Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1912, p. 5

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,".- v»- ?V.a * *••" V-"'.; '-^ 's-' V-' *." '» ' "• -'-/. ." .y' I.-. -y..! A ••> -'*,14" '.".v4-- * • .fXy^icw ip t5-3S: •- ft *i ! * f-^v. VA ^ " i '•>?& &* '->* »;k<* |o Cent Cart Chi-Name) Varnish/ ~r v: :f If you present this Cash Coupon* , s*itturfng fbe Demonstration AT MCALLISTER'S DRUO STORE Friday, April 19 * ~ 0 WHAT IS Cttt-NAflEL FOR? To make old woodwork look like new. To keep new wood from looking old. To brighten up old furniture wad give new color and lustre. :-• " •"* •"• We do not ask you to take our word for the qualities of Chi- Namel Varnish. We will give outrigM to anyone who will buy a new 10c varnish brush with which to apply it Mad thus insure it a fair trial, a new 20c size can from our shelf stock free, it will cost you nothing to test the above claims. J"! w The holder of this coupon upon purchasing fit our store a 10c var­ nish brush (1} inch size) is entitled to select and receive one 20c can of Chi-Namel Varnish FREE; or the value of ooupon may ap­ ply on the purchase of any Chi-Namel product. >"• >• Name.. P. O. Address. I Watch and Clock I am now prepared to do all kinds of watch and clock repairing. I have had eight years of experience in this line of work aiyl can assure the public of sat­ isfactory services. If you have a clock or watch that is out of order, bring it to me and let me demonstrate what J am capable of doing. :: :: WM. WINCHESTER Schumacher Bldg., • • McHenry, 111. RAISE PICKLES FOR piuue inn unm WE WANT 300 ACRES FOR McHENRY THIS "SEASON. THE USUAL CONTRACTS. :: :: Apr 85 F* SILOS! SILOS! Farmers, you all know by our old way of feed- , ing corn stalks we lose 40 per cent of their feeding value. Wemust save this feed. The SILO is the only way. THE IDEAL SILO is the only silo that has hinged doors, auto­ matic take-ups to prevent silo falling down in » summer. The only safe ladder and, most im­ portant, the only silo you can fill full. It will pay you to inspect the IDEAL Silo. Address Ideal Silo Co., Chicago, III. or R. O. HOOK, Lake Villa, 111. i9r Round Lake ' R. F. D. No. i NEIGMBQJUNGNEWSAS^ CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 4Mb* I am still the Electric Light Man SEE HE FOR WIRING AND SUPPLIES OECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER FOR ROT ns BEST or EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SAMEUL N. ESLEK -phone ikz If HENRY, ILLINOIS LET BS PLAN IMPR6VEMLNTS FOR CITY 01 FAIN A. L WEBSTER, CIVIL AND DRAINAGE EN<MH W HE ATOM. ILLINOIS. , 7 x C. L TIY0H, KSIMNT ENGINEER-ARNOLD HACK WOODSTOCK. DXWOM I *IJ- CORRESPONDENCE TO WWUWi mfriW. s KlMiKPiELU. - B. CX Her£ was in Woodstock S&tur «»y. Willie Frencb was down from Wood­ stock Friday. Miss Clara Salow .was at Crystal Lake Friday. Nels Peterson was an Elgin passen­ ger Saturday. Hans Nelsoa was in the windy city on business Friday. Mrs. A. Tranah visited in Chicago a few days recently. S. Levey transacted business atJ,Le county seat Thursday. A. J. Olson and D. R. Joslyn were in this vicinity Mqpday. Miss Genevieve Goddard was in Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. R. Dygert and Mildred French are again on the sick list. Mrs. A. Peterson visited her daugh­ ter at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. R, Dygert visited relatives at Hebron Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Dike and Miss J. Ash- ton were in Chicago Saturday. R. Knilans visited at the home of .T. Bartz Saturday a&l Sunday. S. Warnock of St. Paul called at D. L. Gibson's Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Salow drove to Crystal Lake Thursday evening. Sherman Irish was visiting his broth­ er's family at Harvard Saturday. N. J. Garrison and family of Wood­ stock were callers here Monday. Mrs. £. Smith and Mrs. R. L. Dufield visited at Crystal Lak€ Wednesday. F. M. Risley came down from Wood­ stock to visit his family Sunday after­ noon. Mrs. R. Goddard of Woodstock spent Thursday afternoon visiting friends here. * Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoest and daughter were Chicago visitors the first of the week. Mrs. R. Kimball of Poplar Grove visited at F. French's the first of the week. L. J. Gibson of Chicago visited the first Of the week with his parents and sister. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and brother, E. Cadwallader, were Woodstock visitors Friday. Mrs. A. Anderson and son, Clarence, spent part of Monday and Tuesday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Zion City were visiting at 8. Levey's Friday and Monday. George Peterson, R. Gronzo and E. Neilson were at Crystal Lake Satur­ day afternoon. Miss Helen Sanford of Woodstock visited her cousin, Mrs. C. H. Giessel- brecht, Friday. Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, visited with Mrs. J. Schiller at Wood­ stock Wednesday. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet with Mrs, A= Peterson Thursday afternoon, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dietz and daugh­ ter, Arline, visited relatives at Wood­ stock Easter Sunday. Grandma Hutson of McHenry visited Friday and Saturday with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. C. F. French. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner, A. Skinner and sons of Woodstock spent Easter at R. L. Dufield's. The Independent telephone -agents were in the vicinity Monday looking up business for the company. E. E. Knilans, F. S. Morse,. J. Oak- root, F. W. Hartman and C. H. Orms- by were Woodstock business callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mn. A. Hansen and son, Karl, attended the Bernhardt-Zimmer- man wedding at Pleasant Valley Thurs­ day evening. Mrs. French returned to her home in McHenry Saturday, after spending ssvsrs! weeks with her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Reed and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Waterman and daughter of Woodstock spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mn. H.' Reed. Mrs. P. Benson entertained a num­ ber of her lady friends -at a birthday surprise party Friday afternoon. Re­ freshments were served and a jolly good time was enjoyed by all. You are invited to attend the even­ ing services each Sunday evening, which will be held upstairs at the hour of 8. Come, bring a friend with you, make it an hour of helpful fellowship and worship. Dr. Suleeba's lecture, given at the church last Wednesday evening under the auspices of the C. E. society, was most entertaining and instructive. We hope to enjoy Dr. Suleeba some Sunday morning in the near future. Mrs. S. A. Merchant and son, Les­ ter, and Miss Mabel Skinner attended a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chester I. Nelson, given by the members of the C. F. class at the home of the Misses Clara and Em ma Eichkoff Saturday. All those who attended the special Easter exercises on Sunday i# the church counted it a privilege and greatly enjoyed the services. Under the efficient training of Mrs. J. J. Reser the girls of Miss Furney's and Mr. Giesselbrecht's classes rendered especially appropriate music both morning and evening. "The World's Children for Jesus," a special program appropriate to the day, was rendered by them, assisted by the choir, at the evening hour. "It was splendid," was the verdict of all. The' decorations, especially the white cross, were beau­ tiful suggestive. The cut fioweis were the gift of the Christian En- 4eavor society. WALKCP SCHOOL, DEW. NO. 77. Report for seventh month. We think WE will eisily be able to finish up in all the grades in fine shape the amount of work which is required for the year, thus getting- the work in good shape for the coming year. We can feel quite satisfied with our work this month, even tho spring with its restlessness has tried a little to hinder us. We have made a few little improvements in the looks of our school room also. ___> RING WOOI). Fred Gibb6 was in Elgin Wednesday of last week. H. W. Allen and spent Easter in Lake Geneva. Mrs. Wade Sanborn entertained friends Wednesday. S. HJ Freund of McHenry was in town Monday morning. Karl Bradley entertained two of his Elgin friends over Sunday. The Willing Workers' dinner at Mrs. Brown's was well attended. Ellen Hall returned from Oconomo- woc, Wis., Thursday of last week. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Emma Brown Saturday of this week. C. W. Harrison and A. Lawrence Were Chicago visitors last Thursday. A. M. Shelton, county superintend­ ent, visited our school last Wednesday. Miss Lora Walkington went Co Chi­ cago Saturday, for a visit with rela tives. Mrs. A. Lawrence and daughter were In Elgin and Dundee one day last week. Harry Stephenson has been quite sick wi^h tonsilitis, but is now able to return to school. Fred Weidrich had the misfortune to get one of his fingers crushed in a corn htJsker last Friday. Miss Eleanttr Hawley returned Mon­ day evening from Woodstock, where she has been spending a few days. Charles Harrison and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Harrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hotchkiss, near Green­ wood. James Green and wife and Mrs. Nel­ lie Dodg6'attended the funeral of Mrs. Nordquist at McHenry Tuesday. The many friends of the family extend their sympathy to the sorrowing hus­ band and children. * * llE FARMER WHO HAS A SILO DOESN'T NEED WORRY about a short hay crop--a few acres planted to fodder corn will turn the trick. Ask your neighbors who have one and then come in and let us show you the kind of silo stave stock we handle. We believe it is the best made and most durable you can find any where for the money. WILBtIR LUMBER CO. West ncHenry. Phone 5 OSTEXD. W. F. Bassett transacted business in Woodstock one day last week. Mrs. E. E. Bassett &nd children were callers in this vicinity Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thomas spent Sunday with#the latter's mother. Mrs. Bell Richardson and niece, Miss Alice, were Ringwbod callers Tuesday. Mrs. Guy Harrison and children were callers at the home of Mrs. F. A. Ab­ bot Saturday. Mr. and^rs. barren Thomas spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's brothers here. R. H. Richardson and mother, Belle Richardson, were Woodstock visitors one day last week. School was closed here the fore part of the week on account of the teacher, Miss Pouse, being sick. Mrs. Clyde Clark and little