Wm *mm % %•:-• Highest t&ar kei prices paid for furs of every de scription. JBring them to ua. Tel ephone No. 51-M nTRMY, lUINOLS It's Stood the Teit That's what we claim for Early Riser Flour and many of the people of Mfc- Henry and vicinity know this to be a fact, as con stant use of McHenry's Flour proves this. Early Riser Flour is on sale at all leading gi^cpry and general stores in McHenry so it isn't necessary to come to the mill for it. Bay a sack, give it a fair trial aUd.. yon' will become a constant user of this flour. Mil W M *AW » : CHRGN BY j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS r~i - • There is still A Nil / . : -- ' for warm winter goods and in spite of the fact that February is half over winter goods will be worn for some time to come. Call in and examine our Underwear, Ladies' . and Children's Cloaks , and Woolen Pants for men. We still have a complete line of these goods and our prices will fit the work ing man's pocket book I*t's get acquainted. J. LUSK,: WEST M'HENRY PHOTO es-M Bank of > McHen ry ESTABLISHED 18M This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a Hs GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS respeotfnlly solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for tale. If yon \*ant to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Glass Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. •' Banker*. MAKE MORE MONEY On the Farm . h' Get the best returns from your cattle and poultry. DR. HESS1 STOCK TONIC helps to make more milk or beef from the same amount of feed. :: BESS' PANACEA increases egg production and also prevents cholera in poultry. \ I also sell -v Hess' Dip ^ahd pisinfect- ant and Killer. Instant Louse :: -1; E.y. McAllister West McHenry :: Phone 59-W Masqueet's East Side First-class Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service ,..Agent for State Board of Health... Free Diphtheria' AjsWIttoxin through your physician, Always on hand- We Know that you know a good piece of meat when you see it. We know that i a poor piece of meat i^, expensive at any pripe, and that is why are serving the public with the very best that money will boy. Have you tried our home made sausage? If not, you don't know what you're mistwff,; :: J.W.Aebischer F (SUCM RcHENRY. ILL. to C. Q. Fr»tt.) t-t 'PHONE 80-N He nifty be president of the United States some day. That is the proud privilege of every American born l>oy. :: :« :: But, whether or no, he is your son and photographs that preserve his boyhood and youth will mean everything to you in »fter years. What he meanp to you now he will also mean to others some day and the little collection, taken at vari ous ages, will be a priceless treas ure for generations to come. :: THERE IS A PHOTOGRAPHER M U'HENRY, m: 'PHONE 100-J. IKE ALSO SELLS ALL KINDS Of GOOD PICTURE FRAMES P. SCHNABEL SAMUEL M, ESLER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION AND SIOTUES arcn hiking yiT mmimrmS A --y----www uiMMtimto Howa.d Jacobs was at Crystal Lake Thursday. '• , E. Anners wafcaCrystal Lake ealler Wednesday. : . F. S. Morse was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. ' Mrs. A. G. Levey was a Woodstock visitor Tuesday. Miss Glenys Jacobs was a Woodstock caller Thursday. W. II. Levey was a, Chicago business caller Thursday. Gerald Smith dined at the Wood* stock cafeteria Sunday. . . S. Levey and daughter, Klta, visited in Woodstock Tuesday. W. L. Yanke made a business trip to Woodstock Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ander son, Tuesday, Feb. 18, a son. Mrs. Jessie Wille visited with friends in McHenry part of last week. W. R. Wagner and Amel Berlin were at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. E. F. Anderson and daughter were Woodstock callers Tuesday. Miss Etta Irish spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Elgin. V. Brevtspraak is entertaining rela tives from out of town for a few days. M rs. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock spent Saturday at the parental home. I. E. Mason Sftent Monday and part of Tuesday in Chicago transacting business. Mrs. C. H. Giesselbreclit and daugh ters are visiting her parents and sister in Woodstock. C. D. Stratton, with his family, moved to their new *home in "Wood stock Tuesday. Misses Mabel and Elsie Wille visited friends at Crystal Lake and McHenry part of last week. Misses Hallie Barber and Elsie An derson were Crystal Lake shoppers Thursday afternoon. R. L. Dutield was confined to the house part of last week. Win. Reed is also on the sick list. Miss Rose Barden of Chicago s|>ent the week end at tKe home of her sis ter, Mrs. George Wheeler. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet at. the home of Mrs. Lock wood, Thursday afternoon, March 13. Mrs. E. E. Shepard will serve an Aid Society dinner at her home at high noon Thursday, March 6. Each plate, 20 cents. R. L. Hesselgrave of Brooklyn, Mich., on his way to Chester, Mont., visited recently with his brother's family Ivere. Hans Nt Isoh, who is receiving treat incut, for stomach trouble at the Angus-1 Feb. 27 since a year ago last June when com plications of a serious nature set in which in the end were the cause of her death. The mystery of afflictions she could riot understand, but thru it all she had been patient and hopeful to a remarkable degree. Thus she clung to,her faith in a loving and yet a just God, thiq faith being instilled early in life When she united with the English Lutheran church at Sharon. To those who knew her best she proved a genial, kind and helpful friend, the home life a devoted and loving wife and mother. May the memory of her long be cherished and the good she has wrought be emulated. Funeral services were held from the church Monday afternoon,at 2:30, con ducted by the Rev. C. H. GiesseHwecht, with interment) amid many beautiful dowel's, in the home cemetery. VOLO~ ^ ' FEBRUARY H. Miss Klla Moore was in Wauconda Saturday. Fred DunnSIl was in Round Lake Saturday. Chas.. Parker was a McWenrv caller Saturday. ';.v Miss Bessie Dunnill was a recent. Chicago visitor. C. G. Huson is'visitina his daugh ter, Mrs. Jepson, in Wisconsin. - Fisher brothers shipped hogs to El gin Friday by way of McHenry. Marsh Huson and daughter, Zella, of Fort Hill spent, the past week at Ray Paddock's. Mrs. Robt. Richardson and children of Grayslake weiv recent visitors at John Vasey's. The basket social given by Miss Ber- nice Davis and pupils Feb. 7, at the schNsol, was well attended. About $35 was cleared. Mrs. A. J. Raymond returned home Saturday after s^ndin^' several weeks with her daughter, Mfa. ( has. Kapple, in Grayslake. FRHRITARY 24. Lee Huson and wife entertained company over Sunday. John Myers of Wauconda was seen on our streets Tuesday. Kveryone went to the Lansing sale at Fort Hill Thursday. Frank Galiger of Grant sawed wood for Ray Paddock Thursday. Ray Seymour and family of Waucon da spent Sunday at Walter Converse's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger and son of FrenJosjOeaUed at John Walton's WVd needajr.' 'I'ax^collector Chaa. Dowel 1 will he at John Richardson's s&rfre Thursdav, •m >M ; 19 recognized ia this day and gen eration as the King of arttflciat lights. Electric power to the bouse It Is «eneruTty~realized Will assume the heaviest labor. 1 Tlie spectacle of a new house c o m p l e t e d n o w a d a y s w i t h o u t wiring Is so rare a.® to be curious. It may be located miles away from the supply Hues. Rut it is ' wired just the same. ' . *• • It ten't found necessary to ex pand o« these fact *. On the con trary we know the only reason why a house Is not using electric service is that it happens not to be equipped for It. 1 The Impression prevails that there are difficulties iu wiring an old house. The notion is entirely wrong. Its Perfectly Easy V Special wire for this particular purpose is n)ade. There are haif, a dozen ways available to a sktiU ful man to completely thread it through an old bouse without damage Or annoyance to the be-, cu pants. V Weemploy these methods. And to ntake it available to any in-. com6 we do the work at cost and spread the payments over a peri od of two years, collecting :i little each mouth. PublkServkeCompdiiy OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS fELErMMB " M*. 