Sff « u * i impmmmf W-Z-'A . ' ' ' ' " r,1> i S'" r# ,1 mm fe;.r> 7 .tttts V.<te^U/*te»X r.-.v-'Lw ft. >.)>,£, - £3 ,»* S 1 iisma v • tbot*;-"""% CLASSIFIED DEPARINENT ,The Keeley Institute* Dwiiht, Illinois ^Beewtlhzl Location. Delitfhtfnl Scrroundlnrfs. Finest Accommodation* In the last 30 years 400,000 men have been saved from the drink habit by the Keeley Treatment. They were hopeless* despairing--down and out! NOW they have happy homes «««! families--they have taken a new, fresh start. The sun Is shining a^ainl f w li "Drunkenness Is a Disease and I Can Cure It" Dr. Leslie E. Keeley startled the world, thirty-two years ago, with this famous statement. Physicians were incredulous. Millions jeered and scoffed. BUT IT WAS TRUE! Nearly everyone knows--now--that it is useless to abuse or upbraid a man who drinks to excess. His own con science does that daily, hourly. He is a sick man and can no more cure him self than can a man suffering from smallpox or brain fever. Yet he can be saved! You, who read this, can help him! WE CAN C U R E H I M ! What, Then* Is the Liquor Disease? It is an altered condition of the nerve cells, caused by the excessive use of alcohol, wherein the nerves have become trained to feed on it, and will not do their work except under its influence. The "craving" or appetite for liquor is not the disease. It is merely the symptom of the disease just as a cough is a symptom of some irritation or inflammation. When the disease is removed the craving for drink disappears just as the cough disappears when the cause of the trouble is removed. The World-Famous •^Keeley Cure" The Keeley treatment--known the world around as the 4'Keeley Cure"--is simply the application of reconstructive nerve tonics which remove the artificial alcoholic appetite of the nerve cells and restore them to a natural, healthy condition. •> The treatment produces no sickness or nausea. It requires no restriction or con finement of patients. It leaves absolutely no ill effects. The Keeley treatment can be had ONLY at the Keeley Institute, Dwight, Illinois, or at its official branches, of which there is one or more in almost every state. Any claims to furnish the Keeley treat ment in any other way are false. Results oi the •'Keeley Cu*e"# The effect of the Keeley remedies is to absolutely destroy the craving and appetite for drink. The man who takes the Keeley treatment is no longer called on to fight an appetite. The desire and necessity for alcohol are gone. * And the cure lasts/ Hear what men say who have been saved! versary of my graduation at Dwight. No mat ter what rises, I never think of whiskey.'* "Words cannot express what I feel in my soul for the God-given saving institute at Dwight, 111. I havenyt the least desire for drink any more than if I had never tasted it." We have many, many thousands of letters like the above. We never publish names." We will however refer you, with their con sent, to men who have been cured. Full Information' OP Meijiiesf: We have a number of booklets and other printed matter explaining full details of the Keeley treatment. These we will be glad to send, on,request, to inquirers. Information is mailed in absolutely plain, sealed envelope. All correspondence is sacredly confi dential. e TQU can SAVE that brother, relative,, friend, employee from ruin, disgrace and ^eath! Will you do it? Please use the coupon. THE LESLIE E. KEELEY CO* DWIGHT, ILLINOIS "This is the twentieth anni versary of my reincarnation and release from the bondage of the Demon Rum. Completely cured --the accursed appetite never to return." "I took the cure twelve years ago--Drink is no longer any temptation to me." "This is the eighteenth anni- I INFORMATION COUPON THE LESLIE E. KEELEY GO. DWIOHT. ILLINOIS Pleas* send me under plain, seated envelope fall Information about the Keeley treatment for alcoholic disease, morphine, opium and tobacco habits. All inl*ertUemento Inserted under thin h>j*d at the StliowlBKratea: PiTe line, or lent, eS rent* for fimS hmt-rtlon; IS cent* for twh Insertion, (tore than Ave tinea, 5 c«nt« & line for ttrnt UUMTUWU, and Scent* a line for additlonl insertion.. 