Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1913, p. 1

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VOL.UMK XXXVIII. MoHENKY. TL.&TNOTS. THURSDAY, FEBR0ARY 6,1191$. =3» WEEKLY PERSONAL ITERS « <namm USKUTM COffiRS JUD OOOS W A WEEK OUK MJSY UTTLE VILLAGE. AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED INTO OUJt OFFICE BY OUR FRIENDS. YR . , F. H. Wattles spent Monday in the windy city. G. R. Schoel was an Elgin visitor one day last week, . Simon Stoffel .was a reeent business visitor at Wauconda. G. E. Schoel boarded the tfftin for Elgin Monday morning. Mathias Weber was a Chicago vis­ itor Friday of last week. John Phalin was among the Chldago passengers Monday morning. «$?oe Weber was the guest of Chicago friends the first of the week. , Walter Warner of Elgin spent Sun­ day as the guest of McHenry friends. G> A. Sattem was among those to board the Chicago train Monday morn­ ing. * x .'Frank Schnabel was among those to board the Chicago train Monday morn- ing. Albert Anderson of Woodstock was the guest of McHenry relatives Sun­ day. R. E. Sutton of Chicago was the guest of McHenry relatives last Sun­ day, Miss Fenna Hillebrand was the guest of relatives at Crystal Lake last Sun­ day. Mrs. J. W. Aebischer was a metro­ politan city visitor on Friday of last week. Henry Ober of North Crystal Lake was the guest of George Young last Sunday. Miss Maude Cufr spent a recent day as the guest of her sister at North Crystal Lake. Frank Martin took in the jiuto show at the colisenm in < 'hicago on Monday of this week. Miss Lucile Byrd spent Saturday and Sunday 9s the guest of Miss Alice Hart at Woodstock. Richard Wray of Richmond made his customary call in McHenry last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Spencer and, daughters passed Sunday with rela­ tives in Chicago. Mrs. Ed. Lusk attended to matters of a business nature in the metropoli­ tan city Tuesday. Ben Stilling and son,George, were business visitors in the metropolitan city last Saturday. Misses Agnes Matthews and Mar­ garet Miller passed Saturday and Sun­ day with Ridgefield friends. Miss Susie Schreiner of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schreiner1. William Frett of Chicago passed a few days last week as the guest of rel­ atives in McHenry and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thompson of Chicago were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Esler Sunday. H. E. Price came up from Cary Mon­ day evening to attend the regular mpnthly session of our village board. Mrs. John W. Schaffer of Ridgefield is here for an indefinite stay at the home of Mr. ancT Mrs. Henry .T. Schaff­ er. Miss Kathryn Knox, who teaches a country school near Woodstock, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E# Wait* of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent Saturday and Sun­ day as the guests of McHenry rela­ tives. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago was a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, Sunday and Monday. Miss Katie Schreiner of Chicago is spending the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schreiner. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith bf Wood­ stock spent Sunday as the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. F. E. Hutson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary of Wau­ conda passed Monday in the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer. 1 Miss Margaret Ward of North Chi­ cago spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. Miss Christina Pint returned to Chi­ cago Sunday evening to resume her duties in that city after a two weeks' illness at tyer home' here. Frank Schumacher came qut from ( hioago Saturday evening to be the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mi*. Wrn. >T- Schumacher, Sunday. Zetta Baunjann Dundee and Agnes Dprley qf Elgin spent Sun­ day and Moqidsy SS guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs- Simon Stoffel. - {prank Sehnabel and George Freund took in the poultry show at Richmond on Thursday evening of last week. They report that Richmond had one of the finest shows held in McHenry county in years. About 500 birds were entered. « Leonard Phillips of Chicago speht Sunday as the guest of his mother, Mrs. Emma Phillips, here. Mr. Phil­ lips is now employed as a traveling salesman and on Monday riight left for the East. He will make his head­ quarters to Boston ; TO HOLD LOCAL MEETINGS THRWOWT Me- HENRY COUNTY NEXT WEEK. ; The second series of focal meet ings under the auspices of the McHenry County Soil Improvement association will be held thruout the county begin­ ning Monday of this next week, Feb­ ruary 10. In conjunction with the county farmers' institute these local meetings will be held in the following places at 1 o'clock p. hi., sharp: Riley--Monday, Feb. 10; Marengo-- Tuesday, Feb. 11; South Dunham School --Wednesday, Feb. 12; Alden -Thurs­ day, Feb. 13; Solon Mills--Friday, Feb. 14; McHenry--Saturday, Feb. 15; Bar- reville--Monday, Feb. 17; Cary--Tues­ day, Feb. 18; Algonquin--Wednesday, Feb. 19; Ridgeiield--Thursday; Feb. 20; Greenwood--Friday, Feb. 21;Franklin- ville--Saturday, Feb. 22. The consulting agriculturist for this county will be present, at. each meet­ ing.