ii®;i r . . ^ V;- ;>• % Shnus and Roach ROACH ^^WA, THERE SUNOS* G-fiES g T© HirV/PLAIfTINfr A GARDEN AGAIN.', Sfei-fL S I'LL STOP HIM FRpJi SUCKINOj g&GS THIS TlrtE's, I'VE 6*0Tj 6000 SCHEMA. ROACH'S TRICK ON SHNUS RESULTS IN AN EXPENSIVE MEAL By Hettinger •WQ« * „ rou S/W YOU WANT A ir*.-.^ iC A [CHICKEN R>* SCRATCHING PtffigKL^ A Iwell this is rm one \vm WANT, THIS. FARMER iftPXC,C> BUT (80U6HT IT FROM, USED < ~ J IT FOR S£,ftaTCH«Nfr OUT /STUMPS. Y£fc SIR , »H6 ' 006; NEM OUT BY The: >r „ IT'S GETTING- tmom m.mAm i wifeH roach would get mme c SOON BEFORE THE CHICKEN GETS COLO. WE'LL HAVE A GOOD TIW ON SOME JHEI6H0O/TO CKPEW6C r- ANP IT WON'T C<frT US A CEMl) THE MORNING THERE MORE. OAR0EN T US WON'T KMOW i PU C H I C K E N I N I T B U T I H O P E S H E T DtCr OP THE CEMENT 5*0 MftLK CHUSE MAY&£ T«C IJT" T tiki? s NEXT MORNING: I'LL TAKE V mmmMm KLUCK KLUCK BIRDS* * 60LDFI5N, A ^ Pfet acts: ifei ^ •£*<* Ch-l -<*k %- «# -jftw MSC!3QW9e Mi PUBLISHED BVBRY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. Ofllc* la Bank Building. Telephone, No. Vtk. TIRM8 OP SUB80RIPTI0NI «.« Three months. Mots. MfW Ilz month*. TOcts. Thnridij, September 19, 91a. SHERIFFS PARTITION SALE WALWORTH COUNTY, WIS., PARK KINNEY ESTATE. -ENOS ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. John Stoffel is passing the day in the windy city. E. Hunter is passing the day in the metropolitan city. Mrs. F. A. Boh lander is a business visitor in city today. Miss Jane Thompson'of Elgin was a IfeHenry visitor Sunday. Mrs. E. W. Howe was a business vis itor in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Price of Cary were McHenry visitors Tuesday. JOB. W. Preund boarded the Chica go train this (Thursday) morning. L. F. Block and daughter, Hazel, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. A. J. Kamholz of Cary spent Sunday aa the guest of home folks and friends. N. A. Huemann is attending to busi ness matters in the windy city today. Paul Meyers was among the windy city passengers this (Thursday) morn ing. E. Hoffman of North Crystal Lake was a business visitor in town Mon day. Miss Anna Borstof Milwaukee, Wis , is spending the week in the home of Ml*, and Mrs. Wm. Stoffel. Miss Elizabeth Thelen was in Chica go a couple of days this week familiar ising herself with the new creations in tike line of millinery. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Banks, Misses M. and H. Pilgrim and M. Eisele of Chi cago spent Saturday and Sunday at the Isberg cottage on Fox river. Miss Maude Parsons returned to her home at Braham, Minn., last Saturday after a three months' visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown. A. M. Brown is taking a month's va cation from his duties at the Borden factory. He is now visiting among rel atives in the vicinity of Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. J. Hoeft, Mrs. R. Worcheski and Miss Elsie Potratz of Chicago passed Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Eisenmeng- er, Jr. Mrs. Anna Byrd, who is enjoying a month's vacation from her duties at The Plaindealer office, is now a guest in the home of Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Miller at Stockton, 111. Nick Freund of this place and John and Jake Miller of Johnsburgh spent the latter part of last week as the guests of Milwaukee, Wis., relatives and friends. They also took in the fair. The farm known as the Enos Kinney estate will be sold at public auction for cash on the 25th day of September, 1912, at 2 p. 111., at the residence two miles from Geneva, on the rOad from Geneva to Lyons. The farm consists of 480 acres, of which 130 acres are tillable, 125 acres meadow; balance timber and pasture, well watered, springs and river; also 80 acres of pas ture about one mile away. This is a rare opportunity of pur* chasing a Walworth county farm at public auction. It is a partition sale ordered by the county court of Wal worth county and must be sold. Remember the date. For information call, write or phone M. E. Kinney, who now occupies the farm. JOHN PIPER, Sheriff of Walworth Co., Wis. VOLO. Russell was in Round m;- Miss Nettie Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of W'au- conda were in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ves Wagner and daugh ters spent Sunday in Fremont. Miss Martha Rosdeutscher of Grant spent the first of the week at home Ray Paddock attended the Masonic meeting at Waukegan Tuesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger and son of West Fremont spent Sunday at John Walton's. Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and son of Round Lake were recent guests of her parents here. Miss Ljrdla Russell of Waukegan spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Russell. , Mr. and Mrs. Ra'y Paddock enter tained company from Oak Park the fore part of the week. R. Hallock, Mrs. Lucy Clou^h and Miss Bessie of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Cook of North Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond Thurs day. APPOINTED ROOSEVELT MANAGER Chauncey Dewey, chairman of the state committee of the Illinois Pro gressive party, has appointed Attorney C. P. Barnes of Woodstock manager of the RoOsevelt campaign in this coun ty. Mr. Barnes is a strong Progres sive and has always been an ardent "admirer and an enthusiastic supporter , of Colonel Roosevelt, and says he in tends to perfect a complete organiza tion of the Bull Moose party in this Uounty. TRAINS CRASH AT ALGONQUIN. Two trainmen were injured, one probably fatally, when a passenger train on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad crashed into a gravel train two miles north of Algonquin at 7 o'clock last Friday morning. C. Chris tiansen, Chicago, engineer on passen ger train, leg broken, spine hurt and internally injured. Taken to St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. G. Morris, Chicago, fireman, legs and feet scald ed. He is the son of the master me chanic of the railroad. According to trainmen the conductor of the gravel train ohiered filled cars switched from V*- the gravel pits to the main line while empties were switched into the pits. Scarcely had the order been obeyed when the passenger traiA rounded a curve and crashed into the cars. The engineer set the brakes and jumped. The fireman stuck to his post. The engine was almost demolished and scattered gravel cars. Passengers owe their lives to the fact that the engin eer thought to set the brakes. They were shaken up and cut by glass. TKRKA COITA. Miss Kmma Coway was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Dr. Tallerday of Belvidere called at A. T. McMillan's Monday. Henry and Frank McMillan were Spring Grove visitors Monday. Mrs. Wright of Elgin called at the home of Chas. Buck one evening last week. Miss Florence Knox spent Friday with Miss Anna Bolger at Emerald Park. Miss Eleanor Phalin began her first term of school in the Sutton district Sept. 9. Miss Jennie Thompson of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of Frank McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. J. Doherty and family of Holcombvilie passed thru this vicin ity Sunday evt-ning. Mr and Mrs. P. F. Hunt of Hol combvilie called on Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMillan Monday. Thomas W. Ames and Henry Mc Millan took in the fair at Milwaukee Wednesday and Thursday. Wm. Wingate, Wm. Ames, M. Knox and J. M. Phalin attended R. E. Haeg- er's sale at Algonquin Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. Welch and daughter, Frances, of McHenry were callers in this vicinity last Wednesday evening. Mrs. David Powers and sons and Miss Grace Doherty of Holcombvilie visited at Henry McMillan's last Wed^' nesday. Misses Marian and Agnes Matthews and brother, Fayette, of McHenry vis ited their grandparants, Mr. and Mrs. Jhas. Huck Sunday. Splendid comedy, spectacular and dramatic photo plays, making a pro gram diversified to please all, at the air dome Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. 14 Illinois. McHeriry, ONE NIGHT ONLY SUNDAY, FIRST TINE AT THESE PRICES. TIE 4-ACT COMEDY DRAIM OF LAUGHS, THRILLS, SONGS AND MUSIC ALAN MLAIR AS THE GERHAN DETECTIVE. ...Extra Feature... ALAN VALLAIR AND EDgA CODAIR WILL ALSO PRESENT THEIR ORIGINAL 8INCING AND MUSICAL ACT. EXACTLY THE SAME AS ON THE BIG VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT Prices: - 25c, 35c, Seats now on sale at Petesch's Drug Store. 50C McAllister's White Mustard Seed Black Mustard Seed ~ Ground Mustard Ginger Root and Powder Celery Seed Dill Seed Mace and Nutmeg Turmeric Powder Curry Powder * Red and black Pepper Cinnamon Bark Canning Powders Mixed Spices A NEW AND BETTER E. V. MCALLISTER & CO. Druggists West McHenry is ready to serve you. I hereby extend a hearty welcome to all to visit the entirely complete and best harness shop ever located in McHenry o r t h e s u r r o u n d i n g country. My prices are such that will appeal to all and my 25 years in the harness business en ables me to give entire s a t i s f a c tion. A trial means a steady customer Come in and let's get ac quainted. :: :: E. L. BEHLKE Succeeeer to A. Wegener. WEST MCHENRY, III. REPORT PLENTY OF WORK. Ahrens «fc Dettmer, the new cement firm on the West Side, report that they have plenty to do and that the business thus far has been a great deal letter than was expected. They are finding a ready sale for their blocks and wherever used have proven very satisfactory. The firm keeps a line line of blocks on hand constantly and is in a position to fill all orders prompt ly- All roads lead to McHenry's popular amusement resort, the air dome, where can be seen the latest and best. 14 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All ajivfruneimmttf timerted untie»' this at the following rate*: Five linen or lefts, 26 cent* for first insertion, 15 cfiitu for t*arh in*«rtlon. More than five (liiou, 5 c^ntu a line for tint Insertion, ltd 3 ocntti a tin*4 for addition I fjVJK SAI.K Ualaure of my U-iists on tlie A Etuaj farm. L. EISKNMENUKU, JR., MC Henry, IW T^OR SA LK six holf ranfce wltti w:irm- *- IIIK oven, t'heap if takiMi *x>n. Inquire at MIIAIIIHUT'S DRUG store, Went McHenry. tpOKSALE Houses and lots In McHenry Also riv«r property with acreage. Sold >t;r acre or lot. Inquire of Ci. A. HATTEN, iVest McHenry. III. 41-tf T^ORfALE- A nuw baru. Purchaser must A move same as s<x>n as possible after pur chase. A snap fur somehudy. Inquire of J. W. SMITH, Mcblenry. III. 14-tf POK RENT - Farm of 100 arr«», situated on» -*• mile southeast, of McHenry. Kor further Information auply to or address* Mas. KI.IZA BBTH SMITH. McHenry, III. U-:tt tjVJRSALE Kluck walnut table, black wal nut sofa, two rockers.-Quick Meal giiao- iine stove, but slightly used. All will be sold for |15. J. VV. SMITH, Mcllenry, III. 14-t.f tjVJR RENT A 2U0-acre farm, more or less, -1- at a very reaaouable rent. Will rent with or without stock, for further Informa tion address or cull on MRS. Jos. H. JUSTKN. McHenry, III. 10-tf and PistakeeRay, a larxe bundle of lauu- dry. Owner inay have same by calliiiK at A. R. Beck's. I'istakee Kay, proving property and paying ad vert Islng charges. 14-lt pVjR SALE--A- {line-room house with one 4xH rtxl lot and as many additional lots as purchaser may want at j20n and up. Call or write KHANK BUUK, on north town line one block from Fox river, McHenry. III. 10-tf -Choice 206 acre farm <xi easy Well PUK SAl.E terms; loug time at 5 per cent. t to stock, grain and dairy. Fair buildings, choice timber, ou inland take, ou main road, miles to McHenry, LIL Pr ice only fflO.OO ^>er acre. STOMTI, Telephone 5H-R. r'est McHenry. SIMON 13-2t T OST -Ou streets of McHenry last Thursday morning a ladies' black coat with black velvet collar and cuffs. Also hand bag con taining purse with .some money, a pair of glasses, pocket knife and letter tearing the loser's name. Kinder may have money as a reward if property is returned to this office. PR OB A TE NEWS (.Furnished by McHenry (!onnty Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office In Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan ou real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and Wll.l REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Anna E. Marshall to Ida M. Uarlng, It H Pistakee lieach, in ne fl H, sec 19, rS», McHenry 13400.90 Albert Sutton to Willis H. Gardner. Its 44. 45, 4ti, 47, and 49 Turner's 1st ado Solon Mills MXM» PROBATE PROCEEDINUS. Estate of Amos D. Whiting. Bond $30,000 filed and approved"" and letters ordered issued. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fred Winter,-23' ... . _ Freeport Mamie Schroeder, 20 Cary Fred L. Todd, 42. Cleveland, O Delia Kuck, 42- Lexington, Ky A. F. H. Vogelmann, 24 Woodstock .Rose Garber, 23 " Albert Collier, 35.. . Capron Carrie Mann, ,W_ Beloit, Wis Julius H. Iiobar, 85 Walworth, Wis Jane Sharley, 05 ... Bourbon, Ind 11 School books at Petesch's. IF YOU HAVE CARPETED FI,OORS AUD PREFER Hard Wood awii Rip THIS SPECIALLY PRICE® Chi-Namel Floor Outfit WILL INTEREST YOU ̂ It contains 100 sq. ft, of hard-wood floor • surface, which looks and wean like newly varnished wood. At easy to apply a* plain paint. %eady to walk, on next dap. draining Fint Coaler hides the old color. s Graining Compound gives die grain ing color. The little Self-Gramef makes the grain. (Does not require a skilled hand to hold rt.) Chi-Namel Varnish gives it any color desired, and a high lustre with one application. This Floor Outfit con tains a'Self-Grainer, Set of Brushes, and material to grain* stain and varnish 100 square feet of surface Only $2.50 A T«O-Y MT old Child Can Apply It. You Can't Go Wrong. Come to our tlore and learn to grain like an expert in 5 minutes. You'll not have to buy. ,v S. W. BROWN ninGWOOb, ibitinuio You Can Depend on It Those five words explain the merits of EARLY RISER FLOUR, What better endorsement would one ask for? That's all the housewife expects and we are here to say that we can back our words. If you have neyer used the McHenry product make it a point to give it a trial the very next time that you buy. Sold at the mill and by McHenry merchants WEST wmm FLOlIK m FEED POLLS OPEN FOR BUSINESS. I wish to announce that my new blacksmith shop, situated on Wauke gan street, near the railroad tracks on the West Side, is now open for busi ness. I am in a position to take care of all work that m^y come my way and can always guarantee satisfaction. I will do all sorts of blacksmithing, horseshoeipg and wagon-making. Your patronage is hereby solicited. j4-tf Jos. MAY. NEW BTOIE FOR WEST SIDE. S. Lusk, the Volo merchant, has rented the store building on the West Side recently vacated by M. J. Walsh and will soon move into same. Mr. Lusk intends carrying a complete line of general merchandise and expects to be open for business by the first of next month. What you ask for is what you get here. You are not asked to buy some thing "just as good." Petesch. 62 The regular monthly meeting of the Knights of Columbus takes plaee at 8 toff el's ball this Thursday evening- /P FMLEIII LOAVES AND- Delicious Pastries <• the Inevitable result If you uu White Swan ...Flour... FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST MCHENRY. N.P. STOLEN & SON, THENRY JOHN RICHARDSON, VOLO BUCK'S, GROCERY,, 'HENRY WILIJIIIL1I0FF JOHNSBURGNL g'-|« | Professional, Society V { | a.nd Business Cards $ DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND OCULIST. CI- • He* Mi mMwet, emir Elm an4 OMMI 3i.r««t», McHenry, IIIIHII. Telephone Ne. 311. Hsuse Pho Oltlc. • asT- CHMLES H. FRMCIS LAWYER ESTATE WORK A SPECIALTY WOODSTOCK, ILL. TtliplMM N« >9|, SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. We»l McHearr, lllto*U Fine StMk Mterc handle* Perm Sale* Real Estate G. I mrm AUCTIONEER Telephone No. SM WEST N'HENKY, Hi. Bank of McHenry _ ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat* ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Q.SENG EteMie degree ei ex- twilence n itfuero a Cicero, MUM* .:.:;;vfloe, MM «M v n-H except the miNBER^Sd Is 106 N. Sth Ave. CHICAGO. KAKCKLS CHECKED FREE It's But 11 Years since the first photogra phic portrait was made in America--a picture o:I Miss Dorothy Catherine Draper, made by her brother, Professor John William Draper, of the University of the City oi New York. It took an exposure of five minuter in the full glare of the noon-day sun. Today it takes but a fraction of a second, even in the softly modu* lated light of a studio. Clever photographers and fast plates and len ses have made having your picture taken a rather pleasant exper ience these davs. Sdiflifcers Plain Studio TBONElM-j VEST im«r, ILL Everybody's Doing It What? Why, buying their groceries and fruits of us, to be sure. Our line com prises the very choicest on the market and we are able to give you first-class service at all times. Caii us up, give us your QrcU« and we will do the rest. We never fail to plejtse. Give us your order for fruits for canning pur poses. M. n. NIESEN TBLBPHONB NO. E«,W flctlenry* • illliwih,, HOW CAN YOU TELL HOW OLD A NEAT SAW IS? 'I BY riNVlNG THE SAUS«AGE, Or COIIN0EI YOU'LL FIND THE SAUSAGE HEKEI THE KIND YOU'LL LIKE! WE SELL THE BEST SAU2>A<Z YOU EVER SAW) WE flAKl IT OURSELVES, KNOW ITS INGREDIENTS AND AGE, AND UNQUALIFIEDLY RECONMEND IT! E. F. Matthews WEST MCHENRY, 1UU » 'imme a Petesch's cold cream, for tan and sunburn. 25c the jar. 52 it'f. <. f