Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jul 1912, p. 1

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GONERS MB GOERS OF A NECK IN OUR BUSY UTTIE VILLAGE. MARENGO WO#UI SWOTS TO KILL PIKES TWO SHOTS AT BARTENDER WHO 8E1XS TO BLACKLISTED HUSBAND. AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED INTO OUR OFFICE BY OUR FRIENDS. William Simes was a business visit­ or in Elgin Monday. A. M. Whitten of Chicago spent Sunday in McHenry. Richard Wray of Richmond was a Sunday visitor in town. John Stoffel transacted business in the windy city Monday. F. J. Barbian1 was a business visitor in Kenosha, Wis., Monday. G. A. Satnem was a business visitor at Wauconda one day last week. Leonard Phillips is home from Chi­ cago for a two months' vacation. Walter Warner of Elgin was the guest of McHenry friends Sunday. Mrs. H. E. Price was the guest of Elgin friends Sunday and Monday. Granger Smith of Elgin spent Sun­ day as the guest of relatives here. . N. A. Huemann transacted business in the windy city last week Friday. Dr. D. G. Wells was a professional visitor in the metropolitan city Mon­ day. M. L. Worts and daughter, Josephine, were Chicago visitors on Friday of last week. Curtis Westfall of Chicago was a guest in the home of Simon Stoffel Sunday. W. J. Kittle of North Crystal Lake was a business visitor in town one day recently. Miss Maude Granger of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of her sis­ ters here. Percy Fletcher of Chicago is a guest at the O. N. Owen cottage at the Bay this week. Miss Agnes Dorley of Elgin was the guest of Miss Julia Stoffel Saturday and Sunday. Simon Stoffel attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last week Friday. Miss Lelah Clapton is spending the week as the guest of Miss Agnes Doll* ing in Chicago, J. C. Debreoht of Johnsburgh board­ ed the Chicago train at this station Monday morning. Eb Gay lord of Woodstock was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gay lord, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Granger returned to Chicago Sunday evening after a week's vacation here. Miss Maud Parsons of Standfield, Minn., is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown. Charles G. Buss of Chicago was a guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hutson of Wood­ stock spent Sunday as the gueBt of Mc­ Henry relatives and friends. Miss Mabelle Wheeler is spending a week with relatives and friends in Rockford, El burn and Elgin. ' Miss Josephine Fischer of Elgin was the guest of her aunt, Miss Elizabeth Thelen, the first of the week. Miss Agnes Dolling returned to Chi­ cago last Sunday evening after a week's visit with the Misses Claxton. George J. Schreiner of Chicago is spending the week at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Schreiner. Gilbert McOmber of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McOmber. Alford Pouse of Chicago passed the first of the week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse. Miss Dora Hutson of Woodstock was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hutson, Sunday. Misses Harriet and Marian Chapell of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Alsena Smith. Misses Jennie and Viola Beatty of Richmond spent Wednesday and Thurs­ day of last week as guests of the Misses Claxton. Mrs. May me Lamphere and son, George, went to Elgin last Saturday for a two weeks' visit with relatives and friends. ^Villiam and Houston Gallaher and Roy Barker of Milwaukee, Wis-i speqt {Saturday and Sunday in the home qf Mr*- E. S- Wheeler- Mr. and Abe- fc. J- Heimer of Ravens- wood spent Saturday, Sunday and Mon­ day as guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Josephine Heimer. Wm. Stoffel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoewer and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schoewer drove to Milwaukee and back in their cars Sunday. They re­ port a most delightful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Owen and two daughters of Chicago are guests of O. N. Owen and daughters this week. They are spending their time at^the Owen cottage at Pistakee Bay. Mrs. Almira Dweily, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Walters and Mrs. John Walters i of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Merriman * «-*. t n jjj the home of Mrs. Button last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chapell and two sons of Wapanucka, Okla., are guests of relatives and friends here. Mr. Chapell will return to his home this week, while his wife and children will remain for a longer stay. W. C. T. Woodstock