1DMJII SALE--A line young mare; will be four 1 in Juue: weight about 1000 pounds. F. IT. MCOMBKR, West. Mcilenry. Name Street and No. Town .......State--. Name and address of person for whom treatment is desired. (May be omitted if inquirer does not wish to state it.) The Nctlenry Plaindealer PDBU3HB1J fe:VKRY THi F. Q. SCHREINER. Olle*in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 87*. TLFTMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONI neywi. .».60 tlx Montha, 78 eta. Three months. 40 eta. Thursday, May 9, 191a. 5ft,r.;. ANNUAL REPORT Of James B. Perry, village treasurer, for the year ending May 6, A. D. 1912. 1911 May 6 • July 8 RECEIPTS. Bal ree'd from C. W. Stenger, former treasuser.. f!V7&5.38 Gus Bchoel, license 500.00 sag*# H. £. Price, water rates.. .$30.09 tapping 46.00 licenses 70.00 mlsc 10.00 155.09 tt Delinquent taxes l«5.2ti Aug 10 J. W. Kimball, fine 3.00 » B.K. Price, water rates 27.53 Oct • " " " tapping 18.K1 lttlK Feb 8 sidewalks, J. H. Miller, »4.&5 " C. H. Fegers .__.tlH.K0 34.65 » " 23.10 Mar 4 24.51 IB John Niesen, taxes 7U9.0T AprW H. E. Price, water rates..9 78.» tapping 128.25 licenses ..213.00 misc 2.00 tines a.OO sidewalks 28 38 252.M May 1 licenses-- Heimer & Bickler #500.00 Math. Baur 500.00 J. U. Bickler 500.00 Heimer Bros. 500.00 Tfaeo. Hchiessle 500.00 Stephen lleimer. OUB Bchoel P. B. Freund... John J. Martin. John J. Buch... F. O. Oana EXPENDITURES. ... 500.00 ... 500.00 ... 500.00 ... 500.00 ... 500.00 ... 500.00 5500.00 $13290.31 80ri 000 010 011 012 014 015 010 817 «ih 619 620 621 022 023 024 625 620 627 02« 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 #3M 639 640 641 642 043 044 045 040 647 04H 649 650 051 652 053 654 655 056 057 668 059 000 601 662 063 664 665 660 067 f>6* 069 670 071 672 073 674 074 075 North Shore Elec. lighting streets. 95.00 Stephen .Justen. poilceservlce 50.00 John Walsh, police service.. 50.00 Mcilenry I'lalndealer. printing 6,70 B U C'hamberlln, expenses, Elgin.. 2.75 J W Freund, expenses. Elgin 2.50 Valvollne Oil Co., gasoline 37,70 John Malsch, labor 2 50 North Shore Elec, lighting street*. 95.00 Mrs E H Wheeler, gravel 6.20 1" M Freund, gravel 1.20 John Malsch, lbr on streets 12.50 Woodstock Kepub, pub ordin books 176.00 H E Price, freight & stamps 4.47 J J Vycital, tools.. 1.80 V B Lumley, preparing ordin books 82.00 Matt Stetfes 4 Co.. sidewalks 107.55 Herbes Bros, labor 10.75 W Bonslett, straw .40 Victor Oil Co., oil 8.01 John Walsh, police service 50.00 Stephen Justen, police service 50.00 John H Miller, president service... 15.00 R G Chamberlin, trustee service. 15.00 J W Freund, " "... 15.00 (Jeorge Meyers, " *' ... 15.00 Fred Nickelrf, " "... 12.00 YVm. Stoffel, ' " ... 15.00 Mathias Weber, •' "... 15.00 H E Price, clerk service . 25.00 Paul Meyers, lbr on streets 20.60 John Walsh, police service 50.00 Stephen Justen. police service a, rent, strg hose cart.l 10.00 service... S MM ,)«>hu Nleseii, judge service ••.y :t 111.^^. uts, Apri* rlDtiDK Non.b Shore Elec, Igtg sts. April.. Mi Henry Plalndealer. printing-.- idviser Co., stationery LegaS AC Valv 000 VaTvoline Oil Co., gasoline.^. John"Walsh, poilceservlce Stephea Justen, police service He Hen Plalndealer, pub treas rept Wilbur Lumber Oo„ lumber North Shore Elec, lighting streets. Valvoliue Oil Oo., gasoline «m PH Weber, labor ... m P»nl labor. 