Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1912, p. 4

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'i' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. O. SCHREINER. OOes la Bank Bnlldlng. ^Telephone. No. 171. TKRMO OF SUBSCRIPTION I * Hyui W-W fix month*, 75 etc. Three months. 40cU. Tharsday, November ai, 191a. f™ : I PROBA TE NE JI'S | LForuished by Mcllenry County Abstr;n-t OmrpiMiy, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public sijuiin1. A li­ st ract.s of title and con voyaiicttijf. Y"iii'v 1" loan on r«al estate in sums of tivr liumfrcil to ten thousand dollars. Time and )>:t\Mi" *> to suit borrower. Phones 634. mo;i an'1 yn REAL, ESTATE ^RANSl'KKS. Ethel Davis to Marie L Wadlui ms. i)i <! uw fractional M sec IT, Mcilenry PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Jchn M, Blake. Imei livuun-) re­ port. filed and approved. Kathrine M. Doihoor. .1>l> K. \ ;.s<•> appointed administrator. li>nd filed and approved. Hearing- -1 t tor Dec. 2, 1911'. Iuunlon and ;i|>(>va me It bill filed and approved. E izabeth Mueller. Rej>ort filed. Henry and Hennie Kenti- L>eck. Ke- i port filed. MARRIAGE I.IGENSE: Geo. Miller. 24 N. I'rysial Lake Matie Kadke, 2.'> - Charles Dyer. 50. ...... < 'apron Kary Kuppe, Clyde B. Rtarritt. "J"> N. < rwal Lnkt Ella J. Knaack. LM John H. Foreman. 1! Ella Gibbs, 27 Michel Kriger. 22 Eva Gotham, IS Henry Adains. 2r> Katie Schaefer. 23 John A. Paulson. 22 . Marguerite Cooney Edward C. Bodensc.hat z. ;$<> Emma Bockhus. 2.V William Henry Crow le v Sarah Anna Conway. 27 Henry J. Heinier. 20 Clara Justen, 22. Stephen May. 22 Dena Miller, 18 Elmer A. Ford, 23 Laura M. Phflum, 19 1 \iplar Grove Richmond ("rystal L:ikt . .Jolinsbui': 31 •\ ard M, •Uilin^lim L: Suits and overcoats made to your measure by the International Tailor­ ing company. Over .">00 samples to select from. Measures taken by M. .1. Walsh. Adv To save $5 on a rubberized *lip on coat see J. D. Lodtz. Adv w »* r TTfE have now pointed thc tel€phone wa^ ^ to Chicago, to Bo$c6h£l and to other places whence travelers come^ and ^go, ana business is doing 300 days a Stqp. We could point South to Afew Orleans, West to Denver, and North to Medicine, Hatybut. enough has been said to sho>£ tfi^t Bell Ltffig Distance lines have the inaHenable^rig^t to the claim of universal servic^,Ifmd that every­ one can be in constant touch with this great system through the Chicago Telephone Com­ pany. James Perkins, Manager's Tele- Manager phone 9903 / -e v 7 - *7- /IA M1 1 A i &'-TK AT- •r vv^ itifmmMMWBA SOR1 MCHEN&Y ILL. SUMMER CHRIST r. IVORAGER. You insure \ 1 liursday, November i THANKSGIVING DAY SHOOTING WILL COMMENCE AT II O'CLOCK SHARP, AND WILL BE OPEN TO VISITORS AND PROFESSIONALS Special Turkey Dinner X. Why Not Yovir Feet? LUNCH AND REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED AT THE HOTEL CONE AND GET YOUR TURKEY FREE LL ARE THE BEST INSURANCE POLICY IN EXISTENCE ^ Boiled, Coffee Contains Tannic Acid ,'^1 West McHenry's ONLY SHOE SPECIALIST ri) now (r nal&l ~ y@cl that you know a ^ood j piece of meat when you ! see it. We know that! i a poor piece of meat is j expensive at any price, and that is why we are serving the public with the very best that monev will buv. Have you tried our home made sausage? If not, you don't know what you're missing. :: J.W. Aebischer Sucebsor to C. G. Frett. McHENEY. ILL. 'PHONE 80-M Everybody's Doing It What? Why, buying their groceries and fruits of us, lo b€^»ure. Our line com­ prises the very choicest on the market and we are able to give you first-class service at all times. Call us up, $ive us your order and; we will do the rest. We never fail to please. Give us your order for • fiUifS.fQ,. canning pur­ poses. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NjP. S6-W HcHenry, - Illinois. The only^ way to realize the flavor of the berry is by percolation. :: :: ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCOLATORS are as attractive in appear­ ance as they are effective in action. As a Christmas Present one would deli ght the recipient. :: :: Prices, $7.50 up PUBLIC SERVICE CO. Of Northern Illinois CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT --solved once for all by Calumet. For daily use in millions of kitchens has proved that Calumet is highest not only in quality but in leavening fionas well--on- failin'- in results--pure to the extreme--and wonderfully economics! in use. Ask your grocer. And try Calumet next bake day. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS W*r1d'» Pure Fftotf Expedition. Chteaco. 111. Paris Exposi­ tion. Praiwt. March. # ti F"!\ V «i uinl« r this Li.-h'i n.\ the r It***, Zh lor tlrpt i ll lnwtTtion. 1 l«n«» for first iu««rtioa, t« hi* of good middlings, .-t Mdlunry, III. ?J-tf \|.l. A self fit-ili'l- Il(()Uirt* >1 > . h I Khi'Mi, M< Hi-iiry. III. ZS-lt - \ l I I h y i k i I , r a i d w u i k I . I u i | i i i r < - o f iiin I itkumi, Mi'llt-nry. K. I'hont* - 21-Ht* lOup.M.i 1 M . H . t n y SniKlt' «*<mill full bl<MKJ<'(i Hniwn 11 ciH'kt'rfK. < . L. l'A<iE. Wi-M 2i-t f \l.l-, A ti i-sl -cl;is-> !.-i rr«'y iufluecin)- 111. Will Im Mild cln';i(). 1 nqulrc nr r.ti- WisiiSKKY HotiHK. lMstakw Hay. ltt-tf TRu$T \ Powigg & 1. .-A LK llnu^t's and lots lu Mclli-nrv A mi rivi'r. property with acrt-agt-. Solil p«T :i«-r«* or Im. Ini|uiu- of A. Sattem. \\ >•>! McHenry. Ill 41-t.f •ALF Ui- luivi- ;i f,-w lurlii-ys ww will fur ' u>t 1 iim rs for ThauksKiviiiK- Anyone wiintiiiK same phone (iOn I-lorcall at the Tlion. Tliomp.son farm. APH W0I ,"K i1 ̂ KltF.It ('(>1,1,FUR of Chl- • wants men to learu the IturlM-r trade. They offer splendKl, inducemel n.^ aud a short term completes. /They mall a beau­ tiful catalogue and as^/aH our readers to send for it. Zi* Ft'K SAI.K Mitchell autotnohile. four pas- A sfnut-r. |M'rfect cond it ion. I*) New tires, three extra tires, wind shield, speedom­ eter. chains, pump, tools, clock. Iiumper. horn and Jack. .Io«. J. Mkrtkx. Oak Park Mol^'l. I'istakee Hay. A aot f The s ty le i s a ha t cap to match \u i i r su i t . \ \V make thorn . J . I ) . L i n i t / . Adv Sweater coats in all the popular .colors and newest styles for ladies, children, Imjvs and men from (M)c to #;'.<*> each at M. .1. Walsh's. Adv Chicken feed at M. M. Niesen ' s . For making quickly and per^ fectly, delicious hot biscuits, hot breads, cake and pastry there is no substitute for Yoa don't save money when >>a buy cheap or big-can having powder. Don't be misled. Buy Calumet. //'* more economical-- mori wholesome -- gioes best remit*. Calumet it far superior •oar milk and soda. Fifty Y of yours--she'll soon be having her hair "done up" and, too, she will be out­ growing her childish ways --and you haven't had her picture taken since she was in long dresses. You don't exactly want td keep her as she is--but you do want to keep the memory. Have you thought about giv­ ing photos as Christmas gifts There Is d Pliuluglier In richenry, Illinois Chicago A North-Western. I<eave Uhtrafco. 00 a m "s ICi a m Vi.M l> ill 11 :.">0 a III *3.4h p m t> P m *4.43 p uj 7 10 a. m s.:«i .1 m >.0fi p m Effective November :i. 1912. WBBK DAT TRAINS. < NOHTHBOtTND Via Elffln V la I »es I'laines Via I»«'S I'laines Via Klgln. V ka I >es PI at lies . . Via RIkIii .Via lies Flalneti SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Klicln PI a Leave McHeury. *7.10 a in *7.10 a in *.><.1» a m *5.00 p m 7.10 am.. 7.10 a m 5.00 p ni Via IK»» 1 laines ._ Via Elgin . . WBKK DAT TRAINS SODTHBODND Via IK's PI allies . .Via F.l»cin Via I>«s Flalnes Via l)e» I'laines... KENDAT TRAINS. Via I>es i'laines.... Via F-lglii Vlavl >e« 1'lalues... Arrive McHenry. .. u ni 10.01 a m .2.35 p m ...2:25 p m 5.00 p m 0.21 o ni ...0.21 p tn . 10.06 a in .. 10.05 a ni 4.55 p m Arrive Chicago. 0.15 a iii 10.10 a in W.40 a m 6.45 p m 1».35 a m 55 a ui 6.30 p ui ; - r -- * irtVi TP.I mi 3.00 p na Vnp^Clgln. .7.50 p m * Daily except Saod»jr. "Clothes that will make you and surely won't break you." BRUNKR furnishes the material and we mould it to your figure. Go to the shop where price and quality meet and ask to join the "Custom-Tailored Club." You can recognize its members at sitfht, for they look a little different from the rest. Step in today and we will put you through the first decree. :: :: :: Pants at $2.50 JOHN D. L0DTZ MchENRY, :: ILLINOIS * 9 » tM ffl Professional. Society V-1 ! »•* BuihMt Cards I "• ffi t fiiwf •' DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. pUYSICIAI*. SURGEON AND OCULIST. Of- lie# and^rvflidence, conttr Elm and Gnm •trnti, McHenry. Illinois. Telephone No Ml* Phone, 245-J ;» ORico Pkm CHARLES fl. FRANCIS A SPECIALTY WOODSTOCK, &L LAWYER ESTATE WORK A SPECIALTY KMWtall Black . 112 1-2 Cms Stmt rdeplitN N* ay). SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. Weil McHenry, tftlMi* Fine Merchandise Farm Mm RnI Estate G. A. I Aucri Telephone No. 894 WEST N'HENRY, ILL w. 'W m L. Q. SENG Some 4ofroe tl ex­ cellence n Ufwn and ellrn, Mm •orvlce, same «M stand, same every­ thing except the ty NUMBER Jgk Is lOB N. 0th Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE TO THE PEOPLE OF PrHEPlY AND VICINITY I wish to announce that I am now located in the build­ ing until recently occupied by M. J. Walsh and can sup­ ply you with Ladies' and Children's Coats, Waists, Dress Skirts, Dress Goods; Overcoats, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Overalls, Shirts, Shoes and everything to be found 111 a general store. Our gro­ cery department is also com­ plete. :: :: Methodist Bc^zsvar evnd ..R_oast Chicken Supper.. STOFFEL'5 HALL Dec. 4, 1912 Afternoon and Evening SALE Of All (MmlNAS fltttSSMIS Roast Chicken Supper Served from 5 to 8 d. M. 35 c SPECIAL. ATTRACTION IN EVENING-- PRESENTATION OF "BARGAIN DAY AT BLOOMSTEIN'S" and music, both local and outside talent FREE ADMISSION, YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE ALL INVITED E. LDSK, M' PHOK't m-m THINGS OFTEN RETURNED, BUT NEVER BORROWED? THAHKS. The specially appointed day for universal thanksgiving is not far distant and we are making special arrangements to provide' our pa­ trons with all these good things /tn our line, which will help make the Thanksgiving dinner a big succfss. We will thank you for your Thanksgiving orders. :: E. F. Matthews WEST McHENIn "isoNfe: s NOVEMBERS J wi l l t ind the l eaks aroynd youp wjndpws Storm Sash w jll stop these leaks Better order now be­ fore cold weather seta In, :: •< WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY WK8T Mi-HENRY, ILL. phonl: S. ' Don't LodU's. forget the S2.50 panu at Ad /

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