, but PILLSBURY'S still holds its place in her daugh­ ter'*, granddaughter's and great-granddaughter's homes. FOR FOR BISCUIT RRFJU) PASTRY . NEVER MSAIT9WTS CAKE For sale by the following dealers: WILBUR LUMBER CO. - - WEST McHENRY M. J. WALSH, - WEST McHENRY JOHN STOFPEL, - - WEST McHENRY F. A. BOHLANDER,' - WEST McHENRY N. P. STEILEN & SON, McHENRY LAWRENCE HUCiC - McHENRY M. M. NIESEN, - - McHENRY J. C. DEBRECHT, - - JOHNS BURGH THE HOME OF is FOR MEN WHO CARE We carry nothing but the very best that money can buy. :: CHEAP SHOES can be bought anywhere; high grade Shoes only in tirst-class Shoe Stores. Our line of In­ fants' and Children's Shoes can only be duplicated in the largest stores in Chicago. We want to meet every mother and father in McHenry who are compelled to buy Shoes every month for their children and show them the only remedy for this unnecessary expense. Make your Child's feet and your pocket book glad. Are you wise? :: CISTfc W & W DLLAR, WEST McHENRY. (7= L Y RAISE PICKLES FOR Ndtioiul Pitkie and Canning (o. WE WANT 300 ACRES FOR McHENRY THIS SEASON. THE USUAL CONTRACTS. :: :: Apr 25 QUALITY : SERVICE Johnsburgh, III. RIGHT PRICES 'Phone 936 A COMPLETE LINE OF J. C. DEBRECHT Lenten Specialties A CHEATER COUNTY A GREATER CITY """,Em* •ESSJSIE: E»" "Si"™* A. L. WEBSTER CIVIL AND DRAINAGE ENGINEER is prepared to plan and supervise such work. ADDRESS, WHEATON, ILLINOIS WOODSTOCK OfTKE M ARNOLD HACK, C L TEYOH, RESIDENT ENGINEER «»»«*»• NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KlUUKtlKlll. W. L. Yaoke was at Woodstock Fri­ day. J. Oakroot was at Crystal Lake Mon­ day. Mrs. Dora Cooper was in Woodstock Monday. A. P. Peck took the Madison train Monday. Mrs. A. Levey was at Crystal Lake Thursday. Mrs. W. S. Jaynes called at E. Knil- ans' Thursday. A. Sw»nson entei-tainod company ipver Sunday. W. Wilcox of Woodstock was in town Sunday. C. H. Giesselbrecht was a Lawrence caller Monday. A11 trust Wille was a Crystal Lake caller Thursday. Mrs. Lolo Bennett spent Sunday with her parents. F. W. Wille was at Crystal Lake on business Thursday. E. Nielson and A. Berlin were Wood­ stock callers Friday. C. H. Dufield took dinner with R. L. Dufield Thursday. v A. Diet/. was a business caller in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. D. L. Gibson was at Crystal Lake Thursday morning'. W. A. Streepv called on his uncle, L. Busk irk, Wednesday. E. S. Olmstead was a business caller at Crystal Lake Thursday. Henry and August Wille were in Woodstock Friday evening. Miss Rosie Peterson was a pleasant Woodstock caller Saturday. F. W. Hartman was a business call­ er at Crystal Lake Thursday. For stoneware call at the depart­ ment store. Prices are ri^ht. Herman Irish of Harvard spent Sun­ day at the home of his parents. Mrs. O D. Stratton and daughter, Lucille, were at Sharon Tuesday. Mrs. Hans Nelson and Miss Ruth Benson were in the city Saturday. Mrs. A. Stephenson was a pleasant caller at Crystal Lake Thursday. Miss Jennie Hesselgrave was a Crys­ tal Lake caller Tuesday afternoon. Messrs. F. Hartman and E. Knilans were callers in Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. Schoof, wife and child of La Grange 6pent Sunday at F. S. Morse's. Howard Jacobs and sister, Glenys, were at Crystal Lake Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hobart of Woodstock called at F. Wille's Sun- da v. Rob Kimball of Poplar Grove called at the home of Mrs. C. F. French Fri­ day. Elmer Francisco and little niece were pleasant callers at Woodstock Friday. H. P. Barber of Chicago spent Sun­ day with his son, J. L. Barber, and family. Mr. and Mrs. RobertSharp of Wood­ stock visited at the home of A. Dietz Sunday. Messrs. W. Levey and R. Dyg-ert boarded the train for the windy city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown and chil­ dren visited at John Thompson's at Seneca Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Throop of Wood­ stock visited at the home of G.. F. Hartman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanson and son, Earl, visited at A. Josephensou's at Woodstock Sunday. Have you seen the large