Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1912, p. 5

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A Record-breaking Shoe Sale at Johnsburgh J. C. Debrecht Beginning May ist and Lasts Ten Days all sizes From a25 Cents Up INCLUSIVE JOTT INSBLRUM, ILL. orouw RAISE PICKLES FOR WE WANT 300 ACRES FOR McHENRY THIS SEASON. THE USUAL CONTRACTS. :: :: Apr I SILOS! SILOS! Farmers, you all know by our old way of feed­ ing corn stalks we lose 40 per cent of their ^ feeding value. We must save this feed. The SILO is the only way. THE IDEAL SILO is the only silo that has hinged doors, auto­ matic take-ups to prevent silo falling down in summer. The only safe ladder and, most im­ portant, ̂ the only silo you can fill full. It will pay you to inspect the IDEAL Silo. Address Ideal Silo Co., Chicago, III- Or Agent, R. G. HQOK, Lake Villa, (II. Pboae 19R Round ••• R, F, D. N«. 1 •HMfi NEIGHBORING NE WSUS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •T' " mm BIMOWIIUD. Miss Ellen Hall is quite sick. L. D. Todd of Dundee was in town Sunday. C. E. H. Tuttle was a Chicago visitor Monday. Henry Williams wm a Chicago pass­ enger Tuesday. Miss Ethel Klfers of Solon visited at Ed. Bell's last Friday. Lewis Bell of Spring Grove spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant spent Su.iday with Woodstock relatives. Mrs. Mary Bell is not very well. She is confined to her bed at this writ­ ing. Emma Matthews of West McHenry is spending this week with >Ringwood relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Lowell and chil­ dren of Algonquin spent Sunday at Ed. Whiting's. Bert McCannon commenced plowing with his traction engine and six plows today (Thursday.) Mr. Hitchens was very pleasantly surprised Saturday evening, the oc­ casion being his birthday. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Florence Smith on Saturday of this week. Leader, Emma Brown. Five o'clock tea. A goodly number from here attended the Sunday School convention at Mc­ Henry last Friday. All report a very pleasant meeting. James L. Conway, C. W. Harrison and J. C. Ladd attended a banquet given by Col. I. C. Copley in Chicago on Thursday of last week. VOLO. Frank Hironimus was a Waukegan visitor Monday. Claude Shaffer of Antioch was a visitor here Sunday. John Walton is doing jury duty in Waukegan again this week. Kenneth Manderville of Chicago was a guest in the Spooner home Sunday. Dr. Mueller of Johnsburgh was called to visit John Richardson Sun­ day. Miss Anna Compton has returned from an extended visit with Elgin rel­ atives. Mrs. D. Waite, daughter, Georgians, and Phyllis Paddock speht Tuesday in Chicago. M. Kraph is slowly recovering from an attack of appendicitis.- Dr. Nye of McHenry is in attendance. Services will be held in the M. E. church every Sunday in the future at 2 o'clock. All young people, and older ones as well, are most cordially invit­ ed to attend next Sunday, in order to make preparations for organizing a Sunday school. LEGAL. D. T. Smiley, Solicitor. STATE OF ILLINOIS t _ McHenry County f*8, Iu the Circuit Court of McHenry County. State of Illinois, May Term, A. I). 1012. Jacob J. May, Complainaut, The belrs at law or devisees of Enos W. Smith, deceased; the unknown heirs at 6iw or devisees of Abraham Reynolds, dec«)a.sed; Mary Miller, Matliiaa Rowlin, Herbert Klap- perlck, Stephen F. Freund and the unknown owners of the followitiK described prelnlses, to-wit: "I'urt of the east fractional half of the southeast quarter of section number seven (7). bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: $ORinulnK at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of said soul beast east quarter of said section number seven (7) and running t hence north alouK the east Hue of the said southwest quarter of the said south­ east quarter twenty (20) chains to the south­ east corner of the northwest quarter of the said southeast quarter, thence east one-half (H) rod thence in a southeasterly direction to the meander llneof Fox river, thence along the said meander line of Fox river to the south line of said section number seven (7); thence west along said section line to the place of txjKlmilni;. containing six (0) acres of land, more or less; also lots nuniiier one (1) and two (2) according to the plat of the Parti­ tion of the Estate of Nicholas Frett, deceased. In case No. M21 in the Circuit Court of Mc­ Henry County, Illinois, and twing a part of the southwest quarter of said section number seven (7) ttounded and described as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a poiut ou the north line of said southwest quarter thirty-eight and one-lialf links east of the northwest corner thereof and runuing thence east along said north line thirty-eight (38) chains aud tifty-two (52) links to the northeast corner of sala southwest quarter or the center of said section number seven (7) thence south along ^ha nutit *\f nuM SOUth^fSSt °nuptiir utv chains and eighty-five (S5) links, thence west ten (10) chains, thence south four (4) chains and thirteen (13) links, tbence west twenty- eight (28) chains and fifty-four (54) links to a point thirty-eight and one-half (3#H) links east of the west line of said southwest quar­ ter aud eleven (II) chains and twenty-one (21) links south of the north line of said south­ west quarter; thence north eleven (II) chains and t wenty-one (21) links to the place of be­ ginning, containing thlrty-uine and ten hun dredtlis (3U 10) acres of land, more or less; al­ so lot