PUiuitaler 'Mw • m»LISH*D 1VERY THURSDAY BT ' F. O. SCHRBINER. OfMltlB Bsnk Building. Telephone, No.M. "-- k 4:'£j •UB#0«IPTI0Wl VJO ,tb*. ,40 oU. . Mrnt..,« i •lx months. Wolf, "VhM* TliBr«4tjr, February 37,1913. . a. w v-ri f CANDIDATE FOR VILLAGE CLERK. Thru the solicitation of a number of my friends, I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of village DESK. , J. W. BONSLETT. : ? VRON VILLAGE CLEML jg, Thru the request of some of my friends I take the pleasure to announce myself as candidate for the office of village clerk at the coming election. 3&-3t WILLIAM G. SCHREINBR. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of justice of the peace and will be thankful for the sup port of the voters at the coming spring primary. E. C. HAVVLEY. rm \-W*: FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce myself a candi- U'i} v' date for the office of constable, subject -®*> the decision of the legal voters at '&4J tlie coming township caucus and will > be thankful for the support of such ; -f\!^ voters. C. H. STEPHENSON. - •' fDR ROAD COMMISSIONER 7:M i4$ I hereby announce myself -a candi date for the office of highway commis sioner for the town of McHenry, sub ject to the decision of the voters at the coining primaries. I will be grateful ior the support of my friends and if nominated and elected will do every thing within my power and reason to fulfill the duties of said office with efficiency and despatch. Respectfully, 35 WM. B. TONYAJT. J 4 ' &V. a TO THE VOTERS. We, the undersigned, announce our selves as candidates for village offices, to be filled at the coming election, and if elected pledge ourselves not to per mit the issuance of license to increase the number of saloons during our term of office. . JOSEPH W. FREUND for president of the board. FRED NICKELS, R. G. CHAMBERLIN, WM. SPENCER for trustees of the board. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi-. date for the office of highway commis sioner for the town of McHenry and will Jje thankful for the support of the vot ers at the coming spring caucus. My, past experience in the office has taught me many valuable points in road build ing and I believe that if nominated and elected to the office to which, I as pire I can serve the public more satis factorily than ever before. Respectfully, 35 JAMES L. CONWAY. 1. 1 1" TOWN CAUCUS. Notice is hereby given that the an nual township causus of the Republi- , Mri legal voters of the township of Mc Henry will be held in the village hall in the village of McHenry on Satur day, March 15, for the purpose of plac ing in nomination the various town officers to be elected at. the coming April elections, to-wit: One super visor, one commissioner of highways, two constables and two justices of the peace. Polls will be open from one , o'clock p. m. until five o'clock p. m. 37-3t TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. Auction Salei GEO. VOCEk AUCTIONEER PRIMARY ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, the 11th day of March, A. D.*TW3, at the village hall in the said village of McHenry, a primary election will be held for the nomination of candi dates for the following offices, to-wit: President, village clerk for one year to fill vacancy, three trustees. The ?iolitical parties entitled to participate n said primary election are as follows; Republican, Democratic, Socialist, Pro hibition, Citizens, Peoples. The polls of said election will be open from six o'clock in the forenoon and continue open until five o'clock in the afternoon. Dated at the village of McHenry this 18th day of February, 1913. H. E. PRICE, Village Clerk. TAXES ARC NOW DUE. iJohn Niesen has received his tax hooks and may be found at the follow ing places on the days mentioned Mondays, J. C. Debrecht's, Johnsburg; Tuesdays, Bradley & Foss', Ringwood; Thursdays, M. J. Walsh's, West Mc Henry; Satatriays, N. H. Petesch's, McHenry.^«Mr. Niesen can also be found at his residence Wednesday, Friday and evenings. 33-tf AGENT FOR FERRO ENGINES. Having secured the agency for the Ferro engines, the world's standard two-cycle motor, and also the 3 h. p plants, complete and ready to run, ] wish to announce - that I am ready to orders for same. JOS. J. MERTES, McHenry, 111. '^movies" at the Central Wed • ifiesday and Saturday of this week. Adv CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All Mlvartiaementtt Inserted under thin bead at the Sallowingrate»: Five Hutu or le«t, 45 cents (or firrt tjUerUan; 15 cents for each subsequent Insertion. Son than five lines, 5 cents a line for flrat insertion, •ad 3 cents a line (or addition! Insertions. TEj*OB 8ALE--Two lots on the rivert Scbaef •® er's Grove. F. MASQDELKT, McHenry, 35 li^OR SALE--A few choice (all blood Barred * Rock cockerels. ION, McHenry. 111. Inquire of J. F. Cux- 33-4t* FOR SALE--FOX river lots on both east <ind west sides of river, north of McHenry bridge. Henry. Inquire of C. W. BTM&BB, West Mc- 32-tf >OR SALE--Houses and lota ID McHenr, Also rlv^r property with acreage, acre Or lot. Inquire of G. A. jury Sold Pest McHenry, 111. I5ATTEM, 41-tf FOU. BALE-- About 500 burr oak fence posts at 16c each; also good dry cord wood at I per cord. Inquire of JOHN FBEOND. on Mc Telephone 63&-R-2. leary-Rlngwood road, i£-6t* TpOR BALE--Two launches, one fitted with *- Ferro engine and ' run but one season: r ' ether without engine, but otherwise In good .running order. Apply to or addreas JOSEPH •. M*a*E8, McHeury, 111. 