-Come out and hear Mr. .lames, who wishes to become acquainted with all and to meet every one. In addition to his talk he will conduct a round table, where quest ions will be answered and discussed. There will be a farmers' institute man with M<\ James to give a talk along lines of interest to every one. An opportunity will be given at each place to organize a permanent local j club to aid in the solution of agrictil-j tural problems of interest, to local ! farmers. Come out and make this a real live meeting. Tell your neighbors about these meetings and (Ming one or more along with von. WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITPIS AS TAKEN FKOfl IK CHURNS Or 00K UNY EXCHANGES. Don't forget the baby contest at, the Central. All photos of the babies must, be in this week. Adv THE ICE RACES. Owing to the bjtter oold 'wenther the ice races on Fox river, near the Orchard Beach hotel, last Sunday aft­ ernoon were not well attended. The three Anderson brothers of Chicago were out, but had no one to skate against. The races bet ween the home boys were pulled off, a(l of whieh proved interesting events. \ Since the event of last Sunday considerable in« terest has been created among the boys of this village. A num'ter of 'em have already invested ib racing skates and a few of the contestants of UM Sunday showed signs of developing in­ to good skaters, Mr. Norager will hold amateur skating events at his place every Sunday afternoon at two o'oktok during the balance of the skat­ ing season. Good prizes will be hung up and the local skaters should go after them. A week from p«xt Sunday Mr, Norager hopes to have a list of entries from Woodstock, Elgin and other towns of this vicinity and on the Sat­ urday night precedingthiarace he also expects to hold an ice tournament. An event, of this kind has never been held here and we believe it would take well among our people. When the children cough give them McAllister's White Pine cough syrup --without opiates. Adv UNIVERSAUST CHURCH. Sunday school a> 10:00. Remarks by the pastor on LirfeoIn? Church service at 11:00. Theme, "Common Sense View of the Scriptures." A collection will be taken up at the church service for our Japanese mission work and it is hoped that all will give liberally to help carry forward this great cause. Our church has established the lllack- mer school for boys and girls at Tokio, Japan, and this school deserts our enthusiastie support. There is only one name that we all want to see writ­ ten upon the future development of every nation, that of Christianity. We can all help to shape the religion t hat will mold the life and thought of count­ less generations. Let us take out­ place, small tho it may be, in the great procession and share the glory of the day when Christianity shall be all in all. Everyone is most cordially invited to worship with us. M. L. ALDRIW5K. Pastor. Sal Medico destroys worms in cattle. See the proof in McAllister's window. ACCEPTS NEW POSITION. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis C. West fall lef* Chicago last Thursday for Jamestown, N. D., where they will make their future home. Mr. Westfall, who dur­ ing the past six years has been em­ ployed as civil engineer with the Illi­ nois Central railroad, with headquar­ ters at Chicago, has resigned lus posi­ tion with that company to accept the position of chief engineer of t^he Con­ tinental Midland railroad company, With headquarters in the ^bqve named North Dakota cjty. Mr. Westfall's friends here are extending congratula­ tions upon his rapid advancement, Mrs. Westfall was formerly Miss Dora Stoffel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel of this place. Movies at the Central Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday of this week. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I hereby give notioethat I have pur­ chased the interest of my partner, J. Z. Mann, who has been associated with me, and will from this date assume all bills, and all outstanding accounts are payable to me. E. V. MCAL^ISTKR. MISCELLANEOUS ASSORTMENT OF NEWS ITEMS IN CONDEN8ED FORM FOR BUSY ruirix. The ice harvest, at Like Geneva, Wis., has begun. The Fox Lake volunteer fire de|>art- ment. held a prize 'masquerade'1ml I at the Fox Lake hotel last Saturday even­ ing. Some of tJte more Interested ones are seeking to provide the scholars of the Richmond public sctioul with a gymuasiutn. . * v *. Senator A. .T. t^lsoh of Woodstock- has introduced a bill in the state legis­ lature to pi-ovide an appropriation of $15,000 to complete the Illinois Nation­ al GtMird armory at Woodstock. The enterprising citizens of Gnkys- lake have organised a commercial club, whose meml»ers are going out after new factories and in other ways assist in making that village one of the best in this section. The increase in wages to the em­ ployes of the Amercan Steel & Wire company's plant at. Waukegan Itecaine effective last Saturday. The increase means an addition of $S0,000 annually to the payroll of the big mill. Wesley Orr and Geo. Smith of Rich­ mond have been sentenced to an in­ determinate'term in the penetentiary at .Toliet by Judge Donnelly of Wood­ stock two weeks ago. The pair were found guilty of horse stealing. During the month of January an average of 2ti,000 bushels of corn |>er dav were ground at the Corn Products Refining company's plant, at Wauke* gan. This is one of the largest manu­ facturing concern* hi the Lake Countv metro)K)lis. The citizens of Lake Geneva, Wis,, are Itound to make a winter as well as «ummer resort out of their beautiful lake. Those interested in the new hotel at that place are pushing the eias a winter resort and as a result skating, ice lioatitig, coasting and all other winter sports are now tieing,en­ joyed at that place' by hundreds of Chicagoans. J. T. Kelahan, mayor of Algonquin and prominent citizen, with.D. W. Thomas and others, has completed the institut ion of a new bank iq the village on the Fox. Th£ bank will be organized with a capital stock of t25,000, which practically has all been. subscribed. The Bank of Algonquin was organized into a state bank, Monday, and is now known as the State Bank of Algonquin, with a $25,000 capitalization. Four recent farm sales in Hebron, McHenry county, aggregated $73,000, Theodore Mau, who paid tl35 an acre for 200 acres a year ago, has sold to liloomiugton people for $1)S0, cleaning 111» $5,000. Charles F. Benedict sold 120 acres to Charles Marshall for $12,- U00. paid $10,000 for "the property two years ago. A, W. MaLheflun has sold the Ed. Hawthorne farm to Win, I 'tie! of IVotone, UK) acres, for $19,000. He purchased it ten years ago for $52.50 |>er acre. The Minerva Pettl- lione farm of 100 acres has been sold to 1). F. Quinlan and Geo. W. Conn, Jr., of Woodstock for $125 per aoi^e. GENERAL CUSTER'S LAST BATTLE. A large and enthusiastic audience «; at he red at S toff el's hall to witness (lit; tingling, sensational performance of Gen. (."uster's last battle. Well, the battle didn't take place. Mr, Gracy made an elaborate speech, explaining that the reason he could not. produce it. was that he. "didn't have it." How­ ever, there was nothing mentioned about, a small rebate on the double price of admission charged to see the advertised "'Custer's Battle." A small Itoy at the back of the hall, who had -always had a longing to become arih Indian tighter and had come over for the purpose of seeing how it was done, murmured something that sounded like "bunkoed." Two perfonnances were given, the first, one at 7:30. The man­ agement of the Central opera house, in oider to meet the strong opposition, has decided on the arrival of the next Gracy show to give a milkman's show in the morning at t> o'clock. 40,000 feet of junk and an "ulcerated" song by the milkman's quartet, entitled "Shall We Gather at the River." For further particulars see small bills. Adv TARGET SHOOT AT MERTES'. Another target shoot will take place at Jos. J.' grounds, Pistakee Bay, 011 Tuesday, Feb. 1$. Mr. Mer- tes has had considerable experience In this sort of sport and kqowg jjust how tq handle an eveqt of thjs kind- As S special inducement tq the nimrqds who cj|re to take jiart in the shoot, he is offering three valuable prixes. The tirst prUe will go to the fiarticipant having the.highest average of the day, the second to the second highest aver­ age and the third to the low average. Participants shooting the entire pro­ gram of 100 targets will be eligible for the prixeg. The shoot will begin about 10 o'clock In the morning and dinner will be served at the Oak Park hotel. Plenty of good shells will We obtain­ able on the grounds and a general in­ vitation is extended to both shooters and spectators to be present. time is assured all. m>. 