w -' - S . X i f ' . <,.: ".•4 t t M Htats, Gloves, Shirts, Gents' Furnishings ». W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - PHONE 3©3 J) F VISIT our Shoe Depatment, if you have not already done so, and inspect our line of Men's, Women's and Chil dren's Shoes in black and tan leather and white canvas. Now is the time ; ou can get lowest prices on Sandals. WE QUOTE A 1FEW PRICES HERE: itisses' White Canvas 6-strap :Sandal, sizes Hi to 2 $1.35 Large Misses' White Canvas 2-strap Sandal, sizes 2i to 5 $«-35 Misses' Russia Tan ^blf 2-strap Sandal, sizes I, 1^ 2 Misses' Gun Metal 2-strap Sartdal, sizes 12| to 2_ $i«35 Children's Barefoot Sandals, sitzes 5 to 2, 50c to 98c Women's. Coariort Shoes, cushion sole, kid sole lining, 3i to 8..$2.50 Woman/ft Yiei Kid Button, dull calf top, patent tip, short vamp..$3.50 JOHNSTOFFEL K0vat*a A 1 OUTING SUITS are now in popularity. If yon are interested we can show you all the latest models of which this is but one of many. Interna tional clothes are always progressive and embrace the very newest Metropolitan ideas. The fabrics for outing suits are extremely dashy and extensive in range and not at all like the stuff you see in ready made appar el. They're a trifle more exclusive and that means everything to men of taste and re finement. To measure only, of course, and at extremely moderate rates. :: Hats, Shoes, Oxfords, Shirts, Collars, Ties and other toggery to complete the outfit. Call and see them. Yours truly, M. J. WALSH. WEST ricHENRY, ILLINOIS 14' ' *' *-• RIO«EFI®I-,» ftt Aoa»ra #« i OfpJ visitor Sun day. H. P. Barber ihm la the city Satur day. -• Kobirl Gfrotito •petot Sunday at He bron. Walter Cobb spent Sunday in Chi cago. Mrs: C. Tegtttieif Stindtayed with rel atives M Palatial. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Prydendall spent Friday in Rata via. Edwin Nielson made a trip to Crys tal Lake Saturday. W. P. Allen spent Tuesday at the home of R. Dygert. Elsie and Clarence Anderson were in Woodstock Monday. Wilbur Levey was a business visitor in the city Thursday Mrs;- C. E. Lock wood was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. Mrs. Nettie Smith spent Thursday night with Mrs. E. Smith. Mrs. S. Refed of Woodstock spent Tuesday of last week in town. Miss Edna Burgett was a Crystal Lake caller one day last week. Mrs. R, L. Dufleld was a Crystal Lake and Woodstock caller last week. Lars Nelsou and family were enter tained at the home of Peter Nelson at Huntley Sunday. . Mrs. A. Peterson and daughter, Roeie, were Crystal Lake business callers Thursday. Mr. and* Mrs. Westerman and Mr. and Mrs. GarrisOft of Woodstock were in town Saturday. Mrs. Louis Johnson and son, Lloyd, are spending a Week with Mrs. Pearl Nelson at Batavia. Mrs. Roy Skinner and children of Woodstock spent the first of the week at the R. L. Dufield home. The Ladiefe' Cemetery society will meet at the home of Mrs. E. B. Smith Thursday afternoon, July 11. Mrs. E. B. Smith spent Wednesday and Thursday with her brother, S. E. Olmstesd, and family at Woodstock. Misses Emma and Cfara Eichkoff of Woodstock attended the musical re cital at the church Thursday evening. Mrs. P. B. Haughawout, who has been caring for Mrs. E. Frank at Al gonquin, returned Sunday in an auto. Miss Myrtle Kiltz of Cary gave a reading at the recital Thursday even ing. She was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. R. L. Dufield. Mrs. J. B. Lynch, son, Ray, daugh ter, Madalene, and grandchildren, James Bennett, Crystal and Grace Con- erty, went to the city Tuesday. Miss Flora Harback of Cary called on Ridgefield friends Saturday. She was en route to Galesburg, Mich., where she will visit her relatives. Mjss Harback will teach at School- croft, Mich., the coming school year. Louis Goddard was an every evening caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch, where his wife was detained on account of diphtheria quarantine. The little daughter of Mrs. C. E. Con- erty has just recovered from an attack of diphtheria. Mr. Burgett of Crystal Lake has moved his family into the Nels Peter son hous6, in the D. O. Kline addition, which was recently vacated by A. An derson. Mr. Anderftoh has movfed