rikWrviiJl 'x± • I2£U • - V " v -&ip\£ ^,Ukr., ^ » - V * ^ ̂ w ? ^ - •** First-class Drugs, |*: Reasonable Prompt Service * •' - -«• s*fcv:«; V--f-- "»?* • • yj«. :%K '&•' v..; •iugtiK iJSi-ii i£ •; • lii.-- -a McHenry* •i w The Durability of Shingle Roofs is a matter of history, but a lot of other roof material is still theory. When you buy roofing why hot specify that which has stood the .jfteat of time? Our Shingles ape full thickness, cut from sound butts, slow dried and are full of -life. They're the best we can buy and our price is right. We want to show them to you. WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST NUENRY :: PHONES ** <--;r *ste. • '•'•N v where yon are assured of getting the best th&t the market affords at correct prices. We handle the grade of Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits that conform with the pure food law and when you get a thing here you can feel assured that it is'just as represented or ty&ve your, money refunded. /Our quick delivery system is also a feature of this store that fsbQyld not be overlooked. Math. Laures 1 TUB *BST «N>B QRQCfJRVM*W none» i: W»*t Mctleary CQdWim Hut Met jyn OOCCRY ' • If . , Th« choicest line 'dCA- -Meats atad Groceries to be found in McHenry * M ' . . • Vv J.W.Aebischer , f (SttCMNT U C. C. Pratt.) **HE!WY*UA w w *PHON!E tO-H LH.SOK The Flour With theReputation, 2 rv t*s Early Riser Floih .lfbe home product. Why take a chance on other makes when you have the assurance from the many users of the ho.me brand it .is absolutely all right, Are you willing to S- trust a man who has made »life long study of flour? If so you will buy none but the Early Riser Flour. 'Sold everywhere in Mc- Henry. :: :: NEIGHBORING NEfVS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS WEST M'HENRY Now is the time to give us that order for that new Spring Harness We are prepared to fit your horses with any style or weight Harness that you may desire and can do it at a very rea sonable cost. Come in, examine our ex cellent line of goods and let us tell you how you profit by coming here for YOUR HORSE GOODS B. L. Behlke r t Wot McHenry IH.. GIVE THE WOMEN A CHANCE TO VOTE en this question of twine' build ing and we venture there would be an overwhelming majority in favor of home ownership. And when you get right down to fig uring the actual cost of a good frame house, it would probably surprise you what can be done with a few hundred dollars. A little lumber goes a long <w ays when it comes to building, and the saving you effect in labor by using machine-smoothed finish ,v casing, base, flooring, etc., is one of the items that makes this talk about high cost sound pretty weak. If you're waiting for building materials to get cheaper before building, there's no hope for you. They are as cheap now as they'll ever be and the lumber we handle these days comes in such shape that really w,hen the whole job completed is consid ered, there's not a great deal of difference over the prices your father paid* Let's talk this over and sUrtyou Tight, ••There's No Place Like Home*' WILBUR LUMBER CO. West flctlenry - Phone 5 •m*»t c tarrroiiBEii-** )• 100 N. 8th Av». CHICAGO. Is here and we wapt to inform you that we carry a complete line ot all sorts of seeds. Call in and let us «Jiow you what We have, in <thi* line. :< * « M . n . N i n s E N TELEPHONE NO. 86-W rictlenry, - Illinois. t|li>li»M W» HI. PARCELS CHECKED FREB SIMON STOfFEL, •rasS* '• . ' 7", Our* business has been built by giv tiag our customers reliable goods a% >^tj)rice». Peteach's drug store. ..Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. m. BlUttBTIIUh J. J. Reser went to the city Satur day on business. , , „ W. W. Leveywas in the city on business Friday. Miss Ethel Reed was " shopping at the Lake Friday. f Mrs. John Thornsen went bo Wood stock Wednesday. Mrs. E. F. Anderson *«• ̂ Wood stock caller Thursday. . Mrs. Morris was a busfatiit visitor at Woodstock Monday. - MFS. F. S* m0rs6 and MrSi A* were In Qxe city Monday. J. J. Delamy and wife wient to Chi cago Saturday afternoon. Chas. Ormsby of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at C. H. Ormsby's. - Mr. and Mrs. E. Knilans spent Sun day with Hebron relatives. Howaixl Jacobs was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday afternoon, .j, Mrs. John Nelson was a pleasant caller at