Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1912, p. 3

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IAFI m IS IE AROUT taijijiifss President Informs Congress of Our Relations With Other Nations. AMERIIUM DIPLOMACY WINS Its Success in Settling Central American Troubles. DIPLOMATIC SERVICE BETTER Reorganization Has Dons to In­ crease Its Efficiency--Adjustment of the Sealing and Fisheries Dis­ putes--interests of United States in the Near and Far East. Washington, Dec. 3--President Taft submitted to congress today the first of several messages. I t was devoted to our foreign relat ions and in part was as follows: To the Senate and House of Repre­ sentat ives: The foreign relat ions of the United States actually and poten­ t ial ly affect the state of the Union to a degree not widely realized and hard­ ly surpassed by any other factor in the welfare of the whole nation. The posit ion of the United States In the moral , intel lectual , and material rela­ t ions of the family of nations should be a matter of vi tal interest to every patriot ic ci t izen. The national pros­ peri ty and power impose upon us du­ t ies which we can not shirk if we are to be true to our ideals. The tremen­ dous growth of the export t rade of the United States has already made that t rade a very real factor in the indus­ tr ial and commercial prosperi ty of the country With the development uf our industr ies the foreign commerce of the I 'ni ted States must rapidly be­ come a st i l l more essential factor in I ts economic welfare. Whether we have a far-seeing and wise diplomacy and are not recklessly plunged into unnecesary wars, and whether our for­ eign policies are based upon an intel­ l igent grasp of present-day world con­ dit ions and a clear view of the poten- t ial i t i es of the future, or are governed by a temporary and t imid expediency or by narrow views befi t t ing an in­ fant nation, are questions in the al­ ternative consideration of which must convince any thoughtful ci t izen that no department of national poli ty of­ fers greater opportunity for promoting the interests of the whole people on the one hand, or greater chance on the other of permanent national in- Jury, than that which deals with the foreign relat ions of the United States. The fundamental foreign policies of the United States should be raised high above the confl ict of part isan­ ship and wholly dissociated from dif­ ferences as to domestic policy. In i ts foreign affairs the United States should present to the world a united front . The intel lectual , f inancial and Industrial interests of the country and the publicist , the wage earner, the farmer, and cit izen of whatever occu­ pation must co-operate in a spiri t of high patriot ism to promote that na­ t ional solidari ty which is indispensable to national efficiency and to the at- tai nment of national ideals . The relat ions of the United States with al l foreign powers remain upon a sound basis of peace, harmony and friendship. A greater insistence upon Justice to American ci t izens or inter­ ests wherever i t may have been de nied and a stronger emphasis of the need of mutuali ty in commercial and other relat ions have only served to strengthen our fr iendships with for­ eign countries by placing those fr iend­ ships upon a firm foundation of reali­ t ies as well as aspirat ions. Before briefly reviewing the more Important events of the last year in our foreign relat ions, which i t is my duty to do as charged with their con­ duct and because diplomatic affairs are not of a nature to make i t ap­ propriate that the secretary of s tate make a formal annual report , I desire to touch upon Borne of the essentials to the safe management of the for­ eign relat ions of the United States and to endeavor, also, to define clearly certain concrete policies which are the logical modern corrollarieB of the undisputed and tradit ional fundamen­ tals of the foreign policy of the United States. Reorganization of the State Depart­ ment. At the beginning of the present ad­ ministrat ion the United States, having fully entered upon i ts posit ion as a world power, with the responsibil i t ies thrust upon i t by the results of the Spanish-American war, and already en­ gaged in laying the groundwork of a vast foreign trade upon which i t should one day become more and more dependent, found i tself without the machinery for giving thorough at­ tention to. and taking effective action upon, a mass of intr icate business vital to American interests in every country in the world. The department of s tate was an irchaic and inadequate machine lack­ ing most of the at tr ibutes of the for­ eign office of any groat modern power. With an appropriat ion made upon my recommendation by the congress on August 5, 1909, the department of s tate was completely reorganized. There were created divisions of Lathi* American affairs and of far eastern, near eastern, and western European affairs. To these divisions were called from the foreign service diplomatic and consular officers possessing expe­ rience and knowledge gained by act­ ual service in different parts of the world and thus familiar with