Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1912, p. 8

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nii.m.Ugjiiii . . jhm»! "" ft WFW FALL ATIIV Hats, Gloves, Shirts, Gents' Furnishings JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - PHONE 59-R OUR WEEKLY LIMER1CK~| There was a man. by name Mr, Sacks Who found he needed an ax. So lie eatne to IS p i where we have axes galore at prices which are no very great tax. Vou bxpena io Mucn Effort in the wielding of an ax that you should think of using nothing but the best . You can get more coons and get 'em quicker. We sell the best--let 's make a dicker. : : : : : : : : John J. Vycital AT THE CASH STORE ALL SHOKS at reduced prices during the next tea days--until Dec. 15. All new and up-to-date g-oods. Men's and youth's dress and work shoes, women's, misses' and children's shoes all go during this sale at the reduced prices. These shoes were l>ought before the advance in the price of leather and means a substantial saving over present prices. Come in and see how much you can save here on shoes. REDUCE YOUR COST OF LIVING AT THE CASH STORE Cal. Yellow Free Peaches 35 Choice Sweet l orn, cans 55 1'er can, 10c Choice I'ink Salmon. tt> can 13 Apricots, fancy evaporated 16 Peaches, fancy Cal. evap. 10 Fancy Seeded Raisins 10 Ammo, powdered ammonia 9 Fancy solid pack Pumpkin 10 K. C. Baking Powder, 10c si/.e 7 Sliced Pineapple, fine fruit ao Tomatoes, standard pack '3 ( atsup. Snider's, pint.. 33 Luxury Coffee, 15 lbs $1.00: It) 35 Coffee, blended, )>ound 35 Baked Beans, in sauce 10 Sorghum, pure, 5tb pail 39 Tea, fancy uncolored Japan 48 Corn Flakes, J 10c packages 35 Red Raspberries, new, can 31 Soap, Pearl White, ti bai-s 35 John Stoftel WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS -d/ Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully eolicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE In First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Banker*. You Can Depend on It Those f ive words explain the merits of KARLY RISER FLOUR. What better endorsement would one ask for? That 's al l the housewife expects and we are here to say that we can back our words. If you have never used the McHenry product make i t a point to give i t a t r ial the very next t ime that you buy. Sold at the mil l and by McHenry merchants WEST NHENRY FLOOR AND FEED MILLS Auction Sale! 0. A. SATTEN. AUCTIONEER Having decided to quit farming and move to Texas, the undersigned will sell on the Chas. Harrison farm, locat­ ed about 1| miles southwest of McHen­ ry, on the McHenry-Crystal Lake road, 14 commencing at ten o'clock a. m., the following described property, to-wit: 79--HEAD OF LIVE STOCK--79 consisting of ten head of young stock, 6 coming two years old, good milch cow. 8 MEAD OF HORSES 8 Span Bay mares, sevan years old, wt* 2700 pounds; brown mare four years old, weight 1150 pounds; bay gelding twelve years old, weight 1100 pounds; gray mare three-years-old, weight 1300 lbs.; bay horse eighteen months' old, weight 1100 pounds; 2 bay geldings, 60 chickens, mostly barred Plymouth Rocks HAY AND QRAIN Fifteen tons millet hay, stack of millet, 2 stacks of straw, 700 bushels of oats, M bushels of barley, 22 acres of shocked corn, cut with binder; 600 bushels ear corn in crib, 40 bushels of potatoes. MACHINERY, ETC. John Deere manure spreader, new; McCormick corn binder, Gale corn planter, about new; 2 riding culti- j va-tors, John Deere gang plow, set of drags, Stoughton wagon, about new; low truck wagon, mower, hay rake, set bob sleds, new; hog rack, hay rack and wagon box, buggy, single culti­ vator, grindstone, potato hiller, gaso­ line stove, pitch forks, shovels, garden tools, etc., and other things too numer­ ous to mention. FREE LUNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale: All sums of #10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months time will be given on good approved bankable notes bearing interest at 7 per cent from date. No property to be removed until settled for. JAY VASKY. Auction Sale! GEO. VOGEL. AUCTIONEER The undersigned will sell at public auction on the Wm. Carey farm, two miles east of Spring Grove, on the Grass Lake road, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp, the following described property, to- wit: 29-- HEAD OF LIVE STOCK--29 consisting of If) milch cows, two-year- old Holstein bull, well marked; 2 two- year-old heifers, yearling bull, yearling heifer, heifer calf, bay horse six years old, weight 1100 pounds; bay mare six years old, weight 1120 pounds; brown Prince Regal mare seven years old, weight 1120 pounds: black horse, thir­ teen years old, weight 1000 pounds; bay mare twelve years old, weight 12.J0 pounds; bay mare live years old, weight 1100 pounds; three-year-old Black Cap colt, three-year-old Robert Wilkes colt, four months' old colt by Charles Stephenson's horse, 45 spring pigs. HAY AND GRAIN Thirty-five acres corn in shock, 650 bushels oats, 200 bushels barley, 10 tons timothy hay in barn, stack straw. MACHINERY Two sulky plows, 3 cultivators, 2 3-section drags, McCormick corn har­ vester, Osborne grain binder, Deere hay loader, new; Deere corn planter, hay rake, McCormick mower, hay rack, 2 truck wagons, milk wagon, top road wagon, 3 sets double har­ ness, single driving harness, hay fork, rope and pulleys, tank heater, grind­ stone milk cans, strainers, shovels, forks, 3-horse