34 MSQUERAK WELL ATTEND® MRS. B. E. WIGBTlttN DEAD SCHOOL NOTES NBARLY ONE HUNDRED COUP!.£6 PRES­ ENT AT EAGLE EVENT. , The biggest'dancing evsfit of the' season took plAce at the Central opera house hist. Thursday evening, at which time tha annual masquerade danoe given under the auspices of the Mc- Hen i'.v aerie, F. O. E., was held. Nearly one handled couples were present, while a large mtmher of spec­ tator also turued out to see the array of com nines that were displayed on that occasion. The Air DomeorchcNtra of *1* pleee* furnished the music and pIcaM'd the dancers. The winners of the varlott* |tt*lM« are herewith given: Best dressed ladv Fancy hand I tag, donated 1>> Miss Klix.iitcth Thelen; won by Theresa Kenneltcck. Best dressed ge|it- Silver shaving set. donated in x. H. 1 Vtesch: won by John .1. Krmvu. Wauconda. Best dressed couple Pair ladies' shoes, donated by L. F. Block, graph- ophone, donated by N. A. Hneirfann; won by Raymond Howard and Katie <'asjw'rs. Best Indian M utMer, donated by Jos. Freund: \\<ni l>\ William Aebisch- IffiS. BESNARD JUSTEN MS VEtY Suddenly Monday \ line Adv Best Indian maid Six-|>ound loaf cake, donated l»y I.. Iluck: won by Christina Weber. Most comical Dutchman 10 pounds of Frankfurts. donated by ICugene Mat­ thews; won by William Ihiunill, Volo. Most comical ihitch woman -Ham, donated by J. W. Aehischer; won by Mrs. WjliWiaiu Dunuill, Volo. . BestfMe.\io:in 1'ipe and case, donat­ ed by llarbian Bros.; won by Kddle Freund. Best Mexican girl Water set, do­ nated by K. Lusk; won b\ Marv I<aures Best cow I toy---Box of cigars, donated by N. K. Barbian; won by Gilbert C. Howard. Best cowgirl---Bottle of perfume, do­ nated by K. V. McAllister; won by Mi's. G. C. Boley. Bet-t colonial gent Klegant whip, donated by K. L. Behlke; won by John Keunelteck. Best colonial ladv Three-layerchoo- olate cake, donated by A. Tietz; won by Mrs. J. W, Schaffer. Best coon- Necktie, donated by J. D. Lodtz; won by Ceo. Stelnsdoerfer. Best coon dude- Sack of Hour, do­ nated iJy Spencer Mills; won by Her­ bert Hall. Best coon lady--Pair of slippers, do­ nated by .tohn Wollar; won by Mrs. George Smith. Best, clown--$1.00 worth of grocer­ ies, donated by Anton Schneider; won by Albert, Freund. Seconal best clown Necktie, donated by M. J. Walsh; won by Merrill Foss. Best Kube--Klegant. whip, donated by M. A. Thelerit won by Earl McAn- drews. Best tramp --Ticket entitling bearer to ten shaves, donated by Martin Smith; won by Milo Loom is. Best. |toliceman--$1.00 worth of gro- oeries, donated by Math. I^aures; won by John Freund. Best Chinainan--Onc year's subscrip­ tion to The l'laindealer, donated by F. G. Schreiner; won by Hklwin Heiiuer. Best. Irish maid--Half dozen silver spoons, donated by J. J. Vyeital; won by Mrs. John Petersen. Best Italian costume--Silver olive fork, donated by F. L. McOmber; won by Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer. Best flower girl Bottle of |terfume, donated by M. Niesen; won by C&rrie M. Smith. Best lady suffragette--Beautiful pic­ ture, donated by Jacob J us ten; won by Mrs. Nick Bohr. As a result of this dance the treas­ ury of the local aerie of Ragles has been considerably swelled and the mercrbers of that, body are grateful to the public for the patronage extended. RECEIVES PROMOTION. In recognition of tho excellent re­ sults obtained during the short time he has been connected with the com­ pany, G. A. Sattem of this pluce has received a promotion from the Mutual Life insurance company of New York. On Jan. U last he was made district, manager for the New York cotmiany and since that time t^e been one qf the busiest bodies traveling out of this village. Mr. Sattem is a wide­ awake enterprising young man who has always put his heart, and soul into the work th^t has been assigned to him and that he will make good in his new position is a foregone collusion. Mr. Sattem h^s i^een, given Lake and ^cHeqry counties to work in and be­ tween the two he will be kept, <in the jump continually. The Plalndealer rejoices in the fact that another of Mclfenrs's young men has made good and heartily congratulate Mr. Sattem on his good fortune. James N. Sayler has been made the local agent for the company. AGENT FOR PERRO ENGINES. Having secured the agency for the Ferro engines* 4>h» world's standard two-cycle motor, and also