35-tf T< OEAUT1FTL ASSORTED POST CARDS J-3 D scenes, comics. Easter, birthday and art cards sent pest p»id to any address, 10c. V "VICTOR NOV«lty CO., 224? Armliage Ave,, ,.... <-§7* Chicago, 111. fc'" &•-/-- *• . _ . V*,r expects to marry, and can^ keep a secret; •sp?? \ 'PRIVATE TIP. We will mall sealed to 1^auy jiuiauu of eltlitir aox who is married tUN i wad harmless;'try it. 25c in silver brings AAdrasa V^OTOB NOV*LTY OO.. ' Armltaee Chlcsgo. Having decided to quit the dairying business, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the old Peter Smith farm, situated li miles north of Big Hollo*, l\ miles west of Ingleside, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, '13 commencing at one o'clock p,. ui., sharp, the following described prop erty: 24--CHOICE] COWS--24 Some new milkers and heavy spring ers, 2-year-old Holstein bull, 4-months- old Holstein bull. FIVE HORSES Bay work horse, nine years old, wt. 1450 pounds; roan work horse, ten years old, wt. 1300 pounds; bay road horse, seven years old, wt. 1050 pounds; dark bay road horse, four years old, wt. 900 pounds; dark bay road horse, coming seven years old, wt. 950 pounds. STALKS, HAY, SEED CORN Ten loads of corn stalks, ten tons of hay in barn, 10 bushels of Yellow Dent seed corn, shelled, will test 95 per cent. MACHINERY Seeder, milk wagon, 22 milk cans, butter churn, pails and strainers, driv ing harness, double; ten-barrel galvan ized tank, Gold Harvest cream separa tor, peddling cans, cases, milk bottles. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at 0 per cent per annum. No property to be re moved until settled for with clerk. ^ . WM. TONY AN. WILLIAM V. JACKSON, Clerk. /OFFIVSRCBGH. The movers are finding this >weather anything but favorable for making the changes. Jacob A. Miller is now going carpen ter work in McHenry. • He is working with the Henry Schaffer gang there. Don't forget that an Easter Monday dance will take place at Smith's hall here. Watch for future announce ments. Our sportsmen were a little disap pointed last Sunday when it was learned that the horse races at Pistakee could not be held. The boys jhere had a couple of favorites and were anxious to see them in action on the ice speed way.'- The severe sleet storm caused our feed mill to shut down last Saturday. The mill depends upon electricity as its driving power and with the electric line out of commission, Wm. Smith, the, maqager of ' the • institution, was given an enforced vacation. During the course of March the mem bers of the Young - Ladies' sodality of St. John's church here will be busy learning their parts for a-pretentious play that will be staged in St. John's parish hall during the month of April. As soon' ^ the weather relents the parts will be assigned by' the director and rehearsals begun. Peter Williams of Spring Grove moved his family to this place this week and will take charge of the local milk plant the first of the mopth. Peter is tickled to death over his^ap- pointment to this plant. Nothing in thei world oouj£ have suited him bet ter. He is a well qualified man for the position and the patrons of the- place are glad to^ee him here. The vestibule doors of St. John's church have a fine new set of "Checks* which operate faultlessly. The doors acted very stubbprnly for some time thru warp and \£ear, so much so that some short-sighted people believed them to have been sealed. The car penter changed the action of the doors so that they operate but one way. The winds and storms cannot blow them open as before and the improve ment over the old way has many ad vantages. We were mistaken last week when we stated that Jacob R. Justen would work the Meyers farm the coming year. Altho he has mov^d his family to the place, he, with his brother-in- law, Fred Huff, will continue the milk and ice business at Pistakee Bay. Jacob R. tells us that he will be better prepared than ever to 6erve the public the coming year and is looking forward to a good season. He also intends to erect an ice cream parlor on the Mey ers property, just across from Nell's resort, and will serve the public with Little Johnnie's ice cream the coming summer. The Married Women's Altar society is preparing to commemorate the so ciety's patron by receiving EaSter com munion on the feast of Seven Dolors, April 14. A large attendance is ex pected. .Over 125 belong to the society and many more intend joining. 