whiftletree, 100 posts. FREE LUNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one years will be given on good bankable notes bear­ ing seven per cent interest. No prop­ erty to be removed until settled for. ED. CAREY, I 'rop. JKSSK RICHARDSON, Clerk. .1.1. Latin, Solicitor. STATE OK ILLINOIS, i MoHeurv County, \ 8 - In the Circuit (Jourt of McHenry County, State of Illinois, January Term, A. IJ. t»13. Horace O. Reading, Complainant. vs. Alice A. Dutcber. Frances C. Dutcher, Km ma A. Dutcber and Corina Dutcber and the un- know 11 heirs or devisees of the following named persons, dec-eased: Rufus Koules, Aliljah 8. Barnam. Amml L. Church, Colum­ bus Howt), WoolcottChurch, Uordon Buckley, •lohn U. Cnurcb, John M. Crutne, alias John WyWcraln, alias John Wylercraln«, alias John M. Craue. alias John Crane, itud Jaue Myler- cralne, Defendants. In chancery. Bill to Clear Title. Notice Is hereby given that the above Is the tit le of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which Is now pending In said Court and that process for said defendants has been Issued to the Sheriff of said County re­ turnable to the said Court at Its Court Room In the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 13th day of January, A D. 1913. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office In Woodstock this 2S*th day of No­ vember. A. D. 1912. Theo Hambr , Clerk | Circuit Court Seal j- 2S-3t STATE OF ILLINOIS, i County of McHenry. t "" In the Circuit Oourt of McHenry County To the January term, A. D. 1913. In the matter of the petition of Rol>erttna Clara Bending to change her name. To all whom It may concern . Please take notice that I, the undersigned, Robertlna Clara Bending, am about to make application to the Circuit Court of McHenry County aforesaid for an order to be entered on said Court 's record directing aud provid­ ing that mv name shall be changed In ac­ cordance with the prayer of a petition that I have prepared and subscribed and sworn to. That said petition Is now on file In the office of t he clerk of said Court and that the said petition Is addressed to the Honorable Chas. H. Donnelly, presiding Judge of said Oourt. That the application for such change of uatue will bo uiade by me to tbe said Court on the Iitb ddy of January, A. I). 1913, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard by the said (Jourt. This notice Is Driven pur­ suant to thu statute in such cases made and provided Dated at McHenry in the County of McUeu- ry and State of Illinois aforesaid this 28th diy of November, D. AaT-24-ttt BOMBTIRA ObARA BCMDIKO AT C05T Preparatory to raising and repairing the building in which we are doing business it becomes necessary to dis­ pose of our heavy goods. Therefore we will for two weeks sell at cost Walk­ ing, Sulky and Gang Plows, 6, 7 and 8 foot Pulverizers, Drills and Seeders, Corn Planters, Wagons, Buggies--in fact, everything in stock EXCEPTING MANURE SPREADERS. Ulest I t lcneiirv, I l l inois . Fall and Winter Goods are coming in dai ly. Come and see our SWEATERS All kinds and prices for Men, Women, Misses and Children SHOES for Fall and Winter wear in high and regular cuts for dress and service. 1̂ . JLl S bo said to t l i I is l i people wl f t rust banks : UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000. TOO MUCH CANNOT bo said to those iool- ho do not about the r isk they run in hid­ ing their money about their homes or places of business. Abso­ lutely safe in this bank and wait ing for you to deposit vour capital with us. hor con­ venience afoiie i t is to be highly recommended, and then i t p^rts robbers out ol business, as the vaults are burglar and t ire-proof. : : : : - ZSAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR... fil v fi EDWIN L. WAGNER. Pres. OFFICERS: • DR. C. H. FEGERS, Vice Pr»«. CARL W. STENGER, C*shUr. Si 3? •% Store open every night from now until Xmas L. F. BLOCK, McHENRY PHONE 70-J Santa Claus' Headquarters THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR ALL We have made extra efforts to make this s tore the most complete s tore for you to do your L-hnstmas shopping and invite you to look over our most complete l ineol gif ts for al l . \ \ e advise an early select ion HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies ' Handkerchiefs , f ine quali ty, with em­ broidered design, each SC Extra value in Ladies ' Handkerchiefs . Pure l inen and sheer material , embroidery designs, lace tr immed and ini t ials . . 10 15 25 LADIES' SCARFS Big values in chiffon and si lk a t .85 $1.00 GOWNS Klannel Night Gowns, extra heavy material , neat ly t r immed and well made a t .75 $1.00 Men's ful l cut Gowns at $1.00 \ TOYS! TOYS! Santa Claus emptied his pack at this s tore. We can supply your wants in anv l ine of gif ts sui table for the whole family. Cut ( i lass, Manicure Sets , Jew­ el Boxes, Brush and Comb Sets , Suspender Sets , Ties and Kancv Articles. We invite you to look over our stock. : : •• Ladies' Felt fur trimmed l.ailui sole Slippers $1.00 $.160 Men's House Slippers, t:m and Mack $1.00 $1.50 Children's red Kelt IIoum- Slippers, leather sole, all sizes 75 $1.00 Fancy lnjxes Writing i'aper 50 75 Men's l aps 50 $1.00 Ho n s ( aPs 25 50 Sweater Coats for Children l.OO 1.59 Sweater ('oats for Ladies 3.50 3 •©<> to 8.00 Sweater Coats fo.' M en' *100, *1.50, K.W, *3.U0 to $5.00

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