Belvidere Republican, Thursday, June 27: Mrs. Mike Nihan of Maren­ go Went into the Channing saloon at that place last evening and fired twice at Bartender John Sheehan in an effort to kill him, charging him with selling liquor to her husband, who is on the blacklist. Both bullet* whizzed over Sheehan's head and he lost no time in finding deep place under the bar, where he was safe. Mrs. NihSti was seized by men in the place and taken out of the saloon, weeping hysterically. Later Sheehan swore out a warrant, for the arrest of Mrs. Nihan, and she was taken to Woodstock today. It appears that Nihan had been placed on the blacklist by his wife and that he secured liquor just the same. She accused Sheehan of sup­ plying him, and. securing a thirtv-two calibre revolver she went into the saloon ahd fired twice at Sheehan's head, but the recoil of the revolver threw the bullet over his head each time. TheTe is considerable excitement in Marengo over the affair, and while many condemn the woman there are others who defend her. It is reported that several wealthy women have gone to supply bail for her. Later. Vigorous prosecution of Mrs. Mike Nihan, Marengo's Carrie Nation, is planned by State's Attorney Joslyn of McHenry county as a result of the "shooting up" of the Walter Chan* ning saloon Wednesday night. Mrs. Nihan was given a preliminary hearing onaoharge of assault with a deadly weapon at Marengo last Thurs­ day and was bound over to the grand jury. She was released on bonds of $5,000 signed by "her brother on the promise that she be kept at the O'Brien home, near Woqdstock, until the grand jury convened. Walter Channing, owqer of the sa­ loon in which the shooting uccurred, denied that he had at any time been warned by Mrs, Nihan not to pell to her husband. He stated the shooting was entirely unoalled for. A report that wealthy members of the Marengo W. C. T. U. had inter­ ested themselves in behalf of Mrs. Nihan was denied by Mrs. W. C. Woodard, president of that organiza­ tion. She stated that the temperance union did not approve of Mrs. Nihan's action. According to Mr. Channing Thomas O'Brien, brother of Mrs. Nihan, who furnished her bond, has told Mr. Chan­ ning that he believed his sister insane and she should be taken care of. OPENING DANCE Yourself and ladies are cordially in­ vited to attend an opening dance at Buch's hall next Saturday night, July 6. This will be the first of a series of dances to be held in this- hall during the summer months. The hall is sit­ uated on the banks of Fox river, right near the bridge, and is sure to be the coolest dance hall in McHenry. The management of these dances is ex­ pecting a large crowd and feels safe in saying that everyone is sure to have a good time. Don't forget the opening t®. Music by the Imperial orchestra. Dance tickets, 50 cents. PARCELS POST LIMITED. The parcels post order which became effective July 1 will not be general as at first supposed, the service to be adopted at the staVt ofcly in such post- offices as are designated by the postal department. Like the postal savings bank plan, only a few offices will at first be named to receive and deliver parcels and later the plan may be ex­ tended to other parts of the country. The McHenry postoffice cannot accept packages under the parcels post plan until it is designated as a parcels post station'by the department at Washing­ ton. , DR. ROSS.LEAYES CRYSTAL LAKE. North Crystal Lake Herald: Dr. L. Viall, 4entist, has purchase^ the furnishings of Dr. F. C. F^oss, in the Gracy block, and is nqw taking care of the practice and establishing new ty*si? oess. Pf. Viall oomes wel} recom­ mended in his precession, and is fast beooming acquainted and making new friends rapidly. Dr. Ross was com­ pelled to relinquish his business owing to ill health and is recuperating at Kentland, Ind. DANCE AT NELL'S PAVILION. The next dance at Nell's Columbia park pavilion will take place on Wed­ nesday evening, July 10. These dances always draw well and the young folks of this vicinity appear to take special delight in attending dances at that place. Heimer's ragtime orchestra pf this place will furnish the music. Everybody welcome. Dance tickets, 50 cents. SERVICES ATILE. CHURCH. Regular services will take place at the M. E. church here next Sunday. Sunday school at ten o'clock and preaching by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Cross, at eleven. All are invited. Get your brick ice cream tor the Fourth at McAllister's. 3 ,Y EXCI AS TAKER FRON THE COLUNHS OF 00* NANY EXCHANGES. MISCELLANEOUS ASSORTMENT OF NEWS STEMS IN CONDENSED FORM