'All the married women will be enrolled in the Christian Mothers 'Confraternity by a priest who will come here for the special ceremonies. The officers are preparing to serve a breakfast in the school house after mass so that every one will find it convenient to come Friday, April 14. Beautiful new badg es have been ordered and ii they ar rive on time will be worn for the first time when the women next meet. HOLCOMBVILLK. Junes Dohertjt was a Ringwood call er Wednesday. Will Powers was a Chicago passen ger Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Zanders were callers at P. F. Hunt,s Monday. Mrs. Jay Doherty spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Walter Bolger. Cliffocd and Bert La Sage of Chicago are spending this week at George La Sage's. Miss Etta Powers and brother, John, went to the funeral of a relative at Hartland Friday. Mrs. Ed Goetter and daughter of Chicago are visitors at the home pf her parento, Mr. aaA Mrs. OeOrge £* Sage. ; ;ri VJ Now th& time tc* give «8 that order for that ne# life ® mm m We are prepared to fit your horses with any style or w;eight Harness that yon may desire and can do.it at a very rea sonablecost. Come in, examine our ex cellent line of goods and let us tell you how you profit by coming here for i mm OUR REPAIR MMMMI IS CONTINUALLY AT YOUR SERVICE mm f. .. w .. . YOORHORSEGOODS Bell System No wonder this young debu tante is enjoying her morning cup of Ptonotttioed "J*fex-Q'fvtz" Expert selection of raw ma-, terial, scientific blending, roasting and packing make Mex-o-ja Coffee the Fin ished Product -- the high quality and full weight you are entitled to. We have attended to everything but the grinding and the brewing, and coffee satis faction awaits you if you order a trial pound from your grocer today. MEX-O-JA SALES DEPT. 365-465 E. Illinois St. Mcago, Illlnoii Qrlnd your oof too at homo In ytst tho it&st a*ostitis L. Q. SENG 8am* dtfrt* il •*- eallanc* n Ilium uil dun, Mm* Mrvlca, Mm* *ld stand. Mm* *v*rr thlnf *xc*pt th* iarifUMBER_jEl la 106 N. 8th AT*. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE G. A. SATTEH T*I*| N* DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK WEST M'HENRY, ILL ARE YOL INTERESTED. j; ' ̂ .» '• - ^ • . sv.s i.-..'1•; ksi-i'l' •' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. R»tuteof Samuel McDonald, Deceased. The undersigned havlDK beeu appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of 8atnuel McDonald, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear be fore tiie County Court of McHenry County, at the Court, House In Woodstock, at the May Term, ou the first Mouday in May next, at which tioie all persons having claims against said Estate are uot iiittl and requested to at tend for the purpose of having the same ad Justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 17th day of February, A. D. 1913. M-IT J AM *8 B. PKBBY. Executor. Read Th* fl»tadeaje$. ,. F"Y Your Proposition has merit. You have faith in it. An earnest, straight forward telephone talk will put > it through. • It is not necessary, nor is' it always, advis able to disturb a busy man of affairs by a call in person. C You may be able to obtain his most concentrated attention, by a brief, pointed talk over the tele phone. Go directly to the "brains of the busi ness;" to the very thought center which weighs and decides. The Long Distance Telephone is a most courteous And effective method of approach. Chicago Telephone Company J; H. Conrath, District Manager, ; Telephone 9903 , Central Opera House Sunday Evening, March 2 "ST. ELMO" Has Made Its Way By It's Made DECADE HEN we began marketing the Inter national Commercial Car six years ago the one idea uppermost was to s e l l a u s e f u l c a r . T h a t m e a n t a car for country roads, that would safely carry a reasonable load, always get there -y and back, and last long enough to be very profitable. Some of those first cars are still doing an N honest day's work every day. All of them paid for themselves. None of them was so efficient as the car we sell today. Now is the time to buy an ' international Commercial Car For the merchant engaged in any business requiring much light hauling, or prompt deliv^ eries; for the business man who wishes to extend his territory ; for the marf whp wants to cut down delivery expenses and at the same time be progressive and up-to-date, an Inter? • national Commercial car is a good investment. Simple, surtf, powerful, it climbs hills, goes v through mud-holes and sandy stretches, any* where a team can travel at any speed from 3 to 18 miles an hour. Transmission is simple ai)d direct. Brakes are powerful. Bearings are strong. A single lever coptrols t^e car. Write for Catalogues and auy information desired. International Harvester Company ol Americt 4 (Incorporated) Rockroru ID, YOU'LL THE GREATEST BOOK PLAY Always find owe of the best grocery stocks in McHenry ait this store. Our aim is to keep our shelves well fijfpd with staple and fancy groceries and will alsp handle a complete line of JUenten fiatables. Math. La 11 res STECUL SCENEKY SCAT SALE AT PETESC8'S PIMM 8 "H v-mitirsa t SIDE fl»oCP^V»,AK Si W««t Mcttoary ^^1 WHO SAB GROCERIES The very minute that we hear the word Groceries mentioned we are inter ested. We are in the gro cery business and want e^ferjrbody to know that our line of Staple and Fattcy Groceries, Fruits and Candies is always up to the minute and our ser vice is correspondingly complete." :: M. n. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 86-W IlcHenry, - fllinois. A 'm'