Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1912, p. 8

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NEW EASTER Hats, Gloves, Shirts, Gents' Furnishings JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, PHONE 303 1 WALL PAPER /AUR 1912 LINE is now in stock. We ^are showing a greater variety, richer coloring and more beautiful designs than in previous seasons. We have a large and well selected line in stock at reason­ able prices, and if in need of Wall Paper this spring we will be pleased to have you call and inspect the line. DAPER HANGING, arrangements with bs-Bk We have made an experienced paper hanger who will do the work for you on short notice, either in town or country, at reasonable rates, and who guarantees satisfactory work. :: :: J O H N S T O F F E L . J) Everybody is a Q ood Cook WHO USES A "QUEEN BEST" RANGE You hear people say, "I did not have good luck with my baking or cook­ ing today. " The fault, nine times out of ten, is not with their luck or their baking, but with their stoves. "Queen Best" users al­ ways have good luck and good cooking. You can not name another range that will do this. Put an end to the extravagant waste of fuel and to all of your cooking and baking troubles. BUY A "QUEEN BEST" RANGE X 3, Uycitai ....Bargains in.... !S id U $ V*' ; TN spite of the fact that hundreds of people have taken advantage of our Sal­ vage Sale and supplied themselves with wearing apparel we still have a good assortment of Hats, Shoes and Underwear that are going at give-away prices. M. J. Walsh, WEST McHENRY. STATE OF ILLINOIS. I __ Town of County of McHonry, ( McHenry The following Is a stAtemant by Jacob R- Justen of the Town of Me Henry, iu the Coun­ ty and State aforesaid, of the amount of pub­ lic funds roeeiviHl and oxpunded by him dur­ ing the fiscal year just, closed, encfintr on the 2#t.h day of March, ls»12, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commence­ ment of said fiscal year, the amount of pulillc funds received and from what sources re­ ceived, the amount, of public funds expended and for what purpose expended, duriug said fiscal year, ending as aforesaid. * The said Jacob K. .) usteii, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following state­ ment by him subscribed is u correct state­ ment or the amount, of public funds on baud at the commencement of the Astral year above stated, the amount of public funds received and the sources from which received, and the amount expended, and purchases for wnlch expended, as set forth In said statement.. JACOB U. JCSTBH. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26th day of March, 1612, E. O Hawley. Justice of the' Peace, FUNDS RECEIVED AND FROM WHAT 8OUKCJC8 BBCI1TID DATE 1911 AMT The Cooli, I always feels 1 confide ni of „ x pure, ana wholesome 1 ood when usind I Amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year commenc­ ing the 5J9th day of March. 1911 July IS Rec'd from A. A. Orlssey, co treas, del tax $ 906.S5W 1913 Mar 23 Rec'd from John Nlesen, town collector...^. 5474.83 Poll tax Ml 110.00 10480.13 FtJNDS EXPENDED*AND FOR 1011 WHAT PURPOSE EXPENDED April 29 West McHenry State Bank. overdrawn $ 708.BH 11. Zimmerman, graveling and work in full 40.00 E, C. Barnard, Krave! 37.S0 Jos. Laogi gravel 10.80 Louis ochrooder. road work.. JI3.25 C. ft. Sherman, taking care of water June 12 John Miller, grading 34 Will kattner, road work liouls Schroeder, graveling.. July 3 Clinton Martin, road work... 29 Louis Schroeder, graveling.. Aug 36 W. E. IS mitli, gravel John A. Miller, grading Louis Schroeder, road work.. Sept S 5.00 05.00 2313 36.00 2.00 <1.J5 <M0 90.00 94.75 76.00 58.05 31.00 101.82 2.0U 13.80 635 4.30 140.55 2.00 12.30 54.50 10.00 140.00 28.50 29.00 12.00 17.00 142.80 A Pure Ciimpe Cream^Tartar | "SI Baking Powder k front Graoes wmmmmm Peter Britz, grading Jos. H. Huemaun, blk&mthlng Peter Smith, grading John Smith, road work Mcllenry Plaindealer Ot>, ptg (J. B. llarmsen, 2grder blades C. B. llarmsen. record book.. I'lias. Micbels, road work O. S. Wheeler, road work W. F. Holtz, office rent. Louis Schroeder, road work.. Bert Bell, road work & gradg John W. Smith, pulling dowu lleckner house III. Corrugated Metal (Jo, cut Win. Kattner, road work Peter Britz, grdg & rd work. F. Nlesen, road work Jacob Freund, pvlg & rd wrk Continental Bridge Co, cul_. H. E. Hughes, culverts 46.01 Louis Schroeder, gvlg & rd w 140.65 Joe Michels, road work Wil Lum Co, Ibr, tl le & cem.. John Smith, grvlg & grading Joe Smith, gravelg & grading John A. Miller, grvlg & rd wk Bert Bell, grdg St road work. Peter Brltz, grdg & graveling F. Kaiser, gravel Wilbur Lumber Co, lumber.. Wm. Britz. grvlg & rd work.. Peter Brltz, grvlg & scraping W. P. Kinns, grading Louis Schroeder, grvlg & rd w Jos. Kattner, gravel Worts & Boley, graveling 802.00 Frank Wattles, gravel 14.00 Peter Britz, grvlg & gravel.. 