Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1912, p. 5

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Made front Selected Fir Lumber, one ptece stave. The swinging door divice is the newest thing in Silo construction. Easily operated, always in place and always tight. The ladder arrangement is another excellent feature withMDUR SILO. See the swinging door and lad­ der construction on exhibition at odr office. :: " x "• en (Km prices tm> orkr how WILBUR LUMBER CO. Telephone 651. West McHenry, III. (F Announcement All Latest Popular Song Hits Now on sale at Petesch's Drug Store 15c per copy--seven for $1.00 SOME BIG HITS: Oh! Mr. Dream Man Baby Baboon Dance Take a Little Tip From Father Mammy's Shufflin' Dance Roses and Memories I'd Give the World If I Could Have You Orders Taken For Anything; In Sheet Music C. H. FA NTH JIM & SON H'HENRY COUNTY PIANO AND HUSIC DEALERS WOODSTOCK ILLINOIS Local Headquarters : Petesch's Drug Store fr Watch and Clock < I am now prepared to do all kinds of watch and clock repairing. I have had eight years of experience in this line of work- and can assure the public of sat­ isfactory services. If you have a clock or watch that is out of order, bring it to me and let me demonstrate what I am capable of doing. : : :: :: WM. WINCHESTER Schumacher BIdg., McHenry, III. (F RAISE PICKLES FOR Mm! Pickle mid dim (0. WE WANT 300 ACRES FOR MCHENRY THIS SEASON. THE USUAL CONTRACTS. :: :: Apr 25 NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ..d%. I am still the Electric Light Man SEE HE FOR WIRING AND SUPPLIES ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER FUR RENT TIE BEST OF EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SAMUEL M. ESLER • • •• H'UENRY, ILLINOIS E. Knilans went to Woodstock Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Rfeed spent Sunday in Elgin. E, Staler was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Miss Clara Salow was at Crystal Lake Friday. Chris. Hoy was a Crystal Lake busi­ ness caller Friday. , J. Davoll of Woodstock was in town Saturday morning. Carl Lilja was a Woodstock caller Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs were week end visitors in Elgin. Mrf and Mrs. A. P. Peck sjtent Sun­ day at their home here. Mrs. R. L. Dufield visited relatives at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Hansen and son, Earl, were Woodstock'callers Saturday. Mrs. A. Stephenson was a business caller at Crystal Lake Friday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield was a Crystal Lake caller Monday afternoon. It is re|K>rted that meadow larks were seen in this vicinity recently. Mrs. A. Jacobs and daughter, Glenys, were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday. Conductor Frank Peck of Chicago called at R. L. Dutield's Sunday after­ noon. Misses Rachel and Mildred French were Crystal Lake callers Sunday aft­ ernoon. Kenneth Smith came from the city to spend Saturday with his brother, Gerald. Miss Hettie Brown is spending this week with J. Thompson and family at Seneca. M isses Marie Heckler and Winnie Ward of Woodstock were Sunday call­ ers here. Miss Genevieve Goddard is attend­ ing teachers' institute at Woodstock this week. Mr. and Mrs. Retiben Hesselgrave of Woodstock spent Sunday at the Hes­ selgrave farm. Charles Tackman and daughter, Har­ riet, of Crystal Lake spent Monday at the Jacobs hqjpe. * Mrs. San berg and the Misses Eva and Kdith Letsler spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dietz and daugh­ ter, Arline, spent Sunday with rela­ tives at Woodstock. Karl Johanson of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lilja. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Skinner and children of Woodstock spent Sunday at the parental home. Mrs. Chas. Kiltz of Cary is Visiting with her father, A. Busk irk, who is under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Miller of Crvs- tal Lake called at the home of's. Levey and family Friday. George Gorham was a Woodstock caller Saturday afternoon, his mother accompanying him home. Mrs. French of McHenry is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. A. Stephen­ son, and family this week. Charles Keeler of Elgin spent Satur­ day and Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield. Freeman Giesselbrecht of Wood­ stock spent Sunday at the home of his brother, C. H. Giesselbrecht. Mrs. Herman Rapp and children of Crystal Lake spent Monday and Tues­ day at the Broderman home. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry Reed Thursday afternoon, April 4. Mrs. A. J. Murphy of Woodstock visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Giesselbrect, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Levey of Crystal Lake s|>ent the latter part of the week at the home of Sam Levey and family. Mrs. Wagner and daughter of Crys­ tal Lake were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wille Tues­ day. v Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Allen and daugh­ ter, Evelyn, of Crystal Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dygert Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch and also Miss Bethel Shelt of Woodstock visit­ ed at the home of Mrs. C. E. Conerty in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. George Barden of Woodstock spent Wednesday and Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. R. Dygert, who is under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Waterman and daughter, also S. Reed and family of Woodstock, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed Sunday. While filling the coal shed with coal cars the east end of the north side shed collapsed, letttng one of the cars part­ ly thru the east end of the shed. Luck­ ily no one was injured. Miss Anna Morse and little adopted daughter of Charleston spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her broth­ er, F. S. Morse. Miss Morse is to lecture at the teachers' institute at Woodstock this week. Everett E. Johnson, field worker among the Sunday schools of the coun­ ty, spent Monday and Tuesday with the president of the county association, getting familiar with the work and laying out a campaign for aggressive work. CHURCH NOTES. Every member of the church, and those at all interested in the church, should be in attendance at the morn­ ing service next Sunday, as reports Hor the past year of all the/ organiza-ions of the church will be given. This is the close of the church year &nd it is planned thus to bring before the people of the community in a definite way the work accomplished during the past year. A good, in^piriog service is in preparation. EvefyQne is cordial­ ly invited. * Easter Sunday, April 7, is one of the great days in the church calendar and it is hoped this year, with the prepar­ ations now in progress, to make it one of great good to all who attend the services, which will be held morning and evening in the church. Special music and decorations, with a program appropriate to the occasion, will Ik1 given in the morning, while in the evening two classes of the Sunday school and the choir will have charge. Come on this day if you can come on no other day during the year. Ji7. E. Walker was in McHenry Sat-ay. S. H. Freunri of McHenry was in town Tuesday. N. D. Stevens spent Friday with his brother in Elgin. Mrs. Mary Bell is quite poorly with inflammatory rheumati>m. Dr. Pussey of Chicago spent Satur­ day at his farm near tow n. W. J. Beth and Lester Bell were t^fiicago passengers Monday. E. C. Hawley attended the bo:u<d of trade meeting in Elgin Monday. Avery Holmes and son of North Crystal Lake were in town Tuesday. The many friends of Mrs. Libbie Simpson gave her a wonder box Satur­ day. W. E. Bradley, wife and dauglm r and Joe May were Elgin visitor* Tues­ day. H. M. Stephenson and Will Beck were Chicago visitors Fridas ami Sat­ urday. Mif. E. H. Carter and daughter left Thiysday of last week for their home at Jefferson, la. C. E. H. Tuttle s|»ent the la>t of the week with his daughter, Mis L. I>. Todd, of Dundee. Clyde Randall of Elgin sjjent Sunday with his wife at the hom*' of her moth­ er, Mrs. Mary Dodge. John Benson and wife of Woodstock visited their daughter, Mrs. Ray Mer­ chant, last Wednesday. H. W. Allen sold his home in town to Warren Foss. Mr. Allen will build a bungalow this summer. Mrs. Mary Green and Eleanor Haw ley returned from Chicago Tuesday evening after several days' visit. Mr. Tower and Misses Agnes Carey and Agnes Dodge art! attending the teachers' institute at Woodstock. E. C. Hawley, John Carey and Clay­ ton Harrison were in Chicago Wed­ nesday of last week settling up the butter factory transaction. Mrs. Ed. Bell and daughter, Mary went to Richtnond Sunday to see the former's brother, who was very sick. Tuesday afternoon he passed away. Miss Epha Marshall, state corres­ ponding secretary of the W. C. T. U,, will speak in the M. E. church Sunday afternoon, March 31, at the usual hour, TKKKA CO^TA. G. W. Ames was a recent Chicago visitor. John Conway is now working in Woodstock. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Fran­ ces, spent Tuesday in Klgin. T. Ames and H. McMillan were Wauconda visitors Satuiday. Miss Alice Leisner spent Saturday and Sunday with Chicago relatives. Miss Emma Conway of Klgin was the guest ol home folks laM Saturday and Sunday. Miss Theresa Conway of McHenry is spending a few days with her grand­ parents here. Misses Anna Carey, Eleanor Phalin and Florence Knox are attending the teachers' institute this week. S. B. Leisner has returned to his home here, after spending the past two months with Chicago relatives. Miss Marcella Riley of St. Charles visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Riley, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wingate and daughter, Doris, visited relatives here and at Barreville one day last week. Mark and Phil Hoffman of Spring Grove spent a few days recently at the homes of the former's daughters here. Mr. and Mrs. Merton- Gracy and son have moved to Honey Creek, Wis., the farm they vacated being now occupied by Mr. Fiannigan of Wisconsin. VOLO. Ray Paddock was in Chicago Satur day. Theo. Wagner spent Tuesday in Chi­ cago. James Kirwan was a Chicago visitor- Monday . , George Kuebler of Palatine was in town Monday. C. G. Iluson transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Sid Russell and wife were recent Waukegan visitors. 