the Lake Saturday. Clarenoe Anderson was a business visitor at the Lake Thursday. Mrs. J. J. Reser and daughter, Mar jory, wen? Elgin visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eckert of Wood stock were at Ridgefie^d and Algon quin Sunday; v : Miss M. Granger of Woodstock visit ed with Mrs. A. Dietz over Sunday I. E. Mason just received a car load of western cattle the first of the week I. E. Mason and S. A. Merchant took the train for the city Thursday morn ing. \ Irvin Keneda of Chicago spent Sat urday and Sunday at the home of Ray Lynch. C. Hoest of Chicago spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. H. Nelson, and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schumacher en tertained his mother from Chicago over Sunday.- Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Hartman were pleasant callers at the county seat re cently. , s Mrs. H. Nelson and Mrs. A. Hanson were Crystal Lake callers the first of the week. 1 Mrs. A. Anners and Mrs. A. Hansen were calling at Crystal Lake Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. be Roy Skinner of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs R. L. Duiield. Miss Cora Look wood is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. F. WHson, at Marengo for a few days. Mrs. Bonnichson andMrs. Peterson and son, George, went to Sharon on business Thursday. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet with Mrs. S. Wakefield Thurs day afternoon, May 8. - Mrs. R. L. Dufield and. two grand children, also ber niece,»Miss Mabel Skinner, drove to Crystal Lake Friday Mrs. Fred Wille, Sr., Mrs. A. Levey and daughter, Lois, and Miss Marjory Reser were callers at Woodstock Sat urday. Mre. S. E. Olinstead of Woodstock spent Saturday at the home of E. S. Ol instead and daughter/ Mrs. E. B. Smith. •Ki • . ' • / Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddardand Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and children were callers here Sunday afternoon, coming in Mr. Goddard's auto. Aj*ent Lynch, N. E. Whetstone and Eloward Jacobs took in the Zbyszko Le Marin wrestling match at the Col iseum Wednesday evening. Mesdames L. Johnson and son, Lloyd, H. Wille and two sons, E. F. Ander son and son attended the moving pic tures at Crystal Lake Saturday after noon. A. KRHCRALI»fAEK. J. J. Flusky spent Monday in Chica go. Jas. Hughes spent Monday in the pity. Kathleen, O'Reiliey spent Monday i^ Chicago. 1 Mrs. McCabe was acaller down this way Monday. R. E. Sutton of Chicago visited Ed Sutton Sunday. Dr. Hayes spent Saturday and Sun day at the Park. Miss Alice Sutton spent ft few days at M. A. Sutton's. Miss Eleanor MoGee visited Mrs. Ed Sutton Tuesday. Jas. Armstrong of River Forest spent Sunday at the Park. Sam Smith of Chicago is spending a few days at the Park. Henry Bending of Chicago spent a few days at the Park. Mrs. Will Betters is visiting at Jas. Hughes' for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cohan are spending a few days at the Park. Will Sutton of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hille spent Sat urday and Sunday at the Park. Mrs. Robert Sohns of Chicago is spending a few days at the Park. VOLO. Raymond was in Grayslake A. J. Friday. Miss Ella Moore was in McHenry Saturday. H. P. Hansen is the possessor of a fine new auto. Mrs. Ray Paddock was a Round Lake caller iSaturday. Harvey Hansen of Wauconda spent Sunday at home. Vee Wagner and family entertained company Sunday. * Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and Chester vifited her parents here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raught of Wau- kegan called on friends here Saturday. Mrs. John Vasey and family trans acted business at Wauconda Saturday. Mrs. Spooner and daughter of Chica go were visiting friends here the lat ter port of the week. JOHNSBnBOa Don't forget the opening dance at Nell's pavilion next Wednesday, May 7. A small purse was found, containing some changed The loser will please call on Father Bevthold to identify. Mrs. J. C. Debrecht, who spent the winter months in St. Louis, is again at home. She arrived Wednesday morning. The wedding dance atS. H. Smith's last Wednesday evening was well at tended. Many visitors from the neigh boring towns were present. On and after Saturday, Mjfcy he Johnsburg grist mill will grind on Fri days and Satui-days