Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1912, p. 8

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*••>!< : '••? : NEW SPRINGI Hats, Gloves, Shirts, Gents' Furnishings JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, PHONE 303 is here and we have many of the things that help brighten the home Lace Curtains, window scrim, window shades wall paper To help along the manual labor of cleaning house you will need Broonjs 32c and np Scrub Brushes.... - 5c and up Brag Soap, six bars 25c Dutch Cleanser, three cans 25c Ammonia, quart bottle. 10c Spaolio, three cakes. 25c JOHN STOt FEL. i-.k *r "J That's the name and this is the place to buy 'em. While our Oil Stoves are, by far, the best sellers, we always aim to carry a good line of the Gas­ oline Stoves. Our showing of Oil Stoves is a dandy and it will do your eyes good to look over the display. Inspection is free and we will be £>nly too pleased to explain the many excellent fea­ tures about our stoves J. J. VYCITAL. Spring Coqs! We have just received a new line of MEN'S AMD BOYS' SPRING HATS in the latest rough and smooth finishes. Correct shapes. :: :: :: NEW SHOES AND OXFORDS ; in black and tan leather, lino of XT~ " ' nd W* : Also a tine .dress &O0DS>. in W ool plain and Novelty, Cotton Wash Goods in silk stripe Voile, Pop­ lins, Bedford Welts, Plaxon, Etc, All mercerized finished. :: SILKS FOR WAISTS AND SUITS OR DRESSES in fancy foulards, * messalines, etc., ranging in price from 35c to $1.00 Groceries, fresh and pure. Always tho best on the market. Pillsb»ry and Early Riser Flour, Corn Meal, Graham and Rye Plour. Try our 50c Tea, nothing better. Good Coffee for 25c, 30c and 35c. Goods delivered promptly. 'Phone 343. M. J. WALSH. 111 •• mini--^ • "" I ̂ <• ' *• <* a N , »" *• V -- D"? PRICE'S 1 1 1 Sixty Years the Standard for purity, strength and hemtkMness. Made from pure, grape cream of tartar* free from alnm and phosphatic acids* K HENRY ASSESSOR IS BUSY J. W. KIMBALL IS A VERY BUSY HAN THESE DAYS. John W. Kimball, the McHenry as­ sessor, who began his annual labors of assessing property the first of April, is a very busy man these days and will continue to be until about June 15, at which time his work is expected to be completed. The work this year will »be much less arduous than that of last year, when real estate and personal property ^ere included, whereas only personal property will be passed on this year, real estate remaining on the same basis of assessment as last year, except where improvements make an advance neces­ sary. The assessor's visit is something every property owner- must look for and the best way is to receive him cordially and give him an accurate account of your holdings. The better way, too, is to tell him of what you actually possess and never mind how much your neighbor has of which he does not tell the assessor. M. M. Niesen, the Centerville gro- ceryman, can supply you with seed po­ tatoes. He has the Early Rose and Early Ohio varieties. 40-tf GIVE POSTNUPTIAL PARTY. LEI it lu Courier, April 25.1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heiiher. of Ravenswood were hosts last evening at a postnuptial party for Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, the latter formerly Miss Harriet Lamphere. The affair was given at the home of Mrs. Heimer's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, on Congdon avenue, this city. Cards were the diversion of the evening, two tables being tilled for five-handed five hundred. The guest of honor favor was given Mrs. Watson and the favors for high scores to Miss Mattie Hopson and Mr. Watson. Luncheon was served in two courses in the dining room, the centerpiece for the table being several kinds of small ferns. Place cards were dainty cupid affairs. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilbern of Carpentersville. Mr. Heimer returned to Chicago this morning, and Mrs. Heimer will remain here until Friday evening, when her mother will accompany her home for a short visit. See Wm. Simes for lubricating oils, greases and prepared paints. He guar­ antees satisfactory goods at satisfactory prices. 31 WHO IS USING NET? The presence of a number of dead minnows on the banks of Boone creek and the absence of many fish that were seen in the creek the night previous evidenced on Wednesday morning that seiners had been active in that body of water during the night. Who are the guilty ones? No one seems to kpow. F. J. Nickels, night watchman at t-he Borden factory, according to current reports, heard an auto cross the railroad tracks on Waukegan street about 2 o'clock Wednesday morning and it is not at all unlikely that the seiners came in from a nearby town or the country. Such work as this should be carefully investigated and if the guilty ones are apprehended they should be severely dealt with- ELMER LANE MARRIEO, From the Bell Telephone News, a publication issued in the interest of telephone workers, we note