Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1912, p. 4

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lie Mtiienry Pliirieiler ^|I[BL1SHED EVERY THUESD* T BY -*p. O. SCHREINER. .«.M flarcta 7, 191a. Notice is hereby given that the alt- township caucus of the Republi­ can legal voters of the township of Mc- Henry will be held in the village hall in the villag-e of McHenry on Satur­ day, March 16, for the purpose of plac­ ing in nomination the various town officers to be elected at the coming April elections, to-wit: Ono town clerk, one assessor, one collector and one commissioner of highways. Polls will be open from one o'clock p. ra. until five o'clock p. m. 38-2t TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of Democratic repre­ sentative of the eighth senatorial dis­ trict and solicit the support of voters at the coming April primaries. 37-tf C. F. HAYES. FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. I hereby announce that I am a can­ didate for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject to the de­ cision of voters at the primary of April 9, A. D. 1912. DAVID R. JOSLYN. 34-tf FOR ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of assessor for the town of McHenry, subject to the de­ cision of the legal voters at the com­ ing township caucus. Respectfully, 36-4t* J. W. KIMBALL. 400.000 T - The Keeley Institute* Dwttfht, Illinois Beautiful Locution. Delightful Surrounding*. Finest Accommodations '" r 11 gJiyiywj | FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. I hereby announce that I am a Re­ publican candidate for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject to the decision of voters at the primary of April 9, A. D. 1912. 38-6t CHARLES H. FRANCIS. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Acting on the advice of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, subject to the de­ cision of the legal voters at the com­ ing spring township caucus. Respfectfully, 34-tf JOHN NIESEN. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I herewith announce myself a candi­ date for the office of highway commis­ sioner for the town of McHenry, sub­ ject to the decision of the legal voters at the town caucus to be held Satur­ day, March 16. Respectfully, 37-tf JOHN H. FREUND. TO THE PEOPLE. I have filed my petition for a renom- ination to the office of county surveyor of McHenry county. If the voters feel that I have been a faithful servant during the last three years 1 will feel grateful to them for an endorsement via a renomination at the coming pri­ maries. Respectfully, 36-tf LESTER BARBER. In the Inst 30 years 400,000 men have heen saved from the drink habit by the Keeley Treatment. They were hopeless, despairing--down and out! .NOW they have happy homes and families--they have taken a news fresh start. The sun is shining again! FOR TOWN CLERK. I herewith announce myself as a can­ didate for the office of town clerk for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the legal voters at the town caucus to be held here Saturday, March 16. Thanking the voters for part favors and trusting that they may see fit to support me once more, I am Respectfully yours, 35 CHARL.ES B. HARMSEN. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of highway commis­ sioner for the town of McHenry and will appreciate the support of my friends and the legal voters at the coming Jpown primaries. Thanking the voters %>r past favors and trusting that they will be with me again, I am, Respectfully yours, 35-tf JACOB R. JUSTEN. I am in favor of a law giving us the Initiative, Referendum and Recall, and to elect the United States Senators by a direct vote; also to nominate and elect the President of the United States by a direc vut.o of the people' "Drunkenness Is a Disease and I Can Cure It" Dr. Leslie E. Keeley startled the world, thirty-two years ago, with this famous statement. Physicians were incredulous. Millions jeered and scoffed. BUT IT WAS TRUE! p Nearly everyone knows--now--that it is useless to abuse or upbraid a man who drinks to excess. His own con­ science does that daily, hourly. He is a sick man and can no more cure him-* self than can a man suffering from smallpox or brain fever. Yet he can be saved! You, who read this, can help him! WE CAN CURE HIM! What, Then, Is the