48.10 Peter Smith, grading 24.50 John Smith, grdg & rd work. 82.95 John Mertes, gravel 5.00 Hubert Freund. gravel 25.00 Lester Barber, surveying 6.85 C. B. llarmsen, postage on poll tax notices 7.10 C. G. Frett, office rent 10.00 W. F. Glazier, typewriter sup 1.75 C.C.Colby, road work 2.50 WlllSattem, road work 4.00 Joliet Steel Con Co, culverts. 7S.40 H. Whiting, road work 1.00 John Malsh, shoveling snow. 1.00 Hettermann Bros, blksmthg. 4.70 Mcllenry Plalndealer Co, bill heads 1.75 Mcli enry Plalndealer Co, pub treas report 10.00 John Boyle, <56 days' service as commissioner 132.00 . Jas. L. Conway, 94 days' ser­ vice as commissioner 188.00 Jacob K. Justen, 85 days' ser­ vice as commissioner. 170.00 26 Jacob R. Justen, 2 percent com on money paid out 81.69 Total.. 14166.37 RECAPITULATION Amount on hand at beginning of fiscal year ...f Amount of funds rec'd during fiscal year 6490.12 Total amount Amount expended during fiscal year I'*>m at 2 per cent on $4084.68 . Total amount paid out... Balance on band Nov 25 Pec 30 1912 Jan 27 Feb 24 Mar 23 LOW COLONIST RATES Via Chleag* and Narth Waatarn Ry. To tha Pacific Coaat Daily to April 15, 1912, inc., Colonist one way second class tickets will be sold to principal points in California, Oregon, Washington and British Co­ lumbia. Tickets available on daily and personally conducted tours in through Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. For full information apply tick­ et agents, Chicago and North Western Ry. ^ 40-2t THANKS. t=> I wish to thank all the kind friends who gave me a most delightful sur­ prise Saturday afternoon, March 23, sending me a "wonder box" of beauti­ ful gifts. I highly appreciate the gifts for their beauty and value, but the love that prompted the giver's thought of me is still more precious and will be treasured as the best- gift of all. I thank you again, for it is very "sweet to be remembered." MRS. LIUHIE SIMPSON. Ringwood, 111. 113.77 48.00 40.00 108.30 31.84 ! 121.20 10.00 .16490.12 40*4 «9 81.69 4166.37 . 2323.75 Odds and ends having accumu lated during the year we are offering at a price which pleases every economical buyer. Remnants and short lengths in Calico, Gingham, Embroideries, Laces, Silks, Ribbons and Velvets at a strik­ ingly low price. Calico, in short lengths and remnants, at per yard 3c Laces and Embroideries at one-third off marked prices. WHY PAY IS CENTS TOR AN ARTICLE WHICH YOU CAN BUY AT 10 CENTS A liberal supply of Salesmen's Samples in Broadcloth, Serge and other high grade Dress Goods, at per remnant - " 35c These goods, off the bolt, would sell at from 85c to $1.75 per yard. H A N D K E R C H I E F S ! (It will all come out in the wash.) Handkerchiefs, partly soiled, lace edged and plain, regular 25c, now at .15c Pyre Irish linen Handkerchiefs, figured and plain, sale price 25c and 20c, at this sale only. _ Uc They are slightly soiled. Regular 5c and 10c Handkerchiefs, some soiled, at ... 3c and 4c We extend a cordial invitation to the school children tp attend our Handkerchief sale. SUPERVISOR S STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF McHENRY. STATE OF ILLINOIS, t Town of County of Mcllenry, Mcllenry. The following Is a statement by Stephen H. Freund of the Town of McHenry. In the Coun­ ty and State aforesaid, of the amount of pub­ lic funds received and expended by him dur­ ing the fiscal year Just closed, ending on the 26th day of March, 1912. showine the amount, of public funds on hand at the comnieuctt- ment of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what solirces re­ ceived, the amount of public funds expended and for what purpose expended, during said fiscal year, eudlng as aforesaid. The said S. H. Freund, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following state­ ment. by him subscribed Is a correct state­ ment of the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received and the sources from which received, and the arrount expended, and purchases for wblch expended, as set forth In said statement. S. H. FKEUND. Subscribed and sworn to before 1 me, thU27tli day of March, 1912, > James B. Perry, Notary Public. \ FUNDS RECEIVED AND FHOM DATE WHAT SOITHCBS ttRCBIVKD Amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year commenc­ ing the 2ttth day of March, l»il $1303. TV July 15 Kec'd from A. A. Crissey, co treas, bal of tax for 1910 2.11 AMT 1U12 M ar 26 Kec'd from John Nlesen, town collector, from dog tax for l»ll 170.38 KUNDS EXPENDED ANUrilH PATH WHAT PURPOSE EXPENDED AMT April 5 Judges and clerks of 1st pre­ cinct, spring election 5 18.00 Judges and clerks of 2nd pre­ cinct, spring election, le Can vassing for spring election C Junes McHenry Plalndealer, notice and ballots of spring election of 1»11 4.90 McHenry Plalndealer, for su­ pervisor's report for 1910 0.00 Sept 5 McHenry Plalndealer, for no­ tice for auditors' meeting & call 3.10 John W. Kimball, assessor's fees for 1911 303.00 John W. Kimball, for services as thistle com 50.00 W. F. (ilazier, for an Oliver typewriter. 