10*-* tana hospital in Chicago, is improv ing quite rapidly. M r. and M rs. L. Johnson and son enjoyed "The Kings of the Forest" at the Crystal Theater, Crystal Lake, Wednesday evening. Gertrude ilaughawout was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, early Tuesday morning to undergo an oper ation for appendicitis. In the absence of the pastor the ser vices in the church wifl be conducted by a visiting minister. Morning wor ship at 10:30, Sunday school at 12, Y. 1'. S. C. K. at 7:30 p. in. You are in vited to at tend. A. K. Salow, who has been ip busi ness here for the past three years, has sold his enterprising business to Mr. Whetstone of Barrington. Mr. Salow will move his family to Barrington, where he has purchased a farm three miles east of town. Mr. Whetstone ex l>ect.s to occupy the rooms over the store as soon as convenient for his "^family. There was a meeting last Thursday morning of milk producers delivering milk to the Ridgelield factory am| a local organization was established. The speakers were C. H- Patten and W. A. Goodwin. Thirty-six applied for mem bership in lhe Milk Producers' associ ation and W. L- Yanke was elected president, V. C. Hreytspraak secretary and treasurer. They pledged them selves to supi>o5't the resolution adopt ed by the association at its annual meeting in Chicago, wherein they would demand an average of $1.50 per 100 jKJuuds for summer milk. A con tinuation of the mefeting on soil im provement was held Thursday after noon, M. Wright and Delos James as speakers. ^ Obituary, Again the death angel has visited us and taken from our midst the wife and' mother who was needed, but God, wlio doeth all things well, has brought sweet release to a patient sufferer. The bands of sickness and disease have been broken and her spirit has gone to be with the God and Father who gave it. Eva May Billyea was born Jan. 15, 1867," at Clinton, Wis. Her mother dying when sne was but three years of age, she was taken into the home of her uncle, Edward Billyea, of Sharon, Wis., and here she grew up into young womanhood. On Dec. 22, 1887. she was united in marriage to Harvey H. Burgett and during the twentysix years of their wedded life they have lived in Sharon, Hebron, Arkansas, Rock ford, Genoa Junction, Crystal Lake, arid for the past five years have lived in or near Ridgefield. Five children, all of whom are living, have made glad the hearts of the par ents and are now the only comfort of -the bereaved husband and father. The children are as follows: Mrs. Rita A. Herraance Of Rockfoi-d, Mrs. Leota O. Tromblee of Genoa Junction, Edna May, Beryl A. and Zella M. of Ridge- field. > , " „ Mrs. Burgott, who sever was a well 1 w.oman, ii Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walton and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. Walton and family. The rain and sleet storm of Friday and Saturday did considerable damage, breaking down telephone poles and fruit, and shade trees. M=HENFcY, ILUi testa of physical strength, especially | and Sunday. KIN(|WOOb. Duane Overton of Solon was a tllisi- ness caller in town Mouday. Frank Hawley of Chicago was an over Sunday guest of his father. The Universalis! church service will bs held at H. W. Allen's next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Azer and two children of El{rio visited at H. M. Stephenson's Suuday, F. C. Hawley's brotherjs wife and little daughter of Klgin spent Sunday with him. Emma Merchant and little grand daughter of Woodstock visited her son. Ray, Tuesday. Charles Stephenson has recently pur chased the house and lot which be longed to Bert Bell. Mrs. Clara Starritt of Barreville and Mrs. Van Natta of Crystal Lake visit ed Mrs. Libbie Simpson Thursday of last week. Edith McCannon and son, Lloyd, vis ited in Chicago froin Wednesday of last week until Monday evening of this week. John Harrison and family of Green wood called to see his fathei> William Harrison, Sunday. He is not much improved at this time. Mrs. George Minshall and children of Genoa Junction spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with her grandmother, Mrs. JennieSpaulding. P. S. Harrison, a former resident of this place, but now of