number six (6) according to said plat of said Partition and being a part of the said southwest quarter of said section number seven u) lx>unded and described as follows, to-wlt; Beginning at a point on the east line of said southwest quarter six (0) chains and eighty-five (85) Hnks south of the northeast corner thereof and running thence west ten (10) chains. thence south twenty-nine (2») chains and nine (9) links to the center of the highway runninir from McHenry to Spring Grove, thence south, thirty-two <32) degrees west, along the center of said highway three (3) chains and sixty-five (65) links to the south line of said southwest quarter, thence east along said south line twelve (12) chains and thirty (30) links to ihe quarter post on the s u' li side of said section number seven (7) at the souteast corner of said southwest quarter thence north along the quarter line on the east side of said southwest quarter thirty- three (38) chains and seventy-eight [78] links to the place of iH'ginntng, containing thirty- three and forty-five hundredths (.33.451 acres of land, moreorl«ss; also lots number seven 171 and eight (8}. according to said plat of said Partition, and being all of the southwest quarter of t he southeast quarter of said sec­ tion number seven |7] and containing, accord­ ing to said plat, forty and twenty hundredths |t0.201 acres of land, more or less, and accord- AlWAYS SAMUEL ESLER, REMEMBER my telephone number is 1022. When you want anything in the Electrical line call me up or see m& and get my prices. They are reasonable and my work is guaranteed first class. Elec­ tric Irons, Motors and Fixtures. Small Lighting plants for Farm Houses. Elec­ tric Vacuum Cleaner for rent. :: :: M9HENRY Partition, and being all of the northwest frac­ tion of the northeast fractional quarter of section number tiiKfoleett UH1 aud coutalniug according to said plat twe.nVy-elght and thir­ ty hundredt hs iiSiJJOj acres of land, more or less, and according to Government Survey, twenty-six and eleven hundredths 128 11] acres of land, more o,r less, all of the above described land being in township number fqrty live (45] north of range number nine [9] east of the third principal meridian and con­ taining in all. according to said plat and sur­ veys, one hundred thirty-seven and five hun­ dredths [137 Oft] acres of laud, more or leas, and situate lying and being In the County of Mo'Henry in tbe State of Illlnoiy." Defendants. In Chancery Bill to Clear Title Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of tbe parties to k soH K now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to tbe Sheriff of said County return­ able to tbe said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 27th day of May, A. I). 1W2. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of aald Court, at m» office in Woodstock thia 3«4 day of April, A. D. lets. Tarn. HAMBB, Clerk. | circuit Oonrt Seal } 45 Olive oil, the very best, 75c per pint at Peteech'*. % ttHM&Ermift. Mr. Hutsott of McHenry was a caller Friday at the horae of his sister, Mrs. C. F. French. Mrs. R. L. Dufield called at Wood­ stock Wednesday. D. O. Kline and family were Mc­ Henry callers Saturday. Nels Peterson was a business caller at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. H. Wille was a Crystal Lake business caller Thursday. Mrs. J. J. Reser and daughter," Mar- jorie, went to Sharon Tuesday. Wilbur Levey was a Chicago busi­ ness caller the first of the week. R. Knilans and C. Berg were Crys­ tal Lake callers 'Thursday evening. Misses Clara Salow and Glenvs Jac­ obs were at Crystal Lake Thursday. Miss Rachel French and brother, Claude, were Woodstock callers Fri­ day. Mrs. A. Murphy and daughter, Mar­ ion, of Woodstock Sundayed at the manse. Mr. Drier and daughter, Mrs. Tegt- mier, and son visited atClybourn Junc­ tion Sunday. •' Mrs. Rushton and granddaughter, Inga Egfckson, were Woodstock visit­ ors Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Barden of Woodstock is caring for her daughter, Mrs. R. Dy- gert, who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hesselgrave of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Nesmith of Capron visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. J. Reser, recently. Miss Clara Salow, Mrs. A. Peterson and daughter, Rose, were among the Crystal Lake callers Saturday. Miss Emily Norton of Woodstock visited at the home of Mrs. E. B. Smith from Tuesday till Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Jensen and son of Woodstock spent a part of Saturday and Sunday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Senne and son, Mar- cellus, of Woodstock called on Mrs. Senne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wille, here Saturday. Miss Dora Hut son of Woodstock was a Ridgetield caller Saturday. Miss Hutson and cousin, Miss Arline Ste­ phenson, spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. Last Sunday was a very quiet day in our village. Not a freight train went thru from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. and only four feet of water taken from the tank is vouched for by the agent. Chas. Smith, wife and son of Wel­ lington, Colo., also Mr. Smith's moth­ er, Mrs. Nettie Smith, of Oskaloosa, la., visited with their aunt and sister, Mrs. E. B. Smith, the latter part of the week. F. W. Hartman, B. F. Peck and S. M. Simmons were elected delegates to the M. W. A. convention held at Elgin last week Wednesday and Thursday. The gentlemen report a