assortment of post cards at the department store? Ten cents per dozen. Mrs. Lolo Bennett is assisting Mrs. Roy Skinner at Woodstock with her housework this week. Miss Olive Hesselgrave of Wood­ stock spent Sunday with her father, William Hesselgrave. Mrs. S. A. Merchant and son, Les­ ter, were visitors at the Eichkoff home in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wille and son, Irvin, took the train for Wood­ stock Saturday evening. Mrs. Herman Irish and little daugh­ ter of Harvard spent Saturday after­ noon with relatives here. Messrs. George Gorham, Nels Peter­ son and J. Mikleson were Crystal Lakq callers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. P. Benson entertained John Pearson and family and Hans Nelson and family Sunday. Miss Helen Reed attended the "Greyhound" at the Studebaker in Chicago Saturday evening. Miss Mabel Skinner, also Mrs. Sand- berg and Edith Letsler, were at Crys­ tal Lake Tuesday afternoon having dental work done. The M. W. A. called a special meet­ ing for Tuesday, but as only a few of the members were present another meeting was announced for Saturday. Little Miss Virginia Reed, accom­ panied by her aunt, Miss Genevieve Goddard, returned to her home at Woodstock after spending a week with Grandma Reed. Mrs. E. H. Wollenberg and son, T of Crystal Lake, also hei daugh­ ter, Mrs. Baldry, of Chicago, visited with her sister, Mrs. A. F. Salow, and family, Monday. Mrs. P. B. Houghawout accompan­ ied by her husband, was taken to El­ gin, where she underwent an opera­ tion for appendicitis at St. Joseph's hospital Monday morning. Mrs. Elsie Johnson, her daughter, is keeping house for her during her absense. T^he C. E. society of the Ridgefield Presbyterian church will give a unique social Friday evening, Mar. 1, in the church parlors. Those who would like to learn something about "Leap Year Possibilities" and also "Is Mar­ ried Life a Failure?" must be sure and attend. There will be an old time art gallery, which is always an attraction In itaelf. A most delicious supper will be served on the European plan. No fee will be taken at the door, however you are requested not to "leave your pocket book home on the piano." A cordial invitation is extended to all. RINOWOOD, G. A. Stevens of Elgin was in town Thursday of last week. Miss Ellen Hall was a Sunday guest of Richmond relatives. J. C. Ladd and C. W. Harrison were Woodstock visitors Saturday. • f Mrs. J, C. Ladd was the guest of Williams Bay relatives Saturday. Miss Edith Ingalls of Elgin visited relatives in town from Friday until Sunday. Mrs. Ray Bartholf of Richmond vis­ ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon, Thursday fast. Mrs. H. W. Allen spent from Friday to Sunday evening with Mrs. Jay Hawver at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mi's. Carrie Smith spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. O. P. South wick, at Williams Bay, Wis. Mrs. John Carey left Wednesday evening of last week for Birmingham, Ala., to visit her brother and nephew. Thomas Thompson and daughter, Clara, ol tiarreviile spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Libbie Simp­ son. * Mrs. Eva Wagner and little daugh­ ter of West McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence. E. C. Hawley has purchased the Ernest Ingalls house and lot. He was in Elgin Monday having the papers made out. W. J. Kittle of Crystal Lake and Mr. Morris of Woodstock attended the Sunday school rally at the M. E. church Sunday. The many friends in this place were grieved to hear of the death of Miss Irene McOmber. All extend their sympathy to the bereaved family. Miss Frank Ingalls of Elgin and Mrs. Clyde Hayford of Crystal Lake were here Friday and Saturday, packing up and selling what they could of Ernest Ingalls' household goods. The memorial meeting at Mrs. Hat- tie Bucl(land's last Thursday evening was a very pleasant meeting and well attended. The program was good, after which Mrs. Buckland served fruit. Mrs. Libbie Ladd was pleasantly sur­ prised last Wednesday evening by a party of friends who went in to help her celebrate her birthday. All