Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1912, p. 5

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In Cost of Residence Lighting Beginning September L, 1912, this com­ pany will offer to its residence customers the privilege of using its service for lighting at the Maximum Demand Rate. Under this system electricity used for residence lighting will be fourteen and one-haif cents (14j^c) per kilowatt hour for the first thirty hours' use of the maximum number of kilowatt hours taken at any one time during the month. The rate charged for all remaining kilo­ watt hours will be eight cents (8c). :: A discount for prompt payment of one cent*per kilowatt hour on the custom­ er's total consumption of electricity will be allowed by the company on all bills paid at the proper office or agency within ten (10) days after their dates by him. :: :: :: :: Customers having installations of less than five kilowatts (that is, less than 100 lamps of fifty watts each) will have their maximum demand determined by fixed per centage of their installation. This rate will effect an average reduc­ tion in residential lighting bills of 15 percent. :: :: :: :: Public Service Co. OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS Riverside Park, McHenry, -WILL PRESENT- Moving Pictures or EACH WEEK, GIVING TWO SHOWS EACH EVENING All .>cats, Chicago & North-Western. Effective June 23. 1912. WMK DAT TBAIHB. UHFCJ£. NORTHBOUND *7.00 u m Via Elgin *8.45 am Via Des I'1 allies + 1.00 p m Via Des Plalnes.... *12:30 pm Via EIRIII *1:05 pm Via Des IMalnes *3.40 p m ..Via Des Plalnes *3.15 pm Via El Kin *4.49 pm Via Des Plalnes-- 8UNDAT TRAINS. 7.30 a. m via Elgin 8.45 a m Via I)es IMaiftes 9.00 a m Via Des Flames *.05 pm Via Elgin WBIK DAT TRAINS McBenry. SOUTHBOUND *7.10am Via Des Plalnes *7.10 am Via Elgin J7.19 a m Via Des Plalnes *8.33 a m Via Des Plalnes *4.45 p m Via Des Plalnes *6.27 p m Via Des Plalnes... SCKDAT TRAINS. 7.10 a w Via Des Plalnes 7.10 a m Via Elgin 7.20 pm Via Des Plalnes 7.32 p m Via Des Plalnes 7.38 p m Via Elftln •Daily except Sunday. •Saturday only. ^Monday only. Arrive McHenry. .10.16 a m ...10.16 a m 2.12 p m ...2:45 p m ...2:45 p m 4.45 p m 0.27 o m 8.27 p m .10.25 a m .10 .04 a m . 10.25 a m ..4.55 pm Arrive Chicago. a m ,10.10 a IE ,_K.35 a ni ..9.40 a m ..8.45 p m ..7.56 p m . .9.35 a m . .9.55 a m ..8.40 p m . .9.20 p m . 10.25 p to CLASSIFIED DErMIHENT All advertisement* Innerted under thla head at the following rates: Kl»e llne» or lens, >6 cent* for flnt Insertion, 16 cents for each lubiequent insertion. More five tines, ft cent* a line for first luertion, and J osnts a line for addition I insertions. ANTED--tilrl for general housework. F. A. BOHLANDKR. West McHenry. 9-tf w T^OB SALE--Horse and surrey. Inquire o| P or Wrlve MRS KOBT. SCBIKSSUE, West Mc Henry, III. T7»OB 8A LE--Two male full blooded mule- JP foot hogs. Inquire of C. I. ALLKKDOBF, West McHenry, on H. C. Mead farm. 8-2t* TJHJR SALE--Houses and lots In McHenry " Also river property with acreage. Hold Der acre or lot. Inquire of G. A. HATTBM. West McHenry. 111. *l-tf rryjR SALE-- Bubber tired surrey. In first- ' class condition. Uan be seen and partic­ ulars irlven at Schoewer's blacksmith shop. 7 MNA. N MARTIN. McHenry. IAOK SSALE--A number of heavy milk wajr- " ons. Will carry from !s< to 20 cans. Wag­ ons are very well constructed and well worth the money we auk for them. J Oft. MAT, Rlnjt- wood. III. 52-tr T7V)K RENT--A SJO-acre farm, more or less. ' at a very reasonable rent. Will rent with or without stock. For further lnlorma- tion address or call on Mu. J OS. H. JOTTij, McQenry, 111. Q~h IimS OF LOCAL INTEREST AS PICKER UT BY PLAINDCALEK RE- rUKTEtS DllKlNu HLtb. WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THIS VIL­ LAGE AND THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY- OTHER SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Petesch's cold creaui, for tan and sunburn. 25c the jar. 52 Remember Farmers' day at the fair­ grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. Use Roberts' Fly Oil. Best by test. At Petesch's. $1.00 per gallon. 7 The regular monthly meeting of the Knights of Columbus takes place at StofTel's hall next (Thursday) evening. The ladies of the Woodstock Baptist church will have charge of the dining hall at the McHenry county lair. y-3t A large crowd attended the dance at Smith's hall at Johnsbur^h on Wed­ nesday evening of last week. All pres­ ent had a good time. We clean anything in wearing ap­ parel for ladies and gents. We use the French dry system of dyeing and cleaning. J. D. Lodtz. 