Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1912, p. 5

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J. W. SMITH, LESSEE AND MANAGER OWING TO THE CLOSING OF THE SUM­ MER SEASON OF THE AIR DOflE WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE ON 1 IliraAYS, SATURDAYS AND SfflMYS 2....Shows Each Night....2 Until Further Notice All ̂ ©a.ts, 10 Cents Bell System ^T^HE maximum speed at which a rapid-fire gun can be discharged is 600 shots per minute. Over the Bell Long Distance lines of the Chicago Telephone Company a rapid talker can fire 200 words per minute to Chicago -- 600 words in three minutes at a cost of 25 cents. Get that business matter well in mind, then call "Long Distance." Manager's Tele­ phone 9903 James Perkins, Manager We are now located in our two doors west of the old location and invite the Public to call and se§ us. We have added new stocks of season­ able merchandise in all departments and are prepared to sell you new, fresh, up-to-date goods at the lowest poss­ ible prices consistent with good quality. We are show­ ing a fine line :: :: :: :: DRESS GOODS in all the popular shades, ranging in price from 35c to $1.50 per yard A^large varity of Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Flannels, Etc. See our line of new changeable Silks. Your meas­ ure taken for a Suit, Coat, Skirt or Dress. A perfect fit guaranteed by the Ideal Ladies' Tailoring Co. of Chicago. A large variety of Cloths and Trimmings to select from. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT is larger than ever. We are showing exceptional values in men's heavy work shoes from $2.50 to $4.50. Our line of International Tai­ loring samples is the finest we have ever shown. Call afid look them ovpr. Groceries, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Etc., always pure and fresh- ; M. J. WALSH, 'PHONE 0S.1*. QOQDS DELIVERED, WEST IJcHENRY, IHiMSIlMt' Others are buying our delicious Bakery Goods, why not you? Others buy here because they know that our Bakery is always fresh from the oven. They also know that the quality is'here. LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION Phone 103-R ' A. TIETZ, Prop. BE A PROGRESSIVE If you think it is time to clean up politics, vote the straight PROGRESS­ IVE TICKET. If you think your elfectric light bills are too high, CALL ME! I will show you how to reduce then). SAMUEL M. ESLER BEST OF EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL TBEHKE, M?HENRY, ILL. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ADDITIONAL FESSONAL8. E. Hunter Chicagued Tuesday. Rev. A. Royer was a Chicago vis itor Monday. Mr. and Mrs, ;Ed Lusk were Chicago visitors Tuesday. F. O. Gans was a. business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Wm. Simes was a business visitor in Ell gin Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Theo. Winkel and daughter spent Thursday in Chicago. R. I. Overton was a ^business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. Peter Worts was among the Chicago passengers last Friday morning. Mrs. Wm. Bonslett spent Friday of last week in the metropolitan city. Charles G. Frett was a business vis­ itor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Everett Hunter attended to business matters in Chicago last week Friday. Miss Gertrude Schaefer of Woodstock is spending a few weeks at her home here. Nicholas Weber passed the first of the week as the guest of Chicago rela­ tives. F. L. McOmber rfRdson, Lewis, were visitors in the metropolitan city Wed­ nesday . Miss Lillian Schaefer and gentleman friend spent a few days at the home of T. W. Winkel. A. L. and John Isberg of C hicago spent Sunday at their summer home on Fox river, near this village. Misses Aha and Varena Went worth spent Saturday and Sunday as the guests of relatives in Carpentersville. Arthur Merriman of Waterloo, la., was the guest of his uncle. M. Merri­ man, from Thursday until Saturday afternoon last. Mix George Himler of North Crys­ tal Lake passed a few dafs ivcently as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Covalt, here. Jacob _Worts and George Dryer left Monday evening for Dwlght, 111., where they expect to r< m lin for al>out three weeks. Dr. D. G, Wells, Martin Schmitt, John R. Knox and the writeV saw the Sox defeat the Cubs at the West Side ball yard in Chioago Tuesday. F. J. Herbes, Mrs. Frank Schnabel, S. M. Esler and Mr. and Mrs, M. D, Wilkins were among the Chicago pas­ sengers this (Thursday) morning, Mesdames W. A. Martin and E. E, Bassett returned last Saturday evening from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Wayland, Miuh., and Cleveland, O. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Marshall and children have returned to their home in Morton Grove after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mesdames W. D. Wentworth and Frank Cobb were over at Harvard yes­ terday, where they oalled on Mrs. James Perkins, who is recovering nicely from an operation that was per­ formed in the Cottage hospital in that city last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Covell of Port­ land, Ore., who have been visiting rel­ atives and friends in McHenry and Ringwood for the past six weeks, were guests in the J. F. CI ax ton home Sun­ day. They expect to return to Port­ land the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Dwelly and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Clark and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wal­ ters and Mrs. Dwelly of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. gasler of Syra­ cuse,^. V., called on Mr. and Mrs. Merriman last Sunday afternoon. J. ( . Debrecht has returned to his home at Johnsburgh after having en­ joyed with his wife a most pleasant trip thru some of the most noted parts of Texas. Their main stops were at Dallas and San Antonio, the latter city l>eing their principal stopping point. It is here that Mrs. Debrecht's broth­ er, M. F. Schumacher, is a teacher in St. Joseph's college and also acts as organist in the church bearing the same nqme. Mrs. Debrecht stopped off at St. Louis f^nd will spend the winter there. TVll|tA IOTTA. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Thomas Phalin was the guest of Ringwood relatives Sunday. Eugene Leisner of Chicago was the guest of home folks Sunday. Misses Eleanor Phalin and Evelyn Carey spent Saturday afternoon at M. Knox's. Miss Evelyn Carey of Ringwood vis­ ited at the home of her uncle, J. M. Phalin, Saturday. Mrs. B. F. Peck has returned from Chicago after a pleasant ten days' visit with relatives there. Henry and Frank MoMlllan, Mrs. A. T. McMillan and Mrs. Helen Fox were Woodstock visitors Monday. Miss Freya Foerester of Evanston spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Foerester. M. Knox and son, El ward, were Chicago visitors Thursday. They heard Wood row Wilson speak at Mc- Vicker's theatre. ADMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE OK FIMNO FINAL SETTLEMENT. State of Illinois. ' 8S County of McUenry » Estate of Petfr Kothermel, deceived. To all whom it may concern: You are here­ by notified that OD the 4th day of November, 1912 I as the administrator of said Estate, will present to tin- County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock. Illinois'my final report of my acts and doings as such'Administrator, and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further du­ ties and responsibilities connected with sulci Estate and my administration thereof, at which time and place you may l>e present and resist such application, if you choose so toDHted this Ttb day of October, A. D. 1»I2 JOSEPH J ROTHBRMKL., Administrator. I7-3t-Adv ___ Leap year harvest dance at Stoffel's hall on Saturday ev*oing? Oct. 19. Adv G. Hart man were Woodstock Wed- UBannxLn. Mrs. John Carlson was a city visitor recently. E. Letsler was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. F. Wille had business in the city Wednesday. F. Block was a Crystal Lake visitor Wednesday. H. N. Cooper was a Woodstock vis­ itor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lqfkwood went to the city Monday. F. W. Hartmau and wife spent Sun­ day in Woodstock. Mrs.-Sarah Wakefield was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. H. P. Barber was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. W. S. Rush ton was a Crystal Lake visitor Saturday afternoon. Lyman Levey of Crystal Lake was a R'dgefield caller Friday afternoon. Mrs. A. Ariners and Mrs. French were Crystal Lake visitors Saturday. Mrs. San burg and Mrs. A. L. Swan- son were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Robt. Knilans entertained George and Oscar Bartz of Chicago over Sun­ day. Louis Goddard and wife of Wood­ stock Sundayed with their parents here. Reuben Hesselgrave and wife of Woodstock spent Sunday at the Davis farm. Mr. and Mrs .T. pleasant callers in nesday. Alvin Yanke, N^ls Peterson, C. IT. Ormsbv and F. W. Wille were county seat, callers Saturday. ( F . F r e n c h h a s m o v e d h i s f a m i l y in with Ray Dvgert. M. Simmons expects to occupy the house vacated by Mrs. French. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Cooper enter­ tained Mis. F. Wille and two daugh­ ters, Mr. and Mrs. Senne, also Mr. and ,Mrs. EcVSenne and son, Marcellus, of Woodstock Sunday. Lloyd Johnson has infantile paral­ ysis. Dr. Freeman of Crystal Lake has the little fellow in charge and at the present time is doing as well as oan be expected under conditions. Headquarters for school supplies. N. H. Petesch, the Centerville drug­ gist. 'I KINOWIMII). Mr. and Mrs. Covell spent last Fri­ day with friends in Ringwood. Mrs. Arthur Merrill of Solon spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Shrader. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson went thru her alteration nicely and is doing well. Andrew Walters*bf Elgin spent Sun­ day with his sister, Mrs. E. C. Haw- ley. Miss Florence Granger ol McHenry was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Myrtle Harrison. Mrs. Bell Campbell of Milwaukee visited Mrs. O. A. Tabor Friday of last week. Edson Hodge of Solon is moving in­ to the home he recently purchased of Dr. Hepburn. Mrs. Nellie Dodge and Miss Anna Waterman returned from Chicago Sat­ urday evening. The W. C. T. I*, will meet with Mrs. Hiley Thomas of Ostend Saturday • of this week. All invited. Mr. and Mi's. James West lake of Spring Grove spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Ray Dodge. About thirty of our ladies visited Mrs. Jane Carr in Greenwood Wed­ nesday of last week. It was a very enjoyable day for all. Mrs. Charles Dates of Crystal Lake was brought here for burial Sunday. She leaves a husband and live children to mourn the loss of a mother, whose place no one can fill. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. Mesdames Libbie Ladd, Libble Allen %nd Jennie Spaulding attended the cooking school at Richmond Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday evening they went to Genoa Junction to hear Mrs. Aimed* MoDonald's lecture at the Walworth county W. C. T. U. convention. She demonstrated her talk and it was the bSfct^f anything we have had the privilege ol listening to. Petesch's cold cream, for tan and sunburn. 25c the jar. 52 KMIKALI) PARK. Miss Anna Frisby visited at M. A. Sutton's Sunday. Mrs. John Powers of Elgin is visit­ ing relatives here. Jos. Hughes entertained his cousins from Chicago a few days this week. M. A. and Alice Sutton visited T. J. Renehan at Round Lake Sunday last. R. E. and Wm. Sutton and J. D. Conner of Chioago visited at Sutton's Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Sutton and son returned home Monday after a visit with friends and relatives in Chicago. Miss Alice Sutton entertained a few friends Saturday evening. A printing game was the amusement of the even­ ing. On Tuesday afternoon a number of Mrs. John PoWers' friends called on her at the home of Mrs. M. A. Sutton to surprise h^r. A duck picking con­ test was the amusement of the day. First honors weye won by Mrs. E. Walsh and Mrs. John Frisby won the booby, but she redeemed herself by the agility she displayed in capturing the ducks. Mrs. John Gibbs and Mrs. E. Knox did good work also, while Mrs. E. Frisby and Mrs. Powers acted as inspector's. After the picking was finished Mrs. Sutton served a luncheon, assisted by Miss Alice Let the girls entertain you at Stof fel's hall on Saturday evening, Oct. 19. IF YOU HAVE CARPETED FLOORS AMD PREFER Hard Wood and lugs jjjjjl THIS SPECIALLY PRICED Chi-Namel Floor Outfit WILL INTEREST YOU ^ It contains 100 «q. ft of hard-wood Hoot surface, which looks and wean like newly varnished wood. A* east/ to apply as plain painL l^jtady to walk on next Ja^. Gaining Fint Coaler hides die old coles. t Graining Compound give* the grain­ ing color. The little Self-Gramer makes the gram. (Doe* Dot require a skilled hand to hold it.) Chi-Namel Varnish gives it any color desired, and a high lustre with one application. This Floor Outfit con­ tains a Self-Grainer, Set of Brushes, and material to grain, stain and varnish 100 square feet of surface Only $2.50 A T«n-Y«ur old Child Can Apply it. You Can't Go Wrong. Come to our store and leam to grain lil^e an expert in 5 minutes. Yotiil not have to buy. S. W. BROWN ttlNCWOOD. ILL'NJIS m ORDERING YOUR UMBER the thing to be sure of is that it is tilled according to your specifications. If Clear siding is wanted, don't take No. 1 and altove all things get what you pay fqr. We're sticklers on tilling orders* as specified be­ cause we know there is a big difference in the wearing qual­ ity of grades. We buy right and sell right. WILBUR UMBO CO. WEST N'HENRY, ILL. WHEN YOU CALL ON YOUR BEST GIRL -take a box of- KRANZ CHOCOLATES from tho M'ALUSTER MMC STOKE E. V. M'ALUSTER & CO. Druggist* West McHenry We Pay The Highest rket Ite •FOR- Calves, Hides AND Chickens Tablet* »t FeteMb'v. 11 Let us know what you have and we will make you a price. J.W.Aebischer I ISUC*I«.>I TO €. <2. Fins it. J HsJIENBY, II*. w H TNIPVffi 99-* * CHECK * THAT COLD just as quickly as possible. One can never tell what a cold will develop into. Our PINK COLD TABLETS is a never-failing antidote for colds. It makes no dif­ ference whether the cold is in the incipient stage orwell advanced It is guaranteed to cure. :: :: :: PRICE, 25 CENTS. N. H. PETESCH McHENRY, ILLINOIS. A BIG ASSORTMENT OF RELIABLE HAKES AT THE CORRECT PRICES. F. L. McOMBER, The West .Side Hardware Mail. (F PRETTY THINGS For The Home From now until spring you will be pass­ ing most of your time in your home and with the approach of cold weather also comes the thought of making your home comfortable and cozy. Did you ever stop and think of the many comforts there are in GOOD FURNITURE? Home is not complete without nice fur­ niture and we are here to supply you. We handle everything in the line of Furniture at satisfactory prices. :: :: JACOB JUSTEN, THE McHENRY FURNITURE MAN A URGE STOCK OF READY-TO-WEAR PANTS! PRICES RANGE FROM Also Samples of lies' mill dents' Rain Coats $5.00 and up Guaranteed in every way J. D. LODTZ, ftcHenry, Illinois. # &

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