that KlmeR, Lane was married to Miss Ruth Rog­ ers on March 30. Mr. Lane is now ser vice inspector for the LaGrange dis­ trict. The couple are making their home at Riverside, 111. l& the same issue of the publication we note the engagement announcement of Floyd Thompson of this place and Miss Octa- via Dal ton of LaGrange. Mr. Thomp­ son is now wire chief at Hinsdale, 111. riSHINC AT PISTAKEE. jog. J. Mertes, proprietor of the Oak Park hotel, Pistakee Bay, announces that he is ready to take care of fishing parties. He can furnish you with poles, tackle, boats and bait, and if you so desire you can also take your meals at the hotel. Take a day off and enjoy a Ashing trip before the summer season opens up. 44-tf D. G. NELLIS AT LELAND. ILL. D. G. Nellis, who a few years ago conducted a blacksmith shop in this village, and who since leaving McHen­ ry has been similarly engaged at Ken­ osha, Wis., and Grayslake, 111., is now located at Leland, 111. "Ideal" is our idea of perfect buggy Construction. Come and tell us irhat your idea is. Wm. Stoffdl* 41-tf 0 b, y tr£» -y Wfffiirr QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLA2NDEALER OP TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. All the boys are happy and anxiously waiting for Burr Bobbins, who will exhibit his mammoth circus and me­ nagerie in this village on the 13th. There have been seven saloon li­ censes taken out in this village so far, viz., three on the West Side, two in the center and two at the east end of town. On April 20 occurred the marriage of Miss Marie Walsh, a well known young lady of this place, and Mr. Thos. Muldoon of Sheffield, Ind., Rev. P. M, O'Neil officiating. Miss Mary Walsh* cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. John Walsh, bride's brother, as groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Muldoon will remove to their new home in Shef­ field before the first of May, accom­ panied by the kind wishes and bless­ ings of their friends. The executive committee of the old settlers' association will meet at the Riverside House, in this village, to­ morrow (Thursday) at 1 o'clock p. m.f for the purpose of fixing the place for the next meeting. If the citizens of McHenry desire it here this year they must signify their intention to sub­ scribe sufficient funds to meet the necessary expenses. The sum will he small for each, one interested, but is needed just the same. Among the improvements to an­ nounce this week are the following: Hon. George Gage is treating his resi­ dence to a coat of paint on the outside ...George Rothermel has been paint­ ing his house on the outside a neat and tasty color The frame of Wm. S toff el's house is up and the work of completion is going on rapidly Henry McOmber is building a new fence in front of his residence.. Locke, the baker, has his new oven completed and will move into his new quarters at once Albert Colby is painting his residence on the out­ side. Let me sell you one of the very lat­ est Staver buggies. I believe I can save you money and sell you a buggy that can't be beat. Math. Freund, near river bridge, McHenry. 37 NEW GARAGE OPEN. The new garage just completed by John W. Schaffer on Pearl street, just west of the blacksmith shop owned by Math. Freund, is now open and ready for business. The new garage has been named the McHenry Garage and Mr. Schaffer, the proprietor, is already taking care of considerable work that is coming his way. Mr. Schaffer has put in Lue pant two winters in one of' Chicago's big garages and while thus employed has not only gained consid­ erable experience, but has learned a great deal in how to care for cars and repair them. He is a hustler from the word go and is well able to care for anything in his line of work that may come his way. The telephone num­ ber of the garage is 101-R. The plaoe will be open day and^ night. Here is wishing Mr Schaffer su<xi&B|? ' ^ Vis# Our Corset Department Some women can wear almont any corset; but a majority actually NEED the SPECIAL SERVICE that Nemo Corsets ALONE can fjive. For that reason, "Nemo Week" has become an event of national importance, for it is the time when ALL of the new Nemo Corset Specialties and the new Nemo inven­ tions for the year are shown in full variety in the principal stores all over the country. Come This Week and See The Newest Nemo Models "Nemo Week" is especially interesting this year because of the wonderful NEW MODELS and the great IMPROVEMENTS in several of last year's favorites. Too many styles to describe in detail; but please remember that-- We have Nemos for Every Figure From Very Slender to Extra-Stout --and we're anxious to show them to you. Come and learn all about NEMO STYLE, COMFORT and ECONOMY--this week, in our Corset Department. v r* L. F. BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. piiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiinwiiii | Hand Tailored Clothes | f^LOTHES that are tailored to your 