en­ joyed themselves and wished her many returns of the dav. CHERRY VALLEY. Pierson McCarty is the new pupil at school. Rose Rossman has returned home from her stay in Elgin. C. B. Durkee was a business caller at North Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. George Hutson and daughter, Zelma, are numbered with the sick. Henry Whit has commenced work for Pearl Havelin at Cold Spring val­ ley. Mr. Thomas and family have moved from Whitewater, Wis., to the Ran­ dall farm. News has been received that Mrs. Grant Randall is recovering from her recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Durkee entertained a few friends at cards one evening re­ cently. Refreshments were served. Ray Thomas and family are spend­ ing the week here visiting relatives and friends before moving to the Baird farm. VOL-O. Ray Paddock has been ill. Dr. Palmer was in attendance. Paul Avery and wife of Lake Villa s[>ent Sunday at Ray Paddock's. Mrs. John Richardson spent Wed­ nesday and Thursday in Chicago. Frank Zuelsdorf and family will move to McHenry in the near future. A bus load from town attended the ball in the opera house at Round Lake Saturday night. Mrs. W. Kines and little daughter of Jabesville, Wis., were guests at the Ranight home the past week. They left for Salem, Ohio. Our mail carrier, Miss Maude Eat- inger, has taken a two weeks' vacation to visit her parents near Alexandria, La. Earl Paddock is our carrier dur­ ing her absence. PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office In Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to teu thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones #03 and 911-1 REAL, ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jerome Howe & w to P. P. Allen, 480 acres lu sec 34. Seneca, and 440 acres in sees di & 82, Greenwood #138,000.00 Mary E. Harrison et ai to C. W. Har­ rison. pt eH e4 sec », McHenry twp. luyillageof Ringwood. >000.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Mary L. Fuller, inventory filed and approved. MARRIAGE LICENSES. H. Charles Jones, 26 Hartland Florence Darmon, 23 Belvidere Nathan H. Brown, 50..^..Woodstock Katie Smith, 27- Woodstock William H. Daly, 29 Harvard Grace A. Hayes, 25 " Ben DeWeerdt, 26 Hartland Minnie Koltz, 19 " Gustave Schultz, 24 Harvard Elsie Zeeck, 20 Alden Twp John Feltes. 20 Hartland Mary Koltz, 18.- " NOTICE or SETTLEMENT. Those knowing themselves to be in­ debted to me will kin<i\y call at the West McHenry State bank and have their accounts adjusted. I have author­ ized C. W- Stenger to collect and give receipts for all outstanding accounts. 25-ti A lam? Vwrn. FRESH BAKERY We receive a fresh lot of Bakery Goods from the Kind Baking Co., of Elgin on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. Try our special Homestead Coffee at 30 cents a pound. Those who have given it a fair trial like it. Our prompt delivery sys­ tem is taking with the pub­ lic. Let us deliver you a trial order today. :: Math. Laures Pf?©sic 653 West McHenry FOE MiME BUILDING appeals to the conservative man because it offers a tangible basis upon which to reckon. Take lumber, for instance, and you can see evidence on all sides where houses that were built of wood have outlasted a generation and are today (if they have l>een given the proper care) as good as new. Wood has stood the test and can be utilized today as economically as any other material, considered from all points--appearance, durability and healthfulness. In its use you have precedence to go by. What others have done with it you can do, and the lumber we handle these days is the product of the best "quality" mills in the United States. It's a pleasure to show it as well as to talk its vari­ ous uses, and ^e are at your ser­ vice from 7 to ti daily. Come in. ••There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE est. LET OS POT A LITTLE YOUR tlomn We are agents in McHenry for the Sunshine--finishes for Furniture, Woodwork and Floors. :: :: :: We take orders for Heath St Milligan's flixed Paints •fife [. V. MtALLlSTtR & (0. Druggists :: West McHenry CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisement* Inserted under tbls head at the following rates: Tire lines or less, t6 cent* for first Insertion; 16 cents for each subsequent insertion- More than Ave lines, 5 cents a line for ttrst insertion, and 3 cents a line for addition! insertions. FOIi SALE--Two bronze gobblers. O. T. SMITH, ou Gardlnler farm, west of Mc­ Henry. 