'Frank Wilson is recovering from a serious throat trouble. John Capallar of Chicago spent Sat­ urday and Sunday here. Miss Florence Spoouer is spending a few days in Chicago with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drakeman of Chi­ cago are spending a week at J. Stadt- f eld's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker of Liber- tyville were Sunday visitors at Lee Huson's. Mesdames A. J. Raymond and C. G. Hi were guests of Mrs. Chas. Kap- ple Monday. Miss Anna Complon is the guest of relatives here, but will return to Elgfe\ in a few days. Misses Lucy Dunnill and Kathryn Frost were Chicago visitors the first of the week. U" Ideal" is our idea of perfect boggy construction. Come and tell us what your idea is. Wm. Stoffel. 41-ti Read The Plaindealer. ^ I AM AGENT For the H. Kind Baking company of Elgin and re­ ceive fresh goods from that place daily. The Kind Bak­ ing Co. has the reputation of being far above the aver­ age of the baking concerns in this part of the state and a trial order will convince you that we are right when we say that our bakery goods are the best that come into McHenry. We also have a fine line of Fruits and Vege-( tables. :: :: :: WE DELIVER GOODS Math. Laures Phone 653 West McHenry HAS PLAYED HAVOC with many a family's most cher­ ished, long planned home because they followed the advice of some one-idead builder, who thought perhaps to improve upon Na­ ture's own tried and tested ma­ terial - lumber. The time to guard against disap|>ointuient is at the start. Look around and investigate the frame houses that have been standing for as many as fifty years and compare them with those, constructed of other materials. Time alone is the real test of home building materials, because you don't build a home every ten years, and few people can afford to ex- periim>nt- with fads or theories. Alter marking your comparisons come in and see the nice, bright lumber we have in stock and let us tell you in actual figures what a good frame house will cost you today. Real facts are deadly to substitution. "There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE est. YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER GO. F. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON BUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN Mcllenry J. C. DEBRECHT .Johnsburgh !;',!) BLOOD / and the many resulting disorders of the system acquired during a long, cold winter call for a g o o d . . . . We sell all the best known remedies for the blood, but, especially recommend 'our Com* J* * paril la. vt i_ AVt wi wMl d(ta E. V. McALLI&IEK & (0. Druggists West McHenry M. M. Niesen, the Centerville gro­ cery man, can supply you with seed po­ tatoes. He has the Early Rose and Early Ohio varieties. 40-tf Get It at PETESCH'S When you want anything that druggists sell see how well prepared we are to sup­ ply you. You can be certain that the price is as low as it can be. It is your privilege to buy where you can buy best and your duty also. We are always glad to have you compare goods and prices. If we can give you most and best for your money we want your trade; if we can't we don't expect it. But we court the privilege of always showing you what we can do. :: :: :: •• N. H. Petesch, Druggist. McHenry, III, (r Don't LET US SELL YOU ONE Or OUR ROUND. OAK HEATERS. IT WILL KEEP YOUR I0NE WARN AND COZY ON THESE COLD DAYS. I "-t'£J • WE We always aim to carry as complete a line of Furniture as may be found in any town in the state the size of McHenry. We are now making a specialty of furnishing homes for newly married coupies and feel certain that we can furnish homes just aa cheap as any Furniture House in McHenry county. The fact that we have furnished such homes in McHenry, Volo, Fox Lake, Johnsburgh, Grayslake, Ringwood, Woodstock and other places proves that we are giving satisfaction. JACOB JUSTEN N -' ̂ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrn* Tresh Bakery There is nothing like the Fresh Bakery. Ours is oi that kind. We bake every day and you are sure of its being fresh if you come here for your bakery. We will also bake up special orders on very short notice and guarantee satisfaction every time* TRY US. 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop. rrnmin«B«»f i k a-n '4-2 P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO THX SAUK OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal,^ Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists application COLD STORAOE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ml stall 4 3. Fu«o" St Wbocaalc Market. Ah

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