Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1912, p. 8

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That's why everybody likes the famous Cream City Ware so much. The makers have always tried to give just a little better quality. And the result is that Cream City Ware lasts/onfer, wears better and gives more satisfaction in every way lately moistnre and dost proof that ^ou can depend on its keeping your cake's, bread, biscuits, pastries, etc., ffesfc and sweet.» It's OM o! the Cream City line that yeu certain)? ought to have in yotflr kftdbea. Come in and look at it. An$ tet di show you, too, the Cream City Floor Box. It's top notch quality -- and coats no more than common war* 't last hall so loot* This Bread Box is typical of the entire line. It's extra strong--made to tvear for years--free from dirt-gathering cracks -- deep and roomy--hand­ somely in white and gold--and so abso- M U w Ce mOO . Me fe tl.OO BtMkd B«XM--All S<M* Floor Bmw--50 lb. slses (HIARTE* (IT CENTOY. ITEM# cimlr MOM PLAMALER OP ' TWTFNRR-RII^YFCARS AGO. Gloves, Shirts, lents' Furnishings JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, PHONE 59-R • \\ VISIT our Shoe Depatment, if you have not already done so, and inspect our line of Men's, Women's and Chil- dren's Shoes in black and tan leather and white canvas. Now is the time you can get lowest prices on Sandals. WE QUOTE A PEW PRICES HERE: Misses' White Canvas 6-strap S:indal, sizes 11} to 2 $i.*5 Large Misses' White Canvas 2-strap Sandal, sizes 2\ to 5 $<>35 Misses' Russia Tan Calf 2-strap Sandal, sizes 1, li and 2 $1.65 Misses' Gun Metal 2-strap Sandal, sizes 12J to 2 f i>35 Children's Barefoot Sandals, sizes 5 to 2, 50c to.. 98c Women's Comfort Shoes, cushion sole, kid sole lining, 34 to 8_ $2.50 Women's Vici Kid Button, dull calf top, patent tip, short vamp. .$3.50 NST P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHM1SSION MERCHANT SPBCIA1, ATTENTION GIVEN TO THK SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hofi, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., ttatter and Bns This is the oldest house on the street TagB and price lists furnished on application. COLO STORAQE FREE wb»t..!L*M«7k!r 81 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 It i'S Cftpedtdfr&that a G. A. R. post will be triu&tereft here next week. The Wilbur 'Lumber company and Smith, Son & Cd. iff* painting up their offices neaif tfieflipot, which makes a fine improvement. The Wilbur dumber company has taken doiffa thft old lumber sheds in their yard, neS# the depot, and are putting up new and larger ones. Frank McOmber, Will Mead, Earl Mead, Miss Effie Gilbert, Miss Lida Schiessle and Miss Cora McOmber are camping at Pistakee Bay this week. W. A. Cristy, at the pickle factory, is doing an extensive business in the corn and feed business add is hardly able to get it fast enough to supply hi customers. Died, at Johnsburgh, on Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1887, H. Jacobs, father of Mrs. Martin Nelson, aged eighty-four years. His funeral was held at the Johns­ burgh church on Friday. The first meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Thursday, 2:30 p. m., at the Universalist church. Men and women of whatever church or denomi­ nation are ernestly invited to come and join us in the temperance work. On Thursday last was the sixty-sixth birthday of Cbas. Kuhnert of Johns­ burgh and it was celebrated in an ap­ propriate manner by himself and friends by a picnic at the lakes. Be­ sides those present from this town there were present from Chicago the following named: Jos. Heimer and wife, L. Kuhnert and wife and Mr. Lass 111 an and daughter. ELECTRICAL DISPLAY AND BALL. A grand electrical display and ball will take place at Strohal's big out­ door pavilion overlooking Pox river, Algonquin, oh Friday evening, August 16. Among the special features at this event will be the myriads of in- candescents, hundreds of vari colored stalactites, 2000 candle power flood light and Japanese garden. The danc­ ing floor 'occupies a space of 20,000 square feet, and this promises to be the biggest thing ever attempted in McHenry