political and commercial conditions in the re­ gions concerned. The work was high­ ly specialized. * The result is that where previously this government from time to time would emphasize in its foreign relations one or another policy, now American interests in ev­ ery quarter of the globe are being cultivated with equal assiduity. M erit System In Consular and Diplo­ matic Corps. Expert knowledge and professional t raining must evidently be the essence of this reorganization. Without a trained foreign service there would not be men available for the work In the reorganized department of s tate. President Cleveland has taken the first 6tep toward introducing the merit system in the foreign service. That had been followed by the appli­ cation of the merit principle, with ex­ cellent results , to the entire consular branch. Almost nothing, however, had been done In this direction with regard to the diplomatic service. In this age of commercial diplomacy i t was evi­ dently of the first importance to train an adequate personnel in that branch of the service Therefore, on Novem­ ber 26, 1909, by an executive order I placed the diplomatic service up to the grade of secretary of embassy, in­ clusive, upon exactly the^'same str ict non-part isan basis of the merit sys­ tem. r igid examination for appoint ment and promotion only for effi­ ciency. as had been maintained without exception in the consular service. Stat ist ics as to Merit and Nonpart isan Character of Appointments. How faithful to the merit system and how nonpart isan has been the con­ duct of the diplomatic and consular services in the last four years may be Judged from the following: Three ambassadors now serving held their present rank at the beginning of the administrat ion. Of the ten ambassa­ dors whom I have appointed, f ive were by promotion from the rank of min­ ister . N'ine ministers now serving held their present rank at the begin­ ning of the administrat ion. Of the thir ty ministers whom I have appoint­ ed. eleven were promoted from the lower grades of the foreign service or from the department of s tate. Of the nineteen missions in Latin America, where our relat ions are close and our Interest is great , f if teen chiefs of mis­ sion are service men, three having entered the service during this admin­ istrat ion. The thir ty-seven secreta­ r ies of embassy or legation who have received their ini t ial appointments after passing successfully the required examination were chosen for ascer­ tained fi tness, without regard to po­ l i t ical aff i l iat ions. A dearth of candi­ dates from southern and western states has alone made i t impossible thus far completely to equalize al l the states ' representat ions In the for­ eign service. In the effort to equalize the representat ion of the various states in the consular service I have made sixteen of the twenty-nine new appointments as consul which have occurred during my administrat ion from the southern states. This is 55 per cent . Every other consular ap­ pointment made, including the. promo­ tion of eleven young men from the coriRii lnr assistant and student Inter preter corps, has been by promotion or transfer , based solely upon efficiency shown In the service. In order to assure to the business and other Interests of the United States a continuance of the result ing benefi ts of this reform, I earnestly re- new my previous recommendations of legislat ion making it permanent along some such l ines as those of the meas­ ure now pending in congress. Larger Provision for Embassies and Legations and for Other Expenses of Our Foreign Representa­ tives Recommended. \ In connection with legislat ion for the ameliorat ion of the foreign serv­ ice, I wish to invite at tention to the advisabil i ty of placing the salary ap­ propriat ions upon a better basais I bel ieve that the best results would be obtained by a moderate Bcale of salaries, with adequate funds for the expenses of proper representat ion, based in each case upon the scale and cost of l iving at each post , controlled by a system of accounting, and un der the general direction of the de partment of s tate In l ine with the object which 1 have sought of placing our foreign service on a basis of permanency, I have at various t imes advocated provision by congress for the acquisi t ion of govern­ ment-owned buildings for the resi­ dence and offices of our diplomatic of- \ f leers, so as to place them more near ; ly on an equali ty with similar officers , of other nations and to do away with the discrimination which otherwise must necessarily be made, in sonic j cases, in favoj? o^ men having large ! private fortunes The act of congress ; which I approved on February 17. 