Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jul 1912, p. 5

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- LOOK WHO'S HERE FOR TBE SECOND BIG Uaudeville Show -AT THE« Central Opera House y frai i ) AT EIGHT O'CLOCK AMERICAN NEWSBOYS QUARTETTE COMEDIANS AND SINGERS LEAVITT 8c DUNSMORE • . PROTEAN ACTORS SIDNEY (SPORT) SHALLMAN f A HEBREW COMEDIAN MATINETTI & SYLVEST COMEDY ACROBATS EDNA WHISTLER PRIMA DONNA ROSE & ELLIS THEY'LL MAKE YOU LAUGH FRANK WALMSLEY VAUDEVILLE'S SWEETEST SJNGER EACH AND EVERY ACT GUARANTEED TO BE FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT PRICES: >c, 35c, 50c RESERVED SEATS AT PETESCH'S. J IM1'" r\ i«-NSr*\v ~ erside Park, McHenry, -WILL PRESENT- ur or EA09 WEEK, GIVING TWO SHOWS EACH EVENING \ House Wiring and Supplies BEST OF EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SAMUEL M. ESLER TELEPHONE N«. lOSt-M M9HENRY, ILL. . Doctor, the baby Has had another V/ of those attacks and I'm frightened half to death. What can I do? Please come at once; won't you Doctor?" When the family physician gets a tele­ phone message from a mother he tells her what to do and gets to the house as soon as possible. The Bell telephone saves the precious minutes which often mean life or death to the sufferer. Every Bell Telephone It a Long Distance Station CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPAN NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR .ABLE 60RPS OF CORRESPONDENTS &IDOKFIBUX B. F. Peck was in the city Thurs­ day. Mrs. D. L. Gibson was a Crystal Lake caller Thursday. Mrs. A. Hunt of Elgin was in town Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed of Woodstock Sundayed at Ridgefield. Mrs. J. 3. Reser attended the funeral of a friend at McHenry Sunday. Miss Glenys Jacobs was a business caller in Crystal Lake Thursday. Misses Genevieve Goddard and Rosie Peterson, visited in Woodstock Mon­ day. Wm. Hieland and family entertained relatives from Chicago the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swanson are en­ tertaining relatives at their farm home. I. E. Mason returned Thursday morn­ ing with a car load of cows from Min­ nesota. Mrs. Ray Dygert entertained* his sister from Woodstock several days recently. Mrs. C. F. French and daughter, Alice, were Crystal Lake business callers recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith and baby of Elgin were Ridgefield callers the first of the week. Mrs. Lolo Bennett, who has been caring for Mrs. Tamblyn at Richmond, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch and grand­ son, James Bennett, were callers in Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Miss Dora Hutson and brother of McHenry were Sunday visitors at the home of their uncle, A. Stephenson. The Modern Woodman camp o! Crys­ tal Lake entertained the ltidgefield cam]) Wednesday evening of last week. Mi>s Hazel Baker was entertained in the home of the Misses Clara and Emma KichkolT in Woodstock Satur­ day and Sunday. Mre. A. Murphy and daughter, Mar­ ion, ol Woodstock ripenL the latter part of the week at the home of the former's daughter, Mi's. C. li. (Jiessel- brecht, and family. W. L. Yanke's new store building will soon be completed. The upper floor will be used for a hall and is fin­ ished. The young people held a dance there Tuesday evening of this week. The Sunday school picnic held in Walkup's> woods last Friday v^as a very pleasant affair. Ice cream was served in the usual satisfactory way and various stunts and games kept the children as well as the older ones until sun-down. Mrs. Chas. Jackett of Woodstock, after a visit of a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. Dietz, and fam­ ily, Neft for a visit with relatives in Iowa, where Mr. Jackett will join her in about two weeks. They expect to spend the summer touring the West in their auto and visiting relatives. Last Saturday E. E. Shepard brought to your correspondent several alfalfa plants, the seed of which was sown with a crop of beardless barley on the 15th day of last May. Some of these samples are more than two feet high and nearly all are blossoming. Mr. Shepard says the land deserves no special credit for the fine specimens of alfalfa, but good seed did it. TKKKA COTTA. Miss Lizzie Ames of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mi-s. Mary Rogers of Chicago visit­ ed relatives here last week. Miss Frances Welch of McHenry visited at J. M. Phalin's last week. Dr. Tallerday of Bel vide re was a caller at A. T. McMillan's Saturday. Miss Edna Phalin and brother, Har­ old, are visiting relatives at McHenry. John Conway and friend of Beloit spent Sunday in the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanchett spent a couple of days last week at G. W. Ames'. Miss Emma Conway returned to El­ gin Sunday evening after a two weeks' visit at her home here. Mrs. Goodwin of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Nelson of Palatine were the guests of relatives here last week. Mrs. Charles La Plant of Crystal Lake and Miss Cecilia Cannon of Chi­ cago spent Friday with Miss Mae Ames. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Marjorie, and Mrs. G. M. Phalin and son, Thomas, are spending a few days at Diamond Lake, Mich. Some of the very latest and best acts now known to the vaudeville world will be seen at the Central opera house on Sunday evening, July 28. Wait for this big vaudeville treat. 5 OSTEND. Emil Thomas was a Woodstock caller Monday. Walter Pederson was the guest of his sister Monday. C. E. Jecks transacted business in Woodstock one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey were callers in this vicinity one evening last week . Miss Flossie Randall spent a few- days last week with friends in Cherry Valley. Mr: and Mrs. Bert Brass of Nebras­ ka spent last week with G. S. Randall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark spent Sun­ day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Abbott. The air dome advertising depart­ ment has had many odd slides for the canvas, but the climax was reached on Tuesday night when we were asked to announce the marriage of our con­ genial friend, Mr. Harry F. Lindsay. Well, we had to do it, and in conclu­ sion will say, "May they live long and prjsper" is the sincere wish of the management. 0 . HOLCOMBVILLK. ^ JULY 16. Miss Luella Gardner spent Sunday in Wauconda. Mrs. Jay Doherty called at Mrs. M- Noonan's Sunday. Thomas and Ed. O'Neill of Chicago spent Thursday here. Fred Powers and sister were Sunday visitors fet Jas. Powers'. Clifford LaSage is spending a few weeks at his home here. F. Wattles and son, Howard, were business callei s here Frk ay.? Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and sons spent Sunday at Will Doherty's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beiser and chil­ dren spent Sunday at W. B. Gilbert's. Mrs. W. B. Gilbert and Mrs. W. Beiser and daughter, Edna, were Elgin visitors Tuesday. James and Paul and the Misses Vera and Grace Doherty were callers at L. Gardner's Friday evening. JULY 23. F. D. Da vol 1 spent Sunday at his home. Miss Eva Davoll is a visitor at A. P. Peck's. Mi-s. L. Gardner was a Chicago pas­ senger Tuesday. Harold Mason was a caller in this vicinity Saturday. Thomas Doherty spent Sunday with relatives in McHenry. Ed. O'Neill of Chicago spent Tues­ day at Will Doherty's. Mark Gardner spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Daniels in Elgin. Misses Grace and Vera Doherty were Sunday callers at D. Powers'. Miss Minnie Pomrening of Wood­ stock spent Sunday at her home. Miss Anna Powers and brother, Fred, called at John Powers' Sunday. Misses Mary and Alice Knox of Mc­ Henry spent Wednesday at Jay Doher­ ty's. Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Crystal Lake visited at W. li. Gilbert's Sunday even­ ing. Miss Frances Knox of Terra Cotta spent Wednesday and Thursday with her cousins here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beiser and chil­ dren were callers at Jay Doherty's Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutson and daughter visited at W. B. Gilbert's Sunday aft­ ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Whiting and chil­ dren, Mrs. B. Merker and son and Miss Letah Page were Sunday callers at W. B. Gilbert's. Come to the great McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. General ad­ mission, 35 cents. Season ticket, $1.50 for man and wife or $1.00 for one per­ son. For information and premium list write Theo. Hamer, Sec., Wood­ stock, 111. 4 QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLAINDEALER OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Jas. B. Perry has sold his property at Pistakee Bay to a Chicago party. Consideration $450. The youngest child of Hon. F. K. Granger was quite sick last week, but is now reported better. We learn that a child of Fred Block was dangerously sick on Monday last, but is now reported better. A little daughter arrived at th home of Ed. Sherman on Thursday night last, and "Ed" is corresponding­ ly happy. Miss Jessie Wightman, Miss Clara Wightman of this village, Miss Etta Alexander and Miss Rose Robinson of Palatine are camping at Pistakee Bay this week. The executive committee has decid­ ed to postpone the annual reunion of the Old Settlers' association for two weeks, and it will now be held on Thursday, Sept. 1. W. H. Ford has just closed a bargain with O. C. Peterson of Britt, Iowa, wherein he exchanges the Riverside House property in this village for an improved farm of 640 acres near the above named place. Mr. Ford gives possession of the Riverside House on Dec. 1. A burning ash barrel in the rear of T. J. Walsh's residence on Tuesday afternoon caused a little "hurrying to and fro" for about ^minute. Had it occurred in the night time we would all have thought "the day of wrath had come." As it was a few pails of water extinguished it. Appropos of the weather, it is in structive to know that there are about 7,000,000 pores in the human body, and that each pore is a quarter of an inch deep. If the pores were hitched to­ gether in one string they would reach a distance of twenty-eight miles. When you remember that twenty-eight miles of drainage is bringing its sewage to the surface of the body, the necessity for frequent baths this weather can be appreciated. The steamer "Mary Griswold," Wal­ ter Hill, captain, made an excursion from this place to the lotus beds on Sunday last and it proved to be the excursion of the season. There were one hundred and twenty-five aboard, and, notwithstanding the low stage of the water, she made the trip to the lotus beds and returned to her dock in this village only forty-five minutes be­ hind her advertised time, without an accident or delay of any kind to, mar the pleasure of the occasion. McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. The premium lists for the Me Henry county fair are now ready. If you did not get one write to Theo. Hamer, Sec., Woodstock, JiL# f Read The Plaindealer. Wired Hotise IS A MOIE COMFORTABLE HOUSE JjORE VALUABLE HOUSE MORE MODERN HOUSE Ask your neighbor who has it about the pleas­ ure and convenience of ELECTRIC SERVICE It's within the reach of any income. And the ex­ pense of wiring houses for it is low. :: We do the work at cost, payable in 24 monthly installments. ICE CO. ILLINOIS 4 vD|h S "W YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVEL KVfOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. P. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOPFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry . J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh Drugs There are distinct advantages in buying drug's and medicines where you kqpw the experience and training of the management is such as to i n s u r e s c i e n t i f i c s e r v i c e . . . . . For Your Protection When we supply your drugs you can always be sure that everything necessary to protect your interests has been done. We also con­ sider right pricey as part of good service and will guarantee that, quality considered, lower prices than ours cannot be found anywhere. • m, .« • • m. m. ^ DRUGGIST. 'Phone 56-W McHENRY, ILL. J willffind you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of • an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season F. L. McO The West Side Hardware I This is the place where the best of meats and the fresh­ est of groceries, vegetables and fruits are always obtain­ able. We aim to please our customers and with that end in view we buy nothing but the very best and sell at a price that is fair. Our ser­ vice cannot be surpassed. We solicit your patronage. J.W ier McHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE M-M .WE ARB- Be Comfortable Why let the sultry days annoy you and make you uncomfortable when we can save you all the displeasures? Let me sell you a lawn or porch swing, lawn chairs or hammock. I have them in all styles and prices. :: :: :: % Window Screens <& Doors Don't let that disease spreading fly get into your house. Get our window and door screens. We will put 'em up for you. Possibly you need an awning, too. If you do, we can fix you with anything in this line. A telephone call will place us at your service. :: :: :: THE McHENRY FURNITURE MAN 1^. We are continually at your service with the very choicest line of gro ceries, vegetables and fruits to be found any­ where. We are here to please you and want you to feel that you are get ting the best of goods and satisfactory service when you trade here. Stop us on the road or 'phohe us your order and we assure you 4that it will have our very care* ful and prompt attention Math. Laures THE WEST SIDE OROCERYMAN PboM 8" west McHenry You Kn and so do we that baking during the hot summer months is anything but a pleasant undertaking and we are here to save the women of McHenry and vi­ cinity a lot of work. LET US. DO YOUR BAKING FOR YOU. We can do it more quickly and just as good if not better than you, kind lady, could do it yourself. Let us do the worrying for you. . Phone IQ3-R I! A. TIETZ, Prop. •••••••••»•• itt nrrrrriiiTTTTi % P H I L I P J A E G H R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION QIVW TO THK SALS OP Dressed Beef, flutton. Hogs. Veal. Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter ami Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and prioa liete application. COLO STORAGE FREE Stall A j. Pattea it Whol*Ml« Marlnt. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.

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