the 3 h. p. plants, complete and ready to run>«X wish to announce that 1 am ready to take orders for same. Jos. J. MERTES, 34-tf McHenry, III. Chicken feed at M. M. Niesen's. MISS JOSEPHINE ENCELR EXPIRES AFTER LONG ILLNES8-FUNERALS ARE HELD MERE AMD AT JOHNSBURGH. MN. H. E, WightKum. Mrs. H. E. Wightman, for many years a resident of this village, where •he wss favorably known to many, putted away at her late home at Glen- etw', III,, on Sunday last, after four mniithn of sickness and suffering, the direct cause of her death being acute billNuiiuaUiry rheumatism together with complications. The body was *,ed to this place on Tuesday after­ noon and Interment was made in Wood­ land cemetery. Obituary will appear In uojtt week's issue of The Plain- dealer. .WORK 18 SENT TO PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. •Ms JMfhlM Baft*!*. Miss Josephine Engeln passed away at the family home here early last Monday morning, following an illness of over two years in duration. The deceased was ,the youngest daughter of Anton Engeln and was born and grew to womanhood here. She was I torn twenty-two years ago the lMth of last November. She at­ tended St. Mary's |tarochial school here and made her lirst, communion from St. Mary's Catholic church about ten years ago. The deceased was a highly respected yoting woman and her death has brought sadness to the many relatives and friends who have learned to love her. During her long illness she bore her pains and troubles patiently and every­ thing that medical skill and loving hands could acoomplish was done for her. She leaves four sisters, three broth­ ers and a .sorrowing father to mourn. The funeral services were held from St. Mary's Catholic church on Wed­ nesday morning of this* week. Inter­ ment was made in St. Mary's ceme- t*ry. Mr*. IwMrt JutM. A very >sd death occurred on Mon­ day morning of this week when Mrs. Bernard Justen passed away at her home at Justen's corners after only a few days' illness. Mrs. Justen was stricken with diph­ theria a oouple of days before her death, and before the members of her family oould realize it her oondition was pronounced most serious and death soon relieved her suffering. tier death came as a great shock to her husband, members of her family and friends. Being, as she was, right in the prime of life, just a^a time when life was the sweetest to her, the sad news of her sudden ending brought the deepest of grief to t hose nearest and dearest to her. The deceased wns the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. I jay of Johns- burgh. She was born and raised at that place, where she made tier home up until the time of her marriage a few years ago, when, with her hus­ band, she moved to her late home. She leaves a heart-broken husband and a small child, besides a host of reta­ il ves and friends, to mourn her death. The funeral was private and took place on Monday afternoon, interment being in the Catholic cemetery at Johnsburgh. BUYS OUT PARTNER. K. V. McAllister, the West Side druggist, is now the sole owner of the business with which he has been con­ nected since locating in this village. He recently purchased his partner's interest and in the future will carry on the business alone. Since coming to McHenry Mr. McAllister and his esti­ mable wife, who assists him more or less in the drug store, have made many friends and their courteous treatment and strict attention to business at all times have served to build up one of the Itest little drug establishments in McHenry county. Mr. McAllister is a live wire in every sense of the word. He is a hustler, a firm believer in ad­ vertising and most accommodating to the trade. We are glad to know of Mr. McAllister's latest raovo and un­ hesitatingly say that he Is entitled to ?11 the good thing# that may come his way- OOVERNOR DUNNE'S MESSAGE. In this week's issue of The Plain- dealer appears the message of Gov. Dunne to the legislature. Owing to the change of administration and In view of the fad that the newly seated governor has many warm friends among our readers, his message at this time should make interesting reading matter to many of our readers. We are sparing no pains or expense In giving our readers the best service ob­ tainable and hope sincerely th^t. our ef­ forts to please all classes is being appre* ciated. Don't forget to turn to the inside pages this week. There is muoh interesting reading matter to be found there. This "stuff" all costs big urond dollars, but we are out to give you your money's worth, STOCKHOLDERS' MEBTIMG. The annual meeting of the stock­ holders of