Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1912, p. 8

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,3 1 : r- J'U'- I NEW FALL Hats, Gloves, Shirts, •Gents' Furnishings JOS. W. FttEUND WEST McHENRY, PHONE 59-R QUARTER OF A CENTURY ntn CUrPED FROM PLAINDCALElt «p TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AC©. ! CONE AND SEE WHAT A r J L |y| | I | | I will buy in our 5 and 10 cent department. Quite a number of people residing in McHenry and vicinity have already taken ad­ vantage of this new department and satisfied customers are call­ ing daily. Come in and see the display. It will please you. J. J. VYCITAL | jjpaaitoBB: COT?01* BATTS REDUCED Our fine- at Cotton Batting is complete, ranging from the comforfxr to the small sized roll. Here are the reduced prices 75c Comforter size Batts reduced to 6oc 20c quality Batts reduced to 15c % 12|c quality Batts reduced to 9c 10c quaJity Batts reduced to 7c YARNS, Saxony or Shetland Floss, per skein 5c Spanish Worsted, regular l*c ... isAc Market With Us and Save Baked Beitns, fancy, in sauce, 2 lb can 10c Mince Meat, Blossom brand, 3 packages 35c Corn, new pack, ll* cans for 95c; 3 cans 35c Fancy solid pack Pumpkin, can ... .9c Fancy Seedless Ilaisins, pound 10c Fancy Seeded Raisins, pound 10c Sifted June Peas, per can 15c Luxury Brand Coffee, 3 pounds $1.00; ] }>ound.. . ,35c Choice Asparagus, can 15c Cal. soft «hell Walnuts, new, pound 25c Jo tin Stofiel WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS •i" t". I: Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good basiueng principles and does a mWL BAflKINt BUSINESS respectfully aolirting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. RBAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to tray or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Jl You Can Depend on It Those five words explain the merits of EARLY RISER FLOUR. What better endorsement would one ask for? That's all the housewife expects and we are here to say that we can' back our words. If you have never used the Mcll enry product make it a point to give it a trial the very next time that you buy. Sold at the mill and by McHenry merchants WEST N'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS Lots of f$n at the toboggan slide every day. Mrs. Jos. Lawrenoe and children have moved to Minnesota. We learn that A. Calkins will take possession of the Riverside House dn the first of Decern ber. We understand the McHenry band will give a concept and dance in Park­ er House hall about Dec. 9. Capt. Walter Hill has moved family back from the lakes and now occupies his residence in this village. John Niesen contemplates opening a blacksmith shop in the old Bishop building, near the iron bridge, about December 1. George Smith has one of the finest full blooded mastiff pups to be found in the state. He is twelve weeks old and he paid the handsome sum of $50 for him. Union Thanksgiving services will be held at the M. E, church in this vil­ lage on Thursday evening of next week, Nov. 24. Rev. H. Slade will deliver the sermon. Married--At Milwaukee, Wis., No- verajj^r 14, by the Rev. Updike, past*#' of the Somerfield M. E. church, J. A. Going of Chicago and Hattie (J. Shimmin of Ravinia, 111. An exchange sa.vs: "Never judge by appearances. A shabby old coat I may contain an editor, while the man wearing a high-toned plug hat and sup­ porting a dude cane may be a delin­ quent subscriber."' Winter started in on Saturday last with a regular blizzard. Eight or ten inches of snow fell and was piled in all conceivable shapes, in the streets and on the sidewalks, much to the disconi titure of pedestrians. The toail train due here at seven in the evening did not reach here until half past three Sunday morning. Mrs. E. D. Wheeler has left on our table an apple raised in the orchard of her brother, Samuel II. Berry, in the northern part of Maine, which we think one of the finest specimens we ever saw. It measured 124 inches in circumference, was smooth and hand­ some and of the linest flavor. We confess to a weakness for such fruit as we were accustomed to in our boyhood days in the east. Auction Sale! YOUR FARMING TOOLS AT COST CHAS. SULLIVAN, AUCTIONEER The undersigned- will sell at public auction on the farm known as the B. J. Wegener farm, on the McHenry and Volo road, 2 miles east of McHen­ ry river bridge and 3 miles west of Volo, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, '12 commencing at 10 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 31 HEAD LIVE STOCK consisting of If) choice Holstein cows, some with calves by their sides and the rest to come in soon; 5 Holstein heifers heavy with calves, bred to a regis­ tered Holstein bull; (i Holstein calves 10 months old, graded Holstein bull 1,"> months old. 4--HORSES--4 Black gelding. 12 years old, weight 1300 lbs.; roan Belgian gelding, 4 years old, weight 1400 lbs.: bay mare, 7 years old, weight 1000 lbs., in foal; brown gelding, 4 years old, weight 1000 lbs. HAY AND GRAIN Eight tons timothy hay in barn, 3 tons millet hay in barn, 8 tons oat straw in barn, 400 bushels good white oats, 7."> bushels good white barley free from foul seed, 10 loads corn stalks in stack. MACHINERY McCormick grain binder nearly new, Buckeye broadcast seeder with grass seed attachment, disc pulverizer with truck, used one season: 3 section land roller, 3 section drag, truck wagon, 4 inch' tire; light milk wagon, surrey without t-op, tank heater, new; gang plow, hay fork, pulleys and 160 ft. of rope, 4 milk cans. FREE LUNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be givmi on good bankable notes bear­ ing seven per cent interest. No prop­ erty to be removed until settled for. Emii. Fki'fkii, l'roptietor. Jos. W. Fkkitnd, Clerk. A I >M IN ISTliATOK'8 NOTICE. .1. I. I>a»K. Attorney.;iU; of John Oottliiijf, I . The uiKlersiKii.-d having i»wn appointed Adminis! ml ri x of t he F,M ate of John Oeffling esiM-d. lute of the County of McHenry and St.iite of 1111 in lis. hereby gives notice I liitt she will appear before the County Court of Mc­ Henry County, at the Court House In Wood­ stock. at the .liimiarv Term, ou the first Mon­ day In January next, at which time all per­ sons having claims against said Kstase are notified ami requested. U> attend for the pur­ pose iif haying the same adjusted. All per- •> indebted to Maid Kstale are requested to make immediate payment to the under­ signed. •Oated this 2tit h day of October, A. I). 1H12. Adv-21 -:it Kmmk Kattnkk, Administratrix. C. I. ALLENDORF, GENERAL AUCTIONEER. Live stock and farm sales a specialty. My motto is, "One price and a square deal to all." Kemember the name :ind call p^ione 007-M-2. (9. I. Allen- dorf. West McHenry, Route 1. 19-3Adv NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that trapping on my premises is strictly forbidden, under penalty of the law. l-3t Adv K. P. Fl.ANDKBS. At the convening of the circuit court at Woodstock last week Monday the l>etit jury was discharged and all jury trials put over until the January term. Chancery and other cases not requir­ ing a jury were disposed of, the busy season among farmers making it ad­ visable to not hold the- farmer jurors at this time. Preparatory to raiising and repairing the building in which we are doing business it becomes necessary to dis- pose of our heavy goods. Therefore we will for two weeks sell at cost Watk- \ ing, Sulky and Gang Plows, 6, 7 and 8 foot Pulverizers, Drills and Seeders, Corn Planters, Wagons, Buggie s-- in fact, everything in stock EXCEPTING MANURE SPREADERS. • I Stoffel West ItlcBcnrv, Illinois Fall and Winter Goods are coming in daily. Come and pee our SWEATERS All kinds and prices for Men, Women, Misses and Children SHOES for Fall and Winter wear in high and regular cuts for dress and service. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000. AS SOLD) AS AM You can safely enu ̂ i your money to us when you are sure*>f the ab­ solute reliability of our safe bank* A checking account here is a necessity to every man who does busi­ ness in modem ttprto- date ways and a convenience that many women are taking advantage of. Call and talk to us about it. :: . :: ' :: :: SAFETY DEPIBII BOXES, $3.00 PES YHJt.. I EDWIN L. WACNEK. Pr»«. ---OFFICERS:-- DR. C. H. FEUEK8. Vice Pre»>, CARL W. 8TENGER. CMMmi TIV9 riVIk fr We make hats and caps to mateh uits. J. D. Lodtz. Adv For Values don't fail to visit this store L. F. BLOCK, McHENRY PHONE 79-J The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices DO YOU KNOW that one dollar is bigger on a purchase at our store tfon apjswljere else? We buy nothing but the best merchandise and sell on a small margin of profit. Our aim [a *Q trpa| every­ one alike and we have but one price to all. :: '•'> u HEN'S SHIRTS This line of goods is hard for us to keep in stock as they sell faster than we can find the big values we are offering in this line. : : Men's fine quality Flannel Shirts, navy and gray, with new style collar, at each $1.00 Extra fine quality wool flannel Shirts, full cut and correctly sijed, brown, blue and gray $1.50 MEN'S CAPS Special values in this line, rial, all shades, at each... New styles and m a t e - Si .00 SPECIAL.--Men's Caps at each ... 25c SOc ITE/IS OF INTEREST Flannel Petticoats, each •1.00 Extra fine black Sateen Petticoats. SI 1.25 Full length extra full cut flannel Kimonos in attractive patterns, at SI.50 S2.25 Men's Sheep Pelt Mittens, just the thing ior a warm driving mitt, full cut and correctly sized, at • • • 50© SI.00 Boys' Leather Mittens at 25© 50© Men's full cut Underwear....... si .00 Men's Lace or Button Shoes in a good quali ty box calf, per pair S2.50 Good siae Bed Blankets, per pair 75c Ladies' and Children's Coats at a BIG SAVlF'^

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