Alden, is re- >orted quite sick. His inanv friends lope for a speedy recovery... * Ora Harrison.had ahe misfortune to stk^T a pitch fork into his foot one day "last week. It was very painful at the time, but is doing nicely now. The W. C. T. I', memorial meeting at Mrs. Allen's Thursday evening was quite well attended and the program was good. The next meeting will be with Edith McCannon March 8. Delberr Bacon and Miss Eleanor Hawley were married in Woodstock Wednesday of last week. They visited in Chicago and Elgin, returning to Ringwood Saturday night. Mr. Bacon is in the employ of the C. & N. W. railroad. Their friends extend con gratulations. We have not learned where they will reside. T£BKA OOTTA. Mrs. M. A. Conway has bcg>n num bered among the sick. Wm. Wingate boarded the train here Tuesday morning. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry visit ed at M. Knox's Friday I. E. Mason of Cherry Valley was a caller in this vicinity Wednesday even ing. Messrs. Henry, Ray and Earl Mc Millan were Woodstock visitors Tues day. Misses Edna and Eleanor Phalln called on Florence and Frances Knox Sunday. Mrs. F. D, Davoll and daughter, Eva, boarded the Elgin train here Tuesday morning. Miss Jennie Thompson of Elgin was recent guest in the home of Frank McMillan. Mi TtiirVe of*. MfTTrnivv cetaives here Maturday Opera House J. W. SMITH, :: MANAGER a » WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY of this week All Sea s 10c What is the diltarence bttwMn a (unt leaving at 4 a. m. and a pretty |irl speeding an auto? HOTEL On t; iu bioiug iH't'tty early, the «|ther m pretty tiiii.' iuiui. "Where are you going, My pretty maid?" To the Quality Meat Market, sir," she said. The maid in question Was a quality lass, And bought only meat Of the quality class." She's headed here. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE 3 Haua* Phone, 246-J Offim Phene 267- CHARLES H. FRANCIS LAWYER ESTATE WORK A SPECIALTY Kendall Black 112 1-2 Caaa Street WOODSTOCK, ILL Telephmm No 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. Waat Mdkarr, Uliaol> Miss Mamie Rice of Chicago was the. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar tin Saturday and Sunday. • Mrs. Walter Hatchwell and daugh ters of Williams Bay visited at Chas. Buch's a couple of days last week. Mrs. John Gibbs and Mrs. Walter Bolger and "son, Edf spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. M. A. Coil way. TT. . \T. T.T'.'.T.'.u c,, ,, truests of the latter's father, Mark I Hoffman, at Spring Grove Wednesday,» :W-i; > . '%». v, ' I H PfTFVH IU lit I LILtlMl ---DRUGGIST-- McliFRRY, llll«0IS Cement Going Up The price of Cement has advanced materially within the last week. We are in position to^ take orders for shipment as late as April 1st. If you need any «for spring Improvements, bet ter order now. Wilbur Lumber Co. WEST .McHENRY :: \^I affords more enjoyment and comfort to family than anything in the world. No one need Ije without such a home nowadays. We can fit you out and can d<^ it in a most satisfactory manner. Our goods and prices will meet with your approval and after we show you how easy it is for you. to make your home comfy and cozy, you'll wonder 0 why you didn't consult us long since. We can fit your home with furniture that ranges in price from the costliest to the cheapest that money will buy. Call and let us tell yo/niore about it. :: :: JACOB JUSTEN. THE McHENR.Y FURNITURE MAN (F P H I L I P . J A E G E R GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THK SALJC OF » Dressed Beef; flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter apd Eggs This is the oldest house on the street T»8« and price lists flialiM fft application. Stall 1 * 3. Pultoa St. WholaMle Market. COLD STOKAUE FREE CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. .4 Just Like Mother Used to That's what they say about our Bakery and IhA assertion is absolutely correct. We exercise just as much care in our baking as mother used > to and we use nothing but the yery best flour, f sugar, butter and lard that can be purchased. J| That's why our goods are belter than our 0601- ̂ petitors are offering vou. :: I IV > 1