12* IMPORTANT NOTICE! IN ORDER TO GIVE A BIQQER AND BETTER Vaudeville Show we have decided to postpone our Vau deville 5how advertised for July 21 to Sun., July 2$ You all enjoyed our first show and we want you to enjoy our second. EVERY - THING NEW. TELL YOUR FRIENDS JAKE SCBAEFFR'S SECOND BIG VAUDEVILLE SHOW CENTRAL OPffl/l USE, SPMY, JULY 28 ».ittmmiiliinn mM; I NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHR ONIC LED B V OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 0 Riverside Park, McHenry, -R-WILL PRESENT- , Kim J «"• » ^ *•' or EACH WEEK. GIVING TWO SHOWS EACH EVENING All Seats, IOC. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. John H. Miller was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Little Margfuerite Overton is the guest of Solon relatives. D. E. Sayler of Elgin was the guest of relatives here Sunday. P. A. Bohlander was a business vis itor in Chicago Wednesday. Cliff Thompson spent Sunday as the guest of Delavan, Wis., relatives. Chas. G. Frett transacted business in the metropolitan city Wednesday. James B. Perry was a business caller at the county seat Tuesday afternoon. Dr. D. G. Wells transacted business at the bounty seat Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and*Mrs. P. Walsh and son of Grayslake were visitors in town Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers were Chicago passengers Wednesday morn ing. Miss Emma Thelen of Elgin is spend ing the week with her sister, Eliza beth. Mrs. Nick Buhr spent several days recently as the guest of McHenry rela tives. Mrs. Otto Stubenrauch of Chicago was a recent guest of McHenry rela tives. H. Zimmerman of Beloit, Wis., called on friends here the first of the week. J. H. Newton of Chicago spent Sun day in the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. Henry Rowley of North Crystal Lake was a business visitor here on Friday ' of last week. Mrs. George Beck of Evanston passed Friday of last week in the home of Nicholas Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber and sons of Belvidere are spending the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt spent Fri day of last week as the guest of North Crystal Lake relatives. John W. Schaffer, John Engeln and Math. Freund were Libertyville callers last Sunday afternoon. Eb Gaylord of Woodstock spent Sun day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord. Edward "Lanzendorfer of Chicago is spending the week as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. J. W. Schaffer and R. I. Overton were among the Chicago passengers tills (Thursday) morning. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Walter Oaten entertained a sitter and brother from Chicago at the Park hotel the first of the week. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doolittle and Mr. and Mrs. Will Spencer and family spent Sunday in Lake Geneva. Miss Alice Hart of Woodstock and Miss Alta Stone of Chicago were guests of Miss Lucile Byrd Wednesday. M rs. Arthur Carpenter, son and daughter of Beloit, Wis., are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen. Miss Ruth Hopson of Elgin is being entertained by the Misses Lora and Elsie Smith, who reside near Ring- wood. Mrs. Max Kline and children of Chi cago spent last week at the home of the former's mother. Mi*. Barbara Engeln. _Mrs. Simon Brown and Mrs. John Brown of Haskell, Okln., are guests of relatives and friends in McHenry and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Howard and chil dren of Elgin spent Friday of last week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Matthews and children attended a family reunion of the Matthews family at Cary on Thurs day of last week. Mre. Adam Miller, son, Leo. and daughter, Agnes, of Chicago are spend ing two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller here. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Steilen, Lloyd Andrews, Miss Lillian Heimer and Leo Heimer took a trip across Lake Michigan to St. Joe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Hanly, Mrs. Stina Skoning and Mrs. Jesse Bennett of Elgin are spending some time with Mrs. W. A. Sayler at Hillside farm. Nicholas Van Dyke of Humphrey, Neb., spent Friday and Saturday of last week as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Martin J. Stoffel, and other rela tives in McHenry and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Turner, Mrs. J. H. Newton and William Kernan mo tored to this place from Belvidere and spent Friday of last week at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. J\ E. Wheeler. Mrs. Turner remained and