1911, , was a r ight s tep in this direction The secretary of state has already i made the l imited recommendations ! permitted by the act for any one year, and i t is my hope that the bil l intro­ duced in the house of representat ives to carry out these recommendations will be favorably acted on by the con­ gress during i ts present session. Diplomancy a Handmaid of Commer­ cial Intercourse and Peace. The diplomancy of the present ad­ ministrat ion has sought to respond to modern ideas of commercial inter­ course. This policy has been char­ acterized as substi tut ing dollars for bullets I t Is one that appeals al ike lo idealist ic humanitarian sentiments, to the dictates of sound policy and strategy, and to legitimate commercial alms. It is an effort frankly directed to the increase of American trade up­ on the axiomatic principle that the government of the United States shall extend all proper support to every legitimate and beneficial American enterprise abroad. How great have been the results of this diplomacy, coupled with the max­ imum and minimum provision of the tariff law, will be seen by some con­ sideration of the wonderful increase in the export trade of the United States. Because modern diplomacy is commercial, there has been a disposi­ tion in some quarters to attribute to it none but 'materialistic alms. How strikingly erroneous is such an im­ pression may be seen from a study of the results by which the diplomacy of the United States can be Judged. Successful Efforts In Promotion of Peace. In the f ield of work toward the ideals of peace this government ne­ gotiated, but to my regret was unable to consummate, two arbitrat ion trea­ t ies which set the highest mark of the aspirat ion of nations toward the substi tut ion of arbitrat ion and reason for war in the set t lement of interna­ t ional disputes. Through the efforts of American diplomacy several have been prevented or ended. I re­ fer to the successful t r ipart i te medi­ at ion of the Argentine republic, Bra­ zil . and the United States between Peru and Ecuador; the bringing of the boundary dispute between Panama and Costa Rica to peaceful arbitra­ t ion; the staying of warl ike prepara­ t ions when Hayti and the Dominican republic were on the verge of hosti l i t ies; the stopping of a war in Nicarag­ ua: the halt ing of internecine str ife in Honduras. The government of the I 'ni ted States was thanked for i ts in­ f luence toward the restorat ion of amic­ able relat ions between the Argentine republic and Bolivia. The diplomacy of the United States is act ive in seek­ ing to assuage the remaining il l-feel­ ing between this country and the Re­ public of Colombia In the recent Civ­ i l war in China the United States suc­ cessfully joined with the other inter­ ested powers in urging an early ces­ sat ion of hosti l i t ies. An agreement has been reached between the govern­ ments of Chile and Peru whereby the celebrated Tacna Arica dispute, which has so long embittered international relat ions on the west coast of South America, has at last been adjusted. Simultaneously came the news that the boundary dispute between Peru and Ecuador had entered upon a stage of amicable set t lement. The posit ion of the United States in reference to the Tacna Arica dispute between Chile and Peru has been one of non­ intervention, but one of fr iendly in­ f luence and pacific counsel throughout the period during which the dispute in question has been the subject of interchange of views between this government and the two governments immediately concerned. In the gen­ eral easing of international tension on the west coast of South America the tr ipart i te mediation, to which I have referred, has been a most potent and beneficent factor China. In China the policy of encouraging financial investment to enable that country to help i tself has had the re­ sult of giving new life and practical application to the open-door policy. The consistent purpose of the present administrat ion has been to encourage the use of American capital in the develupineii l uf China by tho pi-unio- t ion of those essential reforms to which China is pledged by treaties with the United States and other pow­ ers. The hypothecation to foreign bankers In connection with certain in­ dustr ial enterprises, such as the Huku- ang rai lways, of the national reven­ ues upon which these reforms depend ed, led the department of s tate early in the administrat ion to demand for American ci t izens part icipation in such enterprises, in order that the I 'ni ted States might have equal r ights and an equal voice in al l questions Pertaining to the disposit ion of the public revenues concerned. The same policy of promoting international ac cord among the powers having similar treaty r ights as ourselves in the mat­ ters of reform, which could not be put into practical effect without the common consent of al l . was 1 kewise adopted in the case of the 1< an de­ sired by China for the reform of i ts currency. The principle of interna­ t ional co-operation in matters of com­ mon interest ( jpon which our i>oliey had already been based in al l of the above instances has admittedly been a great factor in that concert of the powers which has been so happily conspicuous during the peri lous period of t ransi t ion through which the great Chinese nation has been passing Central America Needs Our Help In Debt Adjustment. I n C e n t r a l A m e r i c a the a n n hay been to he lp such coun t r i e s as Nica r a^tt . a and 1 lond a r i1 :<j he lp them- «elvi s T h e y , t r f teiaries. The : I 'ni ted Slates is ob\ ious that th< m o r e \ i