Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1912, p. 5

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r. ' j * *#',.. *•* r "*£ v"j S CHRONICLED BY CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS McHENRY, ILLINOIS OUR "jT •**•• ) ^** Tity^-^r - •-.**• Electric Light Us^ii Should Enjoy , These Privileges There are inaoj bandy elec- trieal devices for saving t(ime and strength in the home that cam be operated at low cost. Herfe is a partial lfst- of them--all sold at prices generally lower than else­ where. Why not have one^ or more of these appliances in your home? ^ 1 VK»M» CIMMTS Washing NarhteM ^5 Sewing Machia* Rttan, Kitchen Ctkbwta^ C«Hm Pmeolators Chafing Dishea Electric Toaatara Electric Grilla Library and Reading Lampa Lumlnaus Radiator* Elaclric Flat Irona Blaetrlo Mac Staves M any other electrical devices for comfort and economy in the home at our display rooms cServite(o. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS R. 01. 6racyts Bia OFrfILH NEW PICTURES FULL REELS f Bank of McHen ry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a , GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. ., ripney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATpK [ Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sals. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. EXCELLENT LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries Is the inevitable result H you use White Swan ...Flour... ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM. DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 P. N„ SHOW AT 8:00 AMISSION, AJMTS, 20C CIIJWI,* :: IOC NO RESERVED SEATS FOR SALE BV urn pim 1 liMDiro f/t WiLuim liunuLin Cv. WEST McHtNRY. , N.P.STE1LEN & SON, M'HENRY JOHN RICHARDSON, V0L0 HUCK'S GROCERY, M'HENRY WILLIAM ALTHOFF JOHNSBURGH. It seems like yesterday that mother mourned t h e t r a n s i t i o n f r o m skirts to trousers--hi§ rocking horse will soon give way to the base­ ball and the pigskin. He's developing, chang­ ing, every day, and you havens-had his picture taken in more than a year--yes, it's two years last Christ­ mas. There's a pho­ tographer in this town. Schnaiiers Photo Studio THONl Sit. WEST M'HENRY, 11L The airdome theatre at Riverside park will present moving pictures on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sun­ day of each week. Two shows each night. Admission, 10 cents. . 51 sbSt "-S. on n n fflj Fjfij 1 PUT iOUR MONEY INTO A HOME • this year and make it earn you happiness and contentment. Tan't get away from the fact that the home is the mainstay of this yreat country of ours and never will there be a time when' vou can "f " buy the kind of lumber we are selling for less money. We're ready any time to talk about your lumber needs. Come in. WILBUR LB West McHenry. !R CO. Phone 5 n'nd daughter, Rbse, callers one day last ASK YOUR Gl FOR MSH£«A V \* . . / FiAftltf i' FAMILY FLOUR ,<J.S PE{?C£ R* /fr M*H£HRY LLLt k .Tl FLOUR. that never goes wrong Our Corned Beef, we claim, is just & little bit better than any other, and those who have tried it declare that it is imtaense. If you have not given it a trial, better do so at once. We know . you will like it. We also have a fine, fresh stock of fruits and vegetables at all times. If you haven't the time to call at our shop ring us up and give us your or­ der. Our delivery system is something that we boost of. J.W.Aebischer ( S mmmt U C .fi. Pratt.) McHENRY. ILL. THOME 80-W All seats 10c at the airdome, River­ side park, McHenry. Opening date Saturday, June 8. 51 JE^VUKHRLlli The trains tihanged time last gnn* day. Wilbur Levey was in the 0$ one day last *gjek. ' * C.' E^w^merty-' of .Chicago was a Ridye^ld call^r>reeently. Benr^f Wille went to Woodstock one day last w«ekl D. Wille of Crystal Lake was a busi­ ness caller in town FMday. J. G. Hart man. was a business caller at Crystal Lake Saturday. ) Mr. and Mrs. A. Anners wpfe Wood^ stock callers Saturday evening. Walter Cobb has had a busy sprilig sealpn with his spraying outfit. Mr., and Mrs. Henry Broderman went to the city Tuesday. Miss Edith Nelson was a caller at? Crystal Lake the middle of last week- ** Mrs. Ostrander of Chicago visitfed •*ith Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dutield 'Kies- day. .' A. Mrs. A. were Woodstock week. ' Miss Arline Stephenson and sister, Edna, spent Saturday with McHenry relatives. Fred Wille an^T daughters,' MSTiel and Elsie, were callers at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and JWrs. J. .T. Keser and daugh­ ter. Maijprv, were Cupron callers Thursday. M rs. E. F. ^nderson and daughter, Mary, were sliOpfft^ at Woodstock Saturday. \. A. Dietz and daughter, Arline, were callers at Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Dike took the early morn­ ing train, presumably for the city, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hobart of Wood­ stock were pleasant callers in town Wednesday. 1 Rob Knilans and sister, lihoda, vis- iu-d Sharon relatives the latter part of the week. Mrs. E. E. Shepard and Mrs. Dora Coo|>er were Woodstock callers the li est of last week. Mrs. L> M. Goddard and little daugh­ ter of Woodstock spent Wednesday at ti'je parental home. Mrs. A. Hanson «nd son, Earl, spent Friday night with Mrs. Hanson's par­ ents near Huntley. Miss Glenys Jacobs and Miss Mabel Skinner spent a few days last week with Elgin relatives. The Mesdamest L. Nelson and daugh­ ter and w\ French drove to Wood­ stock one day last week. F. Terwillager and son of Woodstock were doing job painting in and near Ilidgefield the past week. Mrs. Winifred Ward ofy Woodstock called at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ray Dygert,-Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and two daugh­ ters of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday among Ridgefield relatives. Mrs. Rose Goddard of Woodstock visited her daughter, Genevieve, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Anners Wednesday. The Ladies' Aid society will meet at the ^ome of Mrs, E. E. Shepard Fri­ day, June 7. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Mr. and Mrs. N. J/Garrison and daughter, Hazel, of Woodstock fcere callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dietz Saturday. Anothet^stork passenger was wel­ comed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Gorham Saturday, June 1, an eight pound daughter. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shepard enjoyed a pleasant evening Saturday last with Mr. and Mrs. A. Keese at their pleas­ ant home in Woodstock. W. S. Rusbton has moved from the Flauson house to Mrs. O. Baldwin's cottage. Mr. Rush ton is employed at Crystal Lake as gate tender for the C. N. W. railwayxompany. Corral Berg, Wsrfter Reed, Peter BonnUjjjisen, Ray Lynch and Oscar Nelson attended the ball game at Crys­ tal Lake, between the Crystal Lakes and Chicago Athletics, Thursday. The six graduates and their teacher, Conrad Berg, had a class picture taken at WToodstock Saturday afternoon. The young ladies were dressed in white, with "white carnations and fern leaves. The Ladies' Cemetery association will serve strawberries and cake in the church parlors from 5 to 8 o'clock Thursday, June 1.5. Price, 15 cents. (-ome one, come all, and help the ladies in a good cause. llOIXOMHVII.LK. W. B. Gilbert was a Chicago passen­ ger Tuesday. % Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert called at Fr< i Powers' Sunday. Mrs. A. Leickem of McHenry spent Thursday in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Will French of Ridge­ field were Sunday callers here. Mrs. A. Clemens spent the last of the week with relatives in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and sons were Sunday visitors at Will Doherty's. Miss Edith Timm and Earl l'eck vis­ ited at F. D. Davoll's Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers and Ed Powers were Sunday visitors at !• red Powers'. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. -Flandei* and daughters were Sunday visitors at 1 . Flanders'. Mr. and Mrs. Will Zanders of Elgin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. F- Hunt Saturday and Sunday. ^ tyfr. and Mrs. Ed Gilbert, Mr. and Mre. Frank Gilbert and Mr. Groves of Chicago wei^ guests at the home of W. B. Gitf&rt Thursday. A HAPPY BUNCH. A club of young ladies of Chicago caused considerable merriment at the Northwestern station last Sunday even­ ing. The ladies had passed the day in the country near this village and in the evening while awaiting the Chi­ cago train the photographer of the crowd took several snap shots of the fair ones to the delight of the McHen­ ry boys who ra^ke it their business to aee-the train io on Sunday evenings. RiMnwoon. • E.- C. Bftwley was an Elgin passen­ ger Monday. H. M. Stephenson was a Chicago passehger Monday.. Wade Sanborn ahd wife visited bis parents at Spring Grove Sunday. Lewis Schroeder is entertaining his parents from Milwaukee this week. Junes Ladd returned from Wiscon­ sin Saturday with a car load of cows. Lewis Bell and lady friend of Spring Grove spent Sunday with his parents. /j. V. Buck land went to Chicago Mon- dav and returnee! with a new automo- billel Hev. Mary Moreland, a W. C. T. U. worker, gave a fine address Decora­ te day. ^ Frank Tlawley and cousin. Miss Wal­ ters, pf Chicago were guests of his par­ ents Sunday. PhilipS. Harrison and wife of Alden attended Decorat ion day exercises here last Thursday. James Bell and family of Spring Grove visited his parents, John Bell and wife, Sunday. Joe McCannon, wife and little son spent Saturday night and Sunday at Bert McCannon's. Mi's. Lucinda Francisco of Wood­ stock spent last week at her uncle, Freeman Whiting's. Mi's. .Mildred Munshaw of Elgin was the guest of her aunt, Libbie Simpson, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Florence Bell went to Three Oaks, Mich., with her sister, Mrs. Sarah Wright, for a visit. \VTilliam Averill, agent for the gaso­ line traction engine, and Claude Colby of North Crystal Lake were in town Monday. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday afternoon of this week with Mrs. Col­ lins in Greenwood. Tea will be served. All are invited. 08TEND. MAY 30, 1912. A. O. Whiting is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Harold Taylor was the guest of friends in Greenwood Sunday. ' Wesley Pederson was calling on friends in this vicinity Friday last. Mrs. Lou Francisco is spending a few days with relatives in this vicin­ ity. M,rs. C. E. Jecks and Miss Alice Richardson were Ringwood callers last Friday. A number from here attended the play given by the seniors Saturday evening. Mrs. John Hoy and sister were call­ ing on friends in this vicinity one day last week. ^ Miss Nellie Sillman has been spend­ ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. Fred Eppel. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas of Woodstock spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Randall and daughter, Miss Hettie, were callers in Franklinville last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gay lord were calling on friends and relatives in this vicinity one day last week. Irma Thomas returned to her home last Friday after spending a couple of weeks with her grandma, Mrs. Alma Thomas. TKRKA COTTA. J. M. Phalin was a Woodstock vis­ itor Tuesday. M. Knox and son, Harold, were Chi­ cago visitors Friday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin was the guest of home folks Sunday. Miss Lizzie Ames of Elgin spent the past week at her home here. Misses Annie Buss and Lillian Riley were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Alyward of Elgin visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mayme Overton and Miss Ada Carey of McHenry called on friends here Tuesday. Misses Minnie Conway, Theresa Sceevers and Grace Spillard of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday at M. A. and P. H. Conway's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bolger and daughter, Mary, of Emerald Park and Mrs. Slater of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at M. Knox's. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. James Doherty has joined the Lew Baker painting and decorating gang. Miss Maude Curr is having her cot­ tage on Park avenue repainted. Nick Bishop is doing the work. Mrs. Wm. Grantham and son, Wal­ ter, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta of Crystal Lake called on relatives and friends here last Thurs­ day. Gilbert C. Howard, local agent for the Thor motorcycle, is riding an ele­ gant new machine these days. It is the finest motorcycle yet. brought into the village. Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer are spending the week as the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Walter Peake, at Louisville, Ky. Mr. Spencer is also attending a millers' convention that is being held in the southern city. I. A. Hungerford, the new faead at the local plant of the Borden milk company, has moved his family here from Marengo and are now occupying the N. J. Justen house on Waukegan street, recently vacated by the Powers bl John Spencer7~the progressive and wide-awak(^proprietor of the West McHenry four and feed mill, is hav­ ing cement tie sheds constructed jigt east of the mill. The improvement should be appreciated by patrons of the mill- Williams Bay is now the terminal instead of Lake <Geneva, Wis., on tins branch of the Northwestern line. Trainmen an- obliged to change their place of residence from Lake Geneva to the new terminal or make dally morning and evening trips between the two poiots. j The canning season i»*now here and we can supply you irith the very choicest fruits now in season. Better see us before buying, because we know that we can save you mpney and Supply you with the choicest fruit that Is now on the market. that our delivery system is the best town. 'Phone your order to us and we will see that the order is prompt­ ly filled and delivered. We are doing business on the twentieth century method, which we know you will ap­ preciate. Math. Laures ' TH6 west side oroceryman Phone 8 :: West McHenry ORE r to [ G i l is to build a home and then set­ tle down to a contented life and make up your mind to pay for it. A little garden at the back of the house will work wonders in reducing your living costs-- ~ few- chickens will also help. Can't do these things when you're renting because you lack inspi­ ration and either a garden or chickens need careful attention. If you build a frame house you can start with only a few rooms and add onto it when the family- arrows, and by the time yoGr sons and daughters are large enough to take notice you will have a home respectable enough in size :;nd appearance to make them feel quite proud of "Mommer and Daddy." When you're ready for lumber we want to talk to you and help you on right. ••There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE 6. YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT ¥ NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. P. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh It is better to have it And not need it, Than to need it And not have it. When you need it You need it bad, And if you haven't it You'll wish you had. Moral: Be prepared with Hydrogen Peroxide Gauze Bandages Healing Powder Adhesive Tape Family Hedicines f. V. McAIMSfER & (0. 'Phone 59-W :: West McHenry Now, for bugs, we have the poisons. 51 E. V. McAllister & Co. There caifbe no finer of • i purer soda water than ours We know hpw to male it and we make it as good as we know. Choice materials rightly- used, cold, sparkling bev­ erages, and prompt and dainty service-these bring more and more people to our fountain all the time, for to drink OUR SODA is to come again. ARE YOU GETTING YOUR SHARE? N. H. Pefesch HeHENRY.. «.!• War will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season F. L. McOMBEFL. The West Side Hardware Man. ^ I S H E R E ^ We have an elegant new iine of Curtains, Carpets* Hugs and Linoleum In fact, we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat­ isfy you both in quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN :r^m & v ,n:?'S3 j ' * 4 *h' " nothing but the best of everything in making up ottr bakery goods. The best grade of flour, good, pure milk, the very best of lard, the best grade of sugar and the highest priced spices are used. Buy your bakery here and be sure you are getting the best. ' '...t j "V- hi "£f Phone103-R A. TIETZ, Prop. nwiwiim»»»min«mn P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHM1SSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVKN -TO THK 09* Dressed Bee*, rtutton. Hogs, Veal, Hides, Etc., Batter and Eggs / This is the oldest home on the street Tags and fniaMwil OQ Application. » COLD STORAGE FREB CHICAQO, ILUNOiS. Stall * j. Paltea St. WkMMJ* Mark«K ;v;» . . . ' 1 ;

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