protitable as well as plea^uit time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stratum enter­ tained their nephew, Will Spake, and wife of Penfleld, N. V., a part of Wed­ nesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Spake also called on their uncle, A. F. Salow, and family. The young people were on their honeymoon, enroute for their future home in Rochester, N. V, Among the egg stories going the rounds in many of the pauers, Ridge- field has discovered it has one. A prominent citizen of our little village found an egg weighing three ounces and measuring eight by six inches in circumference and perfectly formed. It can be seen at the news office by anyone interested in egg stories. KNKKAI.II PAKK. Capt. Jos. Ilaxton spent Sunday at the Park. Phil Aylward was a Crystal Lake visitor Sunday. Miss Maude Granger spent a very pleasant day at our school recently. Misses Anna Frisby and Anna Cleary were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Thos. Goggin entertained his broth­ er from Chicago a few days last week. Misses Mayme Costello and Leona Strausser of Elgin visited at w' Walsh's Sunday. Mrs. M. D. Henise and Mrs. Taylor are visiting friends in Richmond for a few days. Wm. Heaney of Chicago spent a couple of days last week with E. Knox and family. Paul Armstrong and family autoed from River Forest Sunday and spent a couple of hours at their cottage. Miss Katherine Knox spent Satur­ day at Woodstock and was accompan­ ied home by her sister. Mrs. C. Whit' ing, and the baby. CHEER op.! Che^r up! Wna,t if the clay 's cold And you're feeling old And bime, And disgusted, too? Take ^ braee. Look trouble in the face, And 9111 i)e Awhile, Nothing gained by looktng glum, Keep mum. Put your woes on the shelf, Keep your troubles to yourself And--cheer upl NEW STORAGE HOUSE. Excavation is being made for a new storage house to be erected by Barbian Bros., the cigar manufacturers. Thte storage house will occupy a site just north ef the building occupied by that firm and when completed will give them a room w hich they are now so badly in need of. The new building will be one story high with basement underneath and will occupy a space Of 20xS4 feet. Just how soon the cement work will l>e started could not be learned on account of the fact that all of the cement manufacturers and block layers are very busy at this time. It isjexpected, however, that the build­ ing will be completed by early sum­ mer. is the home of None Such Goods and we certainly would be pleased to de­ liver to your door a trial order. We also carry a full line of Blossom Brand Goods, Vegetables and Fruit. Let us supply you with our Early Ohio Seed Potatoes. WE DELIVER GOODS Math. Laures Phone 653 :: West McHenry fill GOOfc bOIBER in fact, most of them absolutely insist on getting the best lhat theif money will buy, and in that particular we heartily agree with them, localise that is just the way we buy all of our lumber. It must be strictly up to grade. There are some manufa t irers, however, who interpret grades more literally than ot,b,prs, and you can bet your last dollar that we know who they are. Because of this inside knowledge we're not afraid to put our lumlter up against any in the country- grade for grade and price con­ sidered. If we're not on the in­ side we want to know it, because we are going to keep on believ­ ing we are until shown differ­ ently. Come in and look this lumber over and let 119 tell you first hand just what your house, barn or shed will cost you. ••There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE 8. YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. F. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West MoHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh Potato Scab AND Smutty Grain can be prevented by using FonnMyile Solution on the seed. For spray­ ing solutions we have the best. :: :: :: MMM OF LEAD BORDEAUX MIXTURE PARIS GREEN FORMALDEHYDE BOOKLET FREE L V. MCALLISTER & (0. THE CHI-NANEL DKUC STORE Druggists :: West McHenry /P I MiM MM) Staver buggies and Northwestern truck wagons at Math. Freund'» 43 When Drugs Are Wanted You will always find any­ thing in the drug store line in our store if it is in the city, of the quality you want and at the price you should pay. No matter what it is, toilet goods, perfumes, fine soaps, brushes, any item of drug store goods, the best of it is here. You will find both saving and satisfaction in letting us serve you. :: N. H. P Druggist. McHenry, III. v£r will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season L Md JLS« lTli/ The West Side Hardware Man. IS HERE We have an elegant new Hne of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum In fact, we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat­ isfy you both in quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN ' There is noth ing l ike the Fresh Bakery. Ours is #f ! that kind. We bake every day and you are sure Oi ! its being fresh if you come here for your bakery. Wt | will also bake up special orders on very short aotice ! and guarantee >atisfaction every time- TRY TJS. | -Phone 1033 " A. TIETZ, Prop. PHILIP JAEGER G E N E R A L COHM1SSION MERCHANT SPECIAL, ATTENTION GIVKN TO THB SAUE or Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This i» eM*»t boose on the street. Tags and price liate tamiahed on spptaWo. COU> STORAGE FRGE 't'*51 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Wb<xul« MtrMv , "

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