only. This rule will be effective until further notice. Supday, April 27,-local baseball fans witnessed the first game of ball, played by two picked up teams representing Johnsburg and Ringwood. Some old timers were in the game. All played fairly well, considering the {Stactice they have had. The score at the close was 18 to 1, in favor of the home boys. Mr. Deters, a former resident of St.. Louis, Mo., has moved to Johnsburg this week. \',r. Deters is a competent man, being a draughtsman and experi enced carfieuter and will be ready for work within a few weeks. For the present he has rented the Jos. F. Schmitt residence on the church road. The K. (' mouthers of Johnsburg were out in strong numbers to see the degree work in McHenry last Sunday. Their pastor was also there. Ho re grets. It was a big day for all brother Knights and will long be remembered. Jacob Mueller, George Wirfsand Tony Sch mitt chuckle as often as they think of it. May devotions o(>en Thursday even ing in St. .John's church in honor of Our Lady. Little girls in white will carry the statue of -the Blessed Virgin in the procession. A beautiful brass arch was wired for forty-six bulbs to illuminate the May altar and city peo ple say its artistic appearance surpass es fixtures usually attempted on those lines. Last Monday the |>eople marched in prayer to Our Lady's chapel, over the river, where the school children sang dur'ng the services, which are usually held once a year in the old chapel built in gratitude for particular bless ings received from God in the past. It was a windy, but, nevertheless, a pleasant morning and therefore for everybody an enjoyable pilgrimage. Mr. Otis, a heating engineer was out from Chicago to examine the chim ney and heating equipment of St. John's church. The next expert to bo consulted is Herman J. Gaul, a famous architecht of schools and churches. In a few days he will be heard from and subsequently an important meeting will occur for the church committee tO determine what is to be done for the coming winter. The baseball meeting held Monday evening promises to result in Johns- burg's having a good team the coming season. A committee was appointed of the following nembers: Michael Sohaefer, Peter M. Freund, Edwin Debrecht. This committee is empow ered to make all necessary arrange ments--in one word, "Start the ball a-rolling." Tl^e members respectful ly solicit the assistance of all fans. With their support the team will be a success. More will be said later re garding this topic. KINIlWOOll Mrs. Carr of Spring Grove was in town Monday. Miss Lora Walkington was an Elgin visitor Tuesday. © Wade Sanborn was a business visitor in Elgin last Saturday. J. C. Ladd went to Chicago Wednes day morning to act, as juror. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Conway and /daughter were Chicago visitors Satur day. Mesdames Nellie Dodge and Lucinda Francisco were in Elgin Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey were business visitors in McHenry Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Minshall of Genoa Junction visited her graudmotli er, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson attended the wedding of her niece. Miss Alice McLean, at Woodstock last Saturday. Frank Harrison of Oiig, Neb., who spent a few days with his brother, Phil, at* Alden, spent Saturday and Sunday with Ringwood relatives and friends. H. W. Allen sold a piece of land to James Rainey last week, on which he will' erect a home in the near future. We gladly welcome Mr. and Mr?. Ramey to Maple avenue. The Woodman anniversary Monday evening was a grand success. There was a good program. T. E. Ryan gave an excellent talk, to which all gave marked attention. Mrs. Jessie Smith and helpers had the hall very beau tifully decorated with her potted plants in bloom. Ice cream, cake and fruit were served. All had a fine time. /T «EKii4 com. 4 M. Knox wis a Woodstock visitor Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Ames of Elgin is visit ing relatives hero. Mrs. Chas. Zuncker was a Crystal Lake caller Tuesday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Schuman of De^ Kalb are visiting relatives here. Miss Florence Rnox spent Thursday last with Miss Vera Doherty at Hol- combville. Henry Shales Of Crystal Lake spent Monday evening, with his da»gh.terr Marion, here. Opera House J. W. SIOTO, MANAGES T5he u u f i \ i \ r c » Piunu WEDNESDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY of this week All Seats 10c tr V/ , i r-s. 7s ThU keen-*yd, d*ar headed locomotive engi neer starts the working day with a cup of ©©FPU© Pwtxounoed "//bac«0»A.o" He knows and you should know that Mex- o-ja means Real Coffee. 