t a l i n t i n Panama canal Caribbean than t he imnv diate bene- benefi t to the •. , \o-! '<ild First , I t Is Monroe doctrine is r ; • l j j l i bo rhood of the ud the zone of the ii> where e l se . There, t o o , t h e m a i n t e n a n c e " > t h a t d o c t r i n e f a l l s nios ' heav i l ; . upon the 1 nited States. I t is therefore essential that the countries within tha t sphere shall be removed from the jeopardy invciv- e d b y h e a v y f o r e i g n d e b t a n d c h : " t ; c national f inances and from the e\< r present danger of international < p l i c a t i o n s d u e t o d i . - o n l c r a t h o m e H e n c e t h e U n i t e d M a ' , - - . ; h a s b < - e , > g l a d - t o e n c o u r a g e a m i t ' i m p o r t A n i e i - l e a n B a n k e r s w h o w e r e w i l l ' n ; ; t o l e n d a h e l p i n g h a n d t o t h e l i n . • . t i d a l r e habil i tat ion of such cruitr ies because t h i s f i n a n c i a l r e h a b i l i t a t i o n a n d t h e p r o t e c t i o n o f t h e i r c u s t o m h ' i ~ e s : i : n b e i n g t h e p r e y o f w o u l d h e d i c t a t o r s would remove at one stroke the men­ ace of foreign creditors and the men- ance of revolutionary disorder. The second advantage to the Unit­ ed States is one affecting chiefly all the southern and gulf ports and the business and Industry of the south. The republics of Central America and the Caribbean possess great natural wealth. They need only a measure of stability and the means of financial regeneration to enter upon an era of peace and prosperity, bringing profit and happiness to themselves and at the same time creating conditions sure to lead to a flourishing In­ terchange of trade with this country. I wish to call your especial at tention to the recent occurrences in Nica­ ragua, for I believe the terr ible events recorded there during tho revolution of the past summer--the useless loss of l i fe, the devastat ion of property, the bombardment of defenseless ci t ies, the kil l ing and wounding of women and children, the torturing of non combatants to exact contributions, and the suffering of thousands of hu­ man beings -might have been avert? ed had the department of s tate, through approval of the loan conven t lon by the senate, been permitted to carry out i ts now well-developed policy of encouraging the extending of i i nancial aid to weak Central American states with the primary objects of avoiding Just such revolutions by as­ sist ing those republics to rehabil i­ tate their f inances, to establish their currency on a stable basis , to . . 'move the custom houses from the danger of revolutions by arranging for their secure administrat ion, and to estab l ish rel iable banks. During this last revolution in Nica­ ragua. the government of that repub 11c having admitted i ts inabil i ty to protect American l ife and property against acts of sheer lawlessness on the part of the malcontents, and hav­ ing requested this government to as sume that office, i t became neessary to land over 2,000 marines and bluejack ets In Nicaragua. Owing to their presence the consti tuted government of Nicaragua was free to devote i ts at tention wholly to i ts internal trou bles, and was thus enabled to stamp out the rebell ion In a short space of t ime. When the Red Cross supplies sent to Granada had been exhausted persons having been given toed in one day upon the arrival of the American forces, our men supplied other unfortunate, needy Nicaraguans from their own haversacks. I wish to congratulate the officers and men of the United States navy and marine corps who took part in re-establishing order In Nicaragua upon their splen did conduct, and to record with sor row the death of seven American ma rines and bluejackets. Since the re establishment of puace and order, elections have been held amid eondi t ions of quiet and tranquil i ty. Nearly al l the American marines have now been withdrawn. The country should soon be on the road to recovery. The only apparent danger now threatening Nicaragua arises from the shortage of funds. Although American bankers have already rendered assistance, they may naturally be loath to ad vance a loan adequate to set the coun­ try upon i ts feet without the support of some such convention as that of June, 1911, upon which the senate has not yet acted. The president al luded briefly to the enforcement of neutral i ty laws, to Secretary Knox's visi t to Central America and to the unfortunate dis turbances In Mexico. Continuing, the message said: Agricultural Credits. A most important work, accom­ plished in the past year by the Ameri­ can diplomatic officers in Europe, is the Investigation of the agricultural credit system in the European coun­ tr ies Both as a means to afford rel ief to the consumers of this country through a more thorough develop­ ment of agricultural resources and as a means of more sufficiently maintain­ ing the agricultural population, the project to establish credit facil i t ies for the farmers is a concern of vi tal im­ portance lo this nation. No evidence of prosperi ty among well established farmers should blind us to the fact that lack of capital Is