FOR BUSY PEOPLE. The postoffice at Spring Grove was entered by thieves Wednesday night of last week and between $80 and $90 in stamps and about $20 in currency were stolen. The Hohenadel Canning company of Gray slake has began wdrk on canning peas. They have about 1,000 acres under contract, which will keep them busy until the sweet corn season be­ gins. It is quite likely that something definite will be done this year about remodeling the county jail at Wood­ stock. Recent attempts at jail deliv­ ery have served to impress the neces- city for action in the near future a£d better light and sanitary ootid!lions afe also much needed. Arguments for a new trial in the famous MotherSill-Voliva case will be heard in the circuit court during the first week in July, according to the statements of attorneys in the case. This case has created wide attention for the past few years. The latest trial resulted in a verdict for $4,000 against Voliva. Jos. Smejkal, the Bohemian wrest­ ling champion, has been in training at Eman Opatrny's summer resort, Fox River Grove, near Cary, for his bout with Frank Gotch, for the champion­ ship of the world, which will take place in Chioago July 4. Smejkal has had fifty-four bouts in America in seven months and won all of them. The Yerkes observatory will be open to persons presenting cards of ad­ mission every Saturday afternoon dur­ ing the summer from 1:30 to 4:30. Tickets may be obtained free of charge hy mailing to the Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin, a stamped and addressed envelope with a request for the number of admissions desired. A new homestead act of oongress just signed by the president, permits entrymen to prove their claims in three years Instead of five, allows five months' ahsenoe from a claim each year, and reduces the acreage to be cultivated from eighty acres to forty. The homestead policy originated by the Republican party in President Lincoln's time has been of incalculable benefit to the people, and these latest changes will add to its advantages. The annual Soldiers' and SailorS' reunion of Lake county will be held at Grayslake this year August 21 and 22. Mr. Sheldon of the Sheldon schools, of Rockefeller, last year offered, free of charge, to the veterans the use of his beautiful park besides a hundred dol­ lars cash donation for their reunion this year, but on account of extensive building that is going on there he was compelled to withdraw the offer. He states that the offer will stand Just the same for next year's reunion. Crystal Lake Herald: The head of the huge muscallonge found on the shore of Crystal Lake last week, by Thomas Bern son and Ed. Rose, has been prepared and mounted by Paul E. Bertram, local taxidermist, and in a couple of weeks will grace the walls of the Lake Shore House. The mus­ callonge is sometimes caiijed the Amer­ ican pike and is a habitant of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence river. It is found only in very deep fresh water and the discovery of this fish in Crystal lake presupposes the conclu­ sion that there are great depths in this small body of water. Crystal Lake Herald: Francis Schlat­ ter, the "divine healer," who created a tremendous sensation in Chicago some years ago, anj} who claims to have "healed more afflicted people since Christ," is in Crystal Lake and was for a short time working for the Crystal Lake Granite Works. He is stopping at the LaPlant House. Schlat­ ter is shorn of his beard, but is easily recognized from photographs in his possession. Column after column of newspaper space was tjevpted some years ago to this unique personage and his peculiar views on religion. Schlatter had a colony of his own and ran a close second to the notorious See, The bodies of the four Harvard young men who were drowned at Del- avan Lake Sunday, June 9, have all been recovered after a hunt of two weeks. No trace of the bodies could be found by those in search during the first week and relatives of the victims thought there was not much to be done but hope that on the ninth day the bodies would come to the surface. On Thursday, the tenth day after the drowning, parties who were dragging the lake eaught the body of Edward Thompson on the grappling hooks and brought it to the surface. The follow­ ing day the body of Bert Hoi lister was recovered and the bodies of the tiro remaining victims, Melvin Norton *nd William Berg, were found Saturday. The bodies were found in about fifty feet of water, firmly imbedded in mud, and when released they rose instantly to the surface. The victims were all young men, ranging in age