his family to his new faWn near Andy Peterson'* place. fcttr£t#6oD. L. D. TdSd, wife sthft baby are visit ing at Gra&djwt Tuttle's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Efefl were Rich mond visitori lait &ftut&ay. J. C. Ladd sold fris tenant house in town to Wilber Basset^ of Ostend. Zillah Stev&ui of Elglfr is visiting at Wade Sanborn's and N. B. Stevens'. Mrs. Mark Hutson of McHenry vis ited at William Kelley's last Thurs day. The Ladies' Aid met Thursday aft ernoon of last week with Mrs. Florence Smith. Mr. and liSrs. Arthur Cole of Lake Arthur, La., visited at W. E. Walker's last Friday. Clarence Tuttle is the proud father of a baby boy, which came to their hotae Saturday last. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Abbie Martin Saturday of this week instead of with Mrs. Delia Hobart. Dr. Hepburn was called to Ohio Tuesday evening of last week by the death of his brother-in-law. He re turned Friday evening. C. W. Harrison and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradley and H. W. Ste phenson and family attended the band concert at Woodstock last Wednesday evening. Rev. F. W. Miller of Stockton, 111., former pastor of the Universalist church, surprised his Ringwood friends by calling on as many as possible last Thursday evening. The pupils of Mrs. Norton gave a recital at Mrs. Warren Foss' Tuesday evening, after which ice cream and cake were served. All enjoyed a very pleasant evening. OSTEND. Harold Mason was a decent caller in this vicinity. Mrs. Ellsworth of Woodstock spent Friday at the Clark home. Percival Thompson is spending the week with relatives here. Henry Randall of Marengo is the guest of his brother, G. S. Randall. Irma Thomas is spending a few days with her grandma, Mrs. Alma Thom- I. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart and son, Roy, spent Sunday with relatives in Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin spent the latter part of last week with relatives at Lamoille, 111. Loren Thompson and sister, Miss Susie, were callers in this vicinity Monday. evening. Miss Flossie Randall spent the latter • |tart of l«Bt week with friends and rela tives in Marengo. A. O. Whiting returned to his home last Thursday after spending a few days with his brother here. m YOUR GROCER FOR jk< f; r FLOUR MJSVE&STW* A Ar ltU 3> .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WFST WHFIfPY FLOOR AND FEES HILLS EXCELLENT LOAVES : -AND- Delicious Pastries Is tic ItKvifbl# nwtt if yom turn White Swan ...Flour... FOR fef¥ WILBUR LIJNBER CO. WEST KcMEMRY. N.P. STOLEN & SON, M'HENRY JOHN RICRARDSON, VOLO RUCK'S, GROCERY, M'HENRY WILLIAM ALTOOrr J0HNSBURGH. 4 SHINGLES You can't afford to put on poor shingles. Put on shingles that will stay put--a roof that will last a long time. To make a new roof or remake an old one you need the best. Our RED CEDAR SHINGLES are bought with care from the best mills. We know the price and the quality will give you satisfaction. Come look at them and see. You can have a good roof at small expense. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry. Phone § DR. STAGGERS. M. T. All diseases treated and cured by nature's methods. If you have any chronic troubles of any kind come and see me. I have successfully cured numbers„who were so called incurable and there is hope for you. Here are a few diseases I have successfully cured after physicians have failed: Goiters, most all kinds of tumors, rheumatism, constipation, suppressed menstruation, torpid and enlarged liver, nervous pros trations, ovarian trouble, adhesions of all kinds, uterine troubles, lumbago, bowel trouble of all kinds, Bright's disease, bronchitis, lung trouble, en- largment of the spleen, general debil ity, eye troubles, fatty and palpitating heart, indigestion, throat troubles, neuralgia, painful menstruation, stiff joints and weak muscles that have been caused by rheumatism, broken bones, sprains, bruises or from any other cause, all forms of paralysis. These are only a few of the diseases I have successfully handled and cured, but there are dozens of others. I can do the same for you that I have done for others. Do not stay away and suf fer, come and see me. Will