will pass a couple of weeks here and at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holderness and Ernest Kissow of Kenosha, Wis., spent Monday night as the guests of McHen ry relatives. The party drove to Mc Henry and left this place Tuesday morning for Milwaukee. On their way here they made stops at Silverl ake and Spring Grove. uDuNnna. Mr. Jackett was a city caller Friday. Wilbur Levey was in the city on business Thursday. F. W. Hartman was a caller at the county seat Saturday. F. Giesselbrecht of Woodstock was a visitor at the manse Sunday. Walter Reed and Henry Wille spent Sunday with Woodstock relatives. Mr, and Mrs. S. M. Simmons were business callers one day last week. Mi^. A. Jacobs' niece visited for a few days recently at the Jacobs home. J. Barth and son, John, wefle callers at the Clark Lock wood home Sunday. Elmer Letsler entertained relatives from Woodstock the latter part of the jgeek. Charles Keeler of Elgin called at the home of his molher the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hesselgrave of Woodstock Sundayed at the parental home. The Ladies' Cemetery Aid society will meet with Mrs. E. E. Shepard Thursday, July 25. Miss Adaline Jones of DeKalb sj>ent a few days with Mrs. George Irish and daughter, Miss Etta. George Peterson is under the care of Dr. Treat of Sharon for adenoid growths in the nose. Miss Emma Eichkoff and sister. Miss Clara, spent part of Sunday at the home of Mrs. G. B. Baker. P. F. Hanrahan, an employe of »he Chicago police force, was entertained Sunday at the homes of Messrs Moran and Conley. t Mrs. Keese and Mis. Monroe of Woodstock attended the l enu u ry Aid held at the home of Mrs. K. B. Xiniih last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wille and two sons of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mr. Willi's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wille. Ray Skinner visited his sister, 'Mabel, Fi iday afternoon. Mr. Skinner will go to Montana soon and w ill make the trip on his motorcycle. Mr..and Mrs. A. A. Diet/and daugh ter, Arline, were pleasant callers at Woodstock Sunday afternoon. They returned by auto in the evening. Mrs. Floyd Hermit and two children returned to their home in Rockfoid Friday after an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Burgett. Mrs. C. F. Ellsworth of Woodstock and Mrs. W. D. Kimball of Tampa. Fla., were visitors at the home of Mrs. George Irish and Mrs. Sarah Wakefield recently. Mrs. Chester Nelson of Woodstock spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Station Agent Lynch and wife. Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Lynch were callers at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Mrs. E. W. Schoof and three chil dren of La Grange spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Anners. Mr. Schoof spent a part of Saturday and Sunday with his family. Mr. Anners and Mr. Schoof motored to Pistakee Bay Sunday. Miss Rosie Peterson celebrated her birthday July 11 with a lawn banquet at her home. Only the members of her Sunday school class had the pleas ure of an invitation. A delightful time was had, even if the ice cream did arrive rather late. McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. Get ready now. Make your plans to attend. The old time price of 35c general admission. The old time friends and neighlwrs will be there. Get a premium list, look it over and see if there is not something that, you or your boy or girl can exhibit and draw some of the many premiums offered. Theo. Hamer, Sec., Wood stock 111. * The social given by Mrs. Anners and Mrs. A. Peterson in behalf of the La dies' Aid society proved a success finan cially, netting the society $2*.54. The one act farce given by the young peo ple in the church in connection with the lawn social and refreshments was enjoyed to the fullest extent by every one. The ladies entertaining wish to thank Mrs. J. J. lteser and the young people for their efficient work in con nection with all who helped. KINOVtK'I). Warren Foss w as a Chicago visitor Monday. Frank Haw ley of Chicago is taking a two weeks' vacation. Miss Ethel Elf us of Solon visited Miss Mary Bell Sunday. Mrs. Florence Bell, spent Thursday with Richmond relatives. Clyde Francisdo and Fred Gibbs are working in the butter factory. Mrs. Wm. Hutson of McHenry visit ed her son. Wm. Kelley. last week. Mr. and Mre. Bernard Bell of Spring Grove sjwnt Sunday with his parents. Dr. Hepburn took Mre. E. T. Chase for an auto ride Thui-sday of last week. Mi*s. Fred Bryant of Woodstock spent part of last week with Itingwood relatives. Mesdames Alice Butterfield and Alice Kendall and son of Chicago are visit ing Mre. H. W. Allen. The Bowman Dairy company is build ing an addition to the factory and will be bottling milk soon. Thomas Walkington is building a concrete silo on each of his farms. Duane Overton is doing the work. The W. C. T. lT. will meet Saturday afternoon of this week with Mrs. Ada Tuttle. There will be election of of ficers. Me9dames Lillian Conway, Libbie Ladd, H. P. Buckland, Luella Stephen son and Florence Brown attended the Eastern Star meeting at McHenry Monday evening. What you ask .for is what you get here. You are not asked to buy some thing "just as good." Pecesch. 