preventing a development of the nation's agricul­ tural resources and an adequate in­ crease of the land under cult ivation; that agricultural production is fast fal l ing behind the Increase in popula­ t ion; and that , in fact , al though these well established fanners are main­ tained In increasing prosperi ty be­ c a u s e of the natural Increase In popu­ lat ion, we are not developing the In­ dustry of agriculture. We are not breeding In proport ionate numbers a race of independent and independence- loving land owners, tor a lack of which no growth of cit ies can com­ pensate. Our farmers have been our mainstay in t imes of crisis , and In f u t u r e i t m u s t s t i l l l a r g e l y b o u p o n t h e i r s t a b i l i t y a n d c o m m o n s e n s e t h a t t h i s d e m o c r a c y m u s t r e l y t o c o n s t r v e i ts principles of self-government. The need of capital which American f a r m e r s f e e l t o d a y h a d b e e n e x p e r i ­ e n c e d b y t h e f a r m e r s o f E u r o p e , w i t h 3RO The problem had been success- thelr centuries old farms, many years fully solved in the old world and It was evident that the farmers of this country might profi t by a study of their systems. I therefore ordered, through the department of s tate, an investigation to be made by the diplo­ matic officers in Europe, and I have laid the results of this investigation before the governors of the various s t a t e s w i t h t h e h o p e t h a t t h y w i l l be used to advantage in t lu.r forth corning meeting. Increase of Foreign Trade. I n m y l a s t annual m e s s a g e I s a i d t h a t t h e f i s c a l y e a r e n d e d J u n e S o , l ! i ; l , w a s n o t e w o r t h y a s m a r k i n g t h e h i g h e s t r e c o r d o f e x p o r t s o f A : n r i c a n p r o d u c t s t o f o r e i g n c o u n t r i e s . T h e fiscal year 1912 shows that this rate of advance has been maintained, the total domestic exports having a valu­ ation approximately of $2,200,000,000, as compared with a fraction over $2,000,000,000 the previous year. It is also significant that manufactured and partly manufactured articles con­ tinue to be the chief commodities form­ ing the volume of our augmented ex­ ports. the demands of our own people for consumption requiring that an in­ creasing proportion of our abundant agricultural products be kept at home. In the fiscal year 1911 the exports of articles in the various stages of man­ ufacture, not including foodstuffs part­ ly or wholly manufactured, amounted approximately to $907,500,000. In the fiscal year 1912 the total was nearly $1,022,000,000, a gain of $114,000,000. Advantage of Maximum and Minimum Tariff Provision. The Importance which our manufac­ tures have assumed In the commerce of the world in competition with the manufactures of other countries again draws at tention to the duty of this government to use i ts utmost endeav­ ors to secure impart ial t reatment for American products in al l markets. Healthy commercial r ivalry In inter­ national intercourse is best assured by the possession of proper means for ^protecting ^s*nd promoting our -t iXvign trade. I t is natural that competi t ive countries should view with some concern this steady expansion of our commerce. If in some Instances the measure taken by them to meet i t are not entirely equi­ table, a remedy should be found. In former messages I have described the negotiat ions of the department of state with foreign governments for the adjustment of the maximum and min­ imum tariff as provided In section 2 of the tariff law of 1909. The advan­ tages secured by the adjustment of our trade relat ions under this law have continued during the last year, and some addit ional cases of discrim­ inatory treatment of which wo had reason to complain have been re­ moved. The department of s tate has for the first t ime in the history of this country obtained substantial most favored-nation treatment from all the countries of the world. There are, however, other instances which, while apparently not consti tut ing un­ due discrimination in the sense of section 2. are nevertheless exceptions to the complete equity of tariff t reat­ ment for American products that the department of s tate consistently has sought to obtain for Ann rican com­ merce abroad Necessity for Supplementary Leigsla- lation. These developments confirm the opinion conveyed to you In my annual message of 1911. that while the max­ imum and minimum provision of the tarifT law of 1909 has been fully Jus­ t if ied by the success achieved In re­ moving previously exist ing undue dls criminations against American prod­ ucts, yet experience has shown that this feature of the law should be amended in such way as to prevent a fully effective means of meeting the varying degrees of discriminatory treatment of American commerce in foreign countries still encountered, as well as to protect against injurious treatment on the part of foreign gov­ ernments, through ei ther legislat ive of administrat ive measures, the finan­ cial interests abroad of American cit­ izens whose enterprises enlarge the market for American commoditieee. I can not too strongly recommend to congress the passage of some such enabling measure as the bil l which was recommended by the secretary of s tate in his let ter of December 1.1, 1911. The object of the proposed leg­ islat ion Is, in brief , to en­ able the executive to apply, as the case may require, to any or al l commodities, whether or not on the free l is t from a country which discriminates against the United States, a graduated scale of duties up to the maximum of 'J5 per cent , ad valorem provided In the present law. Flat tariffs are out of date. ^ < Special Claims Arbitrat ion With Great Britain. The special agr^zr.ent entered Into between the United States and Great Britain on August 18. 