36-2t+ I2VJK SALE-- Black colt. comlnK two years " old. weight 1000 lbs. NICK BOHB, Mc­ Henry, III. 35-2t ANTED-- Two reliable farm hands at *" GEO. J. SATBB'8 stock farm, Pistakee Bay, III. »«-3t 17*0R SA1.E--Ten tine" single comb Khodt' -T Island Ked cockerels. W. E. BBAIM.KV, Rlngwood, III. 34-3t T7U)R SALE OK RENT--A 40 acre farm, situ ated two miles northeast of Rlnjiwood. Inquire of or write MATH. J. HCHAKTKK. MC­ Henry, III. 36-3t* FOL'N I>--On highway near Hanlv's farm, a box of clotblnff. Owner can nave same by provlnK property and paying for this ad Call at this office. /~kNLY $1100 for two large lots and good house eight years old, costing fOOO; Joins village; easy terms; possession March 1, 11*12. »5-4t SIMON STORRKL, West McHenry, 111. T7H>K r ph i» SALE--Only $1100 for 0 2-3 acres of -- choice land a short distance from C. & N. W. depot. Small payment, long time. 35-4t Si MOM STOFFEL. West McHenry, III. TTMJR BALE--Span of mules coming four and " five years old. Also a well marked eight­ een months old Holstein bull. M. JOHNSON. on old Patrick Cleary farm, McHenry; phone 1064. TJVJR SALE--One two year old thorobred " Chester White boar; one Poland China BOW, bred to boar; one thorobred Chester White sow with nine one week old promising pigs. ROBKRT CURRISH, Spring Grove, III. Phone. Ulchmond 743. 3d-2t* ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOE. J. I. Lang. Attorney. Estalt- of Jtkhn J. Bishop, Deceased. Thv undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of John J. Blslu'P. deceased, late of the County of Mc- Heury and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice t hat she will appear before the Couuty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term, on the 8rst Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the Mtme adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under­ signed. T>a,ted this 80th day ot February. A. D. 191?, 36- 3t Ak*a a«HIO**, Adolntatnttrlx. flllVf Oil 4S Pore Olive Oil is be­coming generally used for indigestion, rheumatic and kid- ney troubles, gall stones, etc. :: :: Olive Oil is not only a laxative, but seems to exert a soothing, healing and nourish­ ing function throughtout the system. A large number of people are finding that the daily use of a few spoonsful of the oil keeps them in fine physical condition. A pure oil is of»course nec­ essary and in our imported brand we provide one of guaranteed quality. :: :: :: :: PRICE, 75? PER PINT A N. H. Druggist. McHenry, HI. Don't LET US SELL YOU ONE OF OUR ROUND OAK HEATERS. IT WILL KEEP YOUR HONE WARN AND COZY ON THESE COLD DAYS. /P WE We always aim to carry as complete a line of Furniture as may be found in any town in the state the size of McHenry. We are now making a specialty of furnishing homes for newly married couples and feel certain that we can furnish homes just a& cheap as any Furniture House in McHenry county. The fact that we have furnished such homes in McHenry, Volo, Fox Lake, Johnsburgh, Grayslake, Ring wood, Woodstock and other places proves that we are giving satisfaction. JACOB JUSTEN P The Home of-PURE FOOD BAKERY If you have not been a patron of this Bakery now is the time to start. Be­ gin the new year by placing a trial or­ der with us and we know that you will become a steady patron of this Bakery. * Phone 1033 11 A. TIETZ, Prop. (r P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVSN TO THE s*t.K or Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Ens .This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and prioe ttat* furnished oa application. COLD STORAGE FREE CH1CAQO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3. Fattoa St. Whoesale Market. . P> v .r. -2f M -&„<>: Ji •» . * *• ' > ,•

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