50.00 3.00 95.00 35.50 2.05 12.00 " 'K! 50.'00 50.00 27.35 2.15 t«5.00 %ao 8.50 88.00 Math Weber, traveling expenses Jos W Freund, " " B J Brefeld. lal>or North Shore Elec, street lighting... Herbes Bros, labor. Frank Buhr, painting standpipe... Geo Meyers, Jr., labor A J Bear, labor John Nlesen, Judge Geo Rothermel, judge B J Brefeld, judge John W Kimball, clerk Chas B Harmsen, clerk Geo B Gilbert, clerk McHenry Plalndealer, printing C & N W Ky, frght on stone Geo Gilbert, labor John Malsch, •' Geo Gilbert, " Vernon Jones. " ; M Engeln & Son, lbr on waterworks Herbes Bros labor. W P Kinns, " Geo Meyers, Jr, labor Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline __ John Thelen. labor John Walsh, poilceservlce Stephen Justen. police service M Purcell, laljor North Shore Elec, lighting streets.. P J Schoewer & Son, labor J J Vycital, nails < & NW Hy, freltflit on stone Vernon Jones, labor M Purcell, 5-5 Cet) Gilbert, " «-H v&NW ,Ky' 'r,*'(jht onstone /.rr"'iV Jo"es. laiKir. 679 ( has Keller. " 680 M Purcell, •• 681 Geo Gilbert, " 682 Vernon Jones " 683 (ieo Gilbert, " &U>1 M Purvr'ii, 885 Chas Keller, 686 O&NVV Hy. freight 687 V eruon Jones. 688 689 890 001 ruon Jones, labor Chas Keller, " Herbes Bros. " C Keller. Vernon Jones, *• 3 Thelen, labor 50.00 2.00 2.00 17.00 95.00 5.75 71.80 70.70 .00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 a. 00 3.00 19.60 75.34 20.50 2.00 11.25 7.80 12.65 I.25 63.00 232.60 119.00 13.75 50.00 50.00 21.25 76 00 0.60 2.73 182.58 8.85 8.85 9.00 182.04 II.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.90 11.90 1.90 1S.<X) >n stone 126 oo 15.00 16.00 48.26 1.25 tM 694 C Keller, " ....: 696 Neptune Meter Oo, meters 696 Jas B Clow & Son, lead pipe 697 John Walsh, policc service 698 Stephen Justen, policeservloe 6W» W P Kluns, lbr on streets '00 J B Frlsby, " " 701 Wtlbur Lumber Co, lumber 702 H E Price, freight, tel 704 Valvoline Oil Oo, gasoline 705 Herbes Bros, lbr on waterworks ?06 Geo Meyers, Jr, lbr on streets 707 B J Brefeld, labor 708 H Qulnn, labor 709 Universal Crushed Stone Oo, stone 710 John H Miller, president services.. 711 R G. Ghamberlln, trustee services.. 712 J W Freund, trustee services 713 F J Nickels, trustee service* 714 Wm Stoffel, trustee services 715 M Weber, trustee services.... 716 H E Price, clerk service 717 Get) Meyers, trustee service 718 Herbes Bros, labor 719 Vernon Jones, labor 720 btephen Justen, poilceservlce 721 John Walsh, poilceservlce 722 Wm Davis, gravel 723 J B Frisby, labor /.V- 724 B J Brefeld, " 728 Joe Lelckcia, " 726 Pub Service Co, lighting streets-- 727 E Hunter, gravel 728 J J Vycital, sundries 729 M Steffes & Oo, sidewalks 730 " " " " 731 F L McOmber. sundries 732 P M Freund, gravel 733 Jas B Clow & Sons, lead pipe, etc.. 734 Geo Meyers, Jr, lbr ou streets 735 Wilbur Lumber Oo, lumber 736 Valvoline Oil Co, gasoline 737 John Sanbach, labor 738 Geo Meyers, Jr, " 739 Public Service Co, lighting streets. 740 Geo Meyers, Jr, labor 741 W Wright A bell A Bon, sketch, plans town hall 742 J B Frisby, lbr on streets 748 M Engeln & Son, labor 744 Herbes Bros, labor John Walsh, police serylce Stephen Justen, police service. Wm Davis, gravel Geo Bishop, labor Geo Meyers, Jr, labor E Hunter, gravel Pub Service Oo, street lighting..... John Walsh, poilceservlce... Stephen Justen, police service Valvoline Oil Co, gasoMne Herlnis Bros, labor -Ai"-- M Engeln & son, labor A »nw»w*. John H Miller, president It G Chamberlln, trustee J W Freuud 745 746 747 748 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 701 762 763 764 765 760 767 70K 709 Oeo Meyers, " • .... F J Nickels, " - Wm Stoffel, " -- M Weber, '< - H E Price, clerk Herbes Bros, labor H Kinsala, " F Repkow, '• Herbes Bros. " Wilbur Lumber Co, coai .70 Stephen Justen, police service. 771 John Walsh, police service 772 Paul Meyers, labor 773 Herbes Bros, " 774 Legal Adviser Pub Co, BtMtioaerf.. 775 S Harbst, repairs on engine 778 Neptune Meter Oo, meter bottoms. 777 Public SerOo. lighting streets...... 3.35 50.40 53.05 sn no 50.00 75.25 37.00 105.84 6.45 26.00 29.75 299.17 4.50 4.50 477.88 8.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 25 00 9.00 20.75 8.76 50.00 50.00 23.70 44.00 12.25 A.03 170.00 22.00 4.67 430.45 207.66 20.37 3.30 36.76 107.25 27.20 29 50 2.50 10.00 06.00 30.34 76.00 16.60 3.86 18.50 50.00 50.00 4.36 2.00 2.00 4.85 96.00 60.00 50.00 64.65 1.75 6.20 0.