40 cups'of proof in every pound, and more than 40 if you like your coffee very mild. Order a trial pound from the grocer today. We want your trade on everything that druggists'sell and ask for it only on the basis of reliable quality and service. :: Reliability Is Our Motto and we adhere to it in every department and detail ol our business. :: :: Let Us Be Vour Druggist ' N. H. PETESCH McHENRY :: :: TELEPHONE 56-W ir Our line was never so complete as now. We have all the new lasts in white Nubuck, White Canvas, Tan, Brown Suede and Nubuck.. Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt. Call and see them. >: x DRESS CJOODS, fancy and plain cotton voiles in all leading shades, 25c to 50c per yard. A nobby line of silks, plain and fancy, suitable for Waists, Skirts and Dresses. See our new line of Interna tional Tailoring Samples. You will need a new Suit, Coat or Trousers soon. We can save you money and give you a per fect fit. New nobby line of Hats for Men and BoyS, new shapes and new colors, bow in back, from «1.00 to 93.00 Shirts, Collars, Ties, Overalls, Shirts, Working Clothing. :: Groceries, Canned Goods and Fruits. Try our Tea at 50c. None so good. We have' a fine blended Coffee at 23c, 30b and 35c. Try it. Quality guaranteed. Goods delivered promptly. M. J. WALSH 'Tf'• • ^ o. • r. •yWi •• V-fcswi •V •&3*.1 -V'*! -ir'jJV ' y, r,^ • ; ^ "JIS •'m- * 1 F F.Et .MEX-O-JA/ i SALES DEPT, MS-465 E OWiSL. ChloacotOL Qrlnd yomr ooffo* mt hams to got tfeolwtfreniffi What luki the nut Ilk* • dwlM, t--<ir, juicy steak? affords more enjoyment and cotofort to*the family than anything in the world.x one; need be without such a home liowad^fs. We can fit you out and can do it in a most satisfactory manner. Our goods and prices will meet with your approval and after we show you how easy it is for you to make your home comfy and cofcy, you'll wonder why you didn't consult us long since. We can fit your home with furniture that ranges in price from the costliest to the cheapest that money will buy. Call and let us tell * you more about it. :: :: ;; JACOB JUSTEN, THE McHENKY FURNllURE MAM, " 7 : i M r • •• ' "if* T*' Why. iMtiur eh*tc*, imUmt, juier staak Our steaks are uniform in quality, in a class by themselves and at the head of their class. They come from choice stock designed for those who appreciate choice meats. Come, make your choice. :: :: E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY, ILL. 'PHONE S G. A. SATTEM DISTRICT HAIVAUk:! MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE <?. OP NEW YORK WEST M'HENRY, ILL ARE YOU INTERESTED? t - yiv. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chica go were guests at the home of Henry McMillan Sunday. n , ( ^ v# Mr. and Mi-s. A. T. Winga^ ^nd daughter, Doris, of Elgin Visited at Chas. Buck's Sunday. J* . , The program for the ipoyies at. the Central on Saturday evening of this week is as follows: "Au R6d*' Man's Loyalty," an Indian drama by Lubin; "Their Idols," a Biograph farce com edy; "Hoist on His Own Petard," an other farce comedy, and a drama by Lubin entitled "The Stroke Oax\" Also a good program for Snaday. Adv ror • f! We have just added to our stock a complete line of LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES Gftildren's Ready-to-wear Dress es, Shirt Waists, Muslin'Unclor- wear, Ginghams, Percales, X«awns, Curtain Goods, Etc. J 4 t ; - 1 t ' '• E. LUSK,: WEST M'BENRY PMNE «4K • Bank of McHen ry ESTABLISHED 18SS This Bank receives deposits, ps^ 3 per cent interest on time depos its. extends all courtesies consist ent with good business prineiplM and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully nolieting publu* pat ronage. w Honey to toan on real estate and other first class seemrity. •' REAL ESTATES Farm lands, residenoes and vil lage property for sale. If jot want to buy or sail, call o* na. Abstracts ordisred. * INSURANCE bt flrat Cl&ge CompauieSt. ^ tlM . lowest raUrn .. :J Perry & Owch,^ Notary Public. - V ",.Tu -i . • , -i ~T. n r - : V . J .