county. Music will be fur­ nished by Fisk's orchestra of North Crystal Lake. Dance tickets, $1.00; spectators, 25 cents. Everybody wel­ come. 9 NEW FIVE CENT COINS. McHenry people will be jingling in their pockets before very long five- cent pieces that do not bear a likeness to the goddess of liberty. President Taft is to issue an order soon for a complete change in the design of the common, ordinary, everyday nickel. The picture of a buffalo has been selected for the nickel's face to dis* place the goddess of liberty because, it is explained, the buffalo is peculiar­ ly an American animal. The thought of the buffalo suggests the Indian and for that reason an artistic head of a redman will adorn the reverse side. Mullen & Hoy. Solicitors. STATKOF ILLINOIS, 1 McHenry County, (t"*- In the <'ircuit Court of McHenry County, State of Ililuois, September Term, A. D. Patrick Cleary, Complainant, V8 ,/ James Cleary, Johanna Cleary, WD. J.Welab and Margaret McCarthy. In Chancery. Bill to Foreclose. Notice is hereby Riven that the above is the title of the Court and the namea of the parties to a suit which is now pending lu said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room In the city of Woodstock, County of McHenrry and State of IIIIUOIh, 011 Monday, the 23d day of September, A. 1). 1U12. 111 testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office In Woodstock this Ath day of Au­ gust. A. D. ma. {5 TBCO. HAMER. Clerk. Circuit Court Seal 8-4t h.vf, , ̂ -v't-.. V; & • . \» * vvi sjp »/• "HE" st Profitable HER you fe«d your hay ©r sell it, rou profit most by baling: it. Baled fcur may be shipped where the price is highest. If'takes up only one-fiftii of the stor­ age space required by loose hay. It retains its feeding value longer, and is? easier to handle. These advantages more than offset the cost of baling, which is very small wheo done by an ten Hone-Drives The International press is a. combina­ tion of two machines in one, a hay press and a portable IHC engine for which you will find many other uses. The hay press works on the powerful totfgle-joint principle, the power being applied through a pull, not a push. An adjustable bale tension assures bales of uniform weight A roller tucker folds the loose ends of each charge well down into the bale, keeping it smooth and neat. The bale chamber is so low that bales can be tied by reaching over the machine, The IH C pull-power press, made in one and two-horse sizes, is a similar press with a bed reach and horse power mechanism in place of the I H C engine. The reach is only four inches high, making it easy for the horses to step over. The horses are pulling no load when they cross the reach. A self feeder is made for both the motor and horse-driven presses. Bale chambers are 14x18", 16x18 and 17x22" in size. See the I H C local dealer and have him show you all about I H C hay presses. Get catalogues • and full information from him, or write us. International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) Rockford ID. IHC Swrict 8iwi The purpose of this Bureau is to furnish, free of charge to all, the best Information obtainable on better farming. If you have any worthy ques tions concerning soils, crops, land drainage, irri­ gation, fertilizers, etc., make your inquiries specific and send them to IHC Service Bureau, Harvester Building, Chicago, USA ELLIS INSTITUTE HO BETTER BUSINESS A NO SHORTHAND SCHOOL. No solicitors. No cut-rates in tui­ tion. Come to our office, meet the proprietor and save that $25 to $40 others have been paying by reason of solicitors knocking on their doors. Don't be a vict im of the "rake in" and "rake off" methods. The leading business colleges have "cut out" the solicitors and denounce them as unreliable and their methods a disgrace to the business eollege pro­ fession. Some pay solicitors 40% of tuition collected. Imagine the kind of instruc­ tion they offer. The country is over­ run with their "so called graduates," the $3 to $6 per week class. We depend upon the high quality of instruction in our school to advertise its, and, while we recognize the dam- age done us over the country by the "Chain School Corporation Solicitors" who have so grossly misrepresented us, we feel amply paid by the large number of their pupils who have since enrolled in our school. The ELLIS BUSINESS COLLEGE is in its thirteenth year is Elgin. Its management is thoroly reliable and its teachers unexcelled. Take your stand with us against GRAFT in the school business and SAVE THAT SOLICIT­ OR'S FEE which will pay for several month's car fare and board by enroll­ ing with us. Ask your school super­ intendents about us. Fall term Sept. 3. Ellis Business and Shorthand Insti­ tute, Fountain Square, Elgin, 111. 