from twen­ ty to twenty-six years. Berg was the only married man of the four, tho he pras not living with his wife. FUR £XTEft$0N TO CRYSTAL LAKE Wfli SPRINKLE WTTH Oft MOVEMENT TO niDUCE AURORA. ELGIN & CHICAGO ROAD TO EXTEND TROLLEY. Elgin Daily News, June 22: A move­ ment has been started to induce the Aurora, Elgin and Chicago railroad to extend its trolley line from Carpenters- ville to Algonquin and Crystal Lake. The proposition was launched this morning by the business men who took part in the trip >to up river towns yes­ terday for the purpose of inducing the latter to oome here and help Elgin celebrate the Fourth. These men are enthusiastic over the project. They are strongly impressed with the possibilities of trade exten­ sion that a trolley into the Crystal Lake section would offer. They feel that it would mean much not only to Elgin but also to the sections which the. road would traverse. Several of the men who went oh yesterday's trip talked the matter over with the business men in Algonquin and Crystal Lake. The latter appear­ ed more than willing to do what they could to further the project. They fully appreciate the value of rapid and frequent communication with Elgin and several expressed tlleir hope that the proposed extension could be made a reality. It was the generally expressed opin­ ion rfere t<5daV tJhat Biffin's business development would be greatly ad­ vanced by the opening up of such a territory thru trolley extension. It was the general fiope thiat the traction ooifi pany would consider the matter favorably. Just how the company will consider the? matter ts at present problematical. It is known, however, that the com­ pany is not enthusiastic over the prop­ osition. It is not expected, tho, that' it wouTcf refuse its cooperation if a' strong enough demand for the proposed' extension were in evidence. One thing at least is sure. *thoae who have launched the movement in­ tend to boost it to the limit. And in this boosting they ex'pect that the citi­ zens of both Algbfiqutn atid Crystal Lake will jolto. GIVE os Youi rfemr. Every oftce in a while a subsdftber oomefc into this office or meets us on the street ahd tells us that he enter­ tained dbmpany alftd that wg did not have it in the pa^er. 6ne subscriber whd lives Out in the country told us last week thai he was gdlrfg to stop the paper for the reafeoli that we did not publish any news concerning him­ self, his faVnily of relatives. We po­ litely informed him that we were only too .willing to give mentiop of all news items that we know and are told UB, but that he could not expect us to mention happenings that were not sent to us either by phone, mail, left at the office or placed in our item box­ es. A number of our subscribers, both village and rural, have acquired the habit of sending in their news items and to those we wish to extend our sincere thanks. Now if all of our sub­ scribers will form the same habit we are sure that The Plaindealer will net let any news item get away. Just cut out this slip and place it where you will see it every day. Just tell us the news and we assure you that you jrill see it in print. If every one of our subscribers will ^o this we are sure that we can give you a pajier tJmt will not take a back seat for any of 'em. Now don't forget, if you have enter* tained company, gone away yourself, had a wedding, death or birth, acci­ dent or pocial gathering in the family, tell us about it and we'll do the reat. JOHN SMITH SURPRISED. John Smith, who resides north of this village on the Johnsburgh road, was given a most pleasant surprise on Sunday, June 23, when a company of relatives and friends cal^ on him very unexpectedly. The guests arrived in time for dinner an^ passed Vhe after-: noon and eyeing at the Smith home in a tUOst enjoyahle manner. Those present were: Mrs. Barbara Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Meyers and children, Mr. and Mrs. August Huff and chil­ dren, Mr, and Mrs, A1 Pepping and children, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Freund, Mrs, Stephen H. Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Huff and children, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith and chil- dren. r H. M. CHUBAROf* TRANSFERRED. H. M. Chubaroff, at one time book­ keeper for the Wilbur Lumber com­ pany at the local offices, but of late employed with the Chicago Telephone company, was recently transferred from Whiting, Ind., where be was as­ sistant manager, to the office of the facilities engineer, Chicago. R. E. Burkett, at one time trouble man at the local exchange, has succeeded Mr. Chubaroff at Whiting. The latter was trouble man at Hammond, Ind., at the time the change was made. PIANO TUNING. Mr. Mayr. having tuned pianos iri McHenry and surrounding country for a number of years, will call regularly from now on during the summer months. Price per tuning, $3.00. Ad­ dress all communications to Frank J. Mayr, Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 50 All kinds of painting and paper hatt^ ing. Lewis Baker, McHenry. Phone 69-J. 3 social club or chcaw stends SUNDAY At Mt McHENRY HOTELS ENJOYED BIG BUSINESS LAST* SUNDAY--WsHENRY HOUSE HAS REC©1® STREAKER. A number of camps are now strung along Fox river and the bay. Blurry Schneider b! Elgin spent Sat­ urday and Sunday at Fox Lake. Good home-grown potatoes, only 75 cents per bushel while supply lasts. Wm. Bonslett, West McHenry 2 Mr. stfifl Sirs. Ctfarles Morrell of Davenport, la., are spending their honeymoon at the Riverside hotel. Motor boats are more numerous than ever on Fox river and Pistakee lake and bay. Quite a number of new boats are seen on these waters nowadays. Bring your silks, satins, serges and flannels to be dyed and cleaned by our new French dry system. J. D. Lodtz. 2 The very best vaudeville bill ever brought into McHenry county wUl be on the bdards' £1 the Central opera house next Sunday evenihg, July 7. 3 The hotels along the river ahd Pis­ takee lake and bay did a fine business last Sunday. The Pistakee Bay hotels are looking for bigger crowd's from now on. ; v Mr. and Mrs. M. 6. Wilkins enter­ tained the latter's sister, Mrs. W. J. Knights, of Burlington, Wis., a few days this week at their resort at Mor- tillie beach, Fox river. Dr. C. H. Fegers' cottage at Palm Beach, on the east shore of Pistakee bay, is now completed and the doctor expects to occupy same next week, where he will pass the balance of the summer. McCollum's Lake fit entertaining a large crowd of resorters this week. All of the cottages are now occupied and a number of camping parties are also enjoying the pleasures that the place affords. Free dances will be conducted al the Oak Park hotel dance hall at Pistakee Bay every Saturday evening thruout the summer. A piano player and drummer have been secured to furnish the music for the season. Dr. Carl Strueh's Orchard Beach sanatorium oh Fox river, with' its many improvements and additions, is taking care of more business than ever be­ fore. From reports the place will see more people there this summer than ever before. The Social Leaderpasel club of Chi­ cago, consisting of eighty members, spent Saturday and Sunday at the Kingsley House at Pistakee Bay. The crowd was a jolly one and the boys certainly did make things lively dur­ ing their two days' stay at that popu­ lar resort. Sunday was quite a busy day for the hotels in McHenry. Everyone of 'em entertained a large number of guests. J. C. Bickler, of the McHenry House, reports that it was the biggest day that he has had since coming into pos­ session of that house. He took care of 140 at dinner and over sixty for supper. Workmen are still busy on the beau­ tiful new mansion that is being con­ structed by Geo. J. Sayer at Pistakee Bay. This building when finished will surpass anything of the sort in McHen­ ry county. We call it a mansion, but we do not believe that wo would be very much mistaken » we usuu the word castle instead. Mr, Bayers' ani­ mal park has also grown considerably since last season- Pistakee Ray Is cer­ tainly growing into a natural park. Jos. J. Mertes, the genial proprietor of the Oak Park hotel summer resort at Pist^e? has made a vast im­ provement on his premises. The grounds are now Illuminated at night with a series of electric lights while the new dance haU is as nifty a little place as one would care to step into. The buffet has been rearranged and retinished and presents a most inviting appearance. The hotel and other buildings are electric lighted and mod­ ern in every detail. Mr. Mertes in­ forms us that he is looking forward to a big season. LAKE DEFIANCE NOfrKS. ThomaS Kelter of Milwaukee is spending a few weeks at the Lake. Wednesday evening Miss Mary Burke joined the crowd at Lake Defiance. Sunday, June 23, M. Kelter, Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Burke and J. B. Kelter made the trip from Chicago to the Lake in the latter's new auto. Bright and early Tuesday morning J. B. Kelter made a flying trip to Mo- Henry and spent a few hours around the town, waiting for the Chicago train. On July 1 Mrs. James Patterson, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunbar and John Stamer of Chicago and Mrs. Greevy of Cary motored over to the cottage from Cary and spent the afternoon with the folks at the cottage. On Sunday, June 30, the guests of the Kelter cottage motored over to Round Lake, where they spent a very pleasant day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Renehan. While in Round Lake the crowd visited the Avon hotel and cottages owned by George Henehan and also the. beautiful new home of Jason Renehan. Watch and clock repairing of all kinds. William Winchester, Schu­ macher block, McHenry, 111. 