the McHenry Creamery company will be held on the 15th of February, 1913, at the town clerk's office in West McHenry, at 1 o'clock p. m. If, O. MEAD, Sec. Many of the grade pupils are absent on account of sickness. Friday night the Independents were defeated by the Maroons by a score of 24 to 9. Miss Lizetta Baumann of Dundee was a visitor in Miss Stoffel's room Monday. We are all wondering who will get the championship for tardiness, Dodge or NoragerV Mildred andy Eleanor Kinsala re turned to room two after an absence of several days. The junior-senior class has complet­ ed the study of solid geometry and is now taking up albegra. Current events were discussed this week by Genevieve Knox, Frances Welch, Agnes Tesch and Katie Buch. Loren Martin and Edw. Nickels gave the orations Monday. Thevtitle of the former's oration was "Automobiles,*' and that of the latter's "Microbes." Friday night the M. II. S. boys, Reg­ ulars, will journey to Harvard, where they expect to play one of their most hotly contested games of the season. Miss Hope's pupils have a box of school work ready to be sent to their Philippine school friends at Aringay, LaUnion, P. I. They corresponded with these people last year and it proved to be very instructive. This year they have one new correspondent, a young boy in Japan. McH«nrv D»f»«ta C. L. H. S. McHenry high took Crystal Lake's measure Friday night. Final score, 44 to 18. McHenry couldn't seem to get start­ ed and at half time only lead 14 to 10. But in the last half, with their super­ ior team work, they landed on top 44 to 18. The M. H. S. boys all played a snap* py game. "Cy" Bacon showed off thruout, making live fields, and a free throw. Friday night M. H. S. goes to Har­ vard--we hope--for another victory. ITEMS OF LOCAL BTEKST AS nam w BY RMMAUS K- rOKTERS DURING WEEK. WHAT PEOPLE ARE MBFO DL TVS . LACE AND tire trtrtrm&re OTHER SHORT PARAGRAPHS; Mas-kef, Butter was declared firm at 34 cents: „ on the Elgin board of trade Monday. Ice cream for your Sunday dinner at ' Petesch's. Adv * Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, tfee > first day of Lent. The movies Wednesday*. Saturday and Sunday of this week. Adv Sickness and deaths are more numer­ ous in McHenry and vicinity at the present time than a year ago. The date for the John Kennebeek auction sale has beep set for Wednes­ day, February 28. Watch for the big bills. Don't forget the third number of the entertainment course at the Central > \ opera house on Wednesday evening oi . next week. f f j M The members of the Social Wheel will meet with Mrs. Frank Sohnabel on Saturday afternoon of this tweek at 2:30 o'clock. I, . M. H. S. Bonslett Bacon Nickels Dodge Behlke Baskets- R F L F C RG LG C. L. H. S. Wollenberg Dean Green wald Riley Ritt Bacon, 5; Bonslett, 13; Nick­ els, 3; Wollenberg, 3; Dean, I; Green- wald, 2; Ritt, 1. Free throws--Bacon, Bonslett, Wol­ lenberg, 2; Dean, Riley. Umpire, Bright. Referee, Knox. Time of halves, 20 minutes. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. The story of Lincoln--soldier, states­ man, pad : -should be Interesting to every rs:ni- i of The Plaindealer, and in memoiy f the great emancipator we run in this issue a special feature article that should be read by young and old. Under Lincoln's guiding hand the Union was preserved and much can be learned from his character as a rugged American and a true patriot. Following our regular policy The Plaindealer wiil each week run feature articles and stories that are of such value to mean a direct loss to every subscriber who fails to read them. Start reading them and you will see the big value, besides tl^a local news, contained in every copy of The Plain- dealer. FROM IOWA. In sending us a remittance for The Plaindealer, Wm. Mueller of Stacy- ville, la., writes us that, the winter there has been quite mild, with very little snow. Thousands of busheht of oats are being hauled to tne markets every week and all the elevators in that neighborhood are taxed to their capac­ ities. Some of these elevators hold as high as 30,000 bushels. Mr. Mueller writes further that the oat crop of li)12 was the best that he has seen in the thirty-eight years that he has been a resident of Iowa. Oats out there are selling at from 27^ to 28 cents, corn from 45 to 50, and hogs from $ti.85 to $7.00 per hundred. The farmers in that country are experiencing the best, of times and crops. NEXT NUMBER OF COURSE. The next number of the local enter­ tainment course will take place at the Cental opera house on next Wednes­ day evening, February 12, presenting Henry Clark, the lecturer. Mr. Clark has tilled, to the delight of managers and audiences, over 1200 lyceum, cliau- tauqua and other engagements duriug the past six years. In hundreds of towns he has been recalled a secftnd. till I'd and fourth time. Never has the bureau presented a man with greater confidence. Don't miss this rare treat. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES. Choir practice Saturday evening at 7:45 at C. E. Gayloid's. Ladies' Aid Friday afternoon at 2:00 with Mi-s. W. D. Wentworth. Usual services Sunday at 11:00 a. m and 7:4ft p. m. Sabbath school 10:00 a. m. E. A. ROHKRTS, Pastor. Eight below sero on Wednesday morning. That's real winter weather and the icemen are wearing the smile that won't erase. , " v "TO - Mr. and Mrs. L. IE.. Walmsley ace rejoicing over the arrival of ababy-'g ^5;f girl on Wednesday morning of this week. Set 'em up onee more, Sam! A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Young on Wednesday morning Jf* *1 of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Young >•*'")< , $ reside in the Gage house on the West t Side- - , A baby >oy was born to Mr. aafl lit*. ' R. N. Patchen at LaGrange, 111., ota ' \ January 24. Mr. Patchen was at One I time the local manager for the Chica- • * go Telephone company. > ^4^ Mr. G. Hog decreed last Sunday that we shall have six weeks more of win- f ter. The sun shone brightly on that **•">' 4 day and his shadow scared him back into winter quarters for another six weeks' snooze. The program for the "movies" for Saturday of this week Is as follows: "The Three Valises," a comedy by Selig; a fine Indian drama, "Silver Moon's Rescue," by Pathe, and a real comedy by tne Essanay company, en­ titled "Twins." Adv CARD OF THANKS. We wish in this public manner to express our sincere appreciation for the kindness extended to us by so many people and the Masons during the sick­ ness and death of our beloved father, S. McDonald. THK FAMILY. Valentines at Petesch's. Adv In a post card from Mrs. Ray Thom­ as, who with her ohildren is with her " '/fj parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mead, at^^ Raymondville, Tex., she informs us ' , t h a t t h e t e m p e r a t u r e o n t h e n o r t h s i d e ^ ' of their home is 80 in the shade ; that the grass is nice and green. . The Eastern Stars enjoyed another pleasant evening at their meeting last Monday night. Miss Emma Bacon was received into the order and delicious refreshments were served and enjoyed by the large number present. The chapter now has sixty members, with a number more ready to conyb in. If you contemplate becoming a OKb- didate for any of the township offices to be filled this spring let your wants be known thru the columns of The Plalndealer. Don't forget the old say- ing, "The early bird, etc., etc." Bet^ ter insert your card with next week's issue, as there are bound to he a num­ ber in the field. .1̂ -! The basket social, given by 'w young ladies of the M. E. church at Woodman hall last Saturday evening, proved a very enjoyable affair and was quite well attended. The receipts of the evening were a trifle over t3fi. The program was one of the especially enjoyable features of the evening and those who turned out were well repaid for so doing. t The Knights of Columbus of this place, together with a number of in­ vited friends, enjoyed a very social evening at Stoffel's hall last Monday. Dancing, cards and a general good time prevailed, after which refresh­ ments were served by the young men of the McHenry council. The eveot was very much enjoyed by the large gathering present- Carl Mead, who during the past fur years has been one of the salesmen lor the Burroughs Adding Machine com- ]tany, is now traveling for the National Cart company of this place. He en­ tered upon his new duties last week and sent in a neat bunch of orders to the McHenry firm. Wm. Stoffel & Sons are about to issue stocks and hope. to get the people of McHenry ami vicinity interested in their faetory proposition. )--$i rouogu Siiuoi mon Mich els and family this week moved into the cottage he purchased iy f of Joseph Rothertuei. Mr.' Michel* ' t! some time ago purchased a lot in the . " 4* Crook addition to McTTenry ami has ^ - moved the cottage upon bis property. The house vacated by Mr. Michel* **>»j 11 family is now housing Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Miller, the latter family hav- ' ing moved from the Mrs. Schaefer house on Waukegan street. Mrs. Sehaefer and family will again *o ii»y ' the home oo and after Manah i* y *

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