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.00 9.00 26.00 15.00 86.00 8.50 8.00 17.00 72.44 50.00 60.00 3.00 7.60 6.20 1.25 a 778 Jas B Clow & Sons, pipes 9.80 779 McHenry Brewery, lbr on ww 22 77 780 Anton Engeln, rent, pump 2.00 7*1 J Meyers, labor 3.SS 782 Herbes Bros, labor 5.75 783 Geo Beck with, primary judge 3.00 784 J W Bonslett, primary clerk 3.00 785 P Meyers, labor 9.50 786 M Engeln & Son, labor 4.00 787 John Walsh, police serarice 50.00 788 Stephen Justen, police service 50.00 789 Pub Service Oo, lighting streets 114.00 790 H E Price, freight, stamps, etc 5.62 TBI Valvoline OU Oo, gasoline 51.30 7B2 Victor Oil Co, oil 9.73 793 A Ibsch, labor .90 796 M J Stoffel, primary clerk 8.00 796 Geo Rothermel, primary judge 3.0f 797 Chas Harmsen, " " 3.00 798 John Spencer, lbr on waterworks.. 3.00 703 M Engeln & Son, labor 2.50 794 Geo Gilbert, primary clerk 3.00 799 John Walsh, police service 50.00 800 Stephen Justen, poilceservlce 50.00 801 M Purcell, labor 8.25 802 Herbes Bros, lbr on waterworks 24.50 806 Geo Beckwith, election Judge 3.00 806 Geo Rothermel, " " 3.00 807 J W Bonslett, election clerk 3.00 808 li J Brefeld, " " 3.00 809 Wm Helmer, election clerk 3.00 810 J H Xiller, president services 9.00 812 J W Freund, trustee services 8.00 813 Geo Meyers, " " 9.00 814 F J Nickels. " " 9.00 816 Wm Stoffel, - " 8-00 817 H E Price, clerk service 26.00 818 Jos I Lang, attorney service 33.35 890 B J Brefeld, board of health 10.00 §7790.38 May 6 Total receipts $13290.31 Total expenditures...17790.28 Balance 6600.03 $13290.31 $13990.31 1912 1 May 6 Balanceouhand $ 5600.08 8TATE OF ILLINOIS, . „ McHenry County, I I hereby certify that the above report is true and correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. _ JAMES B. PERRY, Village Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of May. A. D. 1912. OLIVER N. Own, Notary Public. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL#. Fred Weinschepker Chicagoed Mon day. C. H. Parks was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Dr. H. F. Beebe of Antioch was a caller here Tuesday. John J. Flusky was a Chicago pass enger Wednesday morning. Theo. Schiessle was a business vis- itor in thf* wljidy city Moudsy. Charles Farmiloe of Elgin was the guest of McHenry friends Sunday. Mrs. B. Harmsen was a business vis itor at the county seat last Saturday. Mesdames H. E. Price Mid Mijrme Laraphere spent Wednesday at Cary. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander attended to business matters in Chicago Wednes day. Mrs. B. Krueger of Chicago is visit ing with her daughter, Mrs. C. J Hoeft, this week. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Albrechtof Wau- kegan spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Price. Miss Josephine Fischer of Elgin spent Saturday as the guest of her aunt, Miss Elizabeth Thelen. Mrs. Josephine Heimer returned last week from a week's visit at the home of her son, Chas. J., at Ravens- wood. .Miss Agnes Dorley of Elgin spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of the Misses Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Himler of North Crystal Lake spent a day last week as guests of their daughter, Mrs. F. E. Covalt, here. Dr. C. H. Fegers. L. F. Block, John Stoffel, Everett Hunter, Mrs. E. W. Howe, Misses Dora Stoffel and Eleanor McGee were among the Chicago pas sengers this Thursday morning. Howard and Dan Gould returned to their home in Chicago last Saturday after a week's visit at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gould. They were accompanied by W. D. Gould. Those from a distance who attended th4 Miller-Bickler wedding here last week Tuesday were: Mrs. Lewis Al- Lhoff, daughters, Martha, Evelyn and Hellen, and son, William; Mrs. Eva Steinback and two children, Mrs. Lew Sieger and son, of t