2 All the desks in the McHenry public school building are being refinished In Chi-namel, in preparation of the opening of school. McAllister & Co. furnished the Chi-namel. V Come to the great McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. General ad­ mission, 35 cents. Season ticket, $1.50 for man and wife or $1.00 for one per­ son. For information and premium list write Theo. Haraer, Sec., Wood­ stock, 111. v 4 In spite of the very unfavorable weather forty-five couples attended the dance at StofTel's hall last Saturday evening. The Imperial orchestra again furnished the music and pleased the dancers. The crowd was made up mostly of strangers and resetters. MHIM NF WS AS CHRONICLED S Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KKBRALlt PARK. Salvator Romano was ill a few days last week. Margaret Ay 1 ward was a Park vis­ itor Friday. Salvator Romano returned to the city Monday. Geo. Armstrong is making a short stay at the Park. Lawrence Huck went to Chicago to take up a new job. Mrs. Ellen Frisby was an Elgin vis­ itor the past week. G. A. Sattem called in this vicinity Saturday and Sunday. Harry Blum spent a few days last week with Park folks. E. J. Cohan made a short call on his son, C. A. Cohan, Tuesday. Richard Hess has returned to the city after a visit at L. Huck's. Myrtle and David Huck are visiting Chicago relatives for a few days. Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. Miss Theresa Barbian entertained several of our Park ladies and gentle­ men Saturday evening. Miss Anna Cleary, who has started on a home trip to South Dakota, is stopping off at Elgin for a few days. Miss Florence Scribner of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at L. Huck's. I wonder where the attrac­ tion lies? Will Heaney of Chicago visited at Ned Knox's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Heaney returned home Sunday evening after a week's visit with rela­ tives. Miss Alice Sutton and Mrs. Ed. Sut­ ton joined the McHenry crowd in a trip to l'istakee Bay Thursday, the party consisting of Mrs. Will Heaney and Margaret Alyward of Chicago, Mrs. Harry Bacon and two sons, Harold and Weston, of ljwa, Anna Cleary, Katie Knox and Anna and Irene Fris­ by. 1KUKA CCna. Fred Bergman of Chicago spent Sunday at S. B. Leisner's. Miss Lindahl of St. Luke's hospital is visiting at S. B. Leisner's. Walter Carey of Ringwood is spend­ ing this week at J. M. I'hiilin's. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phaiin and chil­ dren were Elgin visitors Saturday. Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Satuixiay, Aug. L4. Mrs. Fred Bergman ol < huvijjo is spending a lew da\s with reiitiuts h'.re. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck spent Sun­ day at the Chas. Matthews home n< ar Huntley, Misses Porothy and Eleanor Walsh of McHenry visited relatives here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Heffron of Chi­ cago spent a few days last week at Henry McMillan's. Miss Vera Doherty of Holcombville was a guest at the h6me of her uncle, M. Knox, Tuesday. Miss Emma Conway and friend of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter's father in Spring Grove. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Hull and daugh­ ters, Cathryne and Marie, were callers in this vicinity Monday evening. Misses Marion and Agnes Matthews of McHenry are spending this week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck. KltHiEFIRLn. Button was in Woodstock Thurs- VOLO. Jake Stadtfeld of Round Lake was in town Sunday. Arthur Kirwin of Wauconda was a Volo caller Sunday. Miss Maude Kirwin spent the past week at J as. Kirwin's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Huson entertained company over Sunday. Ed. Lusk transacted business in Round Lake Saturday. Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kapple of Grays- lake spent Sunday at A. J. Raymond's. Mr. and Mrs. Ves Wagner and daugh­ ters and Mrs. M. Sable spent Sunday with friends in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Paddock of Fort Hill took an auto trip to Klgin Sunday. Miss Ethel Sutherland of Waukegan and Miss Harriet Scott of Chicago spent ' the past week at the Willow farm. __ THAT SALVE AGAIN. The seven wonders of the world Are nothing but a farce Until the list is headed by The salve that beats the cars. Bill's salve is gaining ground. Its cures are noised around. Its enemies try to give it a rub, As charter members of the Ananias club. The doctors hate Bill's salve, to a man; The druggists would its manufacture can: The veterinary swears till all is brown; The medicine show had to leave town. The undertaker views all this with alarm: The driver of the hearse does not care a dam. All this since Bill is owner of the charm That prolongs life and does no one any harm. Bill in this paper did agree To supply his friends with salve to Reduce a swelling in the head. But so far none has reached them yet. Our Uncle Bill slyly figured out That a big three cornered fight this fall Would cause a great big run On the salve that's made by Wm. Dunn. Use Roberts' Fly Oil, Best by test. At Petesch's. 11.00 per gallon. 7 J. C day. Mr. Carlson is visiting old friends in this vicinity. Mrs. H. Burgett was a Crystal Lake visitor Friday. Mrs. Kania was in Woodstock on business Friday. Roy England of Chicago is the guest of Oscar NelsoB. Mrs. J. B. Lynch was in Harvard and Chicago Tuesday. H. P. Barber visited in Chicago Sat­ urday and Sunday. Geo. Wheeler made a business trip to Harvard Monday. A. Tranah is entertaining his sister from Norwood Park. Wilbur Levey was a Chicago passen­ ger Friday morning. ^hauncey Stephenson was home from Chicago over Sunday. Irvin Levey of Rockford is visiting his grandparents here. Mrs. A. Peterson was a visitor at Woodstock Wedi esday. Mrs. Burgett and daughter. Zelda, were at Sharon Tuesday. W. L. Vanke journeyed" to Lake Ge­ neva by auto Wednesday. A. A. Diet/, boarded the train for Chicago Tuesday morning. Robert Gronzo made a business trip to Hebron Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jacobs were Elgin visitors Saturday and Sunday. I. A. Kennedy of Chicago is visiting Station Agent Lynch and family. Grandma Hutson of McHenry is vis­ iting her daughter, Mrs. Fivnch. C. Hoy was taking in the sights of the windy city Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Hoeppuer spent part of last week with her daughters in Chicago. Rememl»er Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. M iss Hard of Chicago is visiiing at the home of Mr. and Mi's. A. L. Swan- son. Mrs. A. A. Dietz and children were visiting relatives at Woodstock Tues­ day. Misses Ethel Reed and Clara Salow were Crystal Lake callers Friday after­ noon. .Mm. C. II. <iiesselbrecht and daugh­ ter are visiting her parents in Wood­ stock. The Ladies' Cemetery society will in el Thursday Aug. 22, with Mrs. H. < )rm.-,h\. Mrs. George Irish and Lois Levey are visiting the former's daughter at Rockford. H. Hansen of Chicago was here Sun­ day, looking after the interests of his property. C. E. Lock wood and daughter, Cora, were Woodstock .business callers last Thursday. F. W. Wille and daughters, Mabel and Elsie, were Sunday visitors at Crystal Lake. M essrs. Hanson, Anners and Gronzo made a business trip to Woodstock Monday evening. Sherman and Herman Irish of Har­ vard spent Sunday with their mother and sister here. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garrison and daughter, Hazel, of Woodstock were callers here Monday. C. H. Giesselbrecht and class of young ladies journeyed to Crystal Lake Thursday for a picnic. Edwin Nelson left last Wednesday for a trip to Minneapolis, St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Waterman and daughter of WToodstock visited at H. Reed's part of Saturday and Sunday. An employe of the Borden factory was passing around the cigars one day last week and the boys are all wonder- dering why. Mrs. H. Fanning returned home Tuesday after four weeks' visit at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. L. Goddard, at Woodstock. Miss Catharine Wood of Crystal Lake was a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler from Tuesday to Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Fay and son of Ring- wood and Mrs. Lynch and son of Chi­ cago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Haughawout. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock spent Sunday with his wife, who is ill with tonsilitis at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant and son, Lester, and D. O. Kline and daugh­ ters, Ruth and Mabel, were Sunday visitors at the home of A. Kline at Seneca. I wish to be allowed to contradict an item published in your paper issued Aug. 1. The item to which I refer is relative to a call made by Mrs. Ray Dygert on friends at Crystal Lake Sun­ day afternoon, July 28. The statement made has been proven false. It is hoped that the many friends of Mrs. Dygert that read the above mentioned item will note the correction, and the person or persons who contributed the falsehood for publication will, to pre­ vent future trouble, hereafter refrain from mentioning Mrs. Dygert's name in connection with any more untruths. A Friend of the Lady. GRAND BALL AT WAUCONDA. A grand ball will be held at Oakland hall, Wauconda, next Thursday even­ ing. Aug. 22. Floor managers: Alvin Kimball, Wauconda; Jimmie Doherty, McHenry: Willie Tiffany, Cary; Dewey Nichols, Volo; Ray Paddock, Round Lake: George Unbdemstock, Long Grove: Chas. Dommeir, Crystal Lake; Chaucey Stevenson, Ridgefield; John Deinlion, Fremont; Harry Kaiser, Lib­ erty ville: JFloyd Carr, Harrington; Rous^ Rockefeller.. Schaffer's ! faice tickete, 50c. Start Right on Home Building and you will save a lot of trouble, worry and money. Much depends on the proper selection of your lumber--strong, durable dimen­ sion and joists, good siding that will take and hold paint, sound shingles and smooth flooring, end matched and hollow backed, guar­ anteed to lay close. There are a lot of things we can help you with taht will make your home a home a haven of contentment. Let's talk it over. LUMBER CO. WEST K'BtNKY. ILL 1 YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. P. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh Mum WTO ru » mi NEEDS Today and enlarge as your de mands require. That's one of the big advantages offered in frame construction over all oth­ ers. Future additions can be provided for right in your origi­ nal plans and the money saved by building only for present needs can go on working for you until the enlargements are de­ sired. There are a lot of other- advantages, too, that wood con­ struction offers and before you decide on jour material is the t ime to investigate as thoroughly as you can. Our experience cov­ ers nearly every phase of the building question and if you think our advice is worth having it's yours for the asking. Come in and get right on this lumber question. Let U9 show you wherein the mills we buy of save you dollars in labor and t ime in doing by machine work what the carpenters formerly did by hand. It's surely worth while to you and it will be a pleasure to us. "There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. PHONE 6 H( id Grocery This is the place where the best of meats and the fresh­ est of groceries, vegetables and fruits are always obtain able. We aim to please our customers and with that end in view we buy nothing but the very best and sell at a price that is fair. Our ser­ vice cannot be surpassed. We solicit your patronage. J.W. Aebischor (SlICU McHENRY. ILL. c. c . * < ruorti: so-* John music. Da Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. BLIND PIGGER IS FINED. Woodstock Sentinel: State's Attor­ ney Joslvn and Assistant Donovan brought H. Ritter of Lily Lake before Judge Smiley in the county court this week on the charge of operating a blind pig. After a hearing Ritter w» fined *175 and Sheriff Henderson was directed by the court to put an end to the nuisance, ( f - Dependable Drugs There are distinct advantages in buying drugs and medicines where you know the experience and training of the management is such as to i n s u r e s c i e n t i f i c s e r v i c e . . . . . For Your Protection When we supply your, drugs you can always be sure that everything necessary to protect your interests has been done. We also con­ sider right prices as part of good service and will guarantee that, quality considered, lower prices than ours cannot be found anywhere. N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. 'Phone 56-W McHENRY, ILL- f i F. willj[find you in need of many articles that are on sale at • only first-class Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are fcure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season L. McOMBCR., The West Side Hardware Him. t! •y«siw m m Comfortable Why let the sultry days annoy you and make you uncomfortable when we can save you all the displeasures? Let me sell you a lawn or porch swing, lawn chairs or hammock. I have them in all styles and prices. :: :: :: Window Screens <8L Doors Don't let that disease spreading fly get into your house. Get our window and door screens. We will put 'em up for you. Possibly you need an awning, too. If you do, we can fix you with anything in this line. A telephone call will place us at your service. :: :: :: JACOB JUSTEN. THE McHENKY FURNITURE MAN 1 si' w i l l r u n R\SSKN(;KK LAUNCHES to the lakes EVERY DAY including Sunday the balance of the season at 10:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. Round Trip, 50 Cents. Special Evening Trips can be arranged for at the same rate. All sizes Ltaunches to rent by the hour, day, week or season with or with­ out engineer. For further information call np McHenry, No. 7 SPECIAL TRIPS TO THE LOTUS, BEDS EVERY DAY AT a O'CLOCK P. fl. •4 M * 3* .iiT/ia «-«! -i - 1 y f- # ' J % v5g i-Hi '£? J %

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