Liquor Disease? It is an altered condition of the nerve cells, caused by the excessive use of alcohol, wherein the nerves have become trained to feed on it, and will not do their work except under its influence. The "craving" or appetite for liquor is not the disease. It is ' merely the symptom of the disease just as a cough is a symptom of some irritation or inflammation. When the disease is removed the craving for drink disappears just as the cough disappears when the cause of the trouble is removed. The World-Famous versaryof my graduation at Dwight. Nomat- * "Keeley Cure" ter w^at rises> I never think of whiskey." m, v , t u "Words cannot express what I feel in my The Keeley treatment--known the world . , , ^ . . . j * i t | r , ~ . . . . - . s o u l t o r t h e U o d - g i v e n s a v i n g i n s t i t u t e a t around as the Keeley Cure --is simply the ^ . , Tn T L ̂ , J • r J • U . . . , 3 . • J . . D w i g h t , 1 1 1 . 1 haven t the least desire for drtnk application of reconstructive nerve tonics -c T L J J >> V. , , , ,. • any more than if I had never tasted it. which remove the artificial alcoholic appetite of the nerve cells and restorfe them to a We have many, many thousands of letters^ natural, healthy condition. like the above- We never publish names. ' We will however refer you, with their con- The treatment produces no sickness or gent, to men who have been cured. nausea. It requires no restriction or con­ finement of patients. It leaves absolutely Full Information no ill effects. . 13 on Request The Keeley treatment can be had ONLY at the Keeley Institute, Dwight, Illinois, or have a number of booklets and other at its official branches, of which there is one printed matter explaining full details of the or more in almost every state. Keeley treatment- Th.ese we wiu be 8lad to send, on request, to inquirers. Any claims to furnish the Keeley treat- T . , . , . , . . . t / Information is mailed in absolutely plain, ment in any other way are false. , . . J r ' ' sealed envelope. Results of the All correspondence is sacredly confi- "Keeley Cure" dential- YOU can SAVE that brother, relative, The effe£t of the Keeley remedies is to friend, employee from ruin, disgrace and absolutely destroy the craving and appetite death! for drink. The man who takes the Keeley xv*ii j * ? treatment is no longer called on to fight an 1 ^ou 0 lt appetite. The desire and necessity for alcohol Please use the coupon. AREGR; , , THE LESLIE E. KEELEY CO. And the cure lasts/ Hear what men say DWIGHT, ILLINOIS who have been saved! "This is the twentieth anni- 5} imin^nn »I versary of my reincarnation and ^ INFORMATION COUPON V release from the bondage of the THE LESLIE E. EEELEY CO. § Demon Rum. Completely cured _ ^ DWIGHT, ILLINOIS ^ --the aCCUrsed appetitfe never to ^ Please send me tmder plain, sealed envelope full information about the ^ ,, S Keeley treatment for alcoholic disease, morphine, opium and tobacco habits. S return." § 5 S s "I took the cure twelve years Name ^ ago--Drink is no longer any ^ street and No ^ temptation to me." ^ ^ ^ ® Town State ^ "This is the eighteenth anni- S Name and address of person for whom treatment is desired. S JS (May be omitted if inquirer does not wish to state it.) g I I ...... .......................... ............. ................... ............. PROBATE NEWS Democratic c iii tdid UTFC J OR Represen­ tative in General Assembly, 8th Dis­ trict. Vote for • 0 JOSEPH W. FREUND 111., primuf ie West Mcl 9,1912. > April 32-tf Let me sell you one of the very lat­ est Staver buggies. I believe I can •ave you money and sell you a buggy that can't be beat. Math. Freund, near river bridge, McHenry. 37 Dry, best and cheapest dairy feed-- Dried Grain at Wilbur's. 33 (.Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois, Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. A li­ st racts of title and con veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of nve hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634. «08 and 911.1 REAL KSTATE TRANSFERS. Albert Etten AL w to ('has. E. Reasner. Its 5 & 8 Sunnysldt* sub (11 v of pt ne H sec 35 SI wH dwM sec M. liely side of Fox river; pc in nw'< sec 36. Mc­ Henry. $ OCO.OO Charlotte A. Ollbert et al to E. M. Powers, 137H a, sec 21. McHenry 13200.00 Amel O. Heider SL W to F. 0. Schroed- er, »0 a, sec lfl, Greeri wood 1.00 Ernest Ayres & w to Emma Anderson, pt lt 11, John U. Festert's sub dlv of sw frl quarter, sec 20, McHenry . ... 