45.50 1912 Mar 26 Jacob R. Justen, for meeting as highway com 48.00 Jas. L. Conway, for meeting as highway com 48 00 Johu Boyle, for meeting as highway com 4 For 2 auditors' meetings 1 ( lias. B. llarmsen, for town clerk fees 86.00 McHenry Plalndealer, pub election notice for 1912, bal­ lots, etc 14.25 McHenry Plaindeaier, pub su­ pervisor's report for 1911 S. H. Freund, as poor master. HMX) RECAPITULATION Amount on hand at beginning of fiscal year ......fl30b-7fl Amount of fuuds rec'd during fiscal year 172.49 Underwear Fleeced line, regular 50c, on day of sale. Regular 75c, on April 3, 1912, go at... Corsets 30c <>5c .75c Parisians and Paris Model, regular$1.00, on sale day.., Your number is among them. MM THE DAY, APRIL 3,1912, AT J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY : SERVICE Johnsburgh, 111. R I G H T P R I C E S 'Phone 936 West McHenry PROMPT DELIVERY Phone jfi . ' * WALL PAPER We have an entirely new line now in stock consist­ ing of over forty patterns with pricts, per double roll, ranging- from 9c to 35c LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN GOODS One hundred pairs, full length curtains, at per pair 50c to $5.00 We also have a 1 ar^eassortment of scrim to choose from if you prefer to make your own curtains. Don't buy before looking over our stock. ^ J) CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000. KEEP IT IN HIND A Bank Book is above all others. It protects what you have and makes you want to save more. Sickness may come to any family. It may be the one who earns money, so the best way is to start an account in the West McHenry State Bank. You can do it in more than one way, and with very little money. The present is the best time to talk it over. N ....SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR.... 's.TW&fol, *•! EDWIN L. WAGNER, Pres. --OFFICERS:-- C. H. FEGERS, Vic© Pres. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. SIMON STOFFEL. Vice Pres. fr I Want to Meet You /personally. I want you to know as I know the good qualities of the goods I have to offer you. Take the IDmersotj Foot Lift line of Sulky and Gai\g Plows, as well as the ICmerson Disc, nothing bet­ ter on the market today. The Van Brunt Hoe and Disc Drills, as well as the Hoos- ier,--where in this wide world can you find anything better? Then our stock of Plows, Harrows, Corn Planters, Culti­ vators, Spreaders, Wagons, Buggies and a hundred other articles from our stock is now as complete as we can make it. And you know we stand back of every­ thing we sell. With the knowledge ob­ tained by years of experience, and a de­ sire to please our customers, I want you you to know. Make us a call. :: :: WM. STOFFEL Phones! RESIDENJE-70'- Total amount ^"oount expfuded during fiscal year.. 777.3T> jald out 777.3!) Total amount paid out... Balance on hand... Don't forget the openiojf tu» millinery parlors on March 30. at the Tjo- Saturda^ r YOUR CORSET Cm CORSET you wej$ should be selected with as much care as your dress for the reason that the fit of your dress depends upon the fit of your Corset. Get the correct model adapted to your figure. We carry a most complete line of Corsets in the well known brands, such as Nemo, W. B. and Parislana. There isn't a Corset made that equals these makes in style, graceful lines and fit. We carry a full line in all three makes in the different models. Look them over and get the Corset best fitted for you. :: :: :: :: W. B. Corsets at 50c $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Parislana Corsets at $1.00 $1-50 Nemo Corsets, Nothing their equal S2.5G $2.00 $2.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 For Men SPECIAL BARGAINS A good line of sizes in Thompson's $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes at • • Special value in Ladies' $2.50 and $3,00 Oxfords, to close. Men's heavy work Shoes at $1 .SO $2.25 BeatCalico, per yd 5c 26c Window Drapes, yd.. 15 $2.50 To Close $2.85 $1.85 $3.00 L. F. BLOCK. :: PHONE 541.

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