Kenosha, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain of Twin Lakes, Wis.; Mrs. Jos. Gilles, Mrs. Adolph Fisher and Mrs. William Real and children, all of Elgin. PIANO TUNIM. Mr. Mayr, having tuned pianos in McHenry and surrounding country for a number of years, will call regularly from now on during the summer months. Price per tuning, $3.00. Ad dress all communications to Frank J. Majr, Plalndealer, McHenry, Dl. 47 \\TANTED--A good, cheap work horse for ** farm work, L. PHIUPP, Route 1, Mc Henry, 111. " ~ 45-lt* TTT ANTED--Six pigs, fromJlx to eight weeks ** old. Inquire of CHAS. O. IIALL, McHen ry, 111., lloute 1. 47-lt* TpOR SALE Twentieth Oentnry manure x spreader, used but one season. $75.00 takes it. Taos. MCDOSAUD, We»t Mcilenry 111. 47-rt ti^OB SALE--Houses and lots in McHenry x Also river property with acreage. Sold er acre or lot. Inquire of O. A. SATTBM. est McHenry, 111. 41-tf ?ve tpOK SALE- Two mares. One bay, eigbt •*- years old. to foal the latter part of May; One four-year-old colt, luqulre of or write D. I. GUANOEK, McHenry, 111. 46-tf Ttf^OR RENT--A furnished summer home on r- the banks of Fox river near McHenry, All moriorn conveniences and pleasant sur roundings. • Inquire of or write M. D. Wiv- miMS, ftlc Usury, III. 48-tf T OST--Somewhere between McUenry and Smith's Corners, on Saturday evening, a motorcycle chain. Finder will confer a favor by leaving same at Plalndealer office or at King wood Postofflee. 47* tlOLH I El NS FOB SALE-One three and one XJ- four months old bull calves, out of large milk producing gri^de dams; sire, Hllltcp Mercedes Butter King, one of the best sons of King of lifitter Kings. First check for $20 takes choice. We also have a few heifers left, bred by the same sires. Uohema Stock and Dairy Farm, Jos. F. Haas, proprietor. Plstakee Bay, McHenry, III. *5-3t LEGAL. D. T. Smiley, Solicitor. 9TATE OP ILLINOIS I „ Mcilenry County f0*- , In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Sti.te of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1912. Jacob .1. May, Complainant, The heirs at law or devisees of Enos W, Smith, deceased; the unknown heirs at law ov devisees of Abraham Reynolds, deceased: Mary Miller, Matliias Kowlln, Herbert Klap perick, Stephen K- PreariH and the unknown owners of the following described premises to-wit: "I'art of the east fractional half of the southeast quarter of section number seven <7>, lx>uuded and described as follow , to-wit: Beginning at the.southeast corner of tbe southwest quarter of said southeast east quarter of said section number seveu (7) anfi running tlience north along the east line of the said southwest quarter of t.he said south- east quarter twenty (»>) chains to the south east corner ofthn northwest quart er of the said southeast quarter, thence east one-half (H) rod thence I11 a southeasterly direction to the meander line of Pox river, thence along the said meander line of Kox river to tbe sodtlillneof said section number seven (7); thence west along said section line to the place of beginning, containing six «!) acres of land, more or less; also lots number one (1) and two (2) according to the plat of the Parti tion of the Estate of Nicholas Prett, deceased in case No. 3421 in the Circuit Court of Mc Henry County, Illinois, and being a partof the southwest quarter of said section number seven (7> liounded and described as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a point ou the north line of said southwest quarter thirty-eight and one-half (WH) links east of the northwest corner thereof and running thence east along said north line thirty-eight C3H) chains and flfty-two (52) links to the northeast corner of said southwest quarter or the center of said section number seven (7) thence south along the east line of said southwest quarter six (6) Chains and eighty-five (*5) links, thence west ten (10) chains, thence south four (4) chains and thirteen (13) links, thence