1.00 Catherine Justen & h to Emuia Ander­ son. ptltll, John B. Festert's sub div of nw frl quarter, sec 20. McHen­ ry 1.00 Eumia Anderson to Violet E. Roiir- beck. same. Christopher Heine & w to Wm. Kunda, 15 a in nwK sw!* sec 21, Greenwood.. 2B00.00 | 'aroline LadWl(? to Wm. T. Hacker, 120 a in sees 32 & 33, Greenwood 11950.00 Lndrew T. Wln^ate & w to Myron Francisco, 117.92 a sec 21, 28, McHen­ ry 11202.40 ohn Carey & w to Andrew T. Winif- ate,same._ MO PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate o f Julius ('. Clemens, appraisement bill j liled. Inventory &. widow's relinquish­ ment selection tiled &i approved. Michael Cleary, final reporl tiled & approved & executor discharged. Final rejnjrt liled in the following estate: Kdward Lawless. M AKKIAt iK LICENSES. Sankev li. Young. .50 Woodstock \ e r a K i l t z , 1 7 " K a r l W h i s t o n , T i l l i e W e n d t . lit \\rn. Schwartz, 4o .Crystal Lake 1 Schradder, 4ti Carpentereville Herman W Ziuipehnann, 25-. .Racine guente Zimpe'lmann, 21 Woodstock .C'rystal Lake M i Henry Koli.erg," 22 Sophie Vojcelman. lit Robert A. West, 3IT Bessie Jolinson, 4(j George Strain, 2~> Sarah Davidson, 2;j William Lambreciit, Mary Brein ic^ 28 . . . Union U Cary Station (4 Chemung - Huntley CHt'KRY VALLEY. E. Powers was a businesscaller here Tuesday. William Miller is working for Mrs. Alma Thomas. E. J. Thomas and wife were business callers in McHenry Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheperd spent Sunday evening at the Durkee home. Rose Rossman is spending a few days with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Page. A. Buchert and wife of Chicago vis­ it .id from Saturday until Monday at the Buchert home. Ben Brown of Woodstock and Or- thellow Brown of Cold Springs were recent callers here. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Durkee attended the funeral of Mrs. Albert Durkee in Woodstock Monday. Some were obliged to make the trip to the school house on horse back Tuesday after the blizzard. Adam Ibsch, Mr. and Mrs. August Rossman and Miss Doud spent Sunday- evening at Henry Buchert's. Miss Doud accompanied some of her pupils to McHeqry Saturday to tafie the eighth grade examination. NEWS IN QENEitAL, For our busy readers we rnn in each issue of The Plaindealer a concise sum­ mary of the important news of the state, nation and world. The state happenings of importance are in each if*ue and the national and general news is condensed in order to briefly give you a thoro covering of what is taking place and in a style that will be acceptable to you. We know that if you will read our news page each week that you will keep right up to date with the important events that trans pire. Read every part of The Plain- dealer t<> jret the big value of your subscription. I am agent for the Staver baggies and would like to explain the merits of this buggy to you. Hath. Freund, McHenry, 111. 57 FARM SURVEYS :: . MitFS :: LOT SIMEYS PLATS SUBDIVIDING FROHIXS A. L. WEBSTER, CIVIL AND DRAINAGE ENGINEER WOODSTOCK AND WHEATON, ILL. SEWAGE PLANS PAVING PLANS EMKBALD PARK. Thos. Bolger is at present on the sick list. Joe Sutton of Elgin spent Sunday with home folks. James Doherty is spending a couple of weeks at E. Sutton's. Thos. McDonald of West McHenry was on our streets Wednesday. John I. Sutton took the train Mon­ day evening for an indefinite period. Ed Larkin and son, Robert, of Elgin were the guests of relatives here Sun­ day. Miss Alice Sutton was making pro­ fessional calls in West McHenry Tues­ day. Miss Anna Cleary of West McHenry spent Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. E. Frisby. Misses Anna Frisby and Anna Cleary of West McHenry spent Sunday at the hpme of E. Suttpn. Mrs. E. t Walsh and son, Walter J., left Wednesday for a visit with friends in Chicago and Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hoelscher and son, Robert, of Chicago spent Sat­ urday and Sunday with relatives here. Messrs. P. Aylward, W. Walsh and Miss Mary Gibbs were callers at the home of Mr- ftnd Mrs. E- Sutton Tues­ day. Lawrence Huck returned home Thursday after spending several weeks with relatives in Chicago^ He was accompanied by his friend, Tom Mum­ mery. See Wm. Simes for lubricating oils, greases and prepared paints. He guar­ antees satisfactory goods at satisfactory prices. 