daughter spent the latter part of the week, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ab­ bott. * Emil Thomas returned to his school duties at Champaign Tuesday, after spending several days with relatives in this vicinity. VOLO. Claude Shaffer of Antioch was in town Thursday. Harry Nichols visited relatives in Chicago last week. Miss Lyda Russell of Waukegan vis­ ited at her home here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Will Huson spent Wed nesday and Thursday in Chicago. Ted Aicholzer of Chicago was the guest of-Miss Lucy Dunnill Sunday. Miss Inez Bacon of McHenry spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Jennie Potter. Mrs. F. Dunnill and daughter, Bes­ sie,, were the guests of friends in Chi­ cago last week. F. Just and J. Wood burn of Libertj- ville were here last Friday in the in­ terest of Paul MacGuffin. Georgie Vasey returned from Mil­ waukee Saturday, where he has been for several months, being treated for his eye. His sister, Naomi, accom­ panied him home. PROBA T&NEIVS McHenry County Abstract Illinois. Office In Ar- [Furnlshed by Company, Woodstock. nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real ustate lu sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. ^bont*>0&4. 903 and 911.1 REALlESTATE TSANSFESS. William J. Kittle et al to Flora M. Cristy, eH dw!( & w 20 a of neH, sec 17; sK it 2 swM see 1H. McHenry -- .#5.00 E. H. lngalls to Edgar ('. Hawley. It # Samuel Hinim ins' addu Klugw<x d 1.00 F. H. Wattles & w to Elmore W. Howe, It 9 Overton's 1st addu, Solon MII Is 11.00 Carl I. Allendorf & Edith E. Alleudorf to Herman A. Strueblng, seM ne<< sec 3*. Greenwood 100 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Robert J. Sutton. Leave given to sell personal property at private sale. MARRIAGE LICENSES. William Bernhardt, 23. - Woodstock Emma Zimmerman, 21 . Huntley George Strain, 25 ..Chemung Sarah Davidson, 23 Jesse Welliver, 27 Avalon, Wis Webster. 19 lleloit. Wis Matbias M. Schaefer,_31. Johnsburgh Rosie Anna Adams, 25 McHenry NOTICE OF 8ETTLEMEIIT. Those knowing themselves to be in­ debted to me will kindly call at the West McHenry State bank and have their accounts adj usted. I have author­ ised C. W. Stenger to collect and give receipts for all outstanding accounts. ALBERT ETTEN. Before buying avbuggy see our 1912 Ideal top. Something new--a full line to select from. Win. Stoffel. ti-tf mm is the home of None Such Goods and we certainly would be pleased to de liver to your door a trial order. We also carry a full line of Blossom Brand Goods, Vegetables and Fruit. L-iet us supply you with our Early Ohio Seed Potatoes. Oct It- at PETESCH'S When you want anything that druggists sell see how well prepared we are to sup­ ply you. You can be certain that the price is as low as it can be. It is your privilege to buy where you can buy best and your duty also. We are always glad to have you compare goods and prices. If we can give you most and best for your money we want your trade; if we can't we don't expect it. But we court the privilege of always showing you what we can do. :: :: :: :: N. H. Druggist. McHenry, III, : -If WE DELIVER GOODS Math. Laures Phone 653 West McHenry GET THE FACTS ABOUT OUR LOME! before you decide on the con­ struction of your new home. Investigate our stock closely and let us show you the differ­ ence between No. 1 and 2 and clear siding, sheathing, etc. Find out first hand what the material is going to cost you and then you'll know whether or not there's any truth in the state­ ment you hear occasionally-- "Oh, you can't afford to build a frame house at the high price of lumber." Such expressions in themselves are all ithe evi­ dence you need to tell you what is the best kind of material to use in building your home. Don't be misled, then, into using less substantial material until you've found out first handed just how high price lumber really is and particularly the different grades for differnt purposes. "There's No Place Like Home" WILBUfc LUMBER CO. 'PHONE S. YOUR mm iOTHER USED if NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. P. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season F. L. McOMBEIC. The West Side Hardware Man. IS HERE We have an elegant new iine of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum In fact, we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat­ isfy you both in quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN teeee* FWVnPWW ' • There is nothing like the Fresh Bakery. Ours is of that kind. We bake every day and you are sure of i ts being fresh it" you come here for your bakery. We will also bake up special orders on very short notice and guarantee satisfaction every time. TRY US. 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop. 1 •••••••••«•••' • PHILIP JAEGER general cohjviission merchant SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THJK Btl.1 or Dreased Beef, ilutton, Hogs, Veal, Poaltry, Hides, Etc., Butter mad Eggs This in the olddst house on the street. TagB and price Hat* fnnit^Ri on application COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall * J' Fa,toB St* W boeiilc Market. <7 ;Am ' V7 : b'.r r ,.*J .4 .i

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