9j ̂Individual measure--woolens that are j§ honest in every fibre--is a combination that If, should be your choice for this season. |H Our workmanship--our carestaking--and our styles, together H! with the famous "DRUNER" woolens will make you a "top-notcher** Hi among your friends. There is no necessity of coing into a retail |H store and taking something off the shelf that is forced upon you. H! Come in and let us show you the advantage of having your HI cJothes custom tailored without any additional cost rsss J Come In and See the Soft We AreBviMlng for $25--It's Worth $31. I lobnDXodtz S3I Ml MM WW CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All MlnrtlMmwti ImtrMa uutor tula lutil attba following rata*: Tire line* or Uu, *6 otaU for Ml Insertion; It cent* ^for aach^ lubiequent to--rttun. M(S S*o6uU a UnTfo'r addition! tnaertiona. ' "i^OK BALE--A thieyouug mare; will be four * la June; weight about 1060 pouuds. 40-St P. 1.. MCOMBBR, West McHenry. \XJANTED--A goodyCheap work horse (or * * farm work. L. Ptiurf, Route 1, Mc­ Henry, 111. 45-lt* SALE--Houses atd lota In HcHear; TPOR x Aleo river property with ac er acre or lot. fuqulre of G. test McHenry, III. aary Sold ATT ax, 41-tf Wm. Simes, representing Victor Oil company of Cleveland, O., can save you moneyjjnJ^brioating oils, greases and prepared paints. See him. 31 SQUIRREL HOUSE IN PARK. M. L. Worts has had a squirrel house built into the roof of the band stand in the McHenry park and has plaoed a palp* of squirrels therein. The im­ provement w^s ppade at Mr. Worts' own expense and the village and our citizens should apppep}at£ tf^e dpnor'a generosity. Before buying a buggy see QU|r 19J2 Ideal top.. Something new--a full linp to select from. Ww- Stqffel. 41-tf NOTICE Of SBTTIfEplBpfT. Those knowing themselves u> be in­ debted to me will kindly pall »t the West McHenry State bank and have their accounts adjusted. I have author* ized C. W. Stenger to eollect and give receipts for all outstanding accounts. 25-If A I.BERT ETTKN. NOTICE TO CORN GROWERS. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, are now ready to contract for 1912 .crop of corn to be delivered at our factory in McHenry. 43-tf HANIIY BROS. l^OR HALE -Two uiures. One bay, eight -1- yeartt old, to foal the tatter part of May; one four-year-old colt. Inquire of or write D. 1. GW&MUBM, McHenry, in. 40-tf "OMJB UEN'i -A furnished summer home on the b&uks of Fox river near McHenry, All modorrj conveniences and pleasant sur­ roundings. Inquire of or write M. D. Wit- K1N8, McHenry, 111. 40-tf one arge •CJTOL8XKINS FOR SALB--Oae three and foar mouths old bull calves, out of k_. inllk producing grade dams; sire. Hilltop Mercedes Butter King, one of the best sons of King of Huttvr Kings. First check for |S0 takes choice. We also have a few heifers DANCE AT JOHNSBURGH MAY IS. Stephen H. Smith announces that hiB next dance at his hall will be held on Wednesday evening, May 15. Par­ ticulars later. Read The Plalndealar. KXEOUTOR'8 NOTICE. J. I. Lang, Attorney. Estate of John IVett, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of John Nett, dtseeafced, late of the County of Mclleury and Htate of Illinois, hereby glv notice that he. will appear before the Oounty OQurt of Mclitiury County, at the Court House in Woodstock' at the July Term, on the first Monday iti Jujv ff'exj., at which time, all per- bqijs having claims against said' Estate are itejl to attend for the pjjr- All ttOTr requested to uotlned and r»xjue^tett to attend r< pose of paving the wauit adjusted sums hjcUsbed said Estate are res. iiake Immediate payment to the utirieralgnett. 1f)att>attil!i'£4th day of April, A. i>. 1»1S. FTARR, TTZECUTOR. Spray your fruit trees »*»d berry bushes and save your orops with 8. $ W. insecticides. Paris green, arse­ nate lead, Bordeaux mixture, lime and sulphur at Pfettwch's. 44 Staver buggies, the kind that give satisfaction and are sold at the right price. Math. Freund, McHenry. 37 For the latest, up-to-date ideas in buggy construction see our line with patent Ideal tops. Wm. Stoffel. 41-tf Good seed wheat for sale at the mill at $1.15. John Spencer, West Me* Henry. 40 VViKt MfHonrv (Mo m liuiuii f uiuiu miun UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25^000. DO IT NOW Every time you look at a bank you know it's time you deposit­ ed your motley and 'started doing all busi­ ness in the modern way. Delays are d a n g e r o u s . Y o u r money will be safe in to keep track of what Come in NOW our 'bank, you spend and get a and it's easier if you pay all bills by check. check book here. .SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR.. EDWIN L. WAGNER. PrM. --OFFICERS:-- DR. C. H. PEGERS, Vic* Pre#. CARL W. STENGER, Caahter. •WON STOTFEL, Vic* Pn«. House Wiring and Supplies BEST OF EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SAMUEL M. ESLER TELEPH II*. 38" m?henry, ill.

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