31 What is the difference between an honest tilli-r ul the »uii and a thief? um mis ute sen, ihe ether seils the till. We dislike to mention the farmer with such a disreputable character, but the farmer shines in compari­ son. We want all farmers to know that we want their choice fat stock, hides and tallow, for w^iich we pay the market price, in cash. E. F. Matthews WEST MCHENRY TELEMONE 3 1 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. . Those knowing themselves 10 be in­ debted to me will kindly call at the West McHenry State bank and have their accounts adjusted. Ihaveauthor- ized C. W. Stenger to collect and give receipts for all outstanding accounts. 2,>tf ALBERT ETTEN. Dry, best and cheapest dairy feed-- Dried Grain at Wilbur's. 3® M YOUR NMM FOR EARLY MS L M'-HENRY f A M Q Y FAMILY FLOUR j.spENcen^ - M^hewry IILs 3s .The FLOUR. " - that never goes wrong WEST M lltNK¥ FLOUR AND FEED MILLS 3*-3 -fir-r -i II -5-2$ -Si -J -i $ £ -5-5-3 »•» f 4 | Professional. Society V r | &nd Business Cards' DAVID G. WELLS, N. 0. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCUUST. OF- M.N.TNYE MCHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND 8VROCON. Office hours 1 «t, I«i iron, 7:30 llSo l. m. Wednesday and Sunday of «ach week. PHONE; McHENKY 711 reiephMe No 3911 ' • SIMON STOFFEL . Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHnry, IlllaoU Fin* StJck Marchandl*# FM* S*1N KmI Eateto G. A. ADCTfONCER Talephen* No. 804 WES! FI'HENRY, ILL L ...v- L. Q. SENG lima dofreo •( »x- WIIOBC* n Ilfuirt »nd eigarc. Mm* •orwico, MUM t«nd, itnc ovary- Jiimg except the â NUMBE® _£& • 100 N. Bth Ave. CHICAGO. checked free WEST SIDE LIVERY & *»T0 UVERY B. I. OVERTON. l'K lfitt. P Buses meet all trains for points ou Plstakee Bay and Fox Lake. Team­ ing of all Kinds done promptly. Spe­ cial attention (riven to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. West McHenry, III. • Telephone 6 ..Centerville.. (ill Always a fresh and complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :• C. Q. Frett, Proprietor. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. YOUR are never complete without frequent pictures of your boys and girls. Today THEIR time is free and so is ours for them. PAY US A VISIT TODAY Everything of the best in the frame and picture line. Singers PliSiii' StL'iia; 'PHONE 171. WEST N'HENKY, ILL CLASSIFIED MTMMtWI ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Ohas. S. Northrop, Attorney. F^t.ate of Julius O. Ctemeus, Deceased. The umlerxiKoed hayiua been appointed Administratrix of the Fj»tat« of Julius C. (Jlemorts. doceasod. late of the County of Mc- Heriry and State t»f Illiuois. hereby (tives notice" that she will appear before the C«>unty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term, on the llrst Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notilied and requested to attend foi purpose of having the same adjusted. A 1 persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undt r' signed. Dated this 33rd day of February, A. D. 1912" 87-4t ALMA M. CLIMBNS, Administratrix. Dried Grain at Wilbur's. AH adTertlxement# Inserted under tblM bead at the following ratea: Five lines or le«a, tb cents for flni Insertion j 16 cents for eacb subsequent Insertion. More **»»n five lines, 6 cents • line for first Insertion, and 3 ifiiit- a line for ailditnunl InserUons. tpOK SALE OR RENT-- A 40 acre farm, situ " ated two miles northeast of Ringwoort. iniiuire of or v/rlte MATH. J. SCHAICRKK. HE Henry, HI. ait-8t* F°£ .. SALE--Fence posts and cord wood MRS. JOS. H. JUSXHN, McHenry, III. 87-2t CM)R SA1»E--Five ttronz.- gobblers. E. 1». ** FLAHDMS, West McHenry, 111. Phone " - 37-at* 567 ANTED--JO tons of slough bay for Ice ytTOOD To cut on shares, on B. (J. Mend , /*™' tor further pafticuiars app|> to C. I. AIXENDORF, West McHenry, 111, <H00 for two large lots and house eight years old, costing »0b- loins P«»ssession Ma^Mm! SIXOB HrorrBL, West McHenry. III. pOR SALE-Only fu(W for aer88 f N W deoot ^m'r distance from O. ^ af Paj'iuniit. long time, 3WT BIMOK SROJRRICU WEST McHenry, XIT 4̂

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