2-2t McHEN&Y*S STREETS WILL BE OILED THIS 80MMER McHenry will fall in line with other up-to-date towns in this vicinity and have her streets sprinkled with oil. Two carloads of oil have been order­ ed and it is expected that the same will arrive here next week and the work of placing it upon our streets will start just as soon as it is here. Quite a number of the villages and cities in this part of the state have their streets oiled this year and in every instance this method of laying the dust has been successful. Crystal Lake and North Crystal Lake have had their streets oiled and residents of those two villages are well satisfied with the job ahd all are happy over the excellent results obtained. Here in McHenry the chief point of objection has been made by residents, who claim that the oil will stick to the soles of one's shoes and in that way the oil and grease will be carried into the house. This is a wrong im­ pression, as we are told by residents of villages where oil has been used that when properly applied it does not stick to the shoes and the streets are much cleaner than they are after a sprinkling with water. The fund with which the oil will be purchased has been subscribed and paid in by property owners and citi­ zens of the village. The village offi­ cials have consented to stand the cost of having the oil placed upon the streets. Whether or not the carloads will be sufficient to oil all the streets in Mc­ Henry we are unable to state, but those who have subscribed toward the payment of the oil are assured that highways along their property will be well cared for. OF LOCAL 4s nam) iir iy rumoEAui k- rORTEtS MJtffiG Wttt. Frank Mathieu, the juggler, who has appeared at all the leading vaude­ ville theaters in this country, will be aeen at the Central opera house next Sunday evening, July 7. 3 CHERRY HARVEST MAMS TWO HEN CRYSTAL LAKE RTEBIDENT SHOT BY BOY AIMING AT ROBBER BIRDS. Jacob Anderson, well known resi dent of Crystal Lake, was working in Kis garden last Friday afternoon. In a nearby yard sat Richard Ryan, a •fourteen-year-old boy, who was using a rifle to shoot at the naughty birds which seemed to enjoy the delicious fruit fully as much as Richard him­ self. Young Ryan aimed too low, and the bullet intended to scare the birds struck Anderson in the groin, leaving a ghastly wound. Dr. W- M. Freeman was called to attend the seriously in­ jured man. He received prompt medi­ cal attention and it is believed that unless blood poisoning sets in--grave danger of which is admitted by the attending physician--he will recover. Ryan, was horror-stricken by the re­ sult of his shooting. He explained what he had been doing, and as a re­ sult of his straightforward story he was not arrested, there being no hint of evil intent. Alex Wokerfln was harvesting the ripe cherries from his well filled trees when a slip precipitated him to the ^ivuuu. rid WM piCauu up oud wlieu Dr. W. M. Freeman examined him it was found that his collar bone and four ribs were fractured. WHAT PEOPLE ARE EN THIS VIL­ LAGE AND THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY- OTHER SHSET' PAEAGEitPHS. Batter HiHr*t. Butter was declared iirm at 2^cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. Read The Plaindealer. Chi-Namel finishes at McAllister's. 3 The Garden City trio, the boys being all well known to many McHenry people, wUl appear at the Central opera house next Sunday evening, July 7. , 3 CKAIAN TAKES FUST fRIZE LAKE COUNTY NAN CARRIED OFF ALL HON0RS IN STOCKHOLM. Jay Graham, Lake county marks­ man and trap shooter, has carried off the first prize at the Olympic games. Graham had the highest individual score of all marksmen in the world, getting ninety-four of the hundred possible. Graham has an international repu­ tation for his shooting ability and he has attracted wide attention during recent years. Graham is well known in this village and ii} the county and McHenry sportsmen will be delighted to learn of his success. Graham's achievement was one of several brilliant feats by American stars, the combined performances of the national experts landing the squad almost a clean sweep in the four shoot­ ing events. Considering Saturday's victory in the international rifle shoot­ ing affair, the American representa­ tives have taken a remarkable early lead. ' An all-star vaudeville hill will be preseiiied at the Central opera house next Sunday evening, July 7. 