52 TKRKA COTTA. W. H. Grant was a Sharon, Wis., caller Tuesday. Miss Jennie Thompson of Elgin spent Sunday at Frank McMillan's. George Phalin is spending his vaca tion with Ringwood relatives. Miss Florence Knox was a Woodstock visitor Friday and Satupday. Dr. Tallerday of Belvidere was a caller in this vicinity recently. Philip Hoffman of SpringGrove spent Friday evening at Henry McMillan's. Miss Florence Knox is spending a few days with Holcombville relatives. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Nels Person of Chicago are spending the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleary of Elgin were guests^t the home of P. H. Con way Saturday. Miss Alice Conway and brother, George, of Chicago visited alt M. A. Conway's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grant and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon at Lee Lockwood's at Barreville. Mrs. Minnie Grainger of Belvidere called on her cousin. Mrs. A. T. Mc Millan, one day last week. Misses Eleanor and Marjorie Phalin were guests of Woodstock relatives Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. A. T. Wingate of Elgin and Mre. Grant of Dundee spent Tuesday evening at Chas. Buck's. Mre. S. Knox of McHenry and Miss May me Aylward of Elgin were guests at the home of M. Knox Tuesday. Mr. and Mre. J. M. Phalin, Mrs. Geo. W. Phalin and son and Mrs. P. II. Conway were Elgin visit-ore Thurs day. Paul and Neill Doherty and the Misses < it ace, \ era and Nellie Doher ty of lloicoml>\ ille called on relatives here Tuesday evening. Some of the very latest and best acta now known to the vaudeville world w ill be seen at the Central opera house on Sunday evening, July 2*. Wait for this big vaudeville treat. 5 The Wired House IS A FfORE COMFORTABLE BOUSE TORE VALUABLE BOUSE TORE MODERN BOUSE Ask your neighbor who has it about the pleas ure and convenience of ELECTRIC SERVICE It's within the reach of any income. And the ex pense of wiring houses for it is low. :: :: We do the work at cost, payable in 24 monthly installments. :: PUBLIC SERVICE CO. Or NQRTHRRN MfflOIS * -A KM KR A I.II PIKK. Miss Alice Sutton is visiting friends in Elgiq. R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Sun day with home folks. Frank Cleary of Elgin visited M. A. Sutton the past week. Cash McManam&n of Chicago spent the week end at Ed. Sutton's. Mr. and Mre. M. J. Walsh and fam ily were calling on friends here Sun day. Miss Kathryn Knox is spending the week with relatives and friends in Chicago. Mrs. Edwin G. Walsh of Chicago spent the week end at the home of W. J. Walsh. v Mre. D. McManaman of Chicago vis ited relatives and friends in this vicin ity recently- M iss Mayme Aylward of Elgin is sending her vacation at the home of M. A. Sutton. M isses Anna Fr'sby of McHenry and Anna Cleary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Whiting and son, Melvin, of Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mre. Ed. Knox recently. Master Lyle and Miss Eleanor Dowey returned to their home in Harvard Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Ed. Sut ton. • Mre. Will Heany of Chicago, Mrs. C. D. Whiting and Mre. Ed. Knox vis ited with Park friends one day re cently. An excellent bill is being prepared for the second big vaudeville show at the Central opera house on Sunday evening, July 28. 5 Misses Mayme Costello and Leone Strausel have returned to their homes in' Elgin after an extended visit with McHenry friends. John Kelter of Chicago, accompanied by Misses Anna Frisby and Anna Cleary and »Mr. and Mrs. Eld. Sutton, enjoyed an auto tVip to Pistakee Bay Sunday afternoon. McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. The 1912 McHenry county fair promises to be a great success. The I trice of general admission has been re duced to 35 cents. Several hundred dollars have been added in the pre miums for educational and boys' and girls' farm product departments. Get a premium list of Theo. Hamer, Sec., Woodstock, 111. • VOLO. Miss Barbara Brown is sick of scar let fever. Mr. and Mrs. John Blank and son were in town Friday. Mrs. Ray Paddock spent Friday with her sister at Fort Hill. Mre. Chas. Raught spent Thursday with her sister in Grant. Ves Wagner and family entertained an auto party oyer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland were callers at the Willow farm Sunday. Fred Dunnill and family entertained friends from Chicago over Sunday. Mrs. Walter Sykes of Fort Hill spent Thursday with Mre. Ray Pad dock. Miss Natila Stoeken of Butterfield, Minn., visited her aunt, Mrs. Raymond, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimus and son, Chester, spent Sunday at Wm. Dunnill's. Mr. and Mrs. John Curry and daugh ter of Waukegan called at Jas. Kir- wan's Sunday. Come to the great McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. General ad mission, 35 cents. Season ticket, #1.50 for man and wife or $1.00 for one per son. For information and premium list write Theo. Hamer, Sec., Wood stock, 111. 4 YOU R mm MOTHER USED II NEVER HMTPOiNTS FOB SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. P. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN A SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Jolinsburgh Mf This is the place where the best of meats and the fresh est of groceries, vegetables and fruits are always obtain able. We aim to please our customers and with that end in view we buy nothing but the very best and sell at a price that is fair. Our ser vice cannot be surpassed. We solicit your patronage. J.¥V.Aebischer (SucMMr tm C. G. Frrtt.) NCHENRY, ILL. 'PHONE 80-M PROBATE NEWS lFurnished by McHenry County Abstract Ooinpauy, Woodstock, Illinois. Office In Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and couveyttncluK. Monev to, loan <iu.real estate In sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones DM. 903 and 911.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frank Kimball & w to William Bons- lett, nH It 2, blk V, Spring City l4dd%faaft Woodstock fiw.w Antoinette Fay "to* Em in a A. Fay eta I, Its * and 5, blk I, Owen's addu of out Its. McHenry. w Fox river l uu Chas. H. Owen etal to Mary ( . Schnorr, H Int Owen est, sees 35 and 3B, Mc- Henry PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Elizabeth Schneider, claim filed. Henry P. Allen, final report filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Clair A. Taylor, 29 Minnie Clausen, 18. Woodstock John W. Kelley, 38. Saskat^n Can Lucy Cecillia Conwau, 27 W oodstock Charles Kennedy, 21.- Woodstock Emma Edmonson, 23 OAKLAND HALL, WAUCOIFDA, REOPENED. Yourself and friends are invited to attend the second of a series of Satur day night dances given at Oakland hall, Saturday evening, July 20. Come out. Landlord Brooks assures every one a good time. ^ Bead The Plaiadestor. There are distinct advantages in buying drugs and medicines where you know the experience and training of the management is such as to i n s u r e s c i e n t i f i c s e r v i c e . . . . . For Your Protection When we supply yotfr drugs you can always be sure that everything necessary to protect your interests has been done. We also con sider right, prices as part of good service and will guarantee that, quality considered, lower prices than ours cannot be found anywhere. N. l i . PETESCH DRUGGIST. 'Phone 56-W McHENRY, ILL. arm Weather will find you in need of many articles that are op sale at only first-class Hardware Es tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season L. M.OMBF.R^ The West Side Hardware Man. OlM 1(1 IS HERE We have an elegant new line of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum In fact, we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat isfy you both ia quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN HIIIIHIIIIIIWIHMmMMm' -y n You know and so do we that baking during the hot summer months is anything but a pleasant undertaking aud we are here to save the women of McHenry and vi cinity a lot of work. LET US DO YOUR BAKIN FOR YOU. We can do it more quickly and just its- good if not better than you, kind larfiy, could do it yourself. Let us do the worrying for you. Phone 103-R A. TIETZ, Prop i»i>«iiniiwii------------ immw 11 ifi P H I L f P J A E G E R QENERAL COflMISSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION Q1VKN TO THK •/ Ol Of Dressed Beef, fluttoa. Hogs, Veal, Poiltry, Hides, Etc., Batter and En' This is the oldest house on the street Tag* ud ft ice tisto application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3. FaltM It WkokMk Market. vs.