west twenty- eight (28) chains and flfty-four (54) links to a point thirty-eight and one-half (3*%) links east of the west line of said southwest quar ter and eleven (11) chains and twenty-one (21) links south of the north line of said south west quarter; thence north eleven (11) chains and twenty-one (21) links to the place of be- §Inning, containing thirty-nine and ten bun redths (39 10) acres of land, more or less; al so lot number six (6) according to said plat of said Partition and being a part of the said southwest quarter of said section number seven (7) bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the east line of said southwest quarter six (6) chains and eighty-five (85) links south of the northeast corner thereof and running thence west ten (10) chains, thence south tweuty-nlne (2!>j chains and nine (») links to the center of the highway running from McHenry to Sprih. Gi •ove, thence south, thirty-two (32) degrees west, along the center of said highway three <«) chains and sixty-five (65) links to the south line of said southwest quarter, thence east along said south line twelve (12) chains and th i r ty (30) l inks to the quar te r pos t on t « . i south side of said section number seven (7) at the souteast corner of said southwest quarter thence north along the quarter line on the east side of said southwest quarter thirt y- three<Xi) chains and seventy-eight [781 links to the place of beginning, containing thirty three and forty-five hundredths [33.451 acres of land, more or less; also lots number seven 171 and eight [8], according to said plat of said Partition, and being all of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said sec tion number seven [7] and containing, accord ing to said plat, forty and twenty hundredths ("40.201 acres of land, more or less, and accord lng to Government, Survey forty L401 acres of land, more or less; also lots number niue i!)i add ten [101 according to said plat of said Partition, and being all of the northwest frac tion of the northeast fractional quarter of section number eighteen [181 and containing according to said plat twenty-eight and thir ty hundredths [28 301 acres of lund, more or less, and according to Government Survey, twenty-six and eleven hundredths [2611! acres of land, more or less, all of the above described land being In township number forty-five [451 north of range number nine (lii east of the third principal meridian and cou tainlng In all, according to said plat and sur veys, one hundred thirty-seven and frve hun dredths [137.051 acres of land, more or less, and situate lying and being in the County of McUenry In the State of Illinois." Defendants. In Chancery Bill to Clear Title Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of tbe parties to a suit which is now pending in said Couft and that process for said defendants has been issued to tlie Sheriff of said County return- able U> the said Court at its Court Room In the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 27th dav of May, A. D. 1»12. r In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office In Woodstock this 23d day of April. A. I). 1912. THBO. HAMEK, Clerk | Circuit Court 8eal j- 1 ProfescteftX. Society ** | fetid Business Cards DAVID «. WELLS, H. 9. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. ON * Jic* corner Elm and Gma •ttfcets, McH*nry, Illinois. Telephone Na. 311, S, •• M. *. J N YF .:4,: tfkmantY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OHIm MM • at Johnabumh, III., from 7:30 ™m.t»\U3Q a. m. Wednesday and Sueday el MM PHONE} HeHERRY SM. 45 LEGAL. II. T. Smiley, Solicitor. STATE OP ILLINOIS ( McHenry County f In the Circuit Court of McHenry OoiotT State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. IMi. Antonette Pay, Complainant, vs Walter S. Haines, Mary E. Wirth and Emma r. Beartisiey and tbe unknown owner or own ers of the following described premises n-. wit: Lots