3 Chicken feed at M. MLJiieaen's. 40tf Seed buckwheat for sale at the mill. 2-2t ' Bug poison and moth balls aft Me; A1 lister's". 3 Petesch's cold cream, for tan ini sunburn. 26c the jar. SS Not a "dead" one on the bill at tlie Central opera house next Sunday even­ ing, July 7. 3 What you ask for is what you got here. You are not asked to buy some­ thing "just as "good." Petesch. 52 Good home-grown potatoes', only 75 cents per bushel while supply lasts. Wm. Bonslett, West McHenry. 2 Rev. E. L. Conklin of Elgin will preach at the Universalistchurch next Sunday morning at the usual hour. WANTED--Girl for tailor shoff- Must be handy with the needle. In- ; quire of J. D. Lodtz, McHenry, 111. 2 The floor in Buch's hall is being re­ paired and placed into first-class condi­ tion for the dance next Saturday night. If you want that paper hung or build­ ing painted don't forget that L, H^ Baker is still in McHenry. 'Plume 69-J. ____________ * We clean anything in WGMSiag ap­ parel for ladies and gents* "^e usq, „ the French dry system of dyeing andf ./ cleaning. J. D. I^dti. 2£ . Promoters of the Woodstock, Maren*:;';: y-.{ gO & Sycamore railroad were in towif-'". /••* this week. Looks like this cbmpiu^^. still has its eye on McHenry. K \ ~ If that watch or clock of yours is iijh, need of repairs take it to William Win^ . Chester, the expert repair man, Schu­ macher block, McHenry, 111. 2-2t The motorists of the Chicago Auto­ mobile club and Chicago Athletic as^ sociation made a run thru this villager last Thursday. They rswrt thlta about the noon hour. . k Positively the biggest vaudeville* treat the McHenry theater going pub*. lie has ever had an opportunity of aoc ing at the Central opera house Sunday evening, July 7. 3 A cool 8 pot and a hot show at th air dome. All seats 10c for children frotnpix to aixty% Western, corned and dramatic, scenes, full of ginger original in conception. "Nothing succeeds like suoeea F and that old proverb was rfe^er mori truly exemplified than in the success of the air dome performances Tuesday J Thursday, Saturday and Sunday two shows each evening. E. F. Matthews will have a carload:^-' of large Alberta peaches arrive in Henry between the fifteenth and twenV- tieth of this month. Just the thing;- . lor canning, isetter piaoe your uHteri with him at once. m people* al- " ' " A dandy crowd of young tended the dance at the Central opera] house last Saturday evening. Heimer orchestra furnished the muaic. Thei dances will continue every Saturday night thruout the summer. Com mencement exercises of the Rnek- ford Training School for Nurses were held in that city last Thursday even­ ing. Miss Winifred Wheeler, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wheeler, a| one time residents of McHenry, was one of the thirteen graduates. A company of fifty of our young'peo­ ple chartered the passenger boat, "Gladene," and made a trip to Fox Lake and back last Saturday night. The party stopped at the Mineola ho­ tel, where a short time was spent id' dancing. The trip was highly enjoyed by all. We have received a couple of sou­ venir post cards from Salvadore Ro­ mano, who is attending the Demo­ cratic convention at Baltimore, Md., as a delegate from Chicago. Mr. Romano has many friends in McHenry and at Emerald Parkj where his folks have a. Summer home. &• REV. KATLACK MERE. Rev. J. A. Matlack, D. D. of Rock- ford and district superintendent gf the Rockford district'of the M. E. church, spent Wednesday, the 3rd, in McHen­ ry, holding the third quarterly con­ ference for the year at 9 a. m., and visiting around during the day. The Vitograph photo-play at the alt dome still continues to attract atten­ tion. Judging from the increased at-t tendance at that popular resort the best of subjects are being used, and an operator behind the machine that knows how to put them on the canvaA» j» ^ which is essential to a pleasing show. J? ^ The rural mail carriers of McHenry r\ county held their quarteply meeting ^* in the village hall at Crystal Lake last jl Saturday evening. The attendance r was very small. After the busiuesa session refreshments were partaken of at Gerkach's restaurant. The next! meeting will be held al WoodrtOCk Sept. 7. _ "At

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