1910, for the ar­ bitrat ion of outstanding pecuniary claims, a schedule of claims and the terms of submission have been agreed upon by the two governments, and to­ gether with the special agreement were approved by the senate on July 19, 1911, but in accordant with the terms of the agreement thrv did not go Into effect unti l confirmed by the two governments by an exchange of notes, which was done on April "6 last . Negotiat ions are st i l l In prog­ ress for a supplemental schedule of claims to be submitted to arbitrat ion under this agreement, and meanwhile the necessary preparations for the ar­ bitrat ion of the claims included in the f irst schedule have been undertaken and are being carried on under the author! ' ; / of an appropriat ion made for that purpose at the last session of congress. I t Is anticipated that the two governments wil l be prepared to • a l l upon the arbitrat ion tr ibunal , es­ tablished under this agreement, to meet at Washington early next year to proceed with this arbitrat ion. Fur Seal Treaty and Need for Amend­ ment of Our Statute. The act adopted at the last session of Congress to give effect to the fur- seal convention of July 1. 1911, be­ tween l ireat Britain. Japan, Russia arid the United States provided for the suspension of al l land kil l ing of seals on tho Prlbllof Islands for a pe­ riod of f ive years, and an objection has now been presented to this pro­ vision by the other part ies In inter­ est , which raises the issue as to whether or not this prohibit ion of land kil l ing is inconsistent with the spiri t , If not the let ter , of the treaty st ipu­ lat ions The just if icat ion for estab­ l ishing this closo season depends, un- Maklng Balance Even. A chimney sweep's boy went Into a baker 's shop for a twopenny loaf, and conceiving i t to be small remarked to tho baker that he did not believe i t vas weight. "Never mlr.d that ." said tht man of dough. "You will have the less to carry " True," replied the lad, and, throwing three half­ pence on the counter left the shop. The baker called after him that he had not left enough money. "Never mind that ." said young sooty, "you will have the less to count." Not Inconvenienced. " D i d t h e dissolution of your gigantic corporation cause jou inconvenience?" "Not the sl ightest ," replied Mr. Dustin Stax. "I needed an enlarged and im­ proved system of branch offices, any­ how." Greek Fire to Be Used Again. To following hostile vessels or even r^r purposes of attack wh«n the conditions are right a German naval officer has invented a Greek fire that will burn while floating on water Emphatic Comment. I t was held by the duke oi Well ing ton that the true story of the batt le of Waterloo had never been writ ten. A contemporary relates how- he once sat in a carriage with the duke and "watched him read a ponderous quar t o r e c i t a l o f t h e b a t t l e o f W a t e r l o o j Against paragraph after paragraph he i t r a c e d t h e l e t t e r s ' L . ' o r D . L . ' w i t h a j great blunt ended pencil . I ventured , to ask what these mystic let ters meant. The pithy reply was: " 'Llo" and "Damned lie," to bo sure. ' " Hindu Charm. "The God-given Almignty Power i s inovii i£ within me to give health, suc­ cess and happiness. I shall be shown the way to help bring about al l these condrions. Love, Light and Kindness wait npoa mo. I shall ba shown the way." Woman. Wrinkles are said to be the result of experience. Ia that why woman Is so keen on having her wrinkles massaged away? One i hing. "I see they are now showing circus performances in the moving picture houses." "Well , I suppose the t ime Is coming when we' l l not have a chance to see anything real. They will merely let us look at moving pictures of th<» real things." "There 's one thing we 'll have to ex­ perience In reality. Instead of merely looking at a moving picture of it." "What's that?" "Getting a tooth filled." der the terms of the convention, vpoa how far, if at all, it Is necessary for protecting and preserving the Ameii- ani fur-seal herd and for increasing i ts number. This Is a question re­ quiring examination of the present condit ion of the herd and the t reat­ ment which it needs in the light of actual experience and scientific inves­ tigation. A careful examination of the subject is now being made, and this government will soon be in pos­ session of a considerable amount of new information about the American seal herd, which has been secured during the past season and will be of great value in determining this ques­ tion; and if It should appear that there is any uncertainty as to the real necessi ty for imposing a close season at this t ime, I shall take an early opportunity to address a special message to congress on this STATE HAPPENINGS Chicago.