number four (4) and (ft) in block f^Iv.Ierint,e<l).1S0.7en's addition ofoutlots to the village of McHenry, on the West side uf Fox river, situated In the sw H of section number twenty-six (26) In towushlp number forty-fi ve (45) north of range number eight (U) i 1 M ' according to the plat recorded In the recorder's office of Mcllenrv County, Illinois, In book 59 of deeds on page 865, situate lying and being in the countyof McHenry and State of Illinois," In Chancery Bill to quiet TitlI>efeiidantS" Notice Is nereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit, whtcb is now pending In sal.f Court and that process for said defendants has been Issued to the bheritTof said County return- aWe1 to the said Court at Its Court Room ln the City of Woodstock, County of Mcllenrv and^State oMlUnois, on Monday, the 27th day In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office In Woodstock this SHd day of April. A. D. 191$. THSO. HAMKR, Clerk. 45 TTBYTOM NO *9*. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. West HMfaary. ttlteoU PfaM Steek KarvhaadlM Saba Telephone No. 894 Co JL SilUM AUCTIONEER WEST M'HENRY, ELL HOMO Hnm, 24A-J :: Office Phono 887- CHARLES 8. FRANCIS LAWYER ESTATE Wm A SPECIALTY Srtt'£Sk,«~« WOODSTOCK, ILL I. Q. SENG no4o<rooof os- mllOMCO' B llVMN r-r-4 tlgon, MM TTIC#, uno oM stand, earn* «*»ry- t<:?!:lng except the rttUMBEB X* • 106 N. 8th Ave. CKICAQO. CHUCKED FREE inr t u i i t l f ! w i l t ) t h r i 1 (,'it.ilii \. For Kale iiy all teaming dealers. t | Circuit Court Seal | EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J. I. Lang, Attorney. Estate of John Nett, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of tbe last Will and Testament of John Nett, deceased, late of the County of McHenry aud State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in \V<x>dstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all per sons bavins claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur pose of having the same adjusted. All per sons indebed to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned Dated this 34th day of April, A. D. 1U12. 4&*3t MATHIAS NETT, Executor. I ' An elegant new line of Staver bug gies and Northwestern truck wagons at Math. Freund's. 43 Early Ohio and Early Rose seed no- mom »t M. It Niesen'% 40-t< The Vegetable season is at hand and we will endeavor to Keep our customers and the pub lic supplied just as fast as the new goods ap pear on the market. Our line of Groceries and Fruits is always of the choicest. Try us. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 ricHenry* - Illinois, WHY IS OUR NEAT SHOf LIKE A MIN STREL PERFORMANCE? BECAUSE Of OUR CONUNDRUMS AND MUSICAL STUNTS, The swish of our saws, the clang of Our cleavers, the duets of our knives and steels, all to be heard - while preparing choice cuts of meat for our patrons. You are cordially invited to attend our per formances. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY, ILL. THOME 3 TWO SHOWERS FOX BRIDE. Mrs. Casper Bickler was given two linen showers du ing the past two weeks. The first was given by Misses Margaret Ward and Elizabeth Miller at the home of J. H. Miller and the second was given her at her home last Friday evening by the members of St. Clara court of Lady Foresters of St. Maryfs church, of which she is a mem ber. ' N̂ i°S.p5i„tS6.iiS,a?lu.ltwoo<l Buttw Company, an Illinois Corporutlo^T Public uotjoeIs hereby given that a soecii&l stockholders of tbe Hiuirwood Butt«r Company will be held at the M."W. A Hall at Uinjtwood, McHenry County. 1 illutiis y" <3!Vy of Jiihe. A. 1) ism' at th», hour of eight o'clock p. m., for the mir- Rnhwr fj^u'iting to the voteofsaid stockholders the question of dissolving said entn remand fllsiiK)fil"K of assets, both i» ? • S!*id company ljv «»'-Dated this 6th day of May, A D lii2 £. (! Hawiuu •* *• B.C. ilAWLny, OIUTIOII 0, BABBUO* 1^1 i * •!%- " gf -Us. V"- »r' • ! " J - -