be in Lake Geneva on Tuesdays and Fridays and will be at my office in Genoa Junction, Wis., the remainder of the week. Consultation and exam ination free. 2 Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a tfNTOAl BAHKIM BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. ' REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, oall on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Glass Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. When you get ready to paint that house or barn of yours or do any other painting you had better consult Wm. Simes. He can save you money on paints and supply you with something that line that is right. 51 father really ought to have his picture take^--he hasn't had a photograph since that funny looking one in the cut-away coat that he was married in. ('Twas a noon wedding, you know). Yes, mother says 'twas a gQod one of him as he looked then, but really, for the sake of the fam ily, there should be one of him as he looks now. SdnW's Photo Studio THWK 11)0-1 WEST H'ICNKI UL F. A. BOH LANDER West McHenry PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 491 Black Hosiery for AH Hie Family 4- The very beat money can buy. If there were any better made you would find them here. All sizes, all prices, all colors and all the very best quality. Don't buy anything but the best. » :: :: Children's Dresses ">• and Rompers Children'^ dresses, all sizes, in ginghams, per cales and calicoes, at prices from.. 50c to $3.00 Children's rompers, best gingham, at 50c UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25 000 A TALI ON MNKIM will convince you of our superior and safe methods. It will also show you why the peo ple who are consider ed consereative finan ciers and careful busi ness men pay bills by check, thru our bank. We want you to know the advantages of this mod ern system of doing /business, so consult us. La dies always welcome. ....SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAH... EDWIN L. WAGNER. Pre*. --OFFICERS:-- DR. C. H. FEGERS, Vice Pres. CARL W. STENGER, Caahlar. SIMON 8TOPPEL. Vice Ptm. I Want to Meet You personally. I want you to know as I know the good qualities of the goods I have to offer you. Take the Emerson Foot Lift line of Sulky and Gang Plows, as well as the Emerson Disc, nothing bet ter on the market today. The Van Brunt Ho^ and Disc Drills, as well as the Hoos- ier,--where in this wide world can you find anything better? Then our stock of Plows, Harrows^ Corn Planters, Culti vators, Spreaders, Wagons, Buggies and a hundred other articles from our stock is now as complete as we can make it. And you know we stand back of every thing we sell. With the knowledge ob tained by years of experience, and a de sire to please our customers, I want you you to know. Make us a call. :: :: WM. STOFFEL Phone: OFP|CF"77-RESIIlENCH-79!. E "V &TANDXRD: fl{$ r>TT*ai.OM!UVIMQ|l 'Phone 79-J. McHenry, III. Our store is kept cool for your com fort by electric fans. :: Ladies' Dresses We are showing an extraordinary value in house dresses in sizes from 34 to 46, made of a good quality percale and tailored to fit. You cannot Afford to sit down and make them. Choice while they last S1.00 Children's Dresses Made of fine quality gingham and percale, neatly trimmed and plaited, choice, all sizes, per garment.. 8Sc S1.00 Ladies' Waists White Lawn Waist in low and high cut neck, worth to $1.50 choice Ladies' Corset Covers, sizes, each Corset Covers lace and embroidery trimmed, all Skirts Muslin Petticoats, handsomely trimmed with embroidery and linen laces, each $|„00 SI.25 $1.50 Sandals \ Barefoot Sandals for children, misses, men and women, made of the best quality leather to be had, at per pair 75 SI.00 SI.50 S2.00 Tennis Slippers Tennis Slippers for \boys i ... Tennis Slippers, white, for men ^fen's $8.00 Button Shoes priced at. .. Men's $4.00 Button and Lace Oxfords 70e $2.25 cue 9&.09 Extra value in 25c fancy Lawn, some plain color... "| 2 1 -2 Hosiery Fine Boot Silk Hose with lisle top and sole, for ladies. Fine gauze lisle black Hose, for ladies., pc Men's fine gauze lisle Hose, black -|Q ^ g 25 Extra quality Ladies' Silk Hose gQ ^ j qq J&r7 ' IbJ/. Jtr. tils*: