Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1912, p. 5

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CentralisOpera House V* PcHenry, Illinois. Sunday® Evening, November 24 mmmmm 1 HMHM^MMmnnimmih NEIGHBORING NE UTS AS CHRONICLED B Y j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS \ 4*to> KlUUKnELU Mrs. J. J. Reser was shopper Mtfbday. f Mrs. J. B. Lynch and grandson were city shoppers Saturday. F. Wille and J. Robinson were Crys­ tal Lake callers Monday. Ray Skinner came up from Elgin to spend Sunday with his family. Andrew Peterson wasP a business caller in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. A. Dietz was a pleasant caller at Woodstock Friday afternoon. Misses Daisy and Cecelia Honnich- sen were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mrs. B. Throop aud daughter. Agnes, isited with RidgeJfeld relatives Fri­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Nelson are car­ ing for their little grandson tor the winter. Mrs. R. Skinner is visiting her sis­ ter, Mrs. Carrie Krapel, at Burton's bridge. Mesdaiues K. Will** and H. Wille were Crystal Lake callers Friday aft­ ernoon. Min. ('lias. Schumacher and son \is- ited with relatives i! Avondale Satur­ day and Sunday. ew ho hnsbcrgb. a Chicago! The new horse sheds are caw com­ pleted and those who have occasion to drive into town are glad of it. Don't forget the "kirrais" at the church hall on next Wednesday even­ ing and Thursday afternoon and even­ ing. This is the wedding season here. Two weddings were solemnized this week, while another will take place next week. Work of laying the cement blocks for the new store building of C. M. Adams is progressing very favorably and the building should lie ready for the reof shortly. Rev. Edw. Berthold is the owner of a new 1W13 Model T. Foi-d touring car. The car arrived this week and the pastor will now tour the country in the finest car that has yet been brought to tjtis place. Frank Smith has returned home from Dakota, where he has spent the past few months: -.JAv. Smith is ver^ favor­ able ih ioressed with (In- Dakota lands and sa\s the erops there are the \ery best in yeai-s. The nieuibei-s of (he voting men s Da\ id Magoon o f Burton's bridge • society of St.. .John's church here ai-e was a pleasant caller at the home oL Surely making the best of their new A. Jacobs Sunday. ^ '^wlub nioiiis and the bovs certainly aj.- r THE FLORA DEVOSS COMPANY AN INSTANTANEOUS HIT ALL SPECIAL SCENERY! POLITE VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS SALE OF TICKETS NOW ON AT N. H. PETESCH'S ^MHEN you buy a heating stove you want one that will consume the least amount of fuel, give the greatest amount of heat, hold the lire, prevent the formation of clink ors, have a hand­ some appearance and last a lifetime THEN BUY A ...ROUND OAK... That is' the stove t h a t h a s m a d e good in every one of the above tests for forty years. .. We depend upon satisfied custom rs for future al^s. Our stove business has in­ creased each year which i s proof positive that we av.e the right olicy and the ilGHT STOVE. ^ all and see the line. :: :: F. L. McOMBF.R, West Main Street West McHenry PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHJVUSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL attention qivhn to the bale or Dre*sed Beef, Hutton, Hog*, VMI, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Ens Thto is the oldest honae on the street Tags and price Ust« furnished on application. coLD STORAOG FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall * 3. Palton St. WfaotaMl* Market. Andrew Nelson of ( hicavru spent a few da\s iasi week with his mother, M rs. Lars Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Frydendall will iiiove into t.heir new home at itatavia as soon as completed. Mr. anu Mrs. I-'.. 1,. Kimball of Heb­ ron were caller* in Kidgetield and vicinity Saturday and Sunds\. Mrs. L. Ford and daughter, Mrs. Heist-, ol Crvsial Lake visiteu at Mr. and M rs. Ilenrv Keed's Friday. Chris llo\ left tor the city Thursday enroute for Seattle, Wash., where he expects to spend the winter mouths. liev. B. Mett-ler of Milwaukee vis­ ited from Thursday to Saturday with his nephew, I'. 11. Haugh:u\ out. and family. The Misse> Mabel and Klsie Wille and Marjory Keser took their niusic lessons at Mrs. Hubert's in Woixistock Saturday. Mrs. S. ('. Wayne of Center I'oint, la., is visiting with her brother. J. G. Hartman, and wife and nephew, Fred Hartman, and wife Mrs. Kay Haldeman of^TP^nosha and her mother, Mrs. John Harden, of Woodstock were victors at the C. W. Wheeler home last week. Station Agent Lynch was the recip­ ient ol a basket of apples from L. A. Walkup. They were shipped from the Kast and were exceptionally line. Last Friday afternoon instead of the regular school work a farewell party was given by the school for Willie Weiland. Sandwiches, cake, fruit and candy were served and the usual good time was the feature of the afternoon Notic*. Basket social in the Walkup district school, No. 77, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 27. A good prograjH is\being prepared by the school. Everybody is cordially invited?--Ladtes, pleate bring baskets. Kveryone comely l>qn't for­ get the date. KIN 4) WOOD. George Stevens delivered a fine piano at Spring Grove Saturday. J. Y.Jluckland and William Sawyer were Woodstock visitors Monday. George of Solon Mills visited his sister, Mrs. Mary Hell, Monday. Hert MeCannon and family spent Suuda\ with his parents in Green­ wood. lloger Stevens of Klgin s|>ent Satur­ day «nd Sunday w ith his uncle, N. D. Stevens. Flora Martin of Delavan, Wis., vis­ ited Mrs. H. M. Stephenson the first of last. week. Mrs. May me Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Lora Hrjwn. William Sawyer of .lainaca, Iowa, is visiting liis cousin. C. Ladd, and other relatives. Mrsa Lora Hrmvn visited her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald, in McHenry Frida> last. The \V C. T. I'. hud a g«R>d ^tend­ ance at their meeting Saturday at Mrs. Allen's. Mrs. McGann was present aud gave two good recitations. There was a trood attendance at the entertainment Friday and Saturday evenings. Tl le receipts were fctHJ.iio. The Ladies' Aid is ver\ grateful to all who assisted them. Mrs. Julia Bishop left lor her home in Nebraska Sunday morning. She will stop for a brief visit with Mrs. Kd. Carter at .Jefferson, Iowa. The best wishes of her many friends go with her. VOLO- H. Davis of Wauconda was in town Sunday. Miss Naomi Va«>e\ is visiting in Graysl?ike. Mrs. Hay Haddock visited her sister at Fort Hi" Wednesday- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kruttenbcrg spent Saturday in Waukegan. Miss Vivian Martin of Fort Hill vis­ ited at Hay Haddock's the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson entertained company from Liberty ville over Sun­ day. Forest and Georgie Thompson of Port Hill were seen on our streets Sun­ day. Mrs. L. Lusk and children of West Fremont spent Saturday at A. J. Ray­ mond's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raught moved their household goods to VV aukegan Thursday, where they will make their future hiome. of the pastor in to spend their LUMBER THAT'S EASY TO WORK saves money to the builder in that it saves time and work of carpenters. Wel'e extremely particular about softness and grain in our finishing lumber, siding, ceiling, etc.. and most of it is mill planed so that it can be nailed right into house ready for painting: We can save you money and insure best quality in all kinds of building < material. WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST M'HENRY, ILL. A neglected cough may become chron­ ic. Our cough remedy will stop it. 25c the bottle at Petesch's. Adv. 1" reciate the elf. giving them a | evenings. The two wedding dances held at Smith's hall on Tuesday and Wednes- da y evenings ol this week were well attended ami proved most successful events. Nett's orchestra furnished the music for Unli occasions and, as usual, gave the \ er\ best, of satisfac­ tion. Mrs. Frank Miller met with a ver\ painful accident ai her hoi^ie here at about nine o'clock on Wednesday even­ ing of hist week, when she fell down a stalrwax and dislocated her right list. IV. N. J. N'xe ot McHenry was called into attendance. While the ac­ cident lifts caused (he victim consider­ able pain, she is thankful that the in­ juries were not more serious. Her many friends hope that it will not be long ere she xv i l l again ha ve the use of the injured member. The pi-ogressive euchre party held at the Johnsburg church hall last Sun­ day night was immensely enjoyed by the good sized croxvd in attendance. There was a lively contest for the attractive prizes. John Freund was the recipient of the lirst prize, w hich consisted of a tine Ik jx of fifty cigars. Miss Mamie Frett secured the second prize, a fancy embroidered center table cover. Messrs. Win. Miller and Frank Freund drew lots for the third prize, which good fortune brought to Mr. Miller. This was another line piece of fancy work. Miss Christina Zim- mermann and Alfred Debrecht ar^still smiling over their booby prizes. The young ladies served a tasty lunch. Mr. Frett was referee. The citizens of this vicinity were pained last'Friday morning to learn of the death of Mrs. Arnold Mueller, which occurred at the Harvard hospital at twelve o'clock Thursday night. Mrs. Mueller was taken to the hospital the Sunday preceding her death and in spite of all that the very best of med­ ical skill could accomplish her life could not be saved. Mrs. Mueller had not been well for some time and as a last resort she was taken to the hos­ pital for an operation. Owing to her v -ry much weakened condition it was found that an operation was impossi­ ble and she passed away on the night mentioned above, after having suffered untold agony and pain during the last few days of her life. Her body was prepared for burial at the hospital and from there shipped to her former home at Manitowoc, Wis., from which city tho funeral was held on Monday of this week. The deceased has been a resident of this place for nearly two yelirs, having moved here fi-oin Mc­ Henry with her husband in February of the year 1911. She has many friends in this vicinity who deeply regi ether sudden departure and who extend their heartfelt sympathy to the grief strick­ en husband, who is left to inourn the death of a faithful wife. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. G. A. Satteni left Tuesday on a busi­ ness trip to Texas. James B. l'erry was a metropolitan city visitor Wednesday. Jos. W. Freund transacted business in the metropolitan city Wednesday. Mrs. F. G. Spurling and Miss Laura Krause were Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. Frank Lyon and son, Fred, were Richmond visitors Tuesday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. George Q. Smith of Elgin are gue6ts of relatives here this week. Mrs. 1. A. Hungerford passed Satur­ day and Sunday as the guest of Maren­ go relatives. M rs. K. J. Goodrich of Mar^igo is a guest in the home of her daughter, Mi's. I. A. Hungerford. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling of Grays- lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. ^purling Saturday and Sunday. Kirk Craine, J. W. Smith, S. M. Esler, Dr. D. G. Wells and Mrs. C. W. Stenger were among the Chicago pas­ sengers this (Thursday) morning. F. O. Gans, proprietor of the River­ side House, has decided to open a feed stable in the barns connected with the hotel. R. I. < >verton has closed his East Side barn for the winter months. The barn, we are told, is in very bad condi­ tion, and for this reason Mr. Overton has decided to stable all his horses in I the West Side barn. in Cough Remedies for the children and get a safe and reliable remedy for the whole family. McAllister's White Pine Cough Syrup (rfetholated with To^r) SEE OUR We are agents for this Storm Front and will be pleased to have you call and see it. It is absolutely the most practica­ ble Storm Front on the mar­ ket. ('all in and we will tell you all about it and explain its merits. :: :: :: E. L. Behlke, WKST McHHNRY, ILL. You Are Sure of getting the best in the line of Groceries, Fruit and Bakery Goods if you come to this store for them. We do not carry the largest stock in town, but what we do carry is of the kind that gives satisfaction. We will appreciate a trial order from you. :: :: Math. Laures Ttte WEST SIDE GROCERY MAN Phone 8 West McHenry ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. K. B. Uknnktt. Attorney. Estate of Kattirine M. Dolbeer, Deceased. TUe uudersiifiied It&viuK been appoiuted Administrator of the Estate of Kat iirlnu M. Dolbeer. deceased, late of the county of Mc­ Henry'and State of llliuols, hereby gives no­ tice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodsiook. ut. the January Term, on the first Monday in January, 1913, next, at which time ail persons having claims asaiust said Estate are notified and reouesteu to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All pei-sons indebted to said Estate are re­ quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this i:itb day of November, A. D. 1WI 22-3t Adv Job F. Vasey, Administrator. Read The Plaindealer. • CHFXK * THAT COLD just as quickly as possible. One can never tell what a cold will develop into. Out* FINK COLD TABLETS is a never-failing antidote for colds. It makes no dif ference whether the cold is in the incipient stage or well advanced It is guaranteed to cure. PUCE, 25 CENTS. N. H. PETFSCH HcHENRY. ILLINOIS. I frz McAllister's Cold Tablets will ward off Grippe E. V. MCALLISTER & CO. druggists West McHenry r IMF. are prepared to supply you w ith warm, seasonable goods. Our "new store, fully one-third larger than the old one, is crowded with seasonable merchandise. :: :: :: :: Men's Underwear, heavy fleeced 50c Men's Underwear, heavy wool . .. $1.00to 83.00 Ladies' Underwear. _25c-<2 Union Suits for Men, Wo­ men and children at popu­ lar prices. Men's heavy Coats, duck and corduroy.. 12.25 up Bed Blankets, heavy and warm, medium and large sftzes 75c to 96.00 Flannel Shfrfis and nobby Dress Shirts.. $1 to 91.50 All the latest fads in Ties and Collars. Our Shoe Department is full of good bargains--new­ est styles and shapes. Dress Goods in all popular shades and newest novelties in Poplins Cords, Etc. Ginghams, Percales, Flannels. Silks in Messalines and new changeable combinations. We have a lot of Silk Remnants to close at bargain prices. BUTTKRICK PATTERNS IN STOCK. Groceries, Canned Goods, Cereals, Etc., always fresh. Try our To­ paz Coffee, 35c, 3 pounds for $1.00. None better. Other grades at 25c and 30c. IX) not forget to call and see the new INTERNATIONAL Samples for your new suit or overcoat. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Yours truly, J. WALSH, A r i PHONE 63-R. GOODS DELIVERED. WEST McBENKY. M AWAY! We have made arrangements with the manufacturers of the Free Sewing Machine for a demonstration here on Tuesday, \ Dec. to at which time one Of the Free Sewing Ma­ chines will be given away. If yon have not received a card / from us call at our store and get one. Someone is going to get a Sewing Machine absolutely FREE. JACOB JUSTEN. THE McHLNKY FURNITURE MAN n»nm---------------- Just Like Mother Used to Make That's what they say about our Bakery and the assertion is absolutely correct. Wti exercise just as much care in our baking as mother used to and we use nothing but the very best Hour, sugar, butter*and lard that can be purchased. That's why our goods are better than our com­ petitors are offering you. A. TIETZ Phone 103 R TELEPHONE N*. 102-M. ASK ME About KLK^TKIC Christinas [.resents. Now -*4*: N is the time and uothing luMter can W SAMUEL M. ESLER ^ M?H(£NRY, ILL.

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