---The twelfth annual con­ vention of the Central Associa­ tion of Science and Mathematics Teachers, meeting in FiBke hall a t Northwestern university, Evanston, snded with the election of officers for the coming year. The new officers are: President--James T. Mills , assist­ ant secretary of the F. W. Parker High school, Chicago. Vice-President-Frank E. Goodell . principal North Des Moines High school, Des Moines, Ia. Secretary--W. L. Eichberry, Uni- subject , in the belief that this govern- v e r 8 i ty High school, Chicago. ment should yield on this point rather Treasurer-- C. E. Sticer, Joliet High than give the sl ightest ground for the charge that we have been in any way remiss In observing our treaty obliga­ t ions. Final Settlement of North Atlantic Fisheries Dispute. On the 21>th of July last an agree­ ment was concluded between the I 'ni ted States and Great Britain adopting. with certain modifies- P a 8 t three months came to an ea<i school, Jollet . A luncheon for the 300 delegates to the convention was held at noon In the Patten gymnasium. Feorla.--A nation-wide search for a man who has been victimizing the members of the fraternal order of Knights and I>adies of Security tot i t is said, when the police here ar rested John Matthews of Louis­ vil le , Ky. i fe is held on a warrant charging a confidence game. Shelbyvil le--Will Garrison, eight- t lons, the rules and method of procedure recommended In the award rendered by the North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitrat ion Tribunal on September 7, 1910, for the set t le­ ment hereafter . In accordance with the principles laid c 'own in the award, * e n years old, who had just come to of questions arising with reference to Flndlay from Garrison, N M., and the exercise of the American fishing w«s to have commenced work for the l ibert ies under Article I of the treaty of October 20, 1818, between the United States and Great Britain. This agreement received the approval of the senate on August 1 and was for­ mally rat if ied by tho two governments Chicago & Northwestern Il l inois rail­ road, fell beneath the wheels of a train he attempted to board and was kil led Mari8sa --Turning from the gate of on November 15 last . The rules and ! her home, where she had Just bid Wil- a method of procedure embodied in j liam Kegel, twenty-seven years old, the award provided for determining j goodby after an evening spent togeth- bv an impart ial t r ibunal the reason ableness of any new fishery regula­ t ions on the treaty coasts of New­ foundland and Canada before such regulat ions could be enforced against American f ishermen exercising their t reaty l ibert ies on those coasts , and also for determining the delimitat ion of bays on such coasts more than 10 miles wide in accordance with the definition adopted by the tribunal of the meaning of the word "bays" as used in the treaty Imperial Valley and Mexico. In order to make possible the more effective performance of the work nec­ essary for the confinement In their present channel of the waters of the lower Colorado river, and thus to pro­ tect the people of the Imperial Val­ ley, as well as In order to reach with the government of Mexico an under­ standing regarding the distr ibution of the waters of the Colorado river, in which both governments are much Interested, negotiat ions are going for­ ward with a view to the establish­ ment of a preliminary Colorado r iver commission, which shall ' have the powers necessary to enable i t to do the needful work and with authori ty to study the question of the equitable distribution of the waters. There Is every reason to believe that an un­ derstanding upon this point wil l be reached and that an agreement wil l be signed In the near future. er. Miss Anna Fanke heard a revolver Bhot. Hastening to where she left Kegel she saw him reel and fal l with * bullet wound In his r ight temple. Canton.--Antonio Mairnar, three, at­ tempted to climb a steep roof of a chicken pen. sl id downward and was caught in a strand of wire stretched across the lower edge of the roof, where he hanged, causing his death. Sterl ing -Fred, the six-year-old son of Max I'nderman. was fatally burned by other boys who tied him to a stake and built a fire around him while playing Indian. Chicago.--Examiner John S. Burch- more of the interstate commerce commission, began an investiga­ tion of railroad rates on iy>tatoes from Minnesota and Wisconsin points. The hearing was started on complaint of the association, and a number of Chicago commission firms. Anna.--The str ike of th* pupils In the Winstead Davis sefeool, called as a result of the principal whipping children with a leather strap, has been declared off by the pupils and they have returned to their Btudles. Mount Sterl ing.--The cornerstone The message told what the govern- i of the new Christian church of ment has done In connection with the j Tlmewell was laid with Impressive Balkan w ar and In placing the gov- j ceremonies. The address was dellv- ernment of Liberia In position to pay ered bv Rev. M. R. Edwards of Clay- its debts The new condition of af- ton The building is to cost about fairs In China was set forth, and j $16,000. then our relat ions with Central and j -- South American governments were j Eldorado --John Edwards set forth In more detai l . I t concluded as follows: Congress should fully realize the condit ions which obtain In the world as we find ourselves at the threshold of our middle age as a nation. We have emerged full grown as a peer in the great concourse of nations. We have passed through various forma­ t ive periods. We have been self-cen- slxty- six years old, and Mrs. Flora B. Campbell, forty-one, both of Eldorado were married at the home of Henry Steel The bride's father, Rev. C. B. Khlteside, officiated. Granite City--The coughing of a day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knight, awakened them and they found the bedroom filled with smoke tered In the struggle to develop our j a n ( j f l a n i e B eating through the floor, domestic resources and deal with our j escape at the stairway was cut domestic questions. The nation is now too mature to continue in i ts for­ eign relat ions those temporary expe­ dients natural to a people to whom do­ mestic affairs are the sole concern. In the past our diplomacy has often consisted, in normal t imes, in a mere assert ion of the r ight to international existence We are now In a larger relat ion with broader r ights of our own and obligations to others than g o c j a j c i a s s a n ( j the labor unions ourselves A number of great guid­ ing principles were laid down early in the history of this government. The recent task of our diplomacy has been I to adjust those principles to the con- 1 dit ious of today, to develop their corol- ' lar ies. to f ind practical applications of the old principles expanded to meet j new si tuations, Thus are being i evolved bases upon which can rest the superstructure of policies which . must grow with the destined progress I of this nation. The successful, con- j duct of our foreign relat ions demands 1 a broad and a modern view. We can not meet new questions nor build for the future if we confine ourselves to outworn dogmas of the past and to the perspective appropriate at our emergence from colonial t imes and condit ions. The opening of the Pana­ ma canal wil l mark a new era in our international l i fe and create new and world wide condit ions which, with their vast correlat ions and conse­ quences. wil l obtain for hundreds of years to come. We must not wait for events to overtake us unawares. With continuity of purpose we must deal with the problems of our external re­ lat ions by a diplomacy modern, re­ sourceful , magnanimous, and fi t t ingly expressive of the high Ideals of a great nation. \ Y I 1 . H . TAFT. The White House, December P.. 1912. off and they were rescued by means of a ladder. Springfield.--A new society known as the Springfield Social Study- club has just been organized by dele­ gates from the various German Cath­ olic societ ies. The new organization has been formed for the purpose of social s tudy The middle class, the ri l l be taker, up for discussion. They will meet once a month at SS. Peter and Paul 's school building. Members of the new society have arranged a splendid program for the coming year. Many prominent out-of-town speakers have been secured to speak. The club's next meeting will occur on De­ cember 12. Greenvil le --Unti l pro\ en other­ wise Bond county wiil i laim the dist inction of having th-> youngest s tate 's at torney in I l l ino i s when John D. Higps of Green \ : ! l e assumes his duties December . i l e i s a Demo­ crat and defeated \V H Hubbard, Re­ publican The new state 's at toruey is twenty-four years old handsome and simile D a n t Oo k SomethtnE nr. icue ia the t i .Tcharu i i s - .ng r i Danvil le uhf -n a number of pupils high hoe l . In order to , i l l -us .•>.••<* experience. S t ' a ! s a 1 - > o : ' varioua r e ' i an i s - ' :n a leading • : . ' e l a s t ed fro:: : " a . m. Mi i :u t : i >r a car IVoria «SK T o l e d o , a i w a s k:!!t d when the h !:•> was \\ was •i : : nt Not All Owing to Wife. "Biggins s a y s he owes everything to his wife " ' That i?n ' t t rue," replied Biggins ' father-in - law His wife quit lending him anything years ago and then he started In owing me."--Wash­ ington Star . K a : Empty Feast. •"Wbt did you leave that boarding- house? ' "Because the swellness was at the expense of the food supply." "What do you mean?" "FOOT Jtlndi 1 of forks and two kinds of vegetable*." u-i ( ;oubnght, • :nber in both ! : e faculty of iv J-\-ui at . . . v r . " t A s s i s t a n t i ' n i t e d St a T s Arni> Engineer j K Fuller has is>':td ciders for the closing of navigatvn on the Il l inois r iver Decem­ ber 1 >viinarily traffic runs on after this t d:ct is issued, but repair work OS the I.a (Image locks wil l make pa»> tago impossible this year

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