Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1912, p. 5

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J. W. SMITH, LESSEE AMD MANAGER I OWING TO THE CLOSING OF THE SUM­ MER SEASON OF THE AIR DOnE PHOTOPLAYS i WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE OR WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS -- ! 2....Shows Each Night....2 Until Further Notice All Sea.ts, 10 Cents WHEN you buy a beating stove you want one that will consume the least amount of fuel, give the greatest amount of heat, hold the fire, prevent the formation of clink ers, have a hand­ some appearance and last a lifetime THEN BUY A ...ROUND OAK... That is the stove t h a t h a s m a d e good in every one ol the above tests for forty years. We depend upon satisfied custom­ ers for future sales. Our stove b u s i n e s s h a s i n ­ creased each year which is proof positive that w have -^he right policy and the RIGHT STOVE. Call and see the line. :: :: F.^ L. West Main Street West McHenry & PHILIP JAEOER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL attention givkn to the sale or DrtMed Beef, Ulttoo, hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs^. ThU Is the oldest hoaae on the street Tag* and price list* furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A j, Fattoa St. Wkol*Ml« Market. 1^. OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS of yours--she'll soon be having her hair "done up" and, too, she will be out­ growing her childish ways -t-and you haven't had her picture taken since she was in long dresses. You don't exactly want to keep her as she is--but you do tokeep the memory. Have you thought about glv- tag photos ms Christmas gifts We Know that you know a good piece of meat when you see it. We know that a poor piece of meat is expensive at any price, and that is why we are serving the public with the very best that money » will buy. Have you tried our home made sausaige? If not, you don't know what you're missing. :: J.W Aebischer lAtfNSimBfiB. Two weddings will-take place here next week. Lawrence N. Baer was a business visitor in Chicago last week Friday. Wb. Althoff attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last week Friday. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen are enter­ taining1 a girl baby at their home since last Saturday. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Mfeyers, who reside near this place, on Saturday, Nov. 9. Otis Murray and Dr. A. Mueller drove over to Harvard in the former's car Monday afternoon. Mrs. A. Mueller of this place lies seriously ill at the hospital in Har­ vard. Her many friends hope that she may soon recover. The farmers of this vicinity are more than busy husking corn. A num­ ber did not find time to go to the polls and vote on Tuesday of last week. A report was circulated about town last week to the effect that the build­ ing now occupied by Joe Michels had been sold. The report was without foundation. The foundation and floor of the now store building that is being erected by C. M. Adams here was completed last week and t he masons are now at work laying-the cement blocks. New horse sheds are being built along the highway just west of Stephen H. Smith's place of business. This ad­ dition to the town should be appreciat­ ed by the farmers in this vicinity. Work on the new feed house that is being erected here by Joe Stilling is progressing nicely and the farmers about this place should appreciate the builder's efforts in giving them af'place to purchase their feed here at home. Two wedding dances will take place at Smith's hall here on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week. "On Tuesday evening the Adams-Schaef- er wedding dance will be held, while on the following night the Smith- Michels dance takes place. The progressive euchre part v planned for Sunday night in St. John's hall s in charge of Misses Susie 1'. Schniilt. Nellie Schael'er, Mamie Frail. Lizzie Kreund, lieyina Kreund and Kosie Schmitt. A merry time in store for all. This will U' the last cai-d party for 19|J. The Young Ladies' socit i> of St. .John's Catholic church here will give a public, card party at the church hall next Sundav evening, Novi 'IuImm ' 11. Pi-ogressive euchre will lie the game lo be indulged in and appropriate prizes will be awarded the winners. The young ladies will alao serve light refreshment* after the card games. The doings will Ik* pin at 8:1;> o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The parishioners of St. John's Cath­ olic church are working most harmon­ iously in preparing for the two days' kiriuis which is to take place at the church hall on Thanksgiving eve and Thanksgiving day aud evening. This promises to terminate into one of the biggest social event* ever held here. The Catholic order of Foresters intend to push the celebration with all their might. They have taken steps to put up an immense booth of granite ware, which they will dispose of on the wheel of fortune. Besides this the men w ill have a splendid display of umbrella* and whips. The women's committee soliciting donations is as follows: Mrs. Anna Huchner, Sec. and Treas.; Mes- dames F. Schmitt, M. Sclunitt, Kliz Mueller, Josephine Frett, Hosa Schu­ macher- Kl NOW OOP Mrs. K. C. Hawley's sister is with her for a few days, James Rainey and wife spent Sun­ day afternoon at Pistakee Bay. Mr. ;uid Mrs. Warren Foss were Chi­ cago visitors Thursday and Friday of last week- The reading at the M. E. ohurch Sunday evening by Mi's- McGauns was very good. Miss Lora Walkington and 1'aul Stephenson were Chicago visitors the last of the week. Bert McCannon and family and H. W. Allen and wife visited relatives in Woodstock Sunday. The W. C. T. U. will hold their annual due dinner at the home of Mrs. H. W. Allen Saturday of this week. Hemeuiber the entertainment given by the Ladies' Aid Friday and Satur­ day evenings of this week. Admission 15 and cents. H. W. Allen and wife drove to Sal­ em, Wis., Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bloss came home with them for a few days' visit. There Is a Photographer |n ncttenry, Ilimol* .Salts McHENKY. ILL. C. ti. Fretu i?s w 'PHONE SO-N A neglected cough may become chron­ ic. Our cough remedy will stop it. 25c the bottle at Peteceh't. Adv. 17 VOLO. Earl Davis of Fort Hill was in town Sunday. Mrs. Wrn. Moiidor of Giant was in town Friday. Mrs. Chas. Ilaught was a McHenry caller Thursday. Geo. BarRer of Oak Park spent Thursday and Friday here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher were Wauconda callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fassfield and children spen.t Sunday w ith her mother. Mr. and Mrs, John Brown of Wau- oonda were Sunday callers here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker and chil­ dren spent Sunday ic Hainesville Mrs. Chas. of C spent Thursday wiUrbr9^par Win, Winerof Lib. ing on friends here 'i day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Benwell and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson spent Sundav in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. W. Converse apd Edith and Mrs. M. Monahan were Wauconda callers Friday. uuuoma Chris Hoy was at Crystal Lake Thurs­ day. v f Mrs. Harry Nelson was a city caller last week. Mrs. L«oh>~Bennett went to Richmond Wednesday. 1 Mrs. W. E. Dike called at Wood­ stock recently. A. P. Peck made a business trip to the city Monday. Mrs. E. Hesselgrave was a visitor at Richmond recently. Irvin E. Masou is visiting his broth­ er at C'assapol is, Mich. t Wm. Wieland will have an auction sale Saturday, Nov. Iti. Albert l>illy of Crystal Lake was a Ridgefield caller Thursday. Misses Cecelia and Daisy Bonnichsen were at Woodstock Friday. Miss Dora Hutson of Woodstock vis­ ited relatives hi re Thursday. A. Jacobs drove to Crystal Lake on business Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Hose Goddard was a business caller at Crystal lyake Satuixlav. Mr. and Mrs. Lars NVlsoti were busi­ ness visitors at Huntley Thursday. Mrs. E. F. Anderson and two chil­ dren were at Crvstal Lake Saturday. Chris Hoy was entertained at dinner in the Garrison home at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Throop of Wood- stoek called at the J. <1. Hartman home Sunday afternoon. Miss Clara Kichkoff of Woodstock spent Thui>day and Friday among Ridgetield friends. Mrs. R. L. Dulield visited relatives and friends in Elgin, Chicago and Ev- anston last week. Miss Helen Colby of Evanston was pleasantly entertained at the Breyts- praak home last week. Mrs. Lars Nelson and son, Andrew, are visiting'at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. French at Kenosha. N. J. Garrison and familv of Wood­ stock were callers and shoppers at the Economy store Saturday evtning. Mr. and \frs. Burgett returned home Sundav evening after a visit with their daughter. Mrs. Llovd Hermance. Gerald Smith spent the lore part of the week with his parents in the city, wuile his brother, Kenneth, spent the latter part there. The Aid society met with Mi-s. W. E. Dike Thursday aliernoon. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mis. Sam Simmons Nov. 21. Louis M. Goddaitl, an employe of the Oliver typewriter factory, spent his vacation repairing his mother's house. His wife accompanied him for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B Lynch. TEKKA T;:RRA. John Conway of Woodstock spent Sunday at his home here. Jutin Care^v and family of Ringwood called at J. M. Phalin's Sunday. Miss Alice Knox of McHenry visited her sister, Mrs. M. A. Conway, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ay 1 ward of Elgin were guests of relatives here Sunday. Mi's. Louis McDonald and son, Ford, of Woodstook visited friends here Fri­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleary of Elgin visited at the home of P. H. Conway Sunday. Mrs. Marion McMillan aud Mrs. Helen Fox were Crystal Lake callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman and son, Carl, of Chicago spent the week end at S. H. Leisner's. G. \V. Phalin of Tuscaloosa, Ala., has beeh visiting bis brother, J. M. Phalin, and other relatives and friends here. NO HOKE PENSION VOUCHERS. I'ncle Sam's pensioners have received notices from the pension department at Washington, advising them that after the tirst of the year, and in ac­ cordance with the new pension law, there would no longer be the necessity of having th§ir vouchers executed by notary publics or by county officers. They are informed that vouchers will be entirely done away with and that when the new law goes into effect their checks will be sent direct from the department at Washington. The news contained in the notice* is more than welcome to the pensioners, who have been greatly inconvenienced as the result ol the "red-tape" which has heretofore surrounded the execution of vouchers. The necessity of appear­ ing in i>erson before a notary public has been the occasion of great hard­ ship to many, if not all, pensioners. Many of them are in feeble health and probably five out of ten never leave their homes except when they are compelled to have their vouchers exe­ cuted. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All fcdv, rti»nnieut» inserted under tbls b«*d at tti* followingl-ato*. Five line* or le«a, 16 cent* for first inaertion; 16 cent* for utet iubi«|u«nt Insertion. More tiuj) l ive linen, 6 cents • line tor first Insertion, and ) uente a line for aUditlonl Insertions. IjV)K SALE Base burner and sideboard. " 1 u(|Uire at tbls office. Mrs. Bvri>. tjvoK SALE Several tons of pood middlings. " Spencer's mill. West McHenry. 111. 22-tf EV>tt SALE -Dry oak cord wood. luquire of R John Fkcuhu, McHenry. R. 3. Phoue S«-K -2 . 21 -at* IJVOK SA LE-- Collie pups. Inquire of John ^ Punauah on the John Uracy farm. Ter­ ra Cotta. nL iSMt TAOU t»ALK--Thorobred red Bourbon tur R keys; tnms, f4.60; hens. S3.0U. K. M. .Vue- iN!»on. West McHenry. Phoue H01-W-1. 22-1 FOU SALE -'About seventy-^ve thorocred Wliit" Leghorn chickens. Flms P. Jeckc West McHenry, III. "Phone 610-W-l. 2S-tf Ao k s ALK a first-class surrey In fine con- r\ ^it jon Will be sold cheap. Inquire or wrHe Kisusbicy Hodsjl Pistakee Bay. 16-tf OtTMtHI fs'a 11 (J Full SALE Hous^Taud lots In McHenry Al>o river property with acreage. Bold acre '*r lot. luyuirt of U. bATTIM. West McHenry. 111. 41-tf 17H>K SALE - Mitchell automobile, tour pas- ^ sender, perfect condition. fJOO 00 New tires, three extra tires, wind shield, speedom­ eter. chains, pump, tools, clock, Duiaper. horn and jack. Jos. J. Mkrtks. Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay. % 30tf mm BUY lfllLLWORK THAT ADDS VALUE to your home by increasing its at­ tractiveness at little more cost than you'd pay for inferior stuff. We purchase from the best wood­ working factories in the country and can supply everything in Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Stair Ralls, Porch Columns and Interior Finish on the shortest notice and lowest prices consistent with quality. Try us. Bring your plans in for prirrw jnR LH WEST N'HENRY, ILL in Cough Remedies for the children and get a safe and reliable remedy for the whole family. McAllister's WHite Pine Cough Syrup (Methol&ted with Tar) McAllister's Cold Tablets will we^rd off Grippe E. V. nmiSTER & CO. Druggist* West McHenry SEE OUR We are agtMit-; for litis Storm Front and w ill be pleased to have you call and see it. It is absolutely the most practica­ ble Storm Front on the mar­ ket. Call in and we will tell you all about it and explain its merits. :. :: :: E. L. Behlke, WEST McHENRY, ILL. lou Are Sm of getting the best in the line of Groceries, Fruit and Bakery Goods if you come to this store for them. We do not carry the largest stock in town, but what we do carry is of the kind that gives satisfaction. We will appreciate a trial order from you. :: :: Math. Laures Trie WEST SIDE OROCERYMAN Phone 8 West McHenry (F * CHECK * THAT COLD jostnas quickly as possible. »One can never tell what a cold will develop into. Our riwt COLD TO(,ETS is a never-failing! antidote for colds. It makes no dif­ ference whether the cold is in the incipient stage or well advanced. It is guaranteed to cure. :: :: :: :: TRICE, 2S CENTS. N. H. McHENRY. ILLINOIS. J UfG are prepared to supply you with warm, seasonable goods. Our "new store, fully one-third larger than the old one, is crowded with seasonable merchandise. :: :: Men's Underwear, heavy fleeced -.50c Men's Underwear, heavy wool $1.00 to $3.00 Ladies' Underwear 25c~$2 Union Suits for Men, Wo­ men and children at popu­ lar prices. Men's heavy Coats, duck and corduroy $2.25 up Bed Blankets, heavy and warm, medium and large sizes 75c to $6.00 Flannel Shirts and nobby Dress Shirts.. $1 to $1.50 All the latest fads in Ties and Collars. Our Shoe Department is full of good bargains--new­ est styles and shapes. Dress Goods in all popular shades and newest novelties in Poplins Cords, Etc. Ginghams, Percales, Flannels. Silks in Messalines and new changeable combinations. We-have* lot of Silk Remnants to close at bargain prices. BUTTERICK PATTERNS IN STOCK. Groceries, Canned Goods, Cereals, Etc., always fresh. Try ourT&- paz Coffee, 35c, 3 pounds for $1.00. None better. Other grades at 25c and 30c. Do not forget to call and see the new INTERNATIONAL Samples for your new suit or overcoat. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Yours truly, J. WAL5H, PHONE «3-R. GOODS DELIVERED. WEST MeHBNRY. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. F. B. Behnbtt. Attorney. Estaijeof Katlirlne M. Dolbeer. Deceased. The iiJud>*rsl|?ned having been appointed Administrator ofxhe Estate of Katlirlne Dolhcer, derrased'. late of the county of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives no­ tice that he will appear before the bounty Court, of MrHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the January Term, on the first Monday iu January. 1913, next, at which time all persons bavlufc claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of havlujs the same adjusted. All pei-sons indebted to said Estate ar« re­ quested to make immediate payment to tbe undersigned. Dated this I3tb day of November, A. D. 1MZ 22-3t Adv Job F. Vasby, Administrator. Read The Pl&indealer. We have made arrangements with the manufacturers of the Free Sewing Machine for a demonstration her© on T uesday, Dec. io at which time one of the Free Sewing Ma­ chines / will be given away. If yon have not received a card / from us call at our store and get one. Someone is going to get a Sewing Machine absolutely FREE. JACOB JUSTEN. THE McHENKY FURNITURE MAN liinrittirimr Just Like Mother Used to Make^ That's what they say about our Bakery and the assertion is absolutely correct. We exercise just as much care in our baking as mother used to and we use nothing but the very best flour, sugar, butter and lard that can be purchased. That's why our goods are better than our com­ petitors are offering you. 'Phone IOJ-R :: A. TIETZ I---------------------- • • • • TELEPHONE N*. lOft-M ASK ME * A bout ELECTRIC Christmas presents. ^Now is the liiue and nothing better r" br SAMUEL M. ESLE* M9HENRY, ILL.

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