9 Vacation time -CALLS FOR- Perfumes Butaska San Toy Royal Cherry Buds Face Creams Melba DeHeridor Violet Cold Cream Benzoin & Almond Talcum Powders San Toy Oriental Penslar Violet Colgate's Assorted GET YOUR FAVORITE AT OUR STORE E. V. PTALL1STER & CO. Druggists West McHenry McIJenry county fair August 27-30 1912. The premium lists for the Mc Henry county fair are now ready. If aid not get one write to Theo yc Hamer, Sec., Woodstock, 111. Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. P. A. BOH L AN DER West Mctleniy PROMPT DELIVERY Phone JQI The very best money can buy. If there were any better made you would find them here. All sizes, all prices, all colors and all the very best quality. Don't buy anything but •the best. :: :: :: Children's Dresses ^ and Rompers Children's dresses, all I sizes, in ginghams, per­ cales and calicoes, at prices from. goc to $3.00 Child ren'fe rompers, best gingham, at 50c I Stitc Bd UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000. . 4 when deposited in a box at this savings bank immediately ac­ cumulate energy. It takes the form of In* terest paid on depos­ its. Keep depositing your familysavings with this bank from time to time and late& dn 4he accumulated deposits plus interest will telMhe story. It's a good way to get richand oirr adrice is to do it, and do it now. ....SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $100 fEK IEAL... EDWIN L. WAGNER. PFM. ---OFFICERS:-- OK. C. H. FECERS. Vie* Pres. CARL W. STENGER, Caahiar. SUMMTiamL, <r- The all steel frame, low down Clover Leaf Spreader now on our floor. Come in and let us show you this steel constructed machine, backed up with our prompt service. McCormick Corn Harvesters, Corn Elevators, En­ gines, Wagons, Buggies, Plows Twine and Repairs. :: :: YVM. STOFFEL PHNNEC OFFICE SS-N r llUIICSi PRSIOHNCH < RESIDENCE »O.J ?• se Wiring and Supplies BEST OFGEVERYTHING ELECTRICAL ISijB HA * MCHENRY, ILL. McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. The 1912 McHenry county fair promises to be a great success. The price of general admission has been re­ duced to 35 cents. Several hundred dollars have been added in the pre­ miums for educational and boys' and girls' farm product departments. Get a premium fiat of Theo. Hamer, Sec Woodstock, 111. 4 Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. All Oxford To be closed out regardless of style or price, as we expect our shipment of Men's and Ladies' Shoes for Fall and Winter. We are forced to make room, so down go the prices. All good, clean stock, consisting of Velvet, Patent Colt, Gun Metal, Kid and some Tan. \ . , AH lien's Oxfords in Gun Metal, Patent Colt and Tan Calf, regular $4.00 Oxfords, to close.. .$2,85 All Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps and Strap Slippers, sold at from $2.25 to $3.00, all in one lot at.. S1.85 All Children's and Misses' Slippers to be closed out at cost and below. :: ::v :: - Men'4 Fine Shoes If you are not interested in Oxfords let us show you our line of Shoes in all leathers, something good and stylish, ranging in prices at S2.50 S3.00 S3.25 $3.50 S4.00 For wear and style see this line. Ml Sweater Coats Men's fine Jersey Sweaters, just the thing for this kind of weather, roll collar, button front. Come in Maroon, Oxford and Navy. Splendid value ai each Ladies' Sweater Coats Ladies' Sweater Coats in plain and fancy weaves, in Maroon, Oxford and While. Just what you waul